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The extreme thermal stability of proteins from hyperthermophilic organisms is widely believed to arise from an increased conformational rigidity in the native state. In apparent contrast to this paradigm, both Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) rubredoxin, the most thermostable protein characterized to date, and its Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp) mesophile homolog undergo a transient conformational opening of their multi-turn segments, which is more favorable in hyperthermophile proteins below room temperature. Substitution of the hyperthermophile multi-turn sequence into the mesophile protein sequence yields a hybrid, (14-33(Pf)) Cp, that exhibits a 12 degrees increase in its reversible thermal unfolding transition midpoint. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnetization transfer-based hydrogen exchange was used to monitor backbone conformational dynamics in the subsecond time regime. Despite the substantially increased thermostability, flexibility throughout the entire main chain of the more thermostable hybrid is equal to or greater than that of the wild type mesophile rubredoxin near its normal growth temperature. In comparison to the identical core residues of the (14-33(Pf)) Cp rubredoxin hybrid, six spatially clustered residues in the parental mesophile protein exhibit a substantially larger temperature dependence of exchange. The exchange behavior of these six residues closely matches that observed in the multi-turn segment, consistent with a more extensive conformational process. These six core residues exhibit a much weaker temperature dependence of exchange in the (14-33(Pf)) Cp hybrid, similar to that observed for the multi-turn segment in its parental Pf rubredoxin. These results suggest that differential temperature dependence of flexibility can underlie variations in thermostability observed for mesophile versus hyperthermophile homologs.  相似文献   
Curvature and flexibility are structural properties of central importance to genome function. However, due to the difficulties in finding suitable experimental conditions, methods for studying one without the interference of the other have proven to be difficult. We propose a new approach that provides a measure of inherent flexibility of DNA by taking advantage of two powerful techniques, X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Both techniques are able to detect local curvature on DNA fragments but, while the first analyzes DNA in the solid state, the second works on DNA in solution. Comparison of the two data sets allowed us to calculate the relative contribution to flexibility of the three rotations and three translations, which relate successive base pair planes for the ten different dinucleotide steps. These values were then used to compute the variation of flexibility along a given nucleotide sequence. This allowed us to validate the method experimentally through comparisons with maps of local fluctuations in DNA molecule trajectory constructed from atomic force microscopy imaging in solution. We conclude that the six dinucleotide-step parameters defined here provide a powerful tool for the exploration of DNA structure and, consequently will make an important contribution to our understanding of DNA-sequence-dependent biological processes.  相似文献   
A flexible approach for understanding protein stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A distance constraint model (DCM) is presented that identifies flexible regions within protein structure consistent with specified thermodynamic condition. The DCM is based on a rigorous free energy decomposition scheme representing structure as fluctuating constraint topologies. Entropy non-additivity is problematic for naive decompositions, limiting the success of heat capacity predictions. The DCM resolves non-additivity by summing over independent entropic components determined by an efficient network-rigidity algorithm. A minimal 3-parameter DCM is demonstrated to accurately reproduce experimental heat capacity curves. Free energy landscapes and quantitative stability-flexibility relationships are obtained in terms of global flexibility. Several connections to experiment are made.  相似文献   
We present a protein engineering analysis of the fibrillation of a protein from a thermophilic organism, the 101 residue S6 from Thermus thermophilus. When agitated, S6 fibrillates at pH 2.0 in 0.4 M NaCl. Under these solvent conditions, S6 has native-like secondary structure and also unfolds and refolds cooperatively. However, its tertiary structure appears to be more plastic than at neutral pH, and some regions of the protein may be partially unstructured. At 42 degrees C, there is a lag phase of several days after which fibrillation takes place over several hours. Data from the fibrillation behaviour of a comprehensive series of single and double mutants of S6 suggests that several factors control the onset of fibrillation. Firstly, there appears to be a contiguous region of "gatekeeper" residues that inhibit fibrillation, since their truncation significantly reduces the duration of the lag phase. This region overlaps extensively with the partially unstructured region of the protein, suggesting that residues with enhanced flexibility and solvent-accessibility are important for the initiation of fibrillation. Secondly, longer lag phases correlate with faster rates of unfolding. We interpret this to mean that kinetic stability also controls fibrillation but in the sense that the quasi-native state, rather than the denatured state, is the species that participates in nucleation. This implies that fibrillation can also occur from a quasi-native state as opposed to an ensemble of highly fluctuating structures, and highlights the delicate balance between flexibility and structure required to form organized assemblies of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   
A database of the structural properties of all 32,896 unique DNA octamer sequences has been calculated, including information on stability, the minimum energy conformation and flexibility. The contents of the database have been analysed using a variety of Euclidean distance similarity measures. A global comparison of sequence similarity with structural similarity shows that the structural properties of DNA are much less diverse than the sequences, and that DNA sequence space is larger and more diverse than DNA structure space. Thus, there are many very different sequences that have very similar structural properties, and this may be useful for identifying DNA motifs that have similar functional properties that are not apparent from the sequences. On the other hand, there are also small numbers of almost identical sequences that have very different structural properties, and these could give rise to false-positives in methods used to identify function based on sequence alignment. A simple validation test demonstrates that structural similarity can differentiate between promoter and non-promoter DNA. Combining structural and sequence similarity improves promoter recall beyond that possible using either similarity measure alone, demonstrating that there is indeed information available in the structure of double-helical DNA that is not readily apparent from the sequence.  相似文献   
