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Rearing larvae of Ips calligraphus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in bolts of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii, with thin (TN; 0.5–1.5 mm) phloem (inner bark) relative to adult beetle body width significantly reduced body weight and lipid content of emerging adults compared with thick (TK; 2.5–3.5 mm) phloem-reared adults. Unmated (pre-nuptial) TK beetles averaged 2-fold longer daily and life-time flight duration than TN beetles. Daily flights were highly variable, averaging <20 min (longest daily flight=173 min). TK and TN beetles initiated flight, and the greatest number flew, on the first or second day after emergence form their rearing bolt; % of beetles flying and survival gradually declined to zero by day 9. Males (both TK and TN) averaged 2.5 days of flight, ca. 1 day longer than females. Fliers lived ca. 2-fold longer than non-fliers. Among TK and TN fliers, significant but weak positive correlations occurred between body weight and lifetime flight duration. Poor correlation between lifetime flight duration and longevity suggests little physiological cost to flight, but effects on fecundity were not assessed. Flight by mated, egg-laying (post-nuptial) beetles was substantially delayed (peaking on day 6), suggesting degeneration and subsequent regeneration of flight muscles.
Résumé Le comportement de vol d'Ips calligraphus GERMAR (Scolytidae) a été examiné au laboratoire par une technique de vol captif. La génération parentale avait été artificiellement introduite, suivant la taille des adultes (1,6 à 2,1 mm) dans des morceaux de Pinus elliottii Engelm. variété elliottii au phloeme épais (TK=2,5 à 3,5 mm) ou fin (TN=0,5 à 1,5 mm) les larves se sont développées dans ces morceaux de pin. Le poids et la teneur en lipide des adultes obtenus à partir de TN étaient significativement inférieure à ceux de TK. Le poids des mâles les plus gros a été plus réduit que celui des femelles; les mâles les plus petits semblaient être moins efficaces dans l'initiation des attaques sur les arbres, et les femelles les plus petites ont eu une fécondité réduite.Les durées de vol quotidiennes pendant la vie des mâles TK vierges étaient en moyenne deux fois plus longues que celles des mâles TN. Les durées de vol quotidiennes étaient très variables: en moyenne moins de 20 minutes, mais la plus longue a été de 173 mn. En moyennes les adultes TN et TK ont commencé à voler, et volaient en plus grand nombre, le premier et le second jour après l'émergence. Ensuite la fréquence d'adultes volants et le pourcentage de surviveants, ont graduellement diminué jusqu'à tomber à zéro le neuvième jour. Les mâles TN et TK avaient des vols quotidiens plus longs et volaient environ 1 jour de plus que les femelles. L'activité de vol accrue des mâles reflète leur besoin de trouver dans la nature des arbres convenables; les vols des femelles peuvent généralement être plus brefs, étant plus directement orientés comme une réponse aux phéromones mâles.Les voiliers ont vécu environ 2 fois plus longtemps que les non-voiliers. Parmi les voiliers TK et TN il y avait une corrélation positive étroite entre le poids du corps et la durée totale des vols. Il n'y en a qu'une faible corrélation entre cette durée totale des vols et la longévité, suggérant un faible coût physiologique du vol. L'influence de cette durée des vols et du prélèvement consécutif de lipides sur la fécondité n'a pas été examinée. L'initiation au vol chez les individus fécondés a été sérieusement retardée (maximum le sixième jour) par rapport aux vierges, ce qui suggère un dégénérescence des muscles du vol associée à la reproduction, suivie d'une régénération importante, comme cela a été signalé chez d'autres Scolytes.Ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension des facteurs conditionnant le comportement de vol et d'autres aspects fondamentaux de la biologie des insectes des pins. Une telle connaissance est nécessaire au développement d'une politique efficace de protection.
Tannin-rich extracts were painted on leaves of Q. emoryi (Fagaceae) that contained first instar larvae of a leaf miner, Cameraria sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Agrifoliella group), to test the role of tannins in increasing parasitism, while controlling for changes in protein content and physical damage. Miners from leaves that were treated with tannins had higher rates of parasitism by hymenopterans, but decreased mortality from other causes. The negative and positive effects of tannins balanced since overall larval survivorship was equivalent for leaf miners on tannin-enriched and control leaves. The tannin-rich extract also affected larval development because pupal weight was decreased for leaf miners in treated leaves. Tannins can have both adverse and beneficial effects on these phytophagous insects.
