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地表硬化影响城市绿化树生长及生态服务功能的发挥,研究人工覆盖地表下城市绿化树关键生理过程具有重要意义.采用田间模拟试验方法,布设对照(自然地表)、透水硬化和不透水硬化3种覆盖地表,栽植北京2种典型绿化树白蜡和元宝枫,栽植后第4年野外测定其叶片光合及相关生理生态参数,分析人工覆盖地表对北京典型绿化树光合特性的影响.结果表明:白蜡和元宝枫光合作用对不同人工覆盖地表的响应存在差异,对于白蜡而言,透水硬化和不透水硬化地表均使其净光合速率显著降低,对于元宝枫而言,仅不透水硬化地表导致其净光合速率显著降低,透水硬化地表并未对其造成显著影响.透水硬化和不透水硬化地表的空气相对湿度和土壤体积含水率低于对照,植物可利用水分减少,叶片气孔导度下降是白蜡和元宝枫净光合速率降低的主要原因.透水硬化和不透水硬化地表使白蜡PSⅡ有效光化学量子产量(Fv′/Fm)下降,不透水硬化地表使元宝枫PSⅡ实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)和表观电子传递速率(ETR)升高.  相似文献   
潘竟虎  黄克军  李真 《生态学报》2017,37(6):1888-1899
通过改进的光能利用率CASA模型估算2001-2010年间疏勒河流域陆地生态系统的净第一性生产力(NPP),采用线性趋势分析、变异系数和Hurst指数等方法,分析了NPP的时空变化特征及其与气候因子的相关性。结果表明:①疏勒河流域NPP的空间分布具有明显差异,空间上呈现西北低、东南高的趋势,且具有较明显的经向"条带"分布特征,2001-2010年,NPP平均值为102.26 gC m-2 a-1。②2001-2010年,疏勒河流域NPP总体呈增长趋势,年际波动较大,NPP明显增加的区域占总面积25.15%,明显减小的区域约占11.93%。③Hurst指数分析显示,疏勒河流域NPP变化的同向特征强于反向特征,其中持续改善地区占总面积的78.3%,21.7%的区域将由改善转为退化。④在年尺度上,降水是植被NPP变化的主要影响因素,NPP与降水呈弱的正相关关系,与温度相关性不显著;在月尺度上,温度是NPP变化的主要控制因子。疏勒河流域NPP对气候因子不存在明显的时滞和累积效应。  相似文献   
Species richness (SR) and functional group richness (FGR) are often confounded in both observational and experimental field studies of biodiversity and ecosystem function. This precludes discernment of their separate influences on ecosystem processes, including nitrogen (N) cycling, and how those influences might be moderated by global change factors. In a 17‐year field study of grassland species, we used two full factorial experiments to independently vary SR (one or four species, with FGR = 1) and FGR (1–4 groups, with SR = 4) to assess SR and FGR effects on ecosystem N cycling and its response to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and N addition. We hypothesized that increased plant diversity (either SR or FGR) and elevated CO2 would enhance plant N pools because of greater plant N uptake, but decrease soil N cycling rates because of greater soil carbon inputs and microbial N immobilization. In partial support of these hypotheses, increasing SR or FGR (holding the other constant) enhanced total plant N pools and decreased soil nitrate pools, largely through higher root biomass, and increasing FGR strongly reduced mineralization rates, because of lower root N concentrations. In contrast, increasing SR (holding FGR constant and despite increasing total plant C and N pools) did not alter root N concentrations or net N mineralization rates. Elevated CO2 had minimal effects on plant and soil N metrics and their responses to plant diversity, whereas enriched N increased plant and soil N pools, but not soil N fluxes. These results show that functional diversity had additional effects on both plant N pools and rates of soil N cycling that were independent of those of species richness.  相似文献   
根周转是地下生态过程的主要驱动力, 根属性指征了物种生态策略, 根寿命与属性是理解生态系统碳氮循环和群落多样性的关键。目前对亚热带常绿阔叶林根周转等生态过程的直接观测资料缺乏。该研究对中亚热带江西樟树试验林场6个树种吸收细根动态进行了2年观测, 获取了2.8万张微根管照片, 分析了吸收细根寿命年际和季节变化特征及其与根形态属性的关系。结果显示: 1)亚热带6个树种间吸收细根寿命变异为4.6倍, 变异系数可达73%。中值寿命排序为: 红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana)(426天) >复羽叶栾树( Koelreuteria bipinnata)(155天) >竹柏( Nageia nagi)(145天) >樟( Cinnamomum camphora)(126天) >东京樱花( Cerasus yedoensis)(93天) >深山含笑( Michelia maudiae)(92天); 2)树木吸收细根寿命年际、季节变异较大, 可能是适应伏秋旱、雨热不同期、年际变化大的亚热带季风气候的结果; 3)吸收细根寿命与直径呈显著正相关关系, 与比根长呈显著负相关关系, 表明根的构建成本可以在一定程度上预测寿命。这些结果为预测亚热带地下生态过程、揭示亚热带常绿阔叶林碳氮循环、物种共存机制提供依据。  相似文献   
We estimated the effect of the gill‐net fisheries targeted at whitefish (Coregonus sp.) on anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta, in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea using separate data for fish species. The analysis of sea trout captures was based on tagging and recapture data collected in 1998–2011, while whitefish data were derived from individual samples of commercial fisheries from the same period. The mesh sizes used in gill‐net fishing and the seasonal and temporal distributions of recaptured sea trout and sampled whitefish were compared in the northern and southern Gulf of Bothnia. The trout had typically spent 1–2 years at sea, and they were mainly immature with a median body length of 40–43 cm at the time of recapture in gill nets. Despite the increase in the minimum permitted landing size from 40 to 50 cm in 2008, the median length of recaptured trout remained unchanged during the study period. Most (59%) of the gillnetted trout were caught in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in gill nets with mesh sizes of 40–45 mm, which were also used in the whitefish fishery (72%). In the northern Gulf of Bothnia, nets with a smaller mesh size of 25–39 mm took 83% of the whitefish catch and 39% from recaptured trout. In both areas, the overlap in mesh sizes used to gill‐net catch whitefish and sea trout increased during the study period. There were clear seasonal and areal differences in the relative probability of sea trout being captured in gill nets, suggesting that carefully tailored spatial and temporal restrictions on gill‐net fisheries could provide a tool to protect young sea trout without causing intolerable difficulties for the fisheries targeting other species.  相似文献   
Arctic microalgae experience long periods of continuous darkness during the polar night, when they are unable to photosynthesize. Despite numerous studies on overwintering strategies, such as utilization of stored energy products, formation of resting stages, reduction of metabolic rates and heterotrophic lifestyles, there have been few attempts to assess the in situ physiological state and restoration of the photosynthetic apparatus upon re‐illumination. In this study, we found diverse and active marine phytoplankton communities during the polar night at 78°N. Furthermore, we observed rapid changes (≤20 min) in the efficiency of photosynthetic electron transport upon re‐illumination. High photosynthetic capacity and net primary production were established after 24 h of re‐illumination. Our results suggest that some Arctic autotrophs maintain fully functional photosystem II and downstream electron acceptors during the polar night even though the low in situ net primary production levels measured in January prove that light was not sufficient to support any measurable primary production. Due to low temperatures resulting in low respiratory rates as well as the absence of photodamage during the polar night, maintenance of basic photosynthetic machinery may actually pose relatively low metabolic costs for algal cells. This could allow Arctic microalgae to endure the polar night without the formation of dormant stages, enabling them to recover and take advantage of light immediately upon the suns return during the winter–spring transition.  相似文献   
