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Quantifying the association of plant functional traits to environmental gradients is a promising approach for understanding and projecting community responses to land use and climatic changes. Although habitat fragmentation and climate are expected to affect plant communities interactively, there is a lack of empirical studies addressing trait associations to fragmentation in different climatic regimes.In this study, we analyse data on the key functional traits: specific leaf area (SLA), plant height, seed mass and seed number. First, we assess the evidence for the community assembly mechanisms habitat filtering and competition at different spatial scales, using several null-models and a comprehensive set of community-level trait convergence and divergence indices. Second, we analyse the association of community-mean traits with patch area and connectivity along a south–north productivity gradient.We found clear evidence for trait convergence due to habitat filtering. In contrast, the evidence for trait divergence due to competition fundamentally depended on the null-model used. When the null-model controlled for habitat filtering, there was only evidence for trait divergence at the smallest sampling scale (0.25 m × 0.25 m). All traits varied significantly along the S–N productivity gradient. While plant height and SLA were consistently associated with fragmentation, the association of seed mass and seed number with fragmentation changed along the S–N gradient.Our findings indicate trait convergence due to drought stress in the arid sites and due to higher productivity in the mesic sites. The association of plant traits to fragmentation is likely driven by increased colonization ability in small and/or isolated patches (plant height, seed number) or increased persistence ability in isolated patches (seed mass).Our study provides the first empirical test of trait associations with fragmentation along a productivity gradient. We conclude that it is crucial to study the interactive effects of different ecological drivers on plant functional traits.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic Nramp genes encode divalent metal ion permeases important for nutrition and resistance to microbial infection. Bacterial homologs encode proton-dependent transporters of manganese (MntH), and other divalent metal ions. Bacterial MntH were classified in three homology groups (A, B, C) and MntH C further subdivided in C, C, C. The proteins from C. tepidum (MntH B) and E. faecalis (MntH C1, 2), divergent in sequence and hydropathy profile, conferred increased metal sensitivity when expressed in E. coli, suggesting conservation of divalent metal transport function in MntH B and C. Several genomic evidence suggest horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of mntH C genes: (i) The enterobacteria Wigglesworthia mntH C gene is linked to an Asn t-RNA, and its sequence most conserved with Gram positive bacteria homologs; (ii) all the C genes identified in oral streptococcaceae are associated with different potentially mobile DNA elements; (iii) Lactococcus lactis and Burkholderia mallei genomes contain an mntH gene prematurely terminated and a novel full-length mntH C gene; (iv) remarkable sequence relatedness between the unicellular alga C. reinhardtii prototype Nramp and some MntH C (e.g., Nostoc spp., Listeria spp.) suggests HGT between Eukarya and Bacteria. Other prototype Nramp genes (intronless, encoding proteins strongly conserved with MntH A and B proteins) identified in invertebrates represent a possible source for transfer of Nramp genes toward opportunistic bacteria. This study demonstrates complex evolution of MntH in Bacteria. It is proposed that prototype Nramp are ancestors of bacterial MntH C proteins, which could facilitate bacterial infection. Equally contributing authors (Etienne Richer and Pascal Courville).  相似文献   
We have used GRATH, a graph-based structure comparison algorithm, to map the similarities between the different folds observed in the CATH domain structure database. Statistical analysis of the distributions of the fold similarities has allowed us to assess the significance for any similarity. Therefore we have examined whether it is best to represent folds as discrete entities or whether, in fact, a more accurate model would be a continuum wherein folds overlap via common motifs. To do this we have introduced a new statistical measure of fold similarity, termed gregariousness. For a particular fold, gregariousness measures how many other folds have a significant structural overlap with that fold, typically comprising 40% or more of the larger structure. Gregarious folds often contain commonly occurring super-secondary structural motifs, such as beta-meanders, greek keys, alpha-beta plait motifs or alpha-hairpins, which are matching similar motifs in other folds. Apart from one example, all the most gregarious folds matching 20% or more of the other folds in the database, are alpha-beta proteins. They also occur in highly populated architectural regions of fold space, adopting sandwich-like arrangements containing two or more layers of alpha-helices and beta-strands.Domains that exhibit a low gregariousness, are those that have very distinctive folds, with few common motifs or motifs that are packed in unusual arrangements. Most of the superhelices exhibit low gregariousness despite containing some commonly occurring super-secondary structural motifs. In these folds, these common motifs are combined in an unusual way and represent a small proportion of the fold (<10%). Our results suggest that fold space may be considered as continuous for some architectural arrangements (e.g. alpha-beta sandwiches), in that super-secondary motifs can be used to link neighbouring fold groups. However, in other regions of fold space much more discrete topologies are observed with little similarity between folds.  相似文献   
