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Examination of the type and frequency of damage to the head of spermatozoa using electron microscopy can be used to evaluate the quality of differently treated sperm. This report describes a systematic approach based on 29 morphological categories of sperm heads assessed from discrete regions in raw, chilled and frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Injury occurred principally at the plasma membrane and could be present or absent in all regions. In the anterior segment, when the plasma membrane is present, it can be intact, dilated, very dilated, disrupted, or contain vesicles characteristic of acrosomal reaction-like capacitation changes. When the plasma membrane is absent, the acrosome may be intact, exhibit a complete loss of contents, or retain some contents of the apical ridge and present a very dilated outer acrosomal membrane. The plasma membrane in the equatorial segment and the boundary between regions can be intact, dilated, very dilated or disrupted. The post-acrosomal plasma membrane is classified as intact, dilated or very dilated, whereas the dense lamina is intact, dilated or fragmented. The morphology of the heads most frequently observed in chilled spermatozoa consists of anterior and equatorial segments with a dilated, or dilated and disrupted plasma membrane; a boundary between regions with an intact and dilated plasma membrane; and a post-acrosomal region with an intact plasma membrane and dense lamina, both dilated. In frozen-thawed spermatozoa, the morphology of the heads is more frequently characterised by no plasma membrane and an acrosome showing complete or some loss of contents in the apical ridge and very dilated outer acrosomal membrane, presenting mostly dilated and fragmented dense lamina in the post-acrosomal region. These findings are consistent with the conclusion that the freezing process produces an increase in the degree of damage to the cells when they are subjected to increasing degrees of cold shock. There are still difficulties in developing a good diluent and process for preserving the plasma membrane in ram spermatozoa. This systematisation, using different categories, allows characterisation of multiple transmission electron microscopy images. Thus, the different changes observed due to cryopreservation may be correlated.  相似文献   
Fish protamines are highly specialized molecules which are responsible for chromatin condensation during the last stages of spermatogenesis (spermiogenesis). However, not all fish contain protamines in their sperm nuclei; rather, there seems to be a random distribution of protamines within this group. The origin of this sporadic presence of protamines in the sperm and its significance have not yet been precisely determined. In this paper we have conducted an exhaustive survey of the literature available on the different types of nuclear protein composition of the sperm of teleost fish in order to try to correlate these data with what is presently known about the taxonomy of this group. The results of this analysis have allowed us to make the following observations. The divergence between protamines and histones has occurred several times during the evolution of the bony fish. However, the relative frequency of this divergence is almost negligible during the differentiation of genera and species (intrafamily variation) and is very small during the differentiation of families (interfamily variation). Nevertheless, the divergence is very noticeable among the different orders. It is therefore possible to conclude from all this that the sporadic distribution of protamines in bony fish is not a random event as initially believed. Furthermore, such a heterogeneous distribution of protamines cannot be easily accounted for by a mechanism of horizontal retroviral transmission through repeated and independent acquisition of a prot amine gene as has been recently proposed (Jankowski, Stater, Dixon (1986) J Mol Evol 23:1–10). Rather, it could possibly be explained by a repeated and independent loss of the expression of the protamine gene (or loss of the gene itself) which mainly occurred during the diversification of the orders of this group.Correspondence to: J. Ausio  相似文献   
Comparative Study of Microsporidian Spores by Flow Cytometric Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Spore suspensions of microsporidian parasites of fish (Microsporidium ovoideum, Glugea stephani, Glugea atherinae and Spraguea lophii ) have been analyzed by flow cytometry. Spore nuclei were dyed either by propidium iodide or bis-benzimide (Hoechst 33342). By observation of forward light scatter and fluorescence the four species could be distinguished and the mono- and diplokaryotic populations of S. lophii identified. Staining of DNA by bis-benzimide was better and easier than propidium iodide. Forward light scatter and fluorescence values were characteristic of each species and remained unchanged throughout the year, so flow cytometry can be used for distinction of spores of some microsporidian parasites once their flow cytometric parameters are known. However, special care has to be taken in tool calibration and material preparation for analysis because of the high precision of the technique.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Kudoa branchiata sp. n. (Myxosporidea: Chloromyxidae) is described from the gills of the marine sciaenid fish, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède, from Clear Lake, Texas. Twelve of the 429 hosts examined from 10 September 1970 to 28 April 1971, were infected. Eight of the 12 infected fish were collected in February and March 1971—a period during which only 13% of the total host sample was taken. The mean total length of infected hosts was 149 mm, with a range of 112–185 mm. The mean number of myxosporidean cysts per infected host was 3.5, with a range of 1–11.  相似文献   
The diets of the most conspicuous reef‐fish species from northern Patagonia, the carnivorous species Pseudopercis semifasciata, Acanthistius patachonicus, Pinguipes brasilianus and Sebastes oculatus were studied. Pinguipes brasilianus had the narrowest diet and most specialized feeding strategy, preying mostly on reef‐dwelling organisms such as sea urchins, limpets, bivalves, crabs and polychaetes. The diet of A. patachonicus was characterized by the presence of reef and soft‐bottom benthic organisms, mainly polychaetes, crabs and fishes. Pseudopercis semifasciata showed the broadest spectrum of prey items, preying upon reef, soft‐bottom and transient organism (mainly fishes, cephalopods and crabs). All S. oculatus guts were empty, but stable‐isotope analyses suggested that this species consumed small fishes and crabs. In general, P. brasilianus depended on local prey populations and ate different reef‐dwelling prey than the other species. Pseudopercis semifasciata, A. patachonicus and probably S. oculatus, however, had overlapping trophic niches and consumed resources from adjacent environments. The latter probably reduces the importance of food as a limiting resource for these reef‐fish populations, facilitating their coexistence in spite of their high trophic overlap.  相似文献   
