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K. S. Chung 《Hydrobiologia》1981,78(2):177-181
The acclimation rates of temperature changes in Cyprinodon dearborni, collected from Laguna Los Patos, Cumana, Venezuela, were determined by the critical thermal maximum method. At an increase in temperature (from 24 to 31°C) fish started to gain acclimation level after 3 hours and took 3 days to fully get up to a higher level of resistance to heat death; however, at a decrease in temperature (from 3 t to 24°C) fish began to lose its acclimation level after 12 days and required 39 days to reach a lower level of resistance to thermal death.  相似文献   
An ecological study of the rotifer species Trochosphaera solstitialis (Thorpe, 1893) was conducted for a period of eight months in a temporary pond in eastern Texas, U.S.A. The pond was found to be environmentally stressed and contained large amounts of decomposing vegetation. Physico-chemical factors contributing to the stressed conditions were low dissolved oxygen concentrations, low pH values, high ammonia concentrations, and high color values caused by large concentrations of iron, tannin and lignin. Large concentrations of iron, tannin, and lignin seem to be highly correlated with T. solstitialis populations. Physicochemical conditions probably eliminated predators of the rotifer, such as fish. Males of T. solstitialis were observed which never left the body cavity of the female. Males probably do not feed with an apparent rudimentary digestive system.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster ovary cells, selected in mitosis and plated into medium containing hydroxyurea, can progress through G1 and enter S phase although bulk DNA synthesis is prevented. As the cells progress through G1 in the presence of hydroxyurea, ornithine decarboxylase activity remains low while general protein synthesis appears unaffected. After hydroxyurea is removed, ornithine decarboxylase activity increases, but only after approximately 20% of the DNA has been replicated. These results suggest that ornithine decarboxylase induction is not essential for cellular progression into S phase but is required for the completion of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Synopsis Foraging behaviour of the lepidophagous Indo-Pacific teleost Terapon jarbua in the Bulolo and Mtumbane estuaries of southern Africa is described. These observations suggest that scale removal from large fish and the complete ingestion of fish fry represents a modified form of predation. Prey reaction to T. jarbua shoals is also discussed.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of trout (Salmo trutta L.) were studied in two high-altitude streams flowing westwards into the River Eden in northern England. The results from one (Knock Ore Gill), which is accessible to spawners from downstream, were compared with published data from an isolated population in a nearby stream which flows eastward into the River Tees. The Knock Ore Gill trout had a population density of 0.4–0.9 fish m–2, a biomass of 12.4 g m–2, annual production of 12–14 g m–2 year–1 and an instantaneous mortality rate of 0.97 year–1. Comparable values from the Tees tributary were 0.2, 3.3, 2.3 and 0.66 respectively. The Knock Ore Gill population also contrasted with that of the Tees tributary in having reliable recruitment from year to year. These differences were related to differences in the chemistry and spate characteristics of the two streams and to the fact that immigrants from downstream were responsible for over 30% of the annual oviposition in Knock Ore Gill.  相似文献   
该研究旨在探讨苯并(a)芘[Benzo(a)pyrene,B(a)P]对孕早期小鼠卵巢黄体功能的影响及机制.体内模型:将昆明小鼠每晚按雌雄3∶1的比例合笼,次晨查得阴栓记为孕第1天(d1);将其随机分为对照组和B(a)P处理组,每日早晨称重后以0.1 mL/10 g动物体质量灌胃给予0.2 mg/(kg·d)的B(a)...  相似文献   
The parental environment can alter offspring phenotypes via the transfer of non‐genetic information. Parental effects may be viewed as an extension of (within‐generation) phenotypic plasticity. Smaller size, poorer physical condition, and skewed sex ratios are common responses of organisms to global warming, yet whether parental effects alleviate, exacerbate, or have no impact on these responses has not been widely tested. Further, the relative non‐genetic influence of mothers and fathers and ontogenetic timing of parental exposure to warming on offspring phenotypes is poorly understood. Here, we tested how maternal, paternal, and biparental exposure of a coral reef fish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) to elevated temperature (+1.5°C) at different ontogenetic stages (development vs reproduction) influences offspring length, weight, condition, and sex. Fish were reared across two generations in present‐day and projected ocean warming in a full factorial design. As expected, offspring of parents exposed to present‐day control temperature that were reared in warmer water were shorter than their siblings reared in control temperature; however, within‐generation plasticity allowed maintenance of weight, resulting in a higher body condition. Parental exposure to warming, irrespective of ontogenetic timing and sex, resulted in decreased weight and condition in all offspring rearing temperatures. By contrast, offspring sex ratios were not strongly influenced by their rearing temperature or that of their parents. Together, our results reveal that phenotypic plasticity may help coral reef fishes maintain performance in a warm ocean within a generation, but could exacerbate the negative effects of warming between generations, regardless of when mothers and fathers are exposed to warming. Alternatively, the multigenerational impact on offspring weight and condition may be a necessary cost to adapt metabolism to increasing temperatures. This research highlights the importance of examining phenotypic plasticity within and between generations across a range of traits to accurately predict how organisms will respond to climate change.  相似文献   
