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Artificial cytochromes c have been prepared with Fe(III) and Co(III) tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines in place of heme. Their structure and properties have been investigated by difference spectroscopy, CD, epr, electrophoresis, molecular weight estimation, and potentiometric measurements. The visible absorption spectra show the main peak at 650 nm for the iron compound 685 nm for the cobalt one. It is shown by CD experiments that incorporation of Fe(III)L or Co(III)L into apocytochrome c markedly increases helical content of the protein. Its conformation is, however, significantly altered as compared with the native cytochrome c. The epr and spectroscopic data show that the iron and cobalt phthalocyanine models represent the low spin species with the metal ions in trivalent state. Electrophoresis and molecular weight estimation indicate these complexes to be monomers. Both phthalocyanine complexes have not affinity for additional ligands characteristic for hemoglobin. They react, however, with CO, NO, and CN- when they are reduced with dithionite. Moreover, Co(II)L-apocyt c is able to combine with oxygen suggesting a structural feature in common with the oxygen-carrying heme proteins. Iron(II) complex in the same conditions is oxidized directly to the ferric state. The half-reduction potentials of Fe(III)L-apocyt c and Co(III)L-apocyt c are +374 mV and +320 mV, respectively. These complexes are reduced by cytochrome c and cytochrome c reductase (cytochrome bc1).  相似文献   
Data are presented which were collected in the course of the past ten years and bear on the correlation of absorbance at 800 nm and the EPR signal at g = 2 (‘copper signal’) of cytochrome c oxidase in various states of oxidation and ligation. Both EPR and optical reflectance spectra were obtained at low temperature (?170 to ?190°C). For some sets of samples spectra were recorded in the range 500–1100 nm. A particular effort was made to study this correlation with what are called ‘mixed valence’ states (Greenwood, C., Wilson, M.T. and Brunori, M. (1974) Biochem. J. 137, 205–215), when cytochrome a and the EPR-detectable copper are thought to be oxidized and the other components reduced and vice versa. These data show no evidence that the copper component of cytochrome oxidase which has so far not been detected by EPR makes a contribution to the absorption between 800 and 900 nm exceeding 10–15% of the total, which is close to or within the error of the respective measurements. For the various states of the oxidase examined in this work the 700–800 nm region did not appear to be more useful than the 800–900 nm region for determining the state of the EPR-undetectable copper in a reliable way. These conclusions are in agreement with results presented previously from other laboratories concerning the relationship of optical (approx. 800 nm) and EPR spectroscopic (g = 2) data obtained with the enzyme.  相似文献   
Cytochrome c oxidase from rat liver was incubated with various proteinases of different specificities and the enzymic activity was measured after various incubation times. A loss of catalytic activity was found after digestion with proteinase K, aminopeptidase M and a mitochondrial proteinase from rat liver. In each case the decrease in enzymic activity was compared with the changes in intensities of the polypeptide pattern obtained after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The susceptibilities of the subunit polypeptides of the soluble cytochrome c oxidase to proteinases were very different. Whereas subunit I was most susceptible, subunits V–VII were rather resistant to degradation. From the relative inaccessibility of subunits V–VII to proteinases it is likely that these polypeptides are buried in the interior of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   
Variations in the response of five strains of mice to Leishmania mexicana.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five strains of mice were studied in their ability to support Leishmania mexicana infection. Four strains, AKR, C57BL/6, DBA/2 and NMRI, were relatively resistant to cutaneous leishmaniasis. These strains developed delayed type hypersensitivity responses to leishmanial antigens and produced agglutinating antibodies. On the other hand Balb/c mice, highly susceptible to infection, failed to develop delayed type hypersensitivity responses and showed an impaired production of antibodies. Hybrids produced by mating C57BL/6 males and Balb/c females were no more susceptible than C57BL/6 mice, suggesting that resistance is inherited as a dominant character.  相似文献   
Paracoccus denitrificans was grown aerobically during two-(carbon)substrate-limitation on mannitol and methanol in chemostat cultures. Theoretical growth parameters were calculated based on the presence of 2 or 3 sites in the electron-transport chain of Paracoccus denitrificans. Experimental growth parameters determined during two-(carbon)substrate growth were conform to the presence of 3 sites of oxidative phosphorylation, while cells grown only on mannitol possessed 2 sites. The maximum growth yield on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), corrected for maintenance requirements, determined in chemostat experiments in which the methanol concentration is less than 2.11 times the mannitol concentration was 8.6 g of biomass. When the methanol concentration was more than 2.11 times the mannitol concentration the maximum growth yield on adenosine triphosphate decreased due to the more energy consuming process of CO2-assimilation. Cells use methanol only as energy source to increase the amount of mannitol used for assimilation purposes. When the methanol concentration in chemostat experiments was more than 2.11 times the mannitol concentration, all mannitol was used for assimilation and excess energy derived from methanol was used for CO2-assimilation via the ribulose-bisphosphate cycle. The synthesis