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Antipredator behavior and risk assessment of many species are affected by the presence of humans and their activities. Previous studies have largely been conducted on birds and mammals and relatively less is known about human impacts on reptiles. We used flight initiation distance (FID) as a measure of risk assessment in inland blue‐tailed skinks (Emoia impar) and tested the direct and indirect effects of humans on risk assessment. We first examined the effects of varying levels and types of human disturbance and activity on skink FID. We found that skinks flushed at significantly longer distances in areas with the least human activity. We then tested the degree to which skinks are able to discriminate different numbers of humans by comparing FID across three different types of approaches. Skinks did not significantly differentiate between a single approacher and a single approacher coming from a group of two other people, but did flush at greater distances when approached by three people simultaneously. Although skinks are not directly harvested or harassed by humans, they have refined human discrimination abilities. Overall, skinks habituate to a variety of human activities and perceive a larger threat when the number of human approachers is greater.  相似文献   
We may expect butterflies as ectotherms to have particularly active life‐history stages that occur in the warmest and lightest times of the year; however, there are temperate species that are active when climatic conditions seem unfavourable and photoperiod short, such as the Taylor's checkerspot (Euphydryas editha taylori). For such species, studies suggest that even subtle changes to microclimate can potentially impact populations. Thus, understanding how in situ variations in microclimate influence the Taylor's checkerspot butterfly could provide much needed insights into more effective management. We conducted a series of surveys that explored (i) adult habitat use, (ii) final instar larval distribution and (iii) adult movement up to and across site boundaries at two sites in Oregon, USA, in 2010 and 2011. We found that in situ habitat use by the Taylor's checkerspot butterfly was strongly influenced by microclimate. Both adult activities and final instar larvae distribution were clustered within the warmest areas of the sites. Moreover, adults did not use up to 59% and larva up to 90% of their sites, despite vegetation structure and composition being uniform. More specifically, butterfly habitat use increased with increasing ground temperatures, and we found that areas with the highest ground temperatures were more exposed to direct sunlight. Similarly, we found that butterflies tended to only move through sunlit site boundaries. We conclude that the Taylor's checkerspot is sensitive to changes in its thermal environment at fine spatial scales. Our results highlight the importance of microclimate as an indicator of habitat quality, and establishing the thermal criteria in which species of concern exists may provide valuable insights into the implications of climate change.  相似文献   
Dispersal propensity of green leafhoppers was compared between a tropical species, Nephotettix virescens, and a temperate species, N. cincticeps. The flight ability was measured with tethered flight technique under laboratory conditions (25°C, 16L-8D). The pre-flight period was shorter and the flight duration was longer in N. virescens than in N. cincticeps in both sexes. No significant correlations were found between the flight activity and morphometric characters for either of the two species. The results suggested that dispersal propensity of N. virescens is higher than that of N. cincticeps.  相似文献   
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an invasive pest that attacks specialty and row crops in North America and Europe. There has been a concerted effort to reduce frequent broad-spectrum insecticide applications made on vulnerable crops. One tool that has emerged recently is the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) as a killing agent. Here, we conducted bioassays to evaluate the effect of direct contact on deltamethrin-impregnated LLINs on the behaviour and survivorship of H. halys nymphs and adults in the laboratory. Following exposure at three different durations (1.25, 4.25 or 7.25 min), vertical and horizontal mobility of adults and nymphs and the flight capacity of adults were recorded and compared with individuals that were not exposed (control). Exposure to LLINs reduced the horizontal distance and velocity and increased the angular velocity of adults only but reduced vertical mobility of adults and nymphs. Adult flights were not significantly affected by LLIN exposure. Mortality of adults and nymphs at 7-day post-exposure ranged from 73% to 77% regardless of exposure time. We discuss our findings within the context of the potential for and limitations of deploying LLINs in vulnerable crops to manage H. halys populations.  相似文献   
Explaining the taxonomic richness of the insects, comprising over half of all described species, is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Previously, several evolutionary novelties (key innovations) have been posited to contribute to that richness, including the insect bauplan, wings, wing folding and complete metamorphosis, but evidence over their relative importance and modes of action is sparse and equivocal. Here, a new dataset on the first and last occurrences of fossil hexapod (insects and close relatives) families is used to show that basal families of winged insects (Palaeoptera, e.g. dragonflies) show higher origination and extinction rates in the fossil record than basal wingless groups (Apterygota, e.g. silverfish). Origination and extinction rates were maintained at levels similar to Palaeoptera in the more derived Polyneoptera (e.g. cockroaches) and Paraneoptera (e.g. true bugs), but extinction rates subsequently reduced in the very rich group of insects with complete metamorphosis (Holometabola, e.g. beetles). Holometabola show evidence of a recent slow-down in their high net diversification rate, whereas other winged taxa continue to diversify at constant but low rates. These data suggest that wings and complete metamorphosis have had the most effect on family-level insect macroevolution, and point to specific mechanisms by which they have influenced insect diversity through time.  相似文献   
The ocelli control the flight course in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Fully-sighted honeybees and bees with all ocelli occluded were trained to fly through an arena to arrive at a feeding place. After training, the bees were exposed to side-light flashes during their feeding flights. The flight paths were recorded on video and analysed frame by frame at 40 ms intervals with reference to the main parameters, the coordinates of the thorax and the yaw angle of the bee. Course angles, translational course velocities and accelerations were calculated, and the responses to side light flashes evaluated with respect to 'on' and 'off.
