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The cosmopolitan genus Bembidion is represented in New Zealand by 20 species, of which 19 are endemic; B. brullei appears to be a recent introduction. On phenetic characters the species fall into 7 subgenera, as follows: Zeplataphus n.subg.—maorinum Bates, dehiscens Broun, charile Bates, granuliferum n.sp., townsendi n.sp., tairuense Bates; Zeactedium Netolitzky—orbiferum Bates, musae Broun; Zeperyphodes n.subg.—callipeplum Bates; Zeperyphus n.subg.—actuarium Broun; Zemetal‐lina n.subg.—chalceipes Bates, solitarium n.sp., anchonoderum Bates, tekapoense Broun, wanakense n.sp., urewerense n.sp., hokitikense Bates, parviceps Bates; Ananotaphus Netolitzky—rotundicolle Bates; Notaphus Stephens—brullei Gemminger & Harold. The North Island population of maorinum is distinct from the typical South Island form in having reduced microscrulpture on the elytra, and is here separated as levatum n.ssp. An apparent geographic isolate of anchonoderum, represented by 2 females from Stewart Island, is provisionally recognised as stewartense n.ssp. The polymorphic complex within subg. Ananotaphus is here regarded as a single species, of which the North Island population is sufficiently distinct to warrant subspecific status as eustictum Bates; however, intergrades occur in the north‐west of the South Island. The following names fall into synonymy: latiusculum Broun (= maorinum); diaphanum Broun (= musae); nesophilum Broun (= callipeplum)’, tinctellum Broun (= chalceipes);antipodum Broun (= anchonoderum)’, tantillum Broun and probably attenuatum Broun (=hokitikense)’, clevedonense Broun and waikatoense Broun (= rotundicolle, ssp. eustictum)’, gameani Jeannel (= brullei). The relationships and aspects of the biology and ecology of the New Zealand Bembidion fauna are discussed.  相似文献   
A central assumption of life history theory is that the evolution of the component traits is determined in part by trade-offs between these traits. Whereas the existence of such trade-offs has been well demonstrated, the relative importance of these remains unclear. In this paper we use optimality theory to test the hypothesis that the trade-off between present and future fecundity induced by the costs of continued growth is a sufficient explanation for the optimal age at first reproduction, alpha, and the optimal allocation to reproduction, G, in 38 populations of perch and Arctic char. This hypothesis is rejected for both traits and we conclude that this trade-off, by itself, is an insufficient explanation for the observed values of alpha and G. Similarly, a fitness function that assumes a mortality cost to reproduction but no growth cost cannot account for the observed values of alpha. In contrast, under the assumption that fitness is maximized, the observed life histories can be accounted for by the joint action of trade-offs between growth and reproductive allocation and between mortality and reproductive allocation (Individual Juvenile Mortality model). Although the ability of the growth/mortality model to fit the data does not prove that this is the mechanism driving the evolution of the optimal age at first reproduction and allocation to reproduction, the fit does demonstrate that the hypothesis is consistent with the data and hence cannot at this time be rejected. We also examine two simpler versions of this model, one in which adult mortality is a constant proportion of juvenile mortality [Proportional Juvenile Mortality (PJM) model] and one in which the proportionality is constant within but not necessarily between species [Specific Juvenile Mortality (SSJM) model]. We find that the PJM model is unacceptable but that the SSJM model produces fits suggesting that, within the two species studied, juvenile mortality is proportional to adult mortality but the value differs between the two species.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of constitutive morphology and previous experience in predator avoidance in two anuran species associated with different larval habitats. In Rana temporaria, deeper tails and larger body size conferred selective advantage against dragonfly predation. Previous experience with predators had a positive influence on the survival of R. temporaria tadpoles equivalent to predator selection. By contrast, survival in Bufo bufo seems unrelated to tail shape or experience. This suggests that B. bufo lacks constitutive morphological defenses against insect predators, and that morphological and behavioral defenses could result more effective than chemical deterrents for these insect predators. A key novelty of this study is the observation that Rana tadpoles having prior experience with predators have an enhanced success in further encounters, and this occurs before the morphological induced defense has been established. This induced modification for R. temporaria, and its lack of for B. bufo, may be an important determinant of larval survival.  相似文献   
The first stages zoeas of Quadrella maculosa Alcock, 1898, Q. serenei Galil, 1986, Tetralia rubridactyla Garth, 1971, and Trapezia richtersi Galil & Lewinsohn, 1983, are described and illustrated. Setal differences between the Quadrella zoeas are not recorded, but they can be separated on the spinulation of the dorsal spine (present in Q. maculosa absent in Q. serenei). The first stage zoea of Q. maculosa is compared with that of Tetralia rubridactyla and Trapezia richtersi. But although Quadrella and Tetralia appear superficially similar in that both have two pairs of lateral carapace spines (vs. one pair in Trapezia), other observations imply that Tetralia zoeas may have closer affinities with Trapezia rather than with Quadrella. However, this appears to contradict recent phylogentic relationships based on adult morphology.  相似文献   
Selectivity experiments were carried out during trawling targeting deep-water shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827) and Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Aristeidae) in the North-Western Ionian Sea (Eastern-Central Mediterranean). Different criteria were employed to analyse maturity; however, the proportion at 50% of retained, mated and mature specimens was always used to indicate the size, expressed as Carapace Length (CL, mm), at first capture (CLc), mating (CLsp) and at first maturity (CLm), respectively. In order to estimate the size at 50% maturity (CLm) for females of both species, three criteria were adopted. In particular, CLm was computed for the mature females not considering the presence of spermatophores, for the mature females with spermatophores and for the mature females intersected by the decreasing proportion with size of females without spermatophores. Three diamond stretched mesh codends of 40, 50 and 60 mm were tested using a cover of 20 mm. The 40-mm stretched mesh size (European Union legal size in the Mediterranean) was not selective for the sampled population of each species. The size at first capture (CLc), calculated in both species for the two sexes combined, increased significantly with mesh size. Even for the mesh size of 60 mm, the size at first capture was still smaller than the sizes at 50% maturity, whatever the criterion adopted. Since the differences between the size at first maturity and the sizes at first capture are greater in A. foliacea than A. antennatus, the former species appears in this respect to be more vulnerable to trawling than the latter.  相似文献   
Recovery of therapeutic protein from high cell density yeast fermentations at commercial scale is a challenging task. In this study, we investigate and compare three different harvest approaches, namely centrifugation followed by depth filtration, centrifugation followed by filter-aid enhanced depth filtration, and microfiltration. This is achieved by presenting a case study involving recovery of a therapeutic protein from Pichia pastoris fermentation broth. The focus of this study is on performance of the depth filtration and the microfiltration steps. The experimental data has been fitted to the conventional models for cake filtration to evaluate specific cake resistance and cake compressibility. In the case of microfiltration, the experimental data agrