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K Matsuno 《Bio Systems》1985,17(3):179-192
Material self-assembly as a self-organizing process is always accompanied by symmetry-breaking in the material configuration. Self-sequencing of amino acids during their thermal polymerization has lost a certain property of permutation symmetry that was observed in the mixture of free amino acids. The evolutionary precursor state is more symmetrical about its internal material configuration and more degenerate due to the multitude of the indistinguishable individuals. The evolution proceeds in the direction along which the degeneracy in the internal states dissolves owing to the symmetry-breaking originating in material flow equilibrium of open material aggregates. Protobiological information is latent in the material system which is highly symmetrical and highly degenerate in its internal states. Evolution of matter is an endogenous process in which the earlier symmetric property is lost and less degenerate states are approached. Quantum-mechanically, the generation of protobiological information is due to the symmetry-breaking of the Hamiltonian originating in the interaction with the exterior through material flow, in contrast to the Schrödinger equation which preserves a symmetry and the associated invariants.  相似文献   
A diurnal vertical migration of larvae of Chaoborus punctipennis (Say) was observed in shallow temporary woodland pools in East Texas. In the laboratory, in 153 cm tall columns, the larvae underwent a much greater migration than possible in the shallow pools. We hypothesize that the migratory behavior and transparent body of Chaoborus larvae may have originally evolved in such shallow water habitats. These traits enabled Chaoborus to successfully invade the quite different adaptive zone of predation in the plankton of deep lakes.  相似文献   
A mechanism of respiration-dependent water uptake enhanced by auxin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary There are many contradictory observations on the mechanohydraulic relation of growing higher plant cells and tissues. Graphical analysis of the simultaneous equations which govern irreversible wall yielding and water absorption has made more comprehensive the understanding of this relation when relative growth rate is plotted against turgor pressure. It suggests that some respiration-dependent and auxin sensitive process might regulate the difference of osmotic potential between cells and water source. Based on anatomical and electrophysiological knowledge of the pea stem xylem, we propose the wall canal system as the mechanism of respiration-dependent water uptake which is sensitive to auxin. This system consists of the xylem apoplastic walls, the xylem proton pumps, active solute uptake system and cell membranes. In the simplest case, third-order simultaneous differential equations are involved. Numerical analysis showed that net uptake of solutes enables water to be taken up against an opposing gradient of water potential. The behaviour of this wall canal system describes well the mechano-hydraulic relation of enlarging plant cells and tissues. Recent typical, but incompatible, interpretations of this relation are critically discussed based on our model.Abbreviations V the volume of enlarging symplast - the average extensibility of the wall - Pi turgor pressure - Y the yield threshold of the wall - L the relative hydraulic conductance - the solute reflection coefficient of the plasmamembrane - Ci the osmotic concentration of the symplast cells - Cx the osmotic concentration of the xylem vessels - Px hydrostatic pressure in the xylem vessels - R the gas constant - T absolute temperature - o water potential of xylem fluid - i water potential of symplast cells  相似文献   
Summary Cells ofScherffelia dubia regenerate flagella with a complete scale covering after experimental flagellar amputation. Flagellar regeneration was used to study Golgi apparatus (GA) activity during flagellar scale production. By comparing the number of scales present on mature flagella with the flagellar regeneration kinetics, it is calculated that each cell produces ca. 260 scales per minute during flagellar regeneration. Flagellar scales are assembled exclusively in the GA and abstricted from the rims of thetrans-most GA cisternae into vesicles. Exocytosis of scales occurs at the base of the anterior flagellar groove. The central portion of thetrans-most cisterna, containing no scales, detaches from the stack of cisternae and develops a coat to become a coated polygonal vesicle. Scale biogenesis involves continuous turnover of GA cisternae, and scale production rates indicate maturation of four cisternae per minute from each of the cells two dictyosomes. A possible model of membrane flow routes during flagellar regeneration, which involves a membrane recycling loop via the coated polygonal vesicles, is presented.  相似文献   
N,N′-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits the activity of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase in the isolated and reconstitued mitochondrial cytochrome b-c1 complex. DCCD inhibits equally electron flow and proton translocation (i.e., the H+e? ratio is not affected) catalysed by the enzyme reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The inhibitory effects are accompanied by structural alterations in the polypeptide pattern of both isolated and reconstituted enzyme. Cross-linking was observed between subunits V (iron-sulfur protein) and VII, indicating that these polypeptides are in close proximity. A clear correlation was found between the kinetics of inhibition of enzymic activity and the cross-linking, suggesting that the two phenomena may be coupled. Binding of [14C]DCCD was also observed, to all subunits with the isolated enzyme and preferentially to cytochrome b with the reconstituted vesicles; in both cases, however, it was not correlated kinetically with the inhibition of the enzymic activity.  相似文献   
