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Plants regulate their time to flowering by gathering information from the environment. Photoperiod and temperature are among the most important environmental variables. Sub-optimal, but not near-freezing, temperatures regulate flowering through the thermosensory pathway, which overlaps with the autonomous pathway. Here we show that ambient temperature regulates flowering by two genetically distinguishable pathways, one requiring TFL1 and another requiring ELF3 . The delay in flowering time observed at lower temperatures was partially suppressed in single elf3 and tfl1 mutants, whereas double elf3 tfl1 mutants were insensitive to temperature. tfl1 mutations abolished the temperature response in cryptochrome mutants that are deficient in photoperiod perception, but not in phyB mutants, which have a constitutive photoperiodic response. In contrast to tfl1 , elf3 mutations were able to suppress the temperature response in phyB mutants, but not in cryptochrome mutants. Gene expression profiles revealed that the tfl1 and elf3 effects are due to the activation of different sets of genes, and identified CCA1 and SOC1/AGL20 as being important cross-talk points. Finally, genome-wide gene expression analysis strongly suggests a general and complementary role for ELF3 and TFL1 in temperature signalling.  相似文献   
Opening of high conductance permeability transition pores in mitochondria initiates onset of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). The MPT is a causative event, leading to necrosis and apoptosis in hepatocytes after oxidative stress, Ca(2+) toxicity, and ischemia/reperfusion. CsA blocks opening of permeability transition pores and protects cell death after these stresses. In contrast to necrotic cell death which is a consequence of ATP depletion, ATP is required for the development of apoptosis. Reperfusion and the return of normal pH after ischemia initiate the MPT, but the balance between ATP depletion after the MPT and ATP generation by glycolysis determines whether the fate of cells will be apoptotic or necrotic death. Thus, the MPT is a common pathway leading to both necrotic and apoptotic cell death after ischemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   
斑马鱼中囊胚过渡(MBT)始于受精卵的第10次卵裂,此时亦伴有细胞周期延长,分裂同步性丧失,合子型基因开始转录活化,胚胎细胞开始具备运动迁移能力等现象。斑马鱼MBT。的发生依赖于胚胎细胞的核质比,胚胎细胞周期中的G1时相则只有在合子型基因组开始被转录活化后才能出现。细胞周期检验点的激活可能也是受转录调控的,但中期检验点对DNA复制抑制状态的响应不仅在MBT前后、甚至在MBT前的不同阶段也可能有具体作用途径的差异。活化的P38蛋白在胚胎中的不对称分布是维持卵裂阶段细胞分裂同步性的关键因素。尽管大规模的合子型基因的表达发生在MBT开始后,也有少数与胚层分化有关的合子型基因是在MBT。前表达的,还有一些既有母型表达也有合子型表达的基因在MBT前后分别参与不同的信号途径来调控胚胎的发育与分化。  相似文献   
Patterns of transitional mutation biases within and among mammalian genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Significant transition/transversion mutation bias is a well-appreciated aspect of mammalian nuclear genomes; however, patterns of bias among genes within a genome and among species remain largely uncharacterized. Understanding these patterns is important for understanding similarities and differences in mutational patterns among genomes and genomic regions. Therefore, we have conducted an analysis of 7,587 pairs of sequences of 4,347 mammalian protein-coding genes from seven species (human, mouse, rat, cow, sheep, pig, and macaque) and from the introns of 51 gene pairs and multiple intergenic regions (37 kbp, 52 kbp and 65 kbp) from the human, chimpanzee, and baboon genomes. Our analyses show that genes and regions with widely varying base composition exhibit uniformity of transition mutation rate both within and among mammalian lineages, as long as the transitional mutations caused by CpG hypermutability are excluded. The estimates show no relationship to potential intrachromosomal or interchromosomal effects. This uniformity points to similarity in point mutation processes in genomic regions with substantially different GC-content biases.  相似文献   
