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Summary We recently described a method by which the resistance to water flow of the luminal membrane of ADH-stimulated toad bladder can be quantitatively distinguished from that of barriers lying in series with it. This method requires estimates of both total bladder water permeability (assessed by transbladder osmotic water flow at constant gradient) and luminal membrane water permeability (assessed by quantitation of the frequency of ADH-induced luminal membrane particle aggregates). In the present study we examined the effect of bladder distension on transepithelial osmotic water flow before and during maximal ADH stimulation. Base-line water flow was unaffected by bladder distension, but hormonally stimulated flow increased systematically as bladders became more distended. Distension had no effect on the frequency of ADH-induced intramembranous particle aggregates. By comparing the relationships between aggregate frequency and hormonally induced water permeability in distended and undistended bladders, we found that distension appeared to enhance ADH-stimulated water flow by decreasing the resistance of the series permeability barrier while the apparent water permeability associated with each single luminal membrane aggregate was unaffected. In that bladder distension causes tissue thinning, the series resistance limiting ADH-stimulated water flow appears to be accounted for by deformable barriers within the bladder tissue itself, probably unstirred layers of water.  相似文献   
Summary The comparative ultrastructural localization of LH, FSH and GnRH clearly shows that the granules of the FSH/LH cells contain all three hormones. The separate storage of LH and FSH in a significant number of cells, which in the same granules also display GnRH, may suggest that LH-RH is also FSH-RH and may help to explain the non-parallel release of LH and FSH under some functional conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of implantation of testosterone propionate (TP) in various sites in the hypothalamus on the photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory functions in the White-crowned Sparrows were investigated in order to assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-testicular axis in the induction of these responses.Implantation of glass capillary tubes containing TP in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN), in the median eminence, or in the pars distalis inhibited the photoperiodically induced increase in plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), as measured by radioimmunoassay, and testicular growth. The effective implants significantly lowered the levels of LH in birds held on nonstimulatory short days. These TP implants apparently inhibited release from the pars distalis of both LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is concluded that the site of sensitivity in the negative feedback by testosterone is either the basal IN or the pars distalis, or both. The implants of TP that inhibited the increase in plasma LH and testicular growth completely did not prevent the birds from fattening.These investigations were supported, in part, by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-6527) and National Science Foundation (BMS 79-13933) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WashingtonThe author is grateful to Professor Donald S. Farner for his guidance throughout the course of these investigations. The assistance of Mr. Philip W. Mattocks, Jr. in performing radioimmunoassays is sincerely appreciated  相似文献   
A highly active inhibitor of the binding of estrone and estradiol-17β to rat alpha-fetoprotein is demonstrated for the first time in embryo, immature and adult rat sera as well as in fetal and adult human sera. The competitive character and the narrow specificity of this inhibition effect is shown. The major compound responsible for this activity is isolated by successive column Sephadex LH20 and thin layer chromatography : it is characterized as a nonpolar, nonphenolic, dialysable and thermostable substance, unreactive towards anti-estrone and anti-estradiol-17β anti-bodies. The possible biological role of an endogenous non-estrogen ligand of rodent fetoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   
Moulting hormone levels in whole bodies of 5th instar S. gregaria were determined throughout the 5th larval instar using gas chromatography with electron capture detection of the derivatized hormone. No differences were found between hormone levels in insects in the gregarious and solitary phase. No evidence for the existence of polar ecdysteroid conjugates used for storage or transport of these hormones was found. Approximately one tenth of the 20-hydroxyecdysone observed in the gregarious insects was detected in the faeces, almost equally divided between free hormone and polar conjugates of it.  相似文献   
The synthesis and testing of several diazocarbonyl JH analogs (diazo JHA) which act as photoaffinity labels for insect juvenile hormone binding proteins are described. The best competitor, 10,11-epoxyfarnesyl diazoacetate, has been shown to irreversibly reduce [3H]-JH III binding to both ovarian and hemolymph JHBP from Leucophaeamaderae after irradiation at 254 nm for 20 seconds. No loss of activity was observed after incubation of JHBP and diazo JHA without irradiation. Protection from photoinactivation by diazo JHA II was achieved by the presence of an equimolar amount of JH III during the photolysis. Photoaffinity labeled proteins show loss of binding capacity without alteration of the binding affinity. This is the first example of the use of a photoaffinity label in the study of JH action on a molecular level, and may become a valuable tool in the elucidation of JH-receptor-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   
When epidermal growth factor (EGF) which had been extensively purified by HPLC was subjected to iodination with sodium 125iodide, 5 major species of differing isoelectric points were produced. Some of these species bound to rat fibroblasts with different affinities but were internalized with equal efficiency. Examination of the internalized 125I-labelled molecules revealed processing of all the 125I-EGF species to macromolecules with more acidic isoelectric points. The 125I-EGF species with a pI of 4.5 corresponded in electrofocusing behavior with intact non-iodinated EGF. Other EGF species probably represented molecules which were covalently modified as a result of the iodination procedure.  相似文献   
Structural characterization of a 40 amino acid peptide with high intrinsic growth hormone releasing activity isolated from a human pancreatic tumor which had caused acromegaly was accomplished by gas phase sequence analyses of the intact peptide and its carboxy terminal cyanogen bromide digestion fragment. High pressure liquid chromatography of the native peptide and synthetic replicates showed that the molecule possessed a free acid rather than an amidated carboxy terminus. The structure of the peptide was established as: Tyr-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Asn-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys- Val-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Met-Ser-Arg-Gln-Gln-Gly- Glu-Ser-Asn-Gln-Glu-Arg-Gly-Ala-OH using 1.8 nmoles of material. The structural identity of this material with a previously characterized fragment of a larger growth hormone releasing peptide isolated from a different human tumor is discussed.  相似文献   
On the basis of structural observations bovine oocytes were grouped into four successive classed: 0, those before the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge; 1, those up to 8 h following the LH peak level; 2, those between 8 and 19 h after the LH peak level; and 3, those between 19 h after the LH peak level and ovulation. Oocytes in class 0 had mitochondria located in a generally peripheral position. Interior to the mitochondria were elements of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and numerous membrane-bound vesicles which bore ribosome-like particles on their outer surface. The first visible changesater the LH peak level as seen in class 1 were the formation of the periviteline space with loss of contact between the cumulus cells and the oocyte, and ruffing of the nuclear envelope. These changes were followed b the resumption of meiosis as defined by germinal-vesicle breakdown (GVBD), the disappearance of RER, and the formation fo clusters of mitochondria in association with lipid droplets and elementrs of smooth endolasmic reticulum (SER). The period between 8 and 19 h following LH peak level (class 2) was characterized by intensive clustering of mitochoncria in association with lipid droplets and elements of SER, conversion of lipid, fusion of vesicles, and the appearance of ribosomes in the cytoplasm. During the final stage (class 3), the polar body was extruded, the mitochondria dispersed, and the majority of the organelles became located toward the center of the cell. The relatively organelle-free cortical region contained cortical granules immediately adjacent to the plasma membrane together with aggregates of tubular SER. The structural changes are discussed in the context of follicular steroidogenesis and oocyte developmental competence.  相似文献   
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