of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase was repressed when the methanol concentration in chemostat experiments was less than 2.11 times the mannitol concentration or when Paracoccus denitrificans was grown in batch culture on both methanol and mannitol. When in chemostat experiments the methanol concentration was more than 2.11 times the mannitol concentration ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activity could be demonstrated and CO2-assimilation will occur. It is proposed that energy produced in excess activates or derepresses the synthesis of the necessary enzymes of the ribulose-bisphosphate cycle in Paracoccus denitrificans. Consequently growth on any substrate will be carbonas well as energy-limited. When methanol is present in the nutrient cells of Paracoccus denitrificans synthesize a CO-binding type of cytochrome c, which is essential for methanol oxidase activity.The reason for the increase in efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation from 2 to 3 sites is most probably the occurrence of this CO-binding type of cytochrome c in which presence electrons preferentially pass through the a-type cytochrome region of the electron-transport chain.Non Standard Abbreviations X prosthetic group of methanol dehydrogenase - q substrate specific rate of consumption of substrate (mol/g biomass. h.) - Y substrate, Y substrate MAX are respectively the growth yield and the maximum growth yield corrected for maintenance requirements (g biomass/mol) - m substrate maintenance requirement (mol substrate/g biomass) - specific growth rate (h-1) - M [methanol]/[mannitol] ratio in the nutrient - N part of mannitol that is assimilated when M=o - R m amount of methanol-equivalents that has the same energy content as 1 mannitol-equivalent - P/O N , P/O F , P/O X is the amount of ATP produced during electron-transport of two electrons from respectively NADH+H+, FADH2 and XH2 to oxygen  相似文献   
The topography and properties of plasma membrane proteins from mouse L-929 cells are studied by comparing their availability for enzymatic labeling on the external and internal surfaces of the membrane. In order to study the internal surface, phagolysosomes are prepared from cells after they ingest latex particles. The plasma membrane surrounding these seems to have an “inside-out” orientation. The sugars of the membrane glycoproteins in intact phagolysosomes are not available for interaction with lectins or available for periodate-borotritide labeling. A comparison of the lectin-binding proteins lableled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination on the external cell surface with those labeled on the internal cell surface suggests that a variety of plasma membrane glycoproteins span the lipid bilayer. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis it has been shown that selected proteins are labeled at both the internal and external faces of the plasma membrane. Analysis of the 2-D gel electrophoregrams reveals that there are two distinct prominent proteins at 60,000 and 100,000 daltons which are enzymatically iodinated from both sides of the membrane. The partial hydrolysis of the 100,000 dalton protein reveals that different peptides are iodinated when the iodination is performed on intact cells or on the phagolysosomes. These proteins are extensively phosphorylated in cells incubated with inorganic 32P. We conclude that the phagolysosome is probably oriented in an “inside-out” configuration and that this membrane preparation can be used to study the topographic organization of membrane proteins. The use of oriented membranes, selective labeling of proteins, and affinity separation of proteins in combination with gel electrophoresis to define the position and properties of proteins is discussed.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to assess microenvironmental variability within integumental tissue of genetically identical mice with respect to a specific cellular response: cyclic synthesis of yellow and black pigment by hair bulb melanocytes. Crosses were performed within and between inbred strains of mice that were isogenic with the exception of a single gene substitution at the agouti locus. Agouti locus genes included the Avy, Aw, A, atd, at, ax, am, and a alleles. The pigment patterns of dorsal, flank, and ventral hairs of the first and third hair generations and of hairs growing in special integumentary areas such as the pinna, tail, and hind foot were studied. It was found that the amount of yellow pigment synthesized by hair bulb melanocytes within genetically identical mice is both agedependent and conditioned by the integumentary environment. Furthermore, the special integumentary regions produce hairs with a variety of pigment patterns in which the distribution and relative amounts of black and yellow pigments do not necessarily conform to dominance relationships expected among agouti locus alleles as judged by their effects on the pigmentation of the dorsal pelage. We conclude that within genetically uniform integumental tissues, microenvironmental differences occur and are reflected as alterations in the metabolic pattern of differentiated cells.  相似文献   
In previous studies on the quaternary structure of Na+,K+-ATPase, cupric-phenanthroline complex (CP) has been used for the cross-linking of the enzyme subunits. Here we show that the same products obtained in the presence of CP (α,α-dimer, α,β-dimer, and products of higher molecular weight) are also obtained when the enzyme is exposed to Cu2+ without o-phenanthroline. The α,β-dimer (but not the α,α-dimer) is dissociated in the presence of EDTA; indicating that this product is not the result of the covalent cross-linking of the subunits through a disulfide bond. The nature of the α,α-dimer remains to be determined. The findings suggest that the results of “cross-linking” experiments with CP should be interpreted with caution until the products are more clearly identified.  相似文献   
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