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The modular morphology of plants has important consequences for reproductive strategies. Ovules are packaged in discrete structures (flowers) that usually vary stochastically in pollen capture and ovule fertilization, because of the vagaries of pollen transfer by external agents. Different ovule packaging schemes may use limited reproductive resources more or less effectively, so that some number of ovules per flower may be optimal, given the prevailing probabilities of ovule fertilization. I derive a phenotypic model for ovule number per flower that maximizes the expected total ovule fertilizations on a plant when pollination and fertilization vary randomly among individual flowers. This model predicts that, except for small or inexpensive flowers, ovules should be “oversupplied” relative to the mean receipt of pollen tubes, so that pollen limitation of seed set should be common. Published data are congruent with this prediction. Additional hypotheses on the relation of ovule packaging to floral cost, plant size, and variance in pollen receipt are suggested by the model, but few data exist to evaluate these hypotheses.  相似文献   
The effect of ethylene on petiole growth of the Fringed Waterlily (Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmelin) O. Kuntze) changes during leaf ontogeny. During early development (before expansion of laminae), ethylene causes an increase in both cell number and cell size; later in development, promotion of rapid cell expansion is the dominant effect. The early effects may contribute to the accommodation of new leaves to water columns of different depth. The later effects on cell expansion only are shown to contribute to the rapid accommodation of floating leaves when changes in water level submerge the laminae. This kind of accommodation results from an interaction between accumulated ethylene, which increases wall extensibility, and the tension in petioles due to natural buoyancy which, it is suggested, supplements the driving force for cell expansion. Cell age (position) within a petiole and age of the whole petiole influence the growth response to ethylene alone and the amount of extra growth produced by applying tension when ethylene is present. In young petioles, apical cells are highly sensitive to ethylene and tension causes little further growth; older cells in both immature and mature petioles show little response to ethylene unless the petiole is under tension. Young (but not mature) petioles respond slowly to applied tension even in the absence of ethylene. It is concluded that as cells age the driving force for expansion limits increasingly their capacity to respond to the wall-loosening effects of ethylene. Dual sensitivity to ethylene and buoyant tension facilitates rapid accommodation responses but sensitivity of young petioles to tension alone may exclude Nymphoides from habitats where current velocity is appreciable.  相似文献   
Neurons producing growth hormone-releasing factor have been characterized and analyzed by immunohistochemistry in the hypothalami of human fetuses, neonates, infants and adults, using two antibodies against human pancreatic GRF (hpGRF). One of the antibodies recognized both the hpGRF(1-40)OH and hpGRF(1-44)NH2 in the mid portion (between the 28th and 39th amino acid), the other one specifically recognized the C-terminal end of hpGRF(1-44)NH2. These two antibodies stain a single neuronal system with cell bodies mainly located in the infundibular (arcuate) nucleus, and in the ventromedial and lateralis tuber nuclei. These neurons project to the median eminence where they give numerous endings in contact with portal vessels. These neurons are distinct from those containing LH-RH, somatostatin, CRF or pro-opiocortin. In fetuses, neurons immunoreactive with hpGRF antibodies are first detected at the 29th week. They display a neuroblastic aspect which persists after birth. Immunoreactive fibers are detectable in the median eminence after the 31st week. These results demonstrate that the infundibular nucleus plays a major role in control of GH secretion in man and that secretion of GRF appears late during fetal life; this suggests that the first stages of differentiation and development of GH producing cells in the human fetus do not depend on hypothalamic GRF secretion.  相似文献   
Observations on the behavioral development of two okapi calves and one giraffe calf were made at Brookfield Zoo. The following behaviors were monitored for 4 to 6 mo after birth; nursing duration and nursing attempts, mother-infant distance, bunting the mother's udder, lying, moving, maternal grooming, mother and infant autogrooming, object licking, tail chewing, and contact by others in the herd. Behaviors in both species showed oscillating patterns with high levels of mother-infant contact behaviors at 3–4 wk, 9–11 wk, and 14–15 wk in okapis. Giraffe infants showed similar oscillations with high periods of contact about 2–5 wk later than those in okapis. Other behaviors oscillated in concert with these, with specific correlations occurring between nursing behaviors and grooming behaviors. A main difference between okapi and giraffe development centered around maternal motivation during the high contact (regressive) periods. In okapis, after 10–12 wk there was a low rate of nursing success, whereas in giraffes the percentage of success in nursing rose with later behavioral oscillations. The regressive periods became conflict periods in okapis, whereas in the giraffe, the mother initiated the periods. This difference was in accordance with the unique strategy of infant rearing in wild giraffes in which there is an extended “hider” period when older calves are left together in shaded areas with an adult sentry. Field studies also indicated probable oscillations of mother-infant contact and a prolonged period of the mother initiating contact with her calf.  相似文献   
Fedorowski  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):413-418
It has been suggested that septal furrows in the Palaeozoic rugose corals are secondary in comparison both to growth lines and to the septal blades inside calices. The leading role of furrows as an indicator of septal increase is thus questioned. Septa are always grouped in quadrants but their increase is generally towards the cardinal septum. The arrangement of the contratingent minor septa seems to be independent of the increase in septal furrows. Hence, the growth of the polyp's skeleton may have started from an aseptal cup.  相似文献   
Data drawn from the perspectives of paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology, teratology, and normal adult variation were analyzed with nine homology criteria in order to determine the homologues of the stapedial artery in adult humans. It was determined that 1) the stem of the stapedial artery does not persist within the cranial cavity; 2) the stem of the ramus inferior is retained in its entirety and forms the upper portion of the stem of the middle meningeal artery; 3) the proximal part of the ramus infraorbitalis is normally absent and is replaced by a collateral shunt arising from the ramus mandibularis; 4) the ramus mandibularis is retained and forms the lower portion of the middle meningeal stem and the inferior alveolar artery; 5) the most proximal portion of the maxillary artery is formed by an anastomotic shunt connecting the external carotid artery to the ramus mandibularis; 6) the anterior division of the ramus superior is normally present and well developed; 7) the posterior division of the ramus superior is present in many individuals; and 8) the junction of the two divisions of the ramus superior with the ramus inferior usually migrates to the floor of the middle cranial fossa. The range of human arterial patterns, and those of all other euprimates, can be derived from a hypothetical primitive pattern that is very similar to that of primitive rodents. In this pattern, the stapedial artery stem enters the middle cranial fossa and trifurcates into the anterior and posterior divisions of the ramus superior and the ramus inferior. In their evolution, strepsirhines initially lose the ramus inferior and haplorhines initially reduce the stapedial artery stem.  相似文献   
In flowers of Heliotropium s.l. the primary carpel tips are overtopped by commissural outgrowths. Therefore the stylar cleft mimics a lateral orientation of the carpels. In species in which the fruit splits into four diaspores the separation tissues run through both the median and the transverse fruit planes. In species where only two two-seeded nutlets are developed the fruit splits within the false septa and each half is composed of parts of both carpels (“syn-mericarpids”).  相似文献   
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