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青藏高原黄河上游河岸带是典型的生态脆弱区, 然而近年来气候变暖加剧了该地极端旱涝事件的频繁发生, 高原河岸带生态脆弱区植被是否能够应对极端旱涝事件的干扰成为流域生态环境管理工作所关注的重点问题。为了研究黄河上游河岸林中主要树种对极端旱涝的响应, 该研究选取青海省同德县和兴海县3处河岸林中的47株甘蒙柽柳(Tamarix austromongolica), 分别从树干面向邻近山体一侧及与之垂直的一侧分别获取1根树轮样本, 分析其历史生长。通过对比两个方向上的生长速率判断甘蒙柽柳是否受到地质灾害影响从而将其划分为受伤组和对照组, 分析两组甘蒙柽柳在过去63年中径流极值年的抵抗力状况及两个方向的生长差异。研究发现, 甘蒙柽柳对干旱和洪涝均有着很强的抵抗力, 河岸带多样化的水分来源有助于甘蒙柽柳在极端干旱环境中较好地生长; 但洪涝伴随泥石流等地质灾害的频发使甘蒙柽柳面向山体侧面受到严重的生长抑制, 表现出显著的方向性差异, 从而影响甘蒙柽柳的形态。较长的创伤恢复期带来的遗留效应可能造成甘蒙柽柳对外界干扰的较高敏感性。研究黄河上游甘蒙柽柳生长对极端旱涝的响应, 将有助于评估生态脆弱区生态弹性过程, 同时为高原河岸带生态建设和恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   
1. We investigated the effects of local disturbance history and several biotic and abiotic habitat parameters on the microdistribution of benthic invertebrates after an experimental disturbance in a flood‐prone German stream. 2. Bed movement patterns during a moderate flood were simulated by scouring and filling stream bed patches (area 0.49 m2) to a depth of 15–20 cm. Invertebrates were investigated using ceramic tiles as standardized substrata. After 1, 8, 22, 29, 36 and 50 days, we sampled one tile from each of 16 replicates of three bed stability treatments (scour, fill and stable controls). For each tile, we also determined water depth, near‐bed current velocity, the grain size of the substratum beneath the tile, epilithic algal biomass and standing stock of particulate organic matter (POM). 3. Shortly after disturbance, total invertebrate density, taxon richness and density of the common taxa Baetis spp. and Chironomidae were highest in stable patches. Several weeks after disturbance, by contrast, Baetis spp. and Hydropsychidae were most common in fill and Leuctra spp. in scour patches. The black fly Simulium spp. was most abundant in fill patches from the first day onwards. Community evenness was highest in scour patches during the entire study. 4. Local disturbance history also influenced algal biomass and POM standing stock at the beginning of the experiment, and water depth, current velocity and substratum grain size throughout the experiment. Scouring mainly exposed finer substrata and caused local depressions in the stream bed characterized by slower near‐bed current velocity. Algal biomass was higher in stable and scour patches and POM was highest in scour patches. In turn, all five common invertebrate taxa were frequently correlated with one or two of these habitat parameters. 5. Our results suggest that several ‘direct’ initial effects of local disturbance history on the invertebrates were subsequently replaced by ‘indirect’ effects of disturbance history (via disturbance‐induced changes in habitat parameters such as current velocity or food).  相似文献   
Hartbeespoort Dam is a hypertrophic man-made lake which is located in the Transvaal Province of South Africa. This region has recently experienced its most severe drought of the century. However, on three occasions in the summer rainy seasons of 1984 and 1985, major rainfalls (> 50 mm) occurred which caused large inflows to the lake. Inflowing river water entered as a density current causing marked silting of the water. Within the epilimnion (0–10 m) prior to these rainfalls there was usually no variation of bacterial numbers with depth, but heterotrophic bacterial activity (glucose uptake) decreased with depth concomitant with primary production. With the increased river inflow bacterial numbers did not increase but bacterial activity at the bottom of the epilimnion (10 m) increased to as high as 2.7 µg C l–1 h–1 in January 1985, reversing the depth profile of bacterial activity within the epilimnion. This resulted in decreased glucose concentrations (Kt + Sn) and turnover times. Heterotrophic activity per cell increased by between 2.5 and 5 times. These data demonstrate that storm events are important phenomena causing short-term changes in the metabolic activity of planktonic heterotrophic bacteria in lakes.  相似文献   
Rainfall Cues and Flash-Flood Escape in Desert Stream Insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Desert stream insects may use rainfall cues to anticipate and escape flash floods, but this has been studied in few taxa. We used controlled, replicated experiments to quantify the use of rainfall cues for flood escape in seven common desert stream insects. The hemipterans Curicta pronotata and Aquarius remigis responded consistently to rainfall cues by crawling vertically away from the water, in such a way that they may escape flash floods in nature. The coleopteran Gyrinus plicifer showed no response to rainfall cues. The hemipteran Ambrysus woodburyi did not exit the water but sought refuge under submerged rocks. Three taxa (Ranatra quadridentata, Corydalus texanus, and Rhantus atricolor) gave ambiguous results, although the latter apparently responded to environmental cues other than rainfall. We conclude that rainfall cues are a sufficient mechanism for flood escape in some taxa, but other desert stream insects may employ different strategies (behavioral, life history, or morphological) to survive floods.  相似文献   