An organism''s body size plays an important role in ecological interactions such as predator–prey relationships. As predators are typically larger than their prey, this often leads to a strong positive relationship between body size and trophic position in aquatic ecosystems. The distribution of body sizes in a community can thus be an indicator of the strengths of predator–prey interactions. The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the relationship between fish body size distribution and trophic position in a wide range of European lakes. We used quantile regression to examine the relationship between fish species'' trophic position and their log‐transformed maximum body mass for 48 fish species found in 235 European lakes. Subsequently, we examined whether the slopes of the continuous community size distributions, estimated by maximum likelihood, were predicted by trophic position, predator–prey mass ratio (PPMR), or abundance (number per unit effort) of fish communities in these lakes. We found a positive linear relationship between species'' maximum body mass and average trophic position in fishes only for the 75% quantile, contrasting our expectation that species'' trophic position systematically increases with maximum body mass for fish species in European lakes. Consequently, the size spectrum slope was not related to the average community trophic position, but there were negative effects of community PPMR and total fish abundance on the size spectrum slope. We conclude that predator–prey interactions likely do not contribute strongly to shaping community size distributions in these lakes.  相似文献   
屈霄  刘晗  阳敏  辛未  王伟民  陈宇顺 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10029-10040
理解城镇的快速发展对河流鱼类群落结构的影响,是城镇河流科学管理和生物多样性保护的关键基础。本研究于2019年丰水期(8月)和枯水期(11月),选取我国城镇化典型城市-深圳域内两个处于不同城镇化程度的代表性流域,应用多重统计方法比较分析了流域间鱼类群落结构的差异,并探讨了驱动鱼类群落变异的关键环境要素。结果发现,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域其鱼类种类组成、优势类群、生物多样性指数与城镇化程度低的坪山河流域有明显差别。 具体表现为:城镇化程度高的流域土著敏感种类如异鱲、吸鳅等几近消失,优势类群为外来入侵耐受种类,其物种多样性显著低于城镇化程度低的流域(P<0.05)。同时,外来鱼类在城镇河段其数量占比平均达92.5%,广泛分布于深圳城镇河流中。在环境因素方面,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域水体理化指标总氮、总磷、氨氮、化学需氧量、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数均显著性高于城镇化程度低的坪山河流域(P<0.05)。基于Bray-Curtis距离的冗余分析显示:城镇用地占比和总氮是影响观澜河和坪山河流域鱼类群落差异的主要因素。城镇化进程中河流生境的改变已影响到土著鱼类的生物多样性。因此,推动以恢复土著鱼类生物多样性的河流生态治理与保护是今后水生态目标管理的重要方向。  相似文献   
Summary Although luteinizing hormone (LH) alone stimulates ovarian interstitial cells cultured in serum-free medium to synthesize large amounts of androgens, there seem to be additional factors in vivo that modulate the time course and magnitude of the cellular responses to LH. In an attempt to develop a more nearly physiologic cell culture model, lipoproteins, insulin, and insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I) were added to the serum-free medium. The effects of these modifications on androgen biosynthesis by dispersed cells from ovaries of hypophysectomized immature rats cultured in 96-well tissue culture plates were examined. A saturating dose of LH stimulated a 25-fold increase in androsterone synthesis at 2 d, which decreased at 4 and 6 d. Addition of human high density (hHDL) or human low density lipoprotein (hLDL) caused a 2.5-fold increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. Cells were approximately twice as sensitive to hHDL (ED50=5.5±0.5 μg cholesterol/ml) compared to hLDL (ED50=9.1±1.1 μg cholesterol/ml). Surprisingly, rat HDL caused only a 40% increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. When insulin alone was added to cells cultured with a saturating dose of LH, there was a 2.8-fold increase in androsterone synthesis. Addition of hHDL and insulin together caused a synergistic increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. In contrast to hHDL, which did not change the time course of LH-stimulated androsterone production, insulin prolonged maximal LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis at 4 and 6 d. Inasmuch as the ED50 for insulin action (1.3±0.1 μg/ml) was supraphysiologic, the effects of IGF-I on LH-stimulated androgen synthesis were examined. IGF-I mimicked all of the effects of insulin, but at a physiologic concentration (ED50=2.5±0.3 ng/ml). Ovarian cells cultured in serum-free medium supplemented with hHDL and insulin or IGF-I exhibit responses that closely approximate the physiologic responses observed in vivo. These results suggest that lipoproteins and IGF-I are important physiologic stimulators of ovarian theca-interstitial cell androgen biosynthesis which, when added to the serum-free medium, make the cellular responses in this in vitro model more nearly approximate the responses in vivo. This research was supported by research center grant HD 12303 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, and USCD Academic Senate grant RM-169M  相似文献   
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