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Summary Rat dorsal spinal nerve roots were cut; 20 h later the axons in the vicinity of the cut were examined by light and electron microscopy. The changes in the cut tip distant from the ganglion were largely degenerative. On the ganglionic side of the cut a cap of free unmyelinated sprouts was formed. These sprouts contained clear and dense-core vesicles 40–150 nm in diameter, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Some of the unmyelinated sprouts were extensions of myelinated axons, others arose from myelinated axons by lateral budding. In both myelinated and non-myelinated axons there was an accumulation of mitochondria, tubulo-vesicular smooth endoplasmic reticulum and large and small dense-core vesicles for a distance of approximately 500 m behind the tip. Dense-core vesicles were more common in nonmyelinated axons than in their myelinated counterparts. In areas of intense accumulation the non-myelinated fibres were grossly swollen and distorted. The myelinated axons and some of the sprouts contained an unusual type of mitochondrion. The similarity between these sprouts and pre-synaptic terminals is discussed.I.R.D. is supported by the Medical Research Council; P.K. thanks the Mental Health Trust for a project grant  相似文献   
The cardiac glycoside ouabain was injected into the eye-bulb of the teleost fish, Carassius carassius. Three doses of ouabain were used: 10(-4) M, 10(-5) M, 10(-6) M. The final concentrations in the vitreous body of the eye were approximately 3-10(-5) M, 3-10-6 M and 3-10-7 M, respectively. After 8 hrs, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days the ultrastructural alterations of retinal ganglion cells, the optic axons near the bulb and the terminal segments in the optic tectum were studied. The high doses of ouabain induced an early necrobiosis of the cell bodies in the retina followed by degeneration in the nerve. This is characterized as a protracted form of Wallerian degeneration. The significance of the inhibition of Na+ -K+-activated ATPase at the perikaryal level for both the integrity of axonal morphology and the axonal flow is discussed.  相似文献   
典型城市单元的土壤重金属溯源方法与实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘胜然  王铁宇  汤洁  孟晶  何博  赵慧  肖荣波 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1278-1289
随着城市化进程的不断深入,土壤中重金属污染现状及其治理情况越来越受到重视,而查明污染源是有效治理污染的前提。源解析技术目前已广泛的应用于环境受体重金属来源解析实践中,总结了近年来土壤重金属成因分析的常用方法及原理,并提出了一种将多种方法相配合使用的方法体系。选取珠三角某市城郊农田作为研究对象,结果表明,Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、As存在含量超过国家农用地筛选值的情况,其中Cd超标率高达60.1%。农业活动、工业生产、交通源和自然母质均对研究区土壤重金属的累积产生一定的贡献。正定矩阵因子分析法(PMF,Positive Matrix Factorization)模型模拟的Cd、Ni、Zn和Hg预测值与实测值线性拟合r~2均大于90%,其余元素r~2均大于60%,呈现出很好的相关性,满足研究需要。PMF模型和铅同位素比值法计算得到的交通及农业对土壤Pb累积的贡献率之和分别为86.0%和84.8%,PMF模型和物质流分析法计算得到的农业对土壤Cd的贡献率分别为86.7%和79.7%,结果均比较接近。结果表明正定矩阵因子法、同位素比值分析法,物质流分析法能很好的联用应用于土壤重金属源解析研究。  相似文献   
自然产卵场是维持物种延续最关键的栖息地,青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)的自然繁殖栖息地状况和生境特征尚缺乏详细的定量研究。以青海湖入湖河流泉吉河为例,在平水期采用现场调查和无人机遥测的方法对青海湖裸鲤的自然产卵场分布及生境状况进行调查,确定其产卵场生境特征参数,建立基于无人机遥测识别产卵场的方法并进行复核验证。结果表明:泉吉河河道形态可分为弯曲型、分汊型和顺直型等三种典型河型,青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场主要分布在弯曲型和分汊型河道中,分汊型河道几乎100%都有产卵场分布,弯曲型河道有70%为产卵场;产卵场河道平均长度(135.13±61.13) m,平均宽度(30.01±17.51) m,平均曲折度1.09±0.07;平均面积(4586.6±4201.61) m2;产卵场常位于缓水浅滩处,平均水深(0.19±0.10) m (范围:0.03-0.44m),平均流速(0.24±0.20) m/s (范围:0.01-0.81m/s),河床质为含有沙粒的卵石(粒径:163-256mm)底质。河道形态、沙洲分布、水深特征等特征参数可作为无人机遥测识别产卵场的判断条件,并实现验证成功。研究结果可为开展整个流域的青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场现状评估及保护对策制定提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
