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The softening of wet lipid bilayer membranes during their gel-to-fluid first-order phase transition is studied by computer simulation of a family of two-dimensional microscopic interaction models. The models include a variable number, q, of lipid chain conformational states, where 2q10. Results are presented as functions of q and temperature for a number of bulk properties, such as internal energy, specific heat, and lateral compressibility. A quantitative account is given of the statistics of the lipid clusters which are found to form in the neighborhood of the transition. The occurrence of these clusters is related to the softening and the strong thermal density fluctuations which dominate the specific heat and the lateral compressibility for the high-q models. The cluster distributions and the fluctuations behave in a manner reminiscent of critical phenomena and percolation. The findings of long-lived metastable states and extremely slow relaxational behavior in the transition region are shown to be caused by the presence of intermediate lipid chain conformational states which kinetically stabilize the cluster distribution and the effective phase coexistence. This has as its macroscopic consequence that the first-order transition apperas as a continuous transition, as invariably observed in all experiments on uncharged lecithin bilayer membranes. The results also suggest an explanation of the non-horizontal isotherms of lipid monolayers. Possible implications of lipid bilayer softening and enhanced passive permeability for the functioning of biological membranes are discussed.Abbreviations PC phosphatidvlcholine - DMPC dimyristoyl PC - DPPC dipalmitoyl PC - ac alternating current - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - T m lipid gel-to-fluid phase transition temperature - TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl Supported by the Danish Natural Science Research Council and A/S De Danske Spritfabrikkers JubilæumslegatSupported in part by the NSERC of Canada and Le FCAC du Quebec  相似文献   
Callus cultures were established from stem explants of Ruscus hypophyllum on a modified basal medium of Murashige and Skoog (1962) supplemented with 1 mg l-1 2,4-D+0.1 mg l-1 BAP. The optimal 2,4-D concentration for promoting shoot bud formation and growth was 0.05 mg l-1 along with 0.5 mg l-1 BAP. Sixty percent of rootless shoots produced flowers on the regenerating medium. Rooting was induced when shoots were transferred to half strength MS inorganic salts supplemented with 2 mg l-1 IBA. Eighty percent of plants transferred to soil have survived.  相似文献   
Synopsis The development of photobehavioural responses in brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) and lake (S. namaycush) charr was studied by monitoring the intrasubstrate movements and concurrent photoresponse behaviour of incubated embryos and alevins. Photoresponse behaviour of both F-1 hybrids of the parent species was also recorded. All embryos initially moved downward in the substrate, however brook charr descended farther and faster into the substrate than did lake charr. Photoresponse tests demonstrated a similar pattern of photoresponse transformation from a photonegative to a photopositive state in both species. However, photoresponse reversal was faster, more extensive and occurred later in brook charr than in lake charr. Patterns of photoresponse change in F-1 hybrids were intermediate between those of the parent species. Photoresponse shifts preceded the onset of alevin emergence in both species. occurring when differential development of various morphological characters existed. Developmental states of characters were synchronously maximal towards the end of alevin emergence. Intermediate measures of morphological development were observed for F-1 hybrids. Possible functions and mechanisms of photoresponse transitions are discussed in relation to ecological differences between the species.  相似文献   
Probabilistic models of the cell cycle maintain that cell generation time is a random variable given by some distribution function, and that the probability of cell division per unit time is a function only of cell age (and not, for instance, of cell size). Given the probability density, f(t), for time spent in the random compartment of the cell cycle, we derive a recursion relation for n(x), the probability density for cell size at birth in a sample of cells in generation n. For the case of exponential growth of cells, the recursion relation has no steady-state solution. For the case of linear cell growth, we show that there exists a unique, globally asymptotically stable, steady-state birth size distribution, *(x). For the special case of the transition probability model, we display *(x) explicitly.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS8301104 (to J.J.T.) and MCS8300559 (to K.B.H.), and by the National Institutes of Health under grant GM27629 (to J.J.T.).  相似文献   
The involvement of transition metal ions in paraquat toxicity was studied in bacterial model system. We show that the addition of micromolar, or lower, concentrations of copper dramatically enhanced the rate of bacterial inactivation. In contrast, the addition of chelating agents totally eliminated the killing of E. coli. No inactivation was observed under anaerobic exposure to paraquat, both in the absence and presence of copper. However, in the presence of copper, the anaerobic addition of hydrogen peroxide resulted in complete restoration of inactivation as under aerobiosis.