Immediately after light on, fully-sighted bees respond slightly positively by yawing and flying toward the side light. Bees in which all ocelli are occluded are greatly disturbed and respond with negative yawing and flight path directions.
The ocelli apparently help to control phototactic alertness in the bee. They determine whether phototactic orienting or pattern-induced orienting behaviour is more important in a particular state of motivation. They help to minimize the level of disturbance in flight course control, obviously by activating a neuronal circuit with comparator attributes. It is assumed that this kind of compensation or suppression of phototactically guided reflexes occurs only for a few 100 ms. Consequently, the biological significance of light flashes shorter than 400 ms is very slight.
Fully-sighted bees decelerate strongly when a side light is switched on. Bees in which the ocelli are occluded behave less cautiously: they generally fly faster and need more reaction time. Thus, the ocelli help the bee to react photokinetically to photic stimuli in a much shorter time than do the compound eyes alone.  相似文献   
Neither flapping and running to take-off nor gliding from heights can be disproved as the assured evolutionary origin of self-powered flight observed in modern vertebrates. Gliding with set wings would utilize available potential energy from gravity but gain little from flapping. Bipedal running, important in avian phylogeny, possibly facilitated the evolution of flight. Based on physical principles, gliding is a better process for the origin of powered flight than the "ground-up" process, which physically is not feasible in space or time (considering air resistance, metabolic energy costs, and mechanical resistance to bipedal running). Proto-avian ancestors of Archaeopteryx and Microraptor probably flapped their sparsely feathered limbs synchronously while descending from leaps or heights, with such "flutter-gliding" presented as a synthesis of the two earlier theories of flight origin (making use of the available potential energy from gravity, involving wing thrusts and flapping, coping with air resistance that slows air speed, but effecting positive fitness value in providing lift and slowing dangerous falls).  相似文献   
In this study, the reactions of N-acetyl-L-methionine (AcMet) with [{trans-PtCl(NH3)2}2-μ-H2N(CH2)6NH2](NO3)2 (BBR3005: 1,1/t,t 1) and its cis analog [{cis-PtCl(NH3)2}2-μ-{H2N(CH2)6NH2}]Cl2 (1,1/c,c 2) were analyzed to determine the rate and reaction profile of chloride substitution by methionine sulfur. The reactions were studied in PBS buffer at 37°C by a combination of multinuclear (195Pt, {1H-15N} HSQC) magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and electrospray ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (ESITOFMS). The diamine linker of the 1,1/t,t trans complex was released as a result of the trans influence of the coordinated sulfur atom, producing trans-[PtCl(AcMet)(NH3)2]+ (III) and trans-[Pt(AcMet)2(NH3)2]2+ (IV). In contrast the cis geometry of the dinuclear compound maintained the diamine bridge intact and a number of novel dinuclear platinum compounds obtained by stepwise substitution of sulfur on both platinum centers were identified. These include (charges omitted for clarity): [{cis-PtCl(NH3)2}-μ-NH2(CH2)6NH2-{cis-Pt(AcMet)(NH3)2}] (V); [{cis-Pt(AcMet)(NH3)2}2-μ-NH2(CH2)6NH2] (VI); [{cis-PtCl(NH3)2}-μ-NH2(CH2)6NH2-{PtCl(AcMet)NH3] (VII); [{PtCl(AcMet)(NH3)}2-μ-NH2(CH2)6NH2] (VIII); [{trans-Pt(AcMet)2(NH3)}-μ-NH2(CH2)6NH2-{PtCl(AcMet)(NH3)] (IX) and the fully substituted [{trans-Pt(AcMet)2(NH3)}2-μ-{NH2(CH2)6NH2] (X). For both compounds the reactions with methionine were slower than those with glutathione (Inorg Chem 2003, 42:5498–5506). Further, the 1,1/c,c geometry resulted in slower reaction than the trans isomer, because of steric hindrance of the bridge, as observed previously in reactions with DNA and model nucleotides.  相似文献   
Many promising therapeutics are currently awaiting their clinical application. Due to their low capability of cell membrane crossing, these compounds do not reach their site of action. One way to overcome this problem might be the fusion of these agents to cell-penetrating peptides (CPP), which are able to shuttle various cargoes across cellular membranes. One disadvantage in using CPP in drug delivery is their low metabolic stability. The aim of our work was to increase the proteolytic resistance of the CPP hCT(9-32), a truncated C-terminal fragment of human calcitonin. Thus, we synthesised six modified N-terminally carboxyfluorescein labelled hCT(9-32) derivatives by replacing positions 12 and/or 16 of hCT(9-32) with either N-methylphenylalanine or d-phenylalanine, respectively. By using confocal laser scanning microscopy we showed that the modifications did neither affect the peptide internalisation efficiency in HeLa nor HEK 293T cells. The metabolic stability of the peptides was investigated in human blood plasma and HEK 293T cell culture supernatant. To analyse the degradation patterns, we used RP-HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. However, we found for all of the new derivatives high metabolic stabilities. In blood plasma, the half-lives for five of the six peptides increased compared to unmodified hCT(9-32). The degradation patterns showed a distinct stabilisation in the N-terminal part of the modified peptides, in the C-terminal part, we found some cleavage to a minor extent. Furthermore, we studied the conformation of the peptides by CD spectroscopy and demonstrated that they possess no cell toxicity. Since our metabolically more stable compounds are still able to pass the cell membrane they provide powerful tools as drug delivery vectors.  相似文献   
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