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本文是对出土于新疆哈密地区天山北路青铜时代墓地颅骨测量性状的研究。文中公布了24例天山北路墓地古代人群77项颅骨测量性状基本数据, 在此基础上, 对男、女两性的测量性状特点进行了统计分析, 并结合考古学文化研究和分子生物学研究的相关结论对实验结果进行了讨论和推论。主要研究结论如下: 一是该人群虽已经形成了具有自身特点的、共性的体质特征, 但人群内部也存在些许差异, 尤其是在男性个体数据之中。二是该人群是由分别具有东、西方体质特征的祖先人群混杂融合而成, 是处于当时大人种分布过渡地带的过渡人群。  相似文献   
植物功能性状被广泛地用于研究植物对环境变化的响应。糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)是内蒙古草原重要的C4物种, 其功能性状是如何对水氮环境的变化做出响应的, 还不十分清楚。该文采用盆栽实验的方法, 进行氮添加(0, 10.5, 35.0和56.0 g·m-2·a-1)和降水(自然降水和70%平均月降水量)处理, 研究糙隐子草整株性状、叶形态性状和叶生理性状对氮添加和干旱的响应。结果表明, 氮添加显著影响了糙隐子草的整株性状, 氮、水处理及它们的交互作用显著影响了糙隐子草的叶形态性状和叶生理性状。各功能性状对氮添加的响应格局在自然降水和干旱处理下是不同的。根深、茎生物量和茎叶比在干旱条件下低和中氮添加处理中较高, 而在自然降水下无明显变化; 比叶面积在干旱条件下随氮添加量的增加而增加, 而在自然降水下无增加趋势; 自然降水下, 高氮添加显著刺激了光合速率和蒸腾速率, 增加了水分利用效率, 而在干旱条件下氮添加对它们没有显著影响; 叶片单位面积的氮含量在自然降水下随氮添加量的增加有增加趋势, 而在干旱条件下显著降低。在自然降水下, 氮添加主要影响糙隐子草的叶形态和生理性状, 而在干旱条件下, 氮添加主要影响糙隐子草的整株性状和形态性状。总之, 糙隐子草的功能性状对氮添加表现出明显的响应, 响应格局在不同的水分条件下不同, 反映了其对氮水环境变化的弹性适应。  相似文献   
Aim European and North American studies have suggested that nitrogen (N) depositions reduce plant diversity and increase primary productivity due to changes in plant traits. To predict the vegetation response to future global change, experimental validations from other regions are widely needed. We assessed the effects of N treatment by urea fertilization on the diversity and biomass of the herbaceous plant traits (HPTs) in a dry tropical environment of India.Methods Diversity and biomass of different HPTs were determined on the basis of data collected in year 2010, from 135, 1 m × 1 m plots distributed over 15 locations. The plots were treated with urea fertilizer in different doses (Control, 60kgNha-1 yr-1 and 120kg N ha-1 yr-1) since 1st January 2007. The plots were ordinated and data were subjected to appropriate statistical analyses.Important findings Correspondence analysis (CA) suggested uniqueness of species composition due to N amendment. Species number and biomass of the trait categories varied due to N fertilization and traits. All studied trait categories (except N-fixers) yielded maximum mean species number at moderate level of N fertilization. Different levels of N fertilization exhibited different species diversity–primary productivity (D-P) relationships. Further, study showed reduction in plant diversity due to increase in biomass at high rates of N addition.Conclusions Tall, erect, non N-fixers, annuals, grasses HPTs were favoured by N enrichment. N dose above 60kg enhanced the biomass of fast growing, erect, annuals, non N-fixers, nitrophilic HPTs. The changes in traits with N addition, especially the increase in annuals and grasses and decrease in typically N-rich N-fixers, have implications for sustainable cattle production.  相似文献   
Aims Are there trends of increasing/decreasing dispersion of single, categorical traits related to early/late-successional species between stages of community development? If yes, are these trends dependent on species pool extension and habitat scale? Is there a consistent reduction in single trait convergence or divergence in any seral stage when scaling down from ecological to local species pool?Methods Presence of all vascular species rooted within plots of 5 × 5 m was recorded in assemblages of exposed mining spoils (EMS) and heathlands (HTL), which form a chronosequence on two abandoned ore tailing heaps located close to each other in the south-eastern Carpathians (Romania). Fifteen nominal, trait attributes of plant species co-occurring in the two seral assemblages were collected from available databases and subsequently classified as either successionally 'pioneer' or 'mature'. The strength of single trait convergence or divergence was estimated by comparison with null plant assemblages at patch type (meta-community) level by reference to the ecological or local species pool, and at community level.Important findings At patch type level, all pioneer and mature trait attributes (apart from short life span), with significant variation between the two seral stages, increased and, respectively, decreased in dispersion irrespective of species pool extension. However, these trends were more conspicuous when using the ecological species pool, very likely due to relaxation in abiotic filtering and dispersal limitation. At community level, no consistent trends were observed between EMS and HTL assemblages, probably because most trait attributes were sorted by microenvironmental filters displaying high variation, like topography or habitat patch geometry. In both seral stages, there was a general weakening of trait convergence or divergence at patch type level when scaling down from the ecological to the local species pool, which was due to niche space contraction. At community level, there was a trend of rise in dispersion of pioneer attributes along the observed chronosequence, presumably imputable to increasing competition for light and underground water, but an opposite trend of dispersion drop in mature attributes was not so evident. Based on these findings, we proposed two rules of thumb concerning the expected changes in dispersion of trait attributes at patch level along successions and between levels of species pool extension. In conclusion, trends in the successional dynamics of pioneer and mature trait dispersion are clearly detectable at meta-community level, especially by reference to the ecological species pool. Habitat scale and species pool extension are key factors to consider and report when estimating the magnitude of single trait dispersion.  相似文献   