棉田生态系统能流特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戈峰  丁岩钦 《生态学报》1996,16(3):225-231
为丰富生态系统的能流功能理论,开展以此为基础的生态调控,本文采用田间调查与室内测定相结合的方法,系统地测定了棉田初级生产者(棉株)、次级生产者(害虫、天敌)和土壤分解者的能流参数值,分析和比较了以棉株-害虫-天敌相互作用为中心,受人为干扰作用较大的棉田生态系统能流特征。  相似文献   
The Antarctic marine environment hosts diversified and highly endemic benthos owing to its unique geologic and climatic history. Current warming trends have increased the urgency of understanding Antarctic species history to predict how environmental changes will impact ecosystem functioning. Antarctic benthic lineages have traditionally been examined under three hypotheses: (1) high endemism and local radiation, (2) emergence of deep‐sea taxa through thermohaline circulation, and (3) species migrations across the Polar Front. In this study, we investigated which hypotheses best describe benthic invertebrate origins by examining Antarctic scale worms (Polynoidae). We amassed 691 polynoid sequences from the Southern Ocean and neighboring areas: the Kerguelen and Tierra del Fuego (South America) archipelagos, the Indian Ocean, and waters around New Zealand. We performed phylogenetic reconstructions to identify lineages across geographic regions, aided by mitochondrial markers cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (Cox1) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S). Additionally, we produced haplotype networks at the species scale to examine genetic diversity, biogeographic separations, and past demography. The Cox1 dataset provided the most illuminating insights into the evolution of polynoids, with a total of 36 lineages identified. Eunoe sp. was present at Tierra del Fuego and Kerguelen, in favor of the latter acting as a migration crossroads. Harmothoe fuligineum, widespread around the Antarctic continent, was also present but isolated at Kerguelen, possibly resulting from historical freeze–thaw cycles. The genus Polyeunoa appears to have diversified prior to colonizing the continent, leading to the co‐occurrence of at least three cryptic species around the Southern and Indian Oceans. Analyses identified that nearly all populations are presently expanding following a bottleneck event, possibly caused by habitat reduction from the last glacial episodes. Findings support multiple origins for contemporary Antarctic polynoids, and some species investigated here provide information on ancestral scenarios of (re)colonization. First, it is apparent that species collected from the Antarctic continent are endemic, as the absence of closely related species in the Kerguelen and Tierra del Fuego datasets for most lineages argues in favor of Hypothesis 1 of local origin. Next, Eunoe sp. and H. fuligineum, however, support the possibility of Kerguelen and other sub‐Antarctic islands acting as a crossroads for larvae of some species, in support of Hypothesis 3. Finally, the genus Polyeunoa, conversely, is found at depths greater than 150 m and may have a deep origin, in line with Hypothesis 2. These “non endemic” groups, nevertheless, have a distribution that is either north or south of the Antarctic Polar Front, indicating that there is still a barrier to dispersal, even in the deep sea.  相似文献   