The histone-like protein HU from Escherichia coli is involved in DNA compaction and in processes such as DNA repair and recombination. Its participation in these events is reflected in its ability to bend DNA and in its preferred binding to DNA junctions and DNA with single-strand breaks. Deinococcus radiodurans is unique in its ability to reconstitute its genome from double strand breaks incurred after exposure to ionizing radiation. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), we show that D.radiodurans HU (DrHU) binds preferentially only to DNA junctions, with half-maximal saturation of 18 nM. In distinct contrast to E.coli HU, DrHU does not exhibit a marked preference for DNA with nicks or gaps compared to perfect duplex DNA, nor is it able to mediate circularization of linear duplex DNA. These unexpected properties identify DrHU as the first member of the HU protein family not to serve an architectural role and point to its potential participation in DNA recombination events. Our data also point to a mechanism whereby differential target site selection by HU proteins is achieved and suggest that the substrate specificity of HU proteins should be expected to vary as a consequence of their individual capacity for inducing the required DNA bend.  相似文献   
State of the art molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the structure, dynamics, molecular interaction properties and flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes in aqueous solution. Special attention is paid to the deformability of both types of structures, revisiting concepts on the relative flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes. Our simulations strongly suggest that the concepts of flexibility, rigidity and deformability are much more complex than usually believed, and that it is not always true that DNA is more flexible than RNA.  相似文献   
Evolutionary selection ensures specificity and efficiency in dynamic metastable macromolecular machines that repair DNA damage without releasing toxic and mutagenic intermediates. Here we examine non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) as the primary conserved DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair process in human cells. NHEJ has exemplary key roles in networks determining the development, outcome of cancer treatments by DSB‐inducing agents, generation of antibody and T‐cell receptor diversity, and innate immune response for RNA viruses. We determine mechanistic insights into NHEJ structural biochemistry focusing upon advanced small angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) results combined with X‐ray crystallography (MX) and cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM). SAXS coupled to atomic structures enables integrated structural biology for objective quantitative assessment of conformational ensembles and assemblies in solution, intra‐molecular distances, structural similarity, functional disorder, conformational switching, and flexibility. Importantly, NHEJ complexes in solution undergo larger allosteric transitions than seen in their cryo‐EM or MX structures. In the long‐range synaptic complex, X‐ray repair cross‐complementing 4 (XRCC4) plus XRCC4‐like‐factor (XLF) form a flexible bridge and linchpin for DNA ends bound to KU heterodimer (Ku70/80) and DNA‐PKcs (DNA‐dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit). Upon binding two DNA ends, auto‐phosphorylation opens DNA‐PKcs dimer licensing NHEJ via concerted conformational transformations of XLF‐XRCC4, XLF–Ku80, and LigIVBRCT–Ku70 interfaces. Integrated structures reveal multifunctional roles for disordered linkers and modular dynamic interfaces promoting DSB end processing and alignment into the short‐range complex for ligation by LigIV. Integrated findings define dynamic assemblies fundamental to designing separation‐of‐function mutants and allosteric inhibitors targeting conformational transitions in multifunctional complexes.  相似文献   
Many mammals have brains substantially larger than expected for their body size, but the reasons for this remain ambiguous. Enlarged brains are metabolically expensive and require elongated developmental periods, and so natural selection should have favoured their evolution only if they provide counterbalancing advantages. One possible advantage is facilitating the construction of behavioural responses to unusual, novel or complex socio‐ecological challenges. This buffer effect should increase survival rates and favour a longer reproductive life, thereby compensating for the costs of delayed reproduction. Here, using a global database of 493 species, we provide evidence showing that mammals with enlarged brains (relative to their body size) live longer and have a longer reproductive lifespan. Our analysis supports and extends previous findings, accounting for the possible confounding effects of other life history traits, ecological and dietary factors, and phylogenetic autocorrelation. Thus, these findings provide support for the hypothesis that mammals counterbalance the costs of affording large brains with a longer reproductive life.  相似文献   
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to characterize the structure and interactions of clathrin triskelia. Time sequence images of individual, wet triskelia resting on mica surfaces clearly demonstrate conformational fluctuations of the triskelia. AFM of dried samples yields images having nanometric resolution comparable to that obtainable by electron microscopy of shadowed samples. Increased numbers of triskelion dimers and assembly intermediates, as well as structures having dimensions similar to those of clathrin cages, are observed when the triskelia were immersed in a low salt, low pH buffer. These entities have been quantified by AFM protein volume computation.

Structured summary

MINT-7299119, MINT-7299136:Clathrin (uniprotkb:P49951) and Clathrin (uniprotkb:P49951) bind (MI:0407) by atomic force microscopy (MI:0872)  相似文献   
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