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The kinetics of NADH oxidation by the outer membrane electron transport system of intact beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) mitochondria were investigated. Very different values for Vmax and the Km for NADH were obtained when either antimycin A-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c activity (Vmax= 31 ± 2.5 nmol cytochrome c (mg protein)?1 min?1; Km= 3.1 ± 0.8 μM) or antimycin A-insensitive NADH-ferricyanide activity (Vmax= 1.7 ± 0.7 μmol ferricyanide (mg protein)?1 min?1; Km= 83 ± 20 μM) were measured. As ferricyanide is believed to accept electrons closer to the NADH binding site than cytochrome c, it was concluded that 83 ± 20 μM NADH represented a more accurate estimate of the binding affinity of the outer membrane dehydrogenase for NADH. The low Km determined with NADH-cytochrome c activity may be due to a limitation in electron flow through the components of the outer membrane electron transport chain. The Km for NADH of the externally-facing inner membrane NADH dehydrogenase of pea leaf (Pisum sativum L. cv. Massey Gem) mitochondria was 26.7 ± 4.3 μM when oxygen was the electron acceptor. At an NADH concentration at which the inner membrane dehydrogenase should predominate, the Ca2+ chelator, ethyleneglycol-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), inhibited the oxidation of NADH through to oxygen and to the ubiquinone-10 analogues, duroquinone and ubiquinone-1, but had no effect on the antimycin A-insensitive ferricyanide reduction. It is concluded that the site of action of Ca2+ involves the interaction of the enzyme with ubiquinone and not with NADH.  相似文献   
Buoyancy effect on forced convection in the leaf boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Mixed convection (forced convection plus free convection) in the leaf boundary layer was examined by air flow visualization and by evaluation of the boundary layer conductance at different leaf-air temperature differences ( T L- T A) under low wind velocities. The visualized air flow was found to become more unstable and buoyant at higher T L- T A. An ascending longitudinal plume was induced along the upper surface, and the air flow along the lower surface ascended after passing the trailing leaf edge. The air flow modified by buoyancy was considered to result in an increase in boundary layer conductance ( G A) for mixed convection, which became higher with higher T L- T A as compared with the conductance for pure forced convection without buoyancy. This increase in G A appeared larger at larger Grashof number (Gr) and at smaller Reynolds number (Re). The dependences of buoyancy effect on Gr and Re were related to 'edge-effects'.  相似文献   
Disks were isolated from young leaves of winter rape plants and grown in vitro at ambient (15°C) or low (2°C) temperatures for two weeks. In the control disks the growth cessation and beginning of chlorophyll degradation were observed after 1 week of culture. In the low-temperature treated disks the expansion of cells was slower than that in the control material but it continued for two weeks and was accompanied by a marked accumulation of dry matter. Practically, no chlorophyll degradation was observed. The low temperature treatment brought about the decrease in the frost killing temperature of the tissue which was associated with its increased capacity to subcool water. A short (18 h) exposure of the cold-grown leaf disks to slight frost (–5°C) increased further their resistance to freezing, despite the fact that the subcooling capacity of disks decreased in result of the treatment. Therefore, the two stages of hardening, observed previously for the whole plants, can also be detected in the isolated material. In the cold-grown disks, a transient accumulation of reducing sugars but a steady decrease in ATP and water-soluble protein contents were observed. These observations indicate that tissue isolation might affect processes involved in the functional adaptation of cells to cold.Abbreviations DTA differential thermal analysis - Tk50 frost killing temperature - Tin ice nucleation temperature  相似文献   
一类阔叶树叶面积的通用公式测算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在观察和测算的基础上,提出了一类阔叶树的叶形方程,并对方程进行积分,求出了计算这类阔叶树叶面积的通用公式。从1980年应用至今证明,用这个通用公式计算这类阔叶树的面积,方便、简捷、精度高,现介绍如下。  相似文献   
禄丰古猿化石地点的植物叶化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1987年,在云南禄丰古猿化石地点D剖面第4层(薄层黑色炭质粘土与灰色细砂互层)发现植物叶部印痕化石,经鉴定属壳斗科绝灭的雷龙潭槲叶(Dryophyllum relongtanense Colani),该种植物常参与组成亚热带至暖温带的常绿阔叶林或常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。  相似文献   