Aims A plant has a limited amount of resources at any time and it allocates them to different structures. In spite of the large number of previous studies on allocation patterns within single species, knowledge of general patterns in species allocation is still very limited. This is because each study was done in different conditions using different methodology, making generalization difficult. We investigate intraspecific above- versus below-ground biomass allocation among individuals across a spectrum of dry-grassland plant species at two different developmental stages and ask whether allocation is age- and species specific, and whether differences among species can be explained by their life-history traits and phylogeny.Methods We collected data on above- and below-ground biomass of seedlings and adult plants of 20 species from a common garden experiment. We analysed data on shoot–root biomass allocation allometrically and studied the relationship between the allometric exponents (slopes on log–log scale), species life-history traits and phylogenetic distances.Important findings We found isometric as well as allometric patterns of biomass allocation in the studied species. Seedlings and adult individuals of more than half of the species differed in their above- versus below-ground biomass allometric exponents. Seedlings and adult individuals of the remaining species differed in their allometric coefficients (intercepts). Annual species generally allocated proportionally more to above- than below-ground biomass as seedlings than as adults, whereas perennial species showed the opposite pattern. Plant life-history traits, such as plant life span, age of first flowering, month in which the species begin flowering and specific leaf area were much more important in explaining differences in shoot–root allometry among species than were phylogenetic relationships. This suggests that allocation patterns vary greatly among closely related species but can be predicted based on species life-history traits.  相似文献   
Aims Interspecific and intraspecific variation in flower color in natural populations provides an opportunity for us to understand the evolution and maintenance of diversity of floral traits. Compared to corolla color, little is known about the color polymorphism of sexual organs in flowering plants. To explore evolutionary transitions of androecium color and polymorphism within species, interspecific and intraspecific variation in androecium (anther and pollen) color in the genus Epimedium (Berberidaceae) was investigated.Methods To explore the geographical patterns of anther/pollen color variation in Epimedium species, data of 45 species were collected and their phylogeny was constructed based on available DNA sequences. To investigate whether intraspecific variation in androecium color relates to habitat preference, three environmental factors were measured in the field population of Epimedium pubescens in northeastern Sichuan, China, which plants had green or yellow androecia. Vegetative and reproductive traits of this species were compared between the two color morphs.Important findings Androecium (anther and pollen) color polymorphism in field populations of Epimedium pubescens is reported here where nine populations are monomorphic with a green androecium but three populations are dimorphic with individuals having either a green or a yellow androecium. Inflorescence stalk height, stalk diameter, leaf number, flower number and spur length (as well as spur and nectar volume) were not significantly different between two morphs. Compared to the yellow morph, the green morph had relatively larger leaves and anthers, but smaller sepals. The green morph produced more pollen and larger seeds, but the same number of ovules. Seed set was not significantly different between green and yellow morph. Investigations of environmental factors in the color dimorphic populations of E. pubescens indicated that the green morph was more likely to occur in habitats with relatively lower light intensity. The distribution survey of 45 Epimedium species showed that species with a green androecium tended to appear at lower elevations. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed that transitions from yellow to a green androecium or to androecial color dimorphism occurred at least seven times. This genus, characterized by anther color diversity and containing some species with anther color polymorphism, provides a model system in which to study the evolution and maintenance of colorful sexual organs in flowering plants.  相似文献   
Aims The community assembly has been a prominent issue in community ecology. This work was intended to explore the mechanisms of the species coexistence and biodiversity in communities. Our objective was to explore the mechanisms of community assembly in subalpine meadow plant communities along slope gradients in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Northwest China.Methods We selected five slope-oriented plots to construct a super-tree representing the species pool. We surveyed the leaf functional traits and soil environmental factors in different slopes. Then we tested the phylogenetic signal of leaf dry matter content (LDMC), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (LNC) and leaf phosphorus content (LPC).Important findings The changes of slope aspect had significant influence on soil water content (SWC) and soil nutrient content. Most of the plants leaf functional traits had significant difference along different slope aspects. The LDMC was higher in south and southwest slope than north slope, while SLA, LNC and LPC were relatively high in north and northwest slope. The LPC showed feeble phylogenetic signal, while LDMC, SLA, LNC did not have a significant phylogenetic signal. With changes in the slope aspect from south to north, community phylogenetic structure shifted from over-dispersion to clustered dispersion. In south and southwest slope, habitat filtering was the driving force for community assembly. Interspecific competition was the main driving factor for community assembly in north and northwest slope aspects. But in west slope, two indices showed contrary consequence. This means the process of community assembly in west slope was more complicated and its phylogenetic index may be the result of several mechanisms working together.  相似文献   
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