陈晓宇  姚蒙  李晟 《生态学报》2022,42(7):3033-3043
山地生态系统是生物多样性分布与保护的热点。山地景观遗传学(Mountain Landscape Genetics)研究在山地景观尺度上野生生物的种群遗传格局及其驱动机制和影响因素,是景观遗传学(Landscape Genetics)的重要分支。山地景观遗传学研究对于深入理解物种的空间遗传结构、形成过程、物种形成与分化机制具有重要意义与价值,同时可以为珍稀濒危物种和山地生物多样性的有效保护与管理提供科学指导。为了更好地掌握目前山地景观遗传学的发展趋势与重点研究问题,为未来生物多样性与山地生态系统的保护管理提供科学参考,基于对Web of Science核心数据库和中国知网数据库的系统检索,全面汇总分析了1999-2020年山地景观遗传学领域发表的192篇英文文献与31篇中文文献。结果显示,该领域自2008年起迅速发展,截至2020年共有46个国家的研究机构发表了山地景观遗传相关研究,研究热点地区包括北美洲的落基山脉、内华达山脉、阿巴拉契亚山脉,欧洲的阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉,以及亚洲的喜马拉雅-横断山脉。研究对象类群涵盖真菌、植物、节肢动物、脊椎动物,其中脊椎动物是研究发表最多的类群,占发表文献总数的62.0%;脊椎动物中,又以对哺乳类(占脊椎动物发表文献总数的52.9%)与两栖类(23.5%)的研究最多。目前主要的研究方向包括:(1)识别山地景观中的基因流路径或阻碍;(2)量化山地景观特征对种群遗传结构时空变化的影响。中国是发表山地景观遗传学文章数量最多的亚洲国家,近十年来相关研究发展迅速,研究类群以植物(占在中国发表文献总数的62.3%)与脊椎动物(35.8%)为主,对脊椎动物的研究中以两栖动物为最多(占所有脊椎动物发文数量的52.6%),研究区域主要集中在喜马拉雅-横断山脉与秦岭。本文进一步对目前山地景观遗传学研究中存在的空缺及未来重点关注问题提出建议。  相似文献   
蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐明  潘向丽 《生态学报》1995,15(1):72-78
在研究生态系统结构及功能的基础上,本文基于1975-1990年的数据,对蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态进行了分析。通过建立能流模型,由李雅普诺夫稳定性原理,得出该生态系统能流的平衡态具有渐近稳定性。动态数学模拟表明,目前该系统的能量流动正从不稳定状态向稳定和平衡态过渡,这一过程大约需要7a时间。  相似文献   
The relationships between growth rate, cell‐cycle parameters, and cell size were examined in two unicellular cyanobacteria representative of open‐ocean environments: Prochlorococcus (strain MIT9312) and Synechococcus (strain WH8103). Chromosome replication time, C, was constrained to a fairly narrow range of values (~4–6 h) in both species and did not appear to vary with growth rate. In contrast, the pre‐ and post‐DNA replication periods, B and D, respectively, decreased with increasing growth rate from maxima of ~30 and 10–20 h to minima of ~4–6 and 2–3 h, respectively. The combined duration of the chromosome replication and postreplication periods (C+D), a quantity often used in the estimation of Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates, varied ~2.4‐fold over the range of growth rates examined. This finding suggests that assumptions of invariant C+D may adversely influence Prochlorococcus growth rate estimates. In both strains, cell mass was the greatest in slowly growing cells and decreased 2‐ to 3‐fold over the range of growth rates examined here. Estimated cell mass at the start of replication appeared to decrease with increasing growth rate, indicating that the initiation of chromosome replication in Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus is not a simple function of cell biomass, as suggested previously. Taken together, our results reflect a notable degree of similarity between oceanic Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus strains with respect to their growth‐rate‐specific cell‐cycle characteristics.  相似文献   
用1.0 mmol/L FeSO4/0.5 mmol/L H202处理烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.cultivar BY 2)原生质体,发现羟自由基能够诱导烟草原生质体的凋亡.具体表现为细胞核皱缩、DNA Ladder、TUNEL阳性反应等典型的凋亡特征.在动物细胞凋亡过程中,线粒体起着非常重要的作用,其中膜电位(△ψm)的变化以及由其引起的位于线粒体膜上的通透性孔(PTP)的开放与Cyt c的释放有关.另外,在动物凋亡细胞中,磷脂酰丝氨酸(phosphatidyl serine,PS)会从细胞膜内侧向外翻转.为了判断植物细胞凋亡过程中膜电位的变化情况以及PS的外翻程度,我们采用了流式细胞法.结果表明,随着处理时间的延长,烟草原生质体线粒体的膜电位逐渐降低;膜内PS大量外翻.说明由羟自由基和烟草原生质体组成的凋亡体系是一种可靠的凋亡组合,可以用来对植物细胞凋亡机理做进一步研究.  相似文献   
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