Paraquat either produces superoxide ions or directly reduces bound copper ions in a catalytic mode. The reduced cuprous complexes react with hydrogen peroxide to locally form hydroxyl radicals (OH) which are probably responsible for the deleterious effects.

This study indicates the involvement of a site-specific metal-mediated Haber-Weiss mechanism in paraquat toxicity. It is in agreement with earlier observations that copper unusually enhance biological damage induced by either superoxide or ascorbate.  相似文献   
Phenolamides and floral induction of Cichorium intybus in different conditions of culture in glass-room or in vitro. Three complexes between phenols and amines (phenolamides) have been found in Cichorium intybus L., a plant with an absolute requirement of vernalisation followed by long days for flowering. Upon hydrolysis, these complexes (A, B and C) liberate aromatic amines whose exact identification is in progress, but which are closely related to dopamine, tyramine and serotonin, respectively. In a first series of experiments, phenolamides were studied in the buds of plants grown in the greenhouse under varying conditions. Only buds from plants which flower in long days contained large amounts of these compounds. Much smaller amounts were found in buds at the end of vernalisation (at 2–4°C) before long-day treatment as well as in buds kept in the vegetative state after vernalisation by being grown in short days (8 h light) or in total darkness. In a second series of experiments, phenolamides were studied in bud-forming calli induced in vitro on explants of tuberised root. After sixteen days of culture in continuous light, large quantities of phenolamide were found in the buds and calli of the upper part of the explant, while the lower part which never produces buds contained much less. Buds formed under continuous light produce inflorescences in approximately one month. Various other culture conditions make it possible to maintain the explants in the vegetative state. This can be obtained by short-day conditions, or otherwise under continuous illumination by decreasing the sugar or increasing the NAA levels in the medium. After 13 days of culture, the phenolamide levels were much lower under all of these conditions, than under conditions favourable to floral induction. Compound C is absent or present in trace amounts in vegetative buds. The significance of the differences observed between floral and vegetative buds is supported by the sensitivity of the analytical techniques used. The accumulation of phenolamides in tissues of Cichorium intybus appears to be closely linked to floral induction. Under continuous light it begins very early in young buds and even in the calli that bear these buds.  相似文献   
The gel-to-fluid first-order melting transition of lipid bilayers is simulated by the use of a microscopic interaction model which includes a variable number of lipid-chain conformational states. The results suggest that the experimental observation of ‘continuous melting’ in pure wet lipid bilayers, rather than being ascribed to the presence of impurities, may be explained as a result of kinetically caused metastability of intermediate lipid-chain conformations.  相似文献   
When the extent of liquid holding recovery (LHR) was measured as a function of the temperature at the time of liquid holding and the Arrhenius plot was made, two distinctive phases for the LHR were demonstrated in UV-irradiated RecA- derivative of E. coli ole28E1, which are unable to synthesize and degrade unsaturated fatty acids. The inflection temperatures were 17-18 degrees C, 23-24 degrees C and 28-30 degrees C for linoleate-, oleate- and elaidate-grown cells, respectively. These temperatures well corresponded to the phase transition temperatures of the cell membrane supplemented with the fatty acid. It is therefore concluded that at least a component involved in in vivo excision repair in E. coli is associated with cell membrane.  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of the kinetics of the binding of ATP to myosin subfragment-1 was studied by an ATP chase technique in a rapid-flow-quench apparatus: (formula; see text) A temperature range of 30 degrees C to -15 degrees C was obtained with ethylene glycol as antifreeze. The Arrhenius plot of k2 is discontinuous with a jump at 12 degrees C. Above the jump delta H+ = 9.5 kcal/mol, below delta H+ = 28.5 kcal/mol. Few such Arrhenius plots are recorded in the literature but they are predicted from theory. Thus, we explain our results as a phase change of the subfragment 1-ATP system at 12 degrees C. This is in agreement with certain structural studies.  相似文献   
To obtain a satisfactory agreement between computed transition temperatures and those determined experimentally, we introduce explicitly water molecules which hydrate the polar headgroup of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine molecules. The calculated free energy curves as a function of the intermolecular interchain distance and the degree of hydration of the polar groups permit the determination of the transition of the phospholipid system from the gel to the liquid crystalline phase. The detailed structure of the hydration shell is defined using the supermolecular approach.  相似文献   
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