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无眼金线鲃及其性状演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
无眼金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus anophthalmus是继我国个旧盲条鳅、无眼平鳅、裸腹盲鲃之后发现的第四种盲鱼。与近似种小孔金线鲃相比,该新种侧线鳞较少。由于它长期生活在黑暗的石灰岩溶洞之中,引起某些性状的适应性变异:眼睛消失;体无色素;鳞片退化,感觉器官特别发达。形态比较结果表明,无眼金线鲃是类似小孔金线鲃的祖先进入地下伏流后,适应黑暗环境而形成的一个种,为本属鱼类进化过程中的一个特化分支。  相似文献   
The effect of fish predation on Cyclops life cycle   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Papi  `nska  Katarzyna 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):449-453
Two populations of Cyclops abyssorum tatricus studied in neighbouring alpine lakes in Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) differed in their life cycles. In the lake with planktivorous fishes, Cyclops was typically monocyclic, with highly synchronized reproduction during two winter months, while in the fishless lake its reproduction was asynchronous and continued for six months. Direct and indirect effects of fish predation on Cyclops life cycles are discussed.  相似文献   
Population densities and total phosphorus concentrations in samples from different lakes of south-eastern Norway were determined. In addition some transplant experiments with dilute phytoplankton populations were carried out. A laboratory batch culture method was used.The diatoms studied may be divided into three ecological groups based on their cell densities and total phosphorus concentrations in the samples. This classification was supported by the experimental results. Cyclotella spp., Asterionella formosa and Tabellaria fenestrata did not grow or had low growth rates above pH 9. Synedra cf. acus and Fragilaria crontonensis had often high growth rates within the pH 9–10 range, but were not able to grow at pH values above 10. High pH-values had no effect on the growth rate of Oscillatoria. Oscillatoria, Synedra and Stephanodiscus were severely growth-limited in filtered water from oligotrophic lakes. Maximum growth rates of all the populations studied were often obtained after addition of phosphate and chelated iron (FeEDTA) in combination to filtered water samples from oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes.  相似文献   
The migratory movements of reproductive potamodromus fish established in man-made tropical lakes in the dry zone of Sri Lanka were determined. It was shown that the nine indigenous riverine species do not spawn in these lakes but move into the upstream channels when sexually mature. The pattern of upstream movement was found to be species-specific although most species showed a diurnal periodicity. It is suggested that the development of totally lacustrine forms of riverine species is very unlikely to occur in the man-made lakes of Sri Lanka because of their relatively short duration time.  相似文献   
In a two-year-study, the fish community of the Loosdrecht Lakes area was characterized with regard to the professional fishery and the forage base. The lakes are shallow (mean depth 2 m) and eutrophic to hypertrophic. The bream,Abramis brama, dominates the fish biomass. The pikeperch,Stizostedion lucioperca, is the main predator.Bream up to 30 cm have a slow growth rate and are in a bad condition. A faster growth rate and a better condition are shown by bream of 30 cm and more. The small bream feeds on chironomid larvae, benthic cladocerans and zooplankton. The better condition of bream over 30 cm is explained by the more efficient feeding of larger bream onChironomus plumosus larvae. Pikeperch show a fast growth rate and a good condition. Recruitment is limited by the low densities of smelt,Osmerus eperlanus, leaving cannibalism as the most important way for the 0+ pikeperch to become piscivorous and to manifest a fast growth.The impact of the professional gillnet fishery on bream and pikeperch is small because the mesh sizes in use are as large as 75–100 mm bar mesh.The planktivorous 0+ pikeperch consumes mainly the carnivorous zooplanktersLeptodora kindtii and cyclopoids. The zooplankton community lacks large herbivorous species likeDaphnia hyalina, capable of consuming bluegreens. A possible experiment in biomanipulation with a view to find out whether the development ofD.hyalina is depressed by the small planktivorous cyprinids, is predator enhancement with the aid of a stocking programme for indoor-raised 0+ pikeperch in early summer.  相似文献   
Résumé Le problème de la lutte biologique en forêt, par utilisation d'entomophages indigènes, est discuté dans le cas d'un hyménoptère, le diprion du pin,Diprion pini L. Des études de dynamique des populations montrent que le schéma de progression spatiale des populations de cet insecte dans le sud du Bassin Parisien semble se renouveler à chaque pullulation. De plus les parasites représentent un véritable “facteur clé”. Leur incidence varie notamment de génération en génération: en faible nombre au début d'une gradation, ils ne peuvent alors en empêcher le développement; mais ensuite leur multiplication assure une régression brutale du ravageur. Dans ces conditions, des interventions assez peu onéreuses et faciles à réaliser, comme de simples transports de matériel parasité pourraient être efficaces; elles supposent toutefois le développement d'un foyer initial d'infestation. En revanche l'élevage d'espèces régulatrices commeAchrysocharella ruforum Krausse etPleolophus basizonus Grav. permettrait d'assurer la préservation permanente des massifs forestiers.
Summary The spatial pattern of insect populations progression in southern “Bassin Parisien”, showed by population dynamics studies, seems to happen again for every outbreak. Parasites are moreover a true “key-factor”. Their effect is quite different from one generation to another one; scarce at the beginning of an outbreak, they cannot stop its evolution; but then, their increase allows a brutal collape of the pest. In such a case, cheap and easily achieved operations as simple carryings of parasited insects may be efficient, but they need the development of a first infestation focus. In return breeding of regulating species asAchrysocharella ruforum Krausse andPleolophus basizonus Grav. would be able to sure forest stands permanently.
G. Bitterlich 《Hydrobiologia》1985,121(2):173-179
The contents of alimentary tracts of stomachless phytoplanktivorous fish, including silvercarp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), Esomus danrica thermoicos, and Amblypharyngodon meletinus were investigated microscopically and compared with those of Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus, a fish with stomach).The predominance of detritus in the food and the low efficiency with which phytoplankton is utilized prove, that stomachless fish are not primarily herbivorous. The possibility of omnivorous feeding as an alternative is discussed. These results may contribute to our understanding of the role of filterfeeders in aquaculture and ecosystems.  相似文献   
Summary The lymphoid organs of rosy barb (Barbus conchonius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) were investigated for their phagocytic uptake of carbon, after its intraperitoneal injection. Carbon handling was similar in both species. It was first detected in the lymphoid organs at 30 min after injection. During the first day, carbon was phagocytized by macrophages situated in the spleen within the ellipsoids and in the red pulp. In head and trunk kidney, carbon was found in macrophages scattered throughout the haemopoietic parenchyma, and in cells lining the blood sinuses. In the spleen, macrophages replete with carbon left the ellipsoidal structures and formed aggregates with pigment-containing macrophages from day 6 onwards. In all lymphoid organs, almost all carbon was ultimately concentrated in the melano-macrophage centres.  相似文献   
Summary The structural and ultrastructural characteristics of the heart of Channichthys rhinoceratus, an antarctic teleost devoid of respiratory pigments, are described and compared with those obtained from the red-blooded related species Notothenia rossii.The heart of the icefish is characterized by a spongy myocardium supplied with a highly developed arterial coronary system. This vasculature includes a subepicardial system and an extensive intratrabecular capillary network. Arterial hilar network and Thebesian vessels may also be present. The bulbus arteriosus shows unusually large spheroid structures located in the middle layer of the wall.Both white- and red-blooded species display comparable myocardial cell morphology and organelle distribution. However, the mitochondrial cristae of the former are more densely packed and the sarcolemma possesses numerous caveolae. A large proportion of non-contractile cells is also found in the icefish ventricular wall.  相似文献   
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