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an invasive pest that attacks specialty and row crops in North America and Europe. There has been a concerted effort to reduce frequent broad-spectrum insecticide applications made on vulnerable crops. One tool that has emerged recently is the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) as a killing agent. Here, we conducted bioassays to evaluate the effect of direct contact on deltamethrin-impregnated LLINs on the behaviour and survivorship of H. halys nymphs and adults in the laboratory. Following exposure at three different durations (1.25, 4.25 or 7.25 min), vertical and horizontal mobility of adults and nymphs and the flight capacity of adults were recorded and compared with individuals that were not exposed (control). Exposure to LLINs reduced the horizontal distance and velocity and increased the angular velocity of adults only but reduced vertical mobility of adults and nymphs. Adult flights were not significantly affected by LLIN exposure. Mortality of adults and nymphs at 7-day post-exposure ranged from 73% to 77% regardless of exposure time. We discuss our findings within the context of the potential for and limitations of deploying LLINs in vulnerable crops to manage H. halys populations.  相似文献   
An annual average of 163 Kuril seals was found dead in two years in salmon trap nets along the coastal waters of the Nemuro Peninsula and adjacent areas. The seal-caused damage to the total salmon catch at the salmon trap nets was concentrated in some of them, particularly No. 27, where seals killed or injured 5.1% of the catch in 1982, and 1.8% in 1983. Based on the proportion of Kuril seals among the dead seals in the trap nets, it was estimated that Kuril seals damaged 4.7% of the total salmon catch at No. 27 in 1982, and 1.7% in 1983. Not all seals that entered the trap net drowned; some killed or damaged salmon, and then escaped.  相似文献   
Vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), larvae reared in net enclosures anchored in the littoral zone of Lake Ylä-Enonvesi, eastern Finland, were observed for a period of 44 days in order to determine the effects of density on mortality, growth and feeding of the larvae. The ratio of newly-hatched fish to their food was regulated by controlling the number of fish stocked into the enclosures. Prey animals were expected to move freely in and out of the enclosures. The effect of nylon mesh (500 μm) on the penetration of zooplankters into the enclosures was negligible. The influence of possible starvation was determined by analysing the growth of the larvae, their Fulton condition factor, the instantaneous amount of food ingested, and the food composition in their guts. All these indicators were inversely correlated with larval density. Vendace larvae were found to be resistant to mortality from direct starvation. At all densities the survival rate was over 60%. At the time of complete yolk absorption, there was no increase in mortality.  相似文献   
丘阳  高露双  张雪  郭静  马志远 《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):1870-1878
本文以长白山地区阔叶红松林不同演替阶段(次生杨桦林、次生针阔混交林、原始红松林)内红松种群作为研究对象,采用树轮学与相对生长式相结合,获取红松种群净初级生产力(NPP)连年生长(1921—2006年)数据以及相对增长率的年际变化数据,建立红松种群NPP与年际和季节性气候因子的关系,分析不同气候时期长白山阔叶红松林不同演替阶段内红松种群NPP年际变化特征及其对气候变化的响应差异.结果表明: 研究期间,不同演替阶段红松种群NPP与气候因子响应关系存在差异.随着温度上升,次生杨桦林红松种群NPP与上年生长季和当年生长季低温由显著负相关关系转变为显著正相关关系;次生针阔混交林红松种群NPP由与当年春季最低温度的正相关关系转变为与上年和当年生长季温度的显著正相关关系,气候因素对次生针阔混交林红松种群NPP影响的滞后效应增强;原始红松林红松种群NPP与温度的相关性减弱,与上年生长季降水量的正相关关系增强.研究区气候变化表现为低温和平均温度显著上升,而最高温度和降水没有明显变化.气候变化有利于提高演替初级阶段次生杨桦林和演替中级阶段次生针阔混交林内红松种群生产力,尤其是次生针阔混交林,而对演替顶极阶段红松种群NPP影响不明显.  相似文献   
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