主要探讨如下几个问题:转基因植物中的拟南芥开花时程基因;拟南芥中的甲基化与实验胚胎学研究;高等植物开花时程控制的可能机制.目前本领域已成为植物发育分子生物学的前沿热点研究领域之一.结合有关工作,对这一世界性热门领域进行了系统的评述,希望能为国内同行提供有关参考,赶超世界的植物分子生物学先进水平,对分子水平与生物技术角度改良黄土高原生态环境有指导意义.  相似文献   
Experiments were performed to determine the influence of gibberellic acid (GA3) and benzyladenine (BA) on organogenesis of lsquo;Crimson Giantrsquo; Easter cactus [Hatiora gaertneri (Regel) Barthlott] phylloclades cultured in vitro. The numbers of flower buds and new phylloclades increased linearly as BA concentration increased from 0 to 444.1 micro;M. GA3 increased the number of new phylloclades when present in moderate concentrations (2.9 or 28.9 micro;M), but inhibited flower bud formation when present in concentrations as low as 0.3 micro;M. The inhibitory effect of GA3 on flower bud formation was diminished when the medium was amended with BA at 44.4 or 444.1 micro;M. Explants cultured in media that contained 288.7 micro;M GA3 produced fewer organs (new phylloclades plus flower buds) compared to those cultured in media with 0, 0.3, 2.9, or 28.9 micro;M GA3. BA and GA3 concentrations also affected the percentage of explants with flower buds and the percentage of explants with new phylloclades. This study shows that organogenesis in H. gaertneri can be controlled by varying the concentrations of BA and GA3 in the culture medium.  相似文献   
目的:探讨线粒体ATP敏感性钾离子通道(mitoKATPC)开放剂二氮嗪(DE)对离体大鼠供心长时程低温保存时线粒体超微结构及线粒体渗透性转换孔(MPTP)开放的影响。方法:利用Langendorff离体鼠心灌注法,观察供心在4℃含不同浓度DE(15、30、45μmol/L)的Celsior保存液中保存9h后,复灌期心脏作功量(RPP)变化情况。比色法测定MPTP开放情况;透射电子显微镜观察心肌细胞线粒体超微结构的变化。结果:①Celsior保存液中加入30μmol/L的DE对促进长时程低温保存后供心收缩功能的恢复、减轻心肌细胞线粒体超微结构损伤和抑制MPTP开放的作用最显著。②DE的上述作用可分别被mitoKATP特异性阻断剂5-羟基葵酸盐(5-HD)及MPTP开放剂苍术苷(Atr)所取消。结论:DE可通过抑制MPTP开放而减轻由长时程低温保存导致的大鼠供心心肌线粒体超微结构的损伤。  相似文献   
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is an oral and maxillofacial malignancy that exhibits high incidence worldwide. In diverse human cancers, the long non‐coding RNA (lncRNA) highly up‐regulated in liver cancer (HULC) is aberrantly expressed, but how HULC affects OSCC development and progression has remained mostly unknown. We report that HULC was abnormally up‐regulated in oral cancer tissues and OSCC cell lines, and that suppression of HULC expression in OSCC cells not only inhibited the proliferation, drug tolerance, migration and invasion of the cancer cells, but also increased their apoptosis rate. Notably, in a mouse xenograft model, HULC depletion reduced tumorigenicity and inhibited the epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition process. Collectively, our findings reveal a crucial role of the lncRNA HULC in regulating oral cancer carcinogenesis and tumour progression, and thus suggest that HULC could serve as a novel therapeutic target for OSCC.  相似文献   
植物D型细胞周期蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D型细胞周期蛋白(cyclinD,CycD)调控着细胞周期G1/S的转换,基本过程为CycD在外界环境刺激下积累,并与周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependentkinase,CDK)形成有活性的激酶,促进成视网膜细胞瘤蛋白(retinoblastoma,Rb)磷酸化,使E2F因子释放,由此促使G1/S转换,这一调控系统在高等真核生物中具有很高的保守性。CycD与其他细胞周期蛋白表达有所不同,其受到生长因子的强烈诱导,去掉生长因子后,表达水平迅速下降,导致细胞被抑制在G1期。大量研究表明,CycD是细胞周期中一个关键的“感受因子”,CycD基因的表达是细胞周期进程中的限速因子,影响着植物的生长发育。现对植物CycD的特征以及在细胞周期中的功能进行综述,并探讨了其在植物生长发育中的作用。  相似文献   
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