Abstract: The cerebral metabolic rates for O2 and for glucose were measured in conscious, fasted male Fischer-344 rats at the ages of 3, 12, and 24 months, and cerebral blood flow was determined with 14C-iodoantipyrine. The metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose were obtained by multiplying blood flow by the O2 and glucose concentration differences, respectively, between blood in the femoral artery and in the superior sagittal sinus. Mean cerebral blood flow and the metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) between 3 and 12 or between 12 and 24 months. Nor did the arteriovenous differences for O2 and for glucose change significantly with age. Because the superior sagittal sinus drains blood mainly from the cerebral cortex, the results indicate that average cerebral cortical oxidative metabolism, and the coupling ratios between the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen and cerebral blood flow and between the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose and cerebral blood flow, do not change significantly with age in the Fischer-344 rat.  相似文献   
We have made an extensive allozyme survey of 21 enzyme and protein loci in populations of the alpine grasshopper Podisma pedestris. This species occurs in two races, differing by a chromosomal fusion which separates the ancestral XO/XX race from a derived neo-XY race. These races also differ in DNA content, and hybrids between them have reduced viability. Electrophoresis reveals that the amount of genetic differentiation between these races is no greater than the variation among populations within each race. Both larger-scale surveys and a detailed survey of an area where the races hybridize, show that the chromosomal change is not correlated with gene frequency changes at any of the 21 loci studied. These findings are consistent with recently developed theory concerning the strength of the barrier to gene flow posed by a hybrid zone with characteristics such as those measured experimentally in Podisma. It is argued that hybrid zones in other species which involve allozymic differences do so because of stronger selection against hybrids rather than through mating isolation.  相似文献   
Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus meet and form a hybrid zone in the Pyrenees. Both strong hybrid dysfunction and a behavioural difference occur, which would seem to make the zone a suitable candidate for speciation by reinforcement. One of the classic ways of looking for this is to test for increased levels of assortative mating between populations from close to the region of contact. Here we show that, with virgin insects, such assortment decreases as one approaches the centre of the zone in C. parallelus. The pattern is different upon remating, with non-virgins showing a pattern more like that predicted by reinforcement. Overall there is little evidence for reinforcement. We argue that other tests of the model may be more appropriate for stable hybrid zones.  相似文献   
The effects of inhibition of the synthesis of protein, mRNA or rRNA on the progression of the cell cycle have been analyzed in cultures of Catharanthus roseus in which cells were induced to divide in synchrony by the double phosphate starvation method. The partial inhibition of protein synthesis at the G1 phase by anisoniycio or cycloheximide caused the arrest of cells in the G1 phase or delayed the entry of cells into the S phase. When protein synthesis was partially inhibited at the S phase, cell division occurred to about the same extent as in the control. When asynchronously dividing cells were treated with cycloheximide, cells accumulated in the G1 phase, as shown by flow-cytometric analysis. The partial inhibition of mRNA synthesis by α-amanitin at the G1 phase caused the arrest of cells in the G1 phase, although partial inhibition of mRNA synthesis at the S phase had little effect on cell division. In the case of inhibition of synthesis of rRNA by actinomycin D at the G1 phase, initiation of DNA synthesis was observed, but no subsequent DNA synthesis or the division of cells occurred. However, the addition of actinomycin D during the S phase had no effect on cell division. These results suggest that specific protein(s), required for the progression of the cell cycle, are synthesized in the G1 phase, and that the mRNA(s) that encode these proteins are also synthesized at the G1 phase.  相似文献   
Buoyancy effect on forced convection in the leaf boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Mixed convection (forced convection plus free convection) in the leaf boundary layer was examined by air flow visualization and by evaluation of the boundary layer conductance at different leaf-air temperature differences ( T L- T A) under low wind velocities. The visualized air flow was found to become more unstable and buoyant at higher T L- T A. An ascending longitudinal plume was induced along the upper surface, and the air flow along the lower surface ascended after passing the trailing leaf edge. The air flow modified by buoyancy was considered to result in an increase in boundary layer conductance ( G A) for mixed convection, which became higher with higher T L- T A as compared with the conductance for pure forced convection without buoyancy. This increase in G A appeared larger at larger Grashof number (Gr) and at smaller Reynolds number (Re). The dependences of buoyancy effect on Gr and Re were related to 'edge-effects'.  相似文献   
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