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Stone loach and bullhead were given a choice of Chironomus and Asellus prey in experiments using solitary fish and fish in company. Solitary fish ate more than fish in company. The effect of light and substratum type on feeding was investigated. Both species ate more prey items on gravel than silt when a significant difference was observed. Bullhead ate more than loach in the light on both substrata. The only experiment in which loach ate more than bullhead was on a silt substratum in the dark. It is concluded that these two species utilise different components of the available food resources in chalk streams by adopting different habitats.  相似文献   
The salinity tolerances of four species of small fishes native to the Murray-Darling river system were measured. Slow acclimation LD50s were 43.7 ± 1.7 g L−1 for Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum Gunther, 38.0 ± 1.1 g L−1 for Hypseleotris klunzingeri (Ogilby), 58.7 ± 0.9 g L−1 for Retropinna semoni (Weber), and 29.8 ± 0.7 g L−1 for Melanotaenia splendida (Castelnau). The salinity tolerance of M. splendida was also measured by direct transfer, providing an estimated LD50 (infinite exposure time) of 20.8 g L−1, ∼ 70% of the slow acclimation value. Results suggest that at least adults of the species studied are under no threat from present or foreseeable salinities in the Murray River.  相似文献   
The major 24- and 28-kDa glycoproteins in shark PNS and CNS myelin express high levels of the adhesion-associated HNK-1/L2 carbohydrate epitope. The 28-kDa protein, but not the 24-kDa protein, cross-reacts strongly with one of two anti-bovine P0 antisera not previously tested against fish myelin proteins. Shark PNS and CNS myelin also contains smaller amounts of high-molecular-weight HNK-1-positive proteins, including a prominent broad band in the 65-85-kDa range. Although myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is well known to react with HNK-1 in some mammals, monoclonal and polyclonal anti-MAG antibodies did not react with the high-molecular-weight HNK-1-positive material in shark myelin, a result suggesting that it is not a MAG-like protein. The high expression of the HNK-1/L2 epitope in glycoproteins of shark myelin, including the major P0-related ones, suggests that this adhesion-related carbohydrate structure may have had an important role in the molecular evolution of the myelinating process.  相似文献   
草鱼血液学的研究:Ⅱ.血清电解质和尿素氮的周年变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了草鱼稚鱼血清钾、钠、钙、氯、无机磷和尿素氮含量的周年变动规律,分析了水温、体重对上述血液化学成分的影响。结果显示其周年变动无一定规律性可循。血清钠、氯变动辐度较小,无机磷和尿素氮变动幅度较大,幅值约有4倍。水温与血清钾显示正相关(P≤0.05),与钠、钙显示负相关(P≤0.01,P≤0.05)。血清钠、尿素氮有随体重增加含量增高的趋势,而钾却显著减少。  相似文献   
Bagge  P.  Hakkari  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):413-420
The fish fauna of the stony littoral in the central parts of L. Päijänne was studied by electric fishing on four occasions during 1988–1989. Ten fish species and 1681 individuals (14.5 kg) were caught in the 15 fishing sites (4096 m2) which gives a mean density of 0.41 ind. m–2 and biomass of 3.5 gm–2. Effluent from two large paper mills causes a clear zonation of the fish fauna in the area. In the most polluted shores, only burbot and perch occurred regularly and the reproduction of other species was inhibited. In the semipolluted area (5–15 km from the Kaipola paper mill), burbot and stone loach occurred regularly, but owing to low numbers of perch and bullhead the total densities were usually low.The clean shores were characterized by an abundance of stone loach and bullhead and locally also of minnow, which seemed to be very sensitive to pollution. The strong floods during summer 1988 had positive effects on the reproduction of perch and pike, but the densities of other species were highest during the normal water level in autumn 1989.  相似文献   
Summary The release of substance P-like immunoreactive material (SPLI) from the vascularly perfused stomach of the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was studied. In most cases, SPLI was detected in the collected vascular perfusate during experimental resting conditions. Distensions of the stomach, accomplished by a water-filled intragastric balloon, produced an initial rapid relaxation of the stomach, followed by a slow further relaxation and a stimulation of contractile activity. The amount of SPLI in the vascular perfusate was significantly elevated during the distension period. Tetrodotoxin had no effect on the response to distension or on the release of SPLI during distension, indicating release from tetrodotoxin-insensitive neurons or endocrine cells. The results suggest that a substance P-like peptide may be involved in the contractile response and/or in the maintenance of muscular tone during gastric distensions in the rainbow trout. Infusion of capsaicin had no effect on the release of SPLI. However, capsaicin caused an increase in vascular flow, an effect that could be repeated on a second infusion of capsaicin, indicating that the action may not be specific to sensory neurons.Abbreviations 5-HT 5-Hydroxytryptamine - RIA radioimmunoassay - SP substance P - SPLI substance P-like immunoreactive material - TTX tetrodotoxin  相似文献   
The electric fish, Eigenmannia, will smoothly shift the frequency of its electric organ discharge away from an interfering electric signal. This shift in frequency is called the jamming avoidance response (JAR). In this article, we analyze the behavioral development of the JAR and the anatomical development of structures critical for the performance of the JAR. The JAR first appears when juvenile Eigenmannia are approximately 1 month old, at a total length of 13–18 mm. We have found that the establishment of much of the sensory periphery and of central connections precedes the onset of the JAR. We describe three aspects of the behavioral development of the JAR: (a) the onset and development of the behavior is closely correlated with size, not age; (b) the magnitude (in Hz) of the JAR increases with size until the juveniles display values within the adult range (10–20 Hz) at a total length of 25–30 mm; and (3) the JAR does not require prior experience or exposure to electrical signals. Raised in total electrical isolation from the egg stage, animals tested at a total length of 25 mm performed a correct JAR when first exposed to the stimulus. We examine the development of anatomical areas important for the performance of the JAR: the peripheral electrosensory system (mechano- and electroreceptors and peripheral nerves); and central electrosensory pathways and nuclei [the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), the lateral lemniscus, the torus semicircularis, and the pacemaker nucleus]. The first recognizable structures in the developing electrosensory system are the peripheral neurites of the anterior lateral line nerve. The afferent nerves are established by day 2, which is prior to the formation of receptors in the epidermis. Thus, the neurites wait for their targets. This sequence of events suggests that receptor formation may be induced by innervation of primordial cells within the epidermis. Mechanoreceptors are first formed between day 3 and 4, while electroreceptors are first formed on day 7. Electroreceptor multiplication is observed for the first time at an age of 25 days and correlates with the onset of the JAR. The somata of the anterior lateral line nerve ganglion project afferents out to peripheral electroreceptors and also send axons centrally into the ELL. The first electroreceptive axons invade the ELL by day 6, and presumably a rough somatotopic organization and segmentation within the ELL may arise as early as day 7. Axonal projections from the ELL to the torus develop after day 18. Within the torus semicircularis, giant cells are necessary for the performance of the JAR. Giant cell numbers increase exponentially during development and the onset of the JAR coincides with a minimum of at least 150 giant cells and the attainment of a total length of at least 15 mm and at least 150 giant cells. Pacemaker and relay cells comprise the adult Eigenmannia pacemaker nucleus. The growth and differentiation of these cell types also correlates with the onset of the JAR in developing animals. We describe a gradual improvement of sensory abilities, as opposed to an explosive onset of the mature JAR. We further suggest that this may be a rule common in most developing behavioral systems. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In September 1987 the shallow, eutrophic, Lake Mosvatn was treated with rotenone to eliminate planktivorous fish (mainly whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, L.), and the effects were studied. The first summer after treatment the zooplankton community changed markedly from rotifer dominance and few grazers, to a community with few rotifers and many grazers. Accordingly there was a fivefold increase in the biomass ofDaphnia galeata. Adult females ofD. galeata approximately doubled in weight. The decrease in rotifer biomass was probably mainly due to a loss of food by competition with the daphnids. The phytoplankton community was also markedly affected. Prior to treatment Secchi depth was 1.7 m and Chl-a 23μg l−1 in the summer. After treatment there was an increase in the proportion of small and gelatinous algae and the mean chlorophyll concentration fell to 7μg Chl-a l−1. Secchi depth increased to>2.3 m (bottom-sight most of the season). After the treatment there were also fewer cyanobacterial blooms. This seems to be related to oligotrophication caused indirectly by increased grazing by the zooplankton. Total nutrient concentrations were affected. Prior to treatment the mean summer concentration of total phosphate was 44μg P l−1. This decreased to 29μg P l−1 in the first summer and 23μg P l−1 the second summer after the treatment. Total nitrogen decreased from 0.68 mg N l−1 before treatment to 0.32 mg N l−1 the first summer after the treatment. The phosphate loading was not reduced, therefor it can be concluded that the fish removal provided a biomanipulation which caused the more oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   
We describe selected aspects of the ecology of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in tide pools of an inland salt marsh near L'Isle-Verte, Québec along the southern shore of the St. Lawrence estuary. E. affinis performed daily horizontal migrations moving from the centers of pools to the banks and into dense algae. Male E. affinis were mainly found in the center of the pools during twilight (21 : 00 hrs) and in dense algae in daylight (12: 00 hrs) whereas most females and copepodites were found near the banks at all three sampling periods. Although these daily movements among sites may have minimized predation by diurnally foraging sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae), other explanations for the movements can not be excluded. We also quantified the effects of fish predation upon the population structure of E. affinis. Densities of all stages (nauplius, copepodite, adult) were significantly lower in pools with fish than in pools without fish. Female E. affinis were significantly smaller (mean length) in pools with fish than in pools without fish, indicating that the sticklebacks selectively ate larger females. Male-biased sex ratios were found in both types of pools, which excluded the possibility that biased ratios in this species are caused by selective predation upon the females.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrate density, biomass and drift were studied from moss-covered and moss-free channels in the South Fork Salmon River, Idaho. Insect densities were compared for 10 different substrate types and locations involving moss (Fontinalis neo-mexicana), sand, pebbles and cobbles. An ANOVA test demonstrated that insect densities varied significantly with substrate type (P < 0.05), and that total insect density in moss clumps differed significantly from densities in mineral substrates. Insect densities were 4–18 times greater in moss clumps than in mineral substrates under and adjacent to moss; sands under moss supported the lowest densities. During most tests, densities in pebble and cobble substrates adjacent to moss clumps were not significantly different from those found in similar substrates in the moss-free channel. The 20% moss-covered channel had 1.6 to 7.2 greater insect density and 1.4 to 6.1 greater biomass than did the moss-free channel for the tests conducted. Generally, midges (Chironomidae) made up over 50% of the insect community; annelids were the principal non-insect invertebrates.In spite of greater insect density and biomass in a moss-covered than in the moss-free channel, we did not demonstrate universally increased drift of the immature stages from the moss-covered channel, at least during daylight hours. As a consequence, we infer that salmonid fishes, feeding primarily on drifting insects during the daytime, may not derive increased caloric benefit from moss habitats until the insects emerge as adults.  相似文献   
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