Résumé Des extraits riches en tanins ont été étalés sur des feuilles de Quercus emoryi contenant des chenilles de ler stade de Cameraria sp., pour contrôler l'influence du tanin dans l'accroissement du parasitisme sans modifier la teneur en protéines ni provoquer de dommages physiques. Les mineuses de feuilles traitées avaient des taux plus élevés de parasitisme par les hyménoptères, mais une diminution des autres causes de mortalité. Les effets négatifs et positifs des tanins se sont équilibrés, puisque la survie des mineuses était la même pour les feuilles traitées que pour les témoins. Les extraits riches en tanin ont agi sur le développement larvaire puisque le poids des chrysalides des mineuses de feuilles traitées était plus faible. Les tanins peuvent ainsi avoir des effets nuisibles et bénéfiques sur ces insectes phytophages.
The circadian movement of the lamina of primary leaves of Phaseolus coccineus L. is mediated by antagonistic changes in the length of the extensor and flexor cells of the laminar pulvinus. The cortex of the pulvinus is a concentric structure composed of hexagonal disc-like cells, arranged in longitudinal rows around the central stele. Observations with polarization optics indicate that the cellulose microfibrils are oriented in a hoop-like fashion in the longitudinal walls of the motor cells. This micellation is the structural basis of the anisotropic properties of the cells: tangential sections of the extensor and flexor placed in hypotonic mannitol solutions showed changes only in length. As a consequence a linear correlation between length and volume was found in these sections. Based on the relationship between the water potential (which is changed by different concentrations of mannitol) and the relative volume of the sections and on the osmotic pressure at 50% incipient plasmolysis, osmotic diagrams were constructed for extensor and flexor tissues (cut during night position of the pulvinus). The bulk moduli of extensibility, , were estimated from these diagrams. Under physiological conditions the values were rather low (in extensor tissue below 10 bar, in flexor tissue between 10 to 15 bar), indicating a high extensibility of the longitudinal walls of the motor cells. They are strongly dependent on the turgor pressure at the limits of the physiological pressure range.In well-watered plants, the water potentials of the extensor and flexor tissues were surprisingly low,-12 bar and-8 bar, respectively. This means that the cells in situ are by no means fully turgid. On the contrary, the cell volume in situ is similar to the volume at the point of incipient plasmolysis: the cell volumes of extensor and flexor cells in situ were only 1.01 times and 1.1 times larger, respectively, than at the point of incipient plasmolysis, whereas at full turgidity (cells in water) the corresponding factors were 1.8 and 1.5. It is suggested that the high elasticity of the longitudinal walls, the anisotropy of the cell walls, and the low water potential of the sections which is correlated with slightly stretched cell walls in situ, are favourable and effective for converting osmotic work in changes in length of the pulvinus cells, and thus for the up and down movement of the leaf.Symbols volumetric elastic modulus - i instantaneous volumetric elastic modulus - i stationary volumetric elastic modulus - weight-averaged stationary bulk modulus of extensibility - 0 osmotic pressure of the vacuole of a cell at the point of incipient plasmolysis - weight-averaged osmotic pressure of the vacuoles of the tissue at 50% incipient plasmolysis - water potential  相似文献   
The clone DiTat 1.1 of Trypanosoma brucei brucei was injected into four bovids, and clones obtained from successive waves of parasitemia were used to study the expressed variant-specific surface glycoprotein repertoire. Twenty-four clones were obtained which could be classified into 12 different variable antigen types, in addition to the clone injected, using agglutination or immunofluorescence with monospecific antisera. The variable surface glycoproteins of the 25 clones were extracted using the detergent octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside in the presence of the protease inhibitor, N-cbz-L-phenylalaninechloromethylketone. The molecular weights varied from 52,000 to 69,000 and the pI from 5.0 to 8.8. The virulence of 14 clones representing 13 variable antigen types was ascertained in mice. The mean survival time ranged from 20.5 to 43.0 days. Clones isolated from early peaks of parasitemia in the bovid were the most virulent while clones derived from later peaks were less virulent. It seems that organisms of diminishing virulence appear in bovids, leading to self-cure of the disease. All clones were sensitive to human serum in a blood infectivity inhibition test. Antibody against all virulent clones appeared in 20 cattle (10 Zebus, 10 Baoulés) which had been injected with T. brucei DiTat 1.1. There was no evidence for parasites of high or low virulence being preferentially expressed in resistant or sensitive hosts.  相似文献   