嵇娟  陈军飞  丁童慧  李远航 《生态学报》2024,44(7):2772-2785
厘清城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务之间耦合协调关系,可为城市防洪减灾和生态文明建设提供重要决策参考。综合运用基于麻雀算法的投影寻踪模型、InVEST模型和耦合协调度模型,在分析2000-2020年长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性与水源涵养、水质净化、土壤保持和气候调节四种生态系统服务时空格局基础上,尝试探索两者耦合协调关系及其时空演变特征。研究发现:(1)长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性水平呈现"N"型增加趋势,并呈现"上海>江苏>浙江>安徽"的空间格局,表明经济水平越高的城市展现出更强的洪涝韧性,经济是影响城市洪涝韧性波动的主要因素,而自然韧性成为城市洪涝韧性提升的关键短板;(2)生态系统服务存在显著的空间异质性,高植被覆盖的南部地区提供了更高的生态系统服务,从时间维度看其空间分布是稳定的,水源涵养和水质净化服务总体呈向好趋势,土壤保持服务整体呈现倒"N"型增加,气候调节服务呈现微弱的下降趋势;(3)城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的耦合协调度在研究期内较为稳定,且与生态系统服务的时空变化趋于一致,呈现"南高北低、由西南向东北逐渐减弱"的趋势,生态系统服务较高的城市,表现出更好的耦合协调性,且随着生态系统服务的增加而改善。因此,长三角城市群有必要从提高生态系统服务功能的角度出发,因地制宜、分类施策,促进城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的协调发展。  相似文献   
The Wachsenburg Sandstone of Thuringia (Central Germany) occurs within playa deposits of the Arnstadt Formation (Late Triassic, Norian) and furnishes an example of ephemeral river metamorphosis under dryland conditions. Characterized by high flow regime features, the sand-dominated lithofacies constitution exhibits sedimentation by channel processes under the influence of recurring flash floods. Bearing signatures of subaerial exposures, the fining-upward lithofacies cycles are bound by low-angle lateral accretion elements suggesting deposition in a meandering stream. Channel migration in response to point bar expansion and active bank erosion, led to the development of four laterally shifting point bar events. Unimodal palaeocurrent patterns with low variance and azimuthal dispersion support the point bar origin of the Wachsenburg Sandstone. With reduced water budget under largely semi-arid climate, the river progressively became smaller, highly sinuous and ultimately abandoned. The resulting point bar succession was finally covered with sheet flow deposits of over bank origin. The sandstone was deposited during a period of low base-level when the playa system temporarily fell dry.  相似文献   
The natural preindustrial ANC and pH decline associated with 22 melt events from 11 streams during spring flood of 1997 and 1998 in Northern Sweden have been assessed using the Boreal Dilution Model (BDM). The results show that the spring flood pH decline of 0.5 to 2.5 pH units in the streams was largely caused by natural processes. The most important driving factors influencing pH were TOC increase in combination with ANC dilution. The study also demonstrates that pH in some streams can decline to pH values close to 4.5 as a result of natural processes alone. In general the anthropogenic component of the pH decline was between 0.1 and 0.3 pH units superimposed on the natural pH decline. Furthermore, the anthropogenic contribution to ANC and pH decline generally followed the gradient of anthropogenic S deposition in the region. The sites with the greatest inferred anthropogenic influence are also those for which the assumptions used in the BDM were most sensitive. Nevertheless, the results from this study suggest that the regional impact of anthropogenic acid deposition on the ANC and pH in northern Sweden is currently limited.  相似文献   
Canopy tree survival and compositional change of the Greefswald forest on the Limpopo River, South Africa, were monitored between 1990 and 2007 in response to a severe drought (cessation of flow in 1991/2), water abstraction commencing in 1991, a mega‐flood in 2000 and increasing impact of elephants since 2000. Aerial photographs confirmed that forest area had not decreased during the 35 years prior to the study. In total, 25% of 428 canopy trees tagged in 1990 had died by 2005. Tree density was reduced from 22.8 to 16.3 trees per hectare. Forest was thus transformed to woodland. Mortality was attributed mainly to drought stress (47%), drought in combination with creeper infestation (30%) and the flood (21%). Of the nine main canopy species, mortality was highest for Acacia xanthophloea (56%) and Faidherbia albida (37%) mainly because of drought‐related stress, and Ficus sycamorus (25%) mainly because of the flood. Water extraction increased drought‐related mortality in the area of extraction by 45%. Creepers rendered microphyllous but not broad‐leafed species more vulnerable to drought‐induced mortality. Elephants were responsible for a further 3% mortality between 2005 and 2007. Composition has shifted towards ‘drought‐tolerant’ species not selected by elephants, namely Philenoptera violacea, Xanthocercis zambesiaca and Schotia brachypetala. Initial concern about water abstraction was eclipsed by a rapid, unpredictable concatenation of a series of rare events that transformed forest to woodland in less than 15 years.  相似文献   
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