基于扩展起始节点和加权融合策略预测肺癌风险致病基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肺癌风险致病基因预测有助于了解疾病发病机制、提高临床治疗效果.目前,以重启游走为框架的风险致病基因预测算法,普遍存在起始节点少、节点转移概率相同、信息源单一的问题.为此,本文提出一种基于扩展起始节点和加权融合策略的风险致病基因预测算法(命名为AFMFSC),并在肺癌中验证算法有效性.首先,基于增广模糊测量思想,计算疾病表型近似基因间的增广功能相似得分,从中选出重要基因与致病基因作为扩展起始节点;其次,采用节点拓扑相似度转移矩阵及基因表达差异相关性转移矩阵,分别在蛋白质网络中重启随机游走,并将两种结果加权融合排序;最后,通过富集分析排名靠前基因,得到有显著意义的风险致病基因.AFMFSC算法预测的73个肺癌风险致病基因,均与肺癌发生、发展有密切联系,生物学意义显著.与其他排序算法相比,AFMFSC算法的Top 1%、Top 5%和AUC值比较大,平均排名和受拓扑特性偏差影响程度小;融合策略排名性能优于单一转移矩阵或普通邻接矩阵游走排名.AFMFSC算法不仅能准确有效地预测肺癌风险致病基因,而且可推广预测其他疾病风险致病基因,为探索癌症致病机理提供新视角及依据.  相似文献   
AIMS: To screen industrially important extracellular enzymes from the newly isolated alkalophilic bacilli and to characterize them by phenotypic and 16S-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA restriction pattern analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three different environmental samples, soil, leather and horse faeces, were collected within the province of Izmir. Isolates grown on Horikoshi-I medium for 24 h at 37 degrees C were screened for extracellular enzyme activity by using eight different substrates: birchwood xylan, carboxymethylcellulose, casein, citrus pectin, polygalacturonic acid, soluble starch, and Tween 20 and 80. In total, 115 extracellular enzyme-producing bacilli were obtained. Casein was hydrolysed by 78%, soluble starch by 67%, citrus pectin by 63%, polygalacturonic acid by 62%, Tween 20 by 34%, birchwood xylan by 16%, Tween 80 by 12%, and carboxymethylcellulose by 3% of the isolates. The isolates were differentiated into 19 distinct homology groups by the 16S-ITS rDNA restriction pattern analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Eight different extracellular enzyme activities were determined in 115 endospore forming bacilli. The largest 16S-ITS rDNA homology group (HT1) included 36% of the isolates, 98% of which degraded casein, polygalacturonic acid, pectin and starch. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is the first report on the characterization of the industrial enzyme-producing alkalophilic bacilli by 16S-ITS rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Restriction profiles of 64% of the isolates were found to be different from those of five reference strains used.  相似文献   
Morphometric and meristic characteristics were compared between two genetically divergent groups ofLethenteron reissneri, collected from Hokkaido and Honshu islands, Japan. Whereas significant differences were found in some morphometric and meristic characters, the ranges overlapped somewhat in all of the characters examined between the two groups. Thus, it was difficult to distinguish exactly between the two groups using only the morphological characters. In sympatric populations of the two groups, no significant differences were found in almost all of the morphometric and meristic characters examined. The two groups ofL. reissneri, which are reproductively isolated from each other, should be regarded as sibling species. Assortative mating, based on morphological features, appears unlikely as the reproductive isolating mechanism between the two groups.  相似文献   
Recent debates concerning conflicting hypotheses of higher-level phylogeny such as the sister-group relationships of tetrapods, turtles, birds and snakes, serve as examples in the analysis of the nature of morphological evidence as it is currently used in phylogeny reconstruction. We note a recent shift of emphasis towards ever-larger data matrices, which may come at the cost of detailed character analysis and argumentation. Because the assessment of morphological characters necessarily entails a conceptual element of abstraction, there is also a threat that preconceived notions of phylogeny influence character analysis. Because the test of congruence does not address character analysis in itself, we argue that character hypotheses, i.e. primary conjectures of homology, need to be testable, and potentially refutable, in their own right. We demonstrate the use of classical criteria of homology (topological relations and/or connectivity, in conjunction with the subsidiary criteria of special similarity and intermediate forms) in the test, and refutation, of morphological characters. Rejection of the classical criteria of homology in the test of morphological character hypotheses requires the formulation of alternative methods of test and potential falsification of morphological characters that have so far not been proposed. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 59–82.  相似文献   
广东阳春鹅凰嶂自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
鹅凰嶂自然保护区位于广东省阳春市境内 (1 1 1°2 1′2 9″~ 1 1 1°3 6′0 3″E ,2 1°5 0′3 6″~ 2 1°5 8′40″N) ,为北热带地区。计有维管植物 2 1 0科 75 4属 1 5 80种 (包括亚种与变型 ) ,其中种子植物有 1 72科 681属 1 44 8种。研究分析和讨论了本区主要植被类型、种子植物区系及珍稀濒危植物 ,其种子植物区系特征是 :种类组成比较丰富 ,地理成分复杂 ,联系广泛 ,以热带成分占绝对优势 ,是典型的热带北缘区系性质 ;植被类型以山地雨林为主 ;区系起源古老 ,原始类群丰富 ;特有性比较高 ,珍稀濒危植物明显。建议对一些濒危物种采取有效的保护措施。  相似文献   
Summary Effective conservation and the use of plant genetic resources are essential for future agricultural progress. Critical to this conservation effort is the development of genetic markers which not only distinguish individuals and accessions but also reflect the inherent variation and genetic relationships among collection holdings. We have examined the applicability of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay for quick, cost-effective, and reliable use in addressing these needs in relation to collection organization and management. Twenty-five decamer oligonucleotide primers were screened individually with a test array composed of individuals representing a range of genetic relationships in Brassica oleracea L. (vegetable and forage cole crops). Over 140 reproducible, polymorphic fragments were generated for study. Each individual of the test array exhibited a unique molecular genotype and composites specific for accessions and botanical varieties could be established. An analysis of similarity based on amplified DNA fragments reflected the known genetic relationships among the selected entries. These results demonstrated that RAPD markers can be of great value in gene bank management for purposes of identification, measurement of variation, and establishment of genetic similarity at the intraspecific level.  相似文献   
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