Sink-to-source transition was studied in developing sugarcane (Saccharum interspecific variety L62–96) leaves. Fully-expanded, mature sugarcane leaves were fed 14CO2 for 20 minutes, incorporating about 617 Bq. After five hours the leaves of each plant were cut into 1-cm-length segments that were weighed and then placed in scintillation cocktail for counting. All leaves younger than the leaf fed 14CO2 imported labeled photoassimilate. Three to four leaves had both importing and non-importing regions within the blade and a distinct transition region between them. A transition region was observed in leaves which had expanded to between 30 and 90 % of final blade length. Radioactivity per gram fresh weight was calculated as a measure of sink strength. Sink strength was greatest in the youngest leaf and declined with leaf age. The results of this study indicate that 1) import of photosynthate by developing sugarcane leaves occurs over a longer span of developmental ages than in dicotyledonous leaves and 2) the actual tissue region undergoing transition within such a leaf can be resolved as narrow zone between the importing and non-importing regions.  相似文献   
It is known that few wheat cultivars maintain their resistance to rust diseases for a long period of time, particularly when crop populations become genetically more uniform. A number of genetically diverse, so far unexploited, sources of rust resistance in the natural as well as mutagenized population of wheat cultivars were identified. Several of these genes were placed in agronomically superior well-adapted backgrounds so that they could be used as pre-breeding stocks for introducing genetic diversity for resistance in a crop population. Some of these stocks when employed as parents in several cross combinations in a breeding programme have generated a number of promising cultivars with diversity for resistance.Many presently grown wheats in India, near-isogenic lines each with Lr14b, Lr14ab, Lr30 and certain international cultivars were identified as possessing diverse sources of adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust. Prolonged leaf rust resistance in some of the Indian cultivars was attributed to the likely presence of Lr34 either alone or in combination with other APR components. Tests of allelism carried out in certain cultivars that continue to show adequate levels of field resistance confirm the presence of Lr34, which explains the role that this gene has played in imparting durability for resistance to leaf rust. Also, Lr34 in combination with other APR components increases the levels of resistance, which suggests that combination of certain APR components should be another important strategy for breeding cultivars conferring durable and adequate levels of resistance. A new adult plant leaf rust resistance source that seems to be associated with durability in Arjun has been postulated. Likewise, cultivars possessing Sr2 in combination with certain other specific genes have maintained resistance to stem rust.Further, non-specific resistances that were transferred across widely different genotypes into two of the popular Indian wheats provided easily usable materials to the national breeding programmes for imparting durable resistance to stripe rust.  相似文献   
Variable effects of air-drying on leaching losses from tree leaf litter   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Leaching of soluble substances may be an important first step in leaf litter decomposition in small streams, but recent research has suggested that large leaching losses (up to 30% of initial mass in 48 h) may be an artifact created by using air-dried leaves in decomposition experiments. In laboratory experiments, we compared 3 d leaching losses from freshly fallen and air-dried senescent leaves of 27 tree species from different regions across Canada. Air-dried leaves from all species leached measurable amounts of original mass (3.6–32.8% dry mass), but leaching losses from fresh leaves (0–35%) were detectable in all but two species. Air-drying increased leaching losses in many species, but in others it reduced leaching losses or had no measurable effect. Results for leaves of the same species collected in different regions or in different years were generally similar, but species within the same genus often behaved very differently. Neither moisture content (fresh or air-dried), leaf thickness, nor cuticle thickness proved of any value as predictors of leaching losses or the effect of air-drying. The propensity of autumn-fallen leaves to leach, whether fresh or air-dried, appears to be a property of the individual tree species.  相似文献   
We studied leaflet anatomy, emphasizing secretory structures, from herbarium specimens of 128 species of 44 genera of tribeCaesalpinieae, using clearings, resin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. These observations, combined with those from our three earlier papers, provide a survey of 210 species representing all genera. Seventy-three species had secretory structures: 21 had glands or gland-like trichomes, 40 had living mesophyll idioblasts, and nine had cavities (three species each had two different types). Five additional species, all inCercidium (Caesalpinia group), had paired or clustered large spheroidal, thick-walled, empty cells (veinlet idioblasts) interconnected by perforation plate-like gaps. Secretory structures have systematic significance at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
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