Some streams near Dorset in south-central Ontario suffer from acid precipitation via run-off and seepage from thin soils with little buffering capacity. A spring-summer survey of eight headwater streams revealed some characteristics of their insect communities which could be correlated with pH. The streams could be divided into three groups according to pH and community structure. In the most acid group (annual pH range 4.3–4.8), Ephemeroptera were absent from two streams although mature Leptophlebia were collected just after spring thaw from the most acid one (pH 4.3–4.5). One of these three streams also lacked Plecoptera but the others had two or three genera, all shredders. The second group of three streams (pH 5.0–6.3), with one exception, did support Ephemeroptera (3–4 genera) and Plecoptera (1–4 genera), most of the latter being shredders. In all six of these acid streams, Trichoptera were more diverse and more dense than Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera; again, shredders were clearly dominant, especially the limnephilid caddisfly, Frenesia difficilis (Walker). These six streams also had similar chironomid communities (densities were an order of magnitude higher than other insects). Dominance by Chironomini and abundant Tanypodinae typified the most acid streams. In contrast, the two streams in the third group (pH 5.3–6.7) had richer and more balanced communities in general with relatively fewer shredders (no Frenesia), more collectors, and fewer Chironomini and Tanypodinae. As a field experiment showed that autumn-shed leaves decomposed more slowly in acid than in non-acid streams, summer-growing shredders may benefit from the pulse of acidity at snowmelt.  相似文献   
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):170-184
The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) have been characterized using clonal analysis, an approach that provides unequivocal evidence of cell lineage. Our results indicate that the tobacco leaf arises from a group of around 100 cells in the shoot apical meristem. Each of these cells contributes to a unique longitudinal section of the axis and transverse section of the lamina. This pattern of cell lincage indicates that primordial cells contribute more or less equally to the growth of the axis, in contrast to the more traditional view of leaf development in which the leaf is pictured as arising from a group of apical initials. Clones induced prior to the initiation of the lamina demonstrate that the subepidermal layer of the lamina arises from at least six files of cells. Submarginal cells usually divide with their spindles parallel to the margin, and therefore contribute relatively little to the transverse expansion of the lamina. During the expansion of the lamina the orientation and frequency of cell division are highly regulated, as is the duration of meristematic growth. Initially, cell division is polarized so as to produce lineages that are at an oblique angle to the midrib; later cell division is in alternating perpendicular planes. The distribution of clones generated by irradiation at various stages of development indicates that cell division ceases at the tip of the leaf when the leaf is about one tenth its final size, and then ceases in progressively more basal regions of the lamina. Variation in the mutation frequency within the lamina reflects variation in the frequency of mitosis. Prior to the mergence of the leaf the frequency of mutation is maximal near the tip of the leaf and extremely low at its base; after emergence, the frequency of mutation increases at the base of the leaf. In any given region of the lamina the frequency of mutation is highest in interveinal regions, and is relatively low near the margin. Thus, both the orientation and frequency of cell division at the leaf margin indicate that this region plays a minor role in the growth of the lamina.Abbreviation MF mutation frequency  相似文献   
Guatteria, Guatteriopsis, Guatteriella andHeteropetalum share the same conspicuous pollen type which is new for theSpermatophyta. It is zonoaperturate with a folded aperture region and an extremely reduced exine. First chromosome counts and karyotype analyses forGuatteriopsis (4 species investigated) andGuatteriella (1 species) are identical with those ofGuatteria (19 species seen): 2n = 28. The genome is characterized by diploidization and partly telocentric chromosomes. Sequentially Giemsa C- and fluorochrome banded chromosomes and interphase nuclei are described. The cuticular folding pattern is distinct forHeteropetalum only. Growth forms and ecology are reported for many species. The evolutionary pattern of theGuatteria group is discussed and compared with other genera and families.  相似文献   
An indole 2,3-dioxygenase was purified ca 38-fold from maize leaves. The enzyme had an MW of about 98000, an optimum pH of 5.0 and the energy of activation was 9.1 kcal/mol. The Kmax for indole was 1.4 × 10?4 M. The enzyme was inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate, salicylaldoxime and sodium dithionite. The inhibition by diethyldithiocarbamate was specifically reversed by Cu2+. The dialysed enzyme was stimulated by Cu2+. Four atoms of oxygen were utilized in the disappearance of 1 mole of indole. Inhibition of the enzyme by -SH compounds and -SH group inhibitors, and their partial removal by Cu2+ only, suggested the involvement of -SH groups in binding of Cu2+ at the catalytic site.  相似文献   
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