Summary The impact of water diversion on fish populations is a global issue. Many countries have invested substantial funding into research and implementation strategies to ensure fish are protected at diversions that take water out of rivers for agriculture and other human uses. The most common management action is the installation of fish screens, and a wide range of designs are presently available that suit a large range of diversions. The Murray–Darling Basin is the largest catchment in Australia and has been substantially developed over the past 100 years to store and divert water for that protect fish from escaping into the irrigation systems. Recent studies have determined that water diversions have substantial impacts on native fish populations, but there are presently no coordinated efforts for mitigation strategies. The purpose of this review is to highlight aspects of successful screening programmes worldwide and identify those that could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. The development of similar programmes in the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has identified that sufficient information and technology exists to inform the development of fish screening programmes. There is no need to commence implementation from first principles, and substantial progress can be achieved by applying successful aspects of other programmes. By identifying existing designs, defining ecological targets, developing generalised guidelines appropriate for local conditions and engaging the community, a co‐ordinated and successful fish screening programme could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. This would have substantial benefits for the long‐term sustainability of native fish without compromising water supply requirements.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in fish is the result of long-term biomagnification in the food chain and is of public concern, due to the toxicity they engender. The objective of this research was to determine the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in 13 species of marine fish broadly commercialized in Aracaju, SE, Brazil and to evaluate the risks of fish consumption associated with these trace elements, using the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ). As, Cd, and Pb levels were measured with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and mercury was analyzed via cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicate a large variability in concentrations for arsenic (0.07–2.03?mg kg–1) and mercury (0.01–1.44?mg kg–1), associated with the animal dietary category. Cadmium (0.04–0.19?mg kg–1) and lead (<0.01–0.45?mg kg–1), on the other hand showed a mild variability. None of the evaluated specimens had As, Cd, and Pb THQ values higher than 1. The THQ values for mercury were higher but indicated no consumption risk, except for amberjack, and snook fish. Overall THQ indicates lower risk of consumption in fish that are at the base of the food chain, than in those that are top predators.  相似文献   
Aim To study (1) the large-scale distribution patterns of freshwater fishes in the Western Ghats of India; (2) the endemism and uniqueness of the fishes in various zones; and (3) the threat status of fishes by categorizing them under low risk (LR), vulnerable (VU), endangered (EN) and critically endangered (CR). Location The Western Ghats of India. Methods The scientific literature describing the freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats was reviewed. Data describing the lists of the species were extracted and complied. The species accumulation curve was plotted using Michaelis–Menten-like equation. The Western Ghats was divided into six zones and similarity of the species was calculated using Jacquard's index. Results Literature to date records 288 species belonging to 12 orders, 41 families and 109 genera, of which 118 species are endemic and 51 are unique. However, the species accumulation curve shows that there might be 345 species in this region, indicating that 16% species have not been recorded to date. An analysis of the distribution pattern of fishes in the Western Ghats suggests that the southern region is more diverse than the northern and central regions. The southern region shows high endemism and high uniqueness while the northern region shows high endemism but less uniqueness. The similarity index between the zones indicates that as the distance between the zones increases similarity decreases. The status of 105 of 288 species was not known due to data deficiency but among the remaining 183 species, 58 species were categorized as LR, 41 as VU, 54 as EN, 24 as CR while the remaining six species were introduced. Conclusions The distribution patterns of fishes in the Western Ghats are discussed in accordance with the geography of Western Ghats, its climatic conditions and ‘Satpura Hypothesis’. The threat status of fishes found in Western Ghats suggests that at least 41% of fish fauna is threatened by either being VU, EN or CR. Implication of potent conservation measures is necessary to conserve the fish fauna of Western Ghats.  相似文献   
Sexually selected male ejaculate traits are expected to depend on the resource state of males. Theory predicts that males in good condition will produce larger ejaculates, but that ejaculate composition will depend on the relative production costs of ejaculate components and the risk of sperm competition experienced by low- and high-condition males. Under some conditions, when low condition leads to poorer performance in sperm competition, males in low condition may produce ejaculates with higher sperm content relative to their total ejaculate and may even transfer more sperm than high-condition males in an absolute sense. Previous studies in insects have shown that males in good condition transfer larger ejaculates or more sperm, but it has not been clear whether increased sperm content represents a shift in allocation or simply a larger ejaculate, and thus the condition dependence of ejaculate composition has been largely untested. We examined condition dependence in ejaculate by manipulating adult male condition in a ladybird beetle (Adalia bipunctata) in which males transfer three distinct ejaculate components during mating: sperm, non-sperm ejaculate retained within the female reproductive tract, and a spermatophore capsule that females eject and ingest following mating. We found that high condition males indeed transferred larger ejaculates, potentially achieved by an increased rate of ejaculate transfer, and allocated less to sperm compared with low-condition males. Low-condition males transferred ejaculates with absolutely and proportionally more sperm. This study provides the first experimental evidence for a condition-dependent shift in ejaculate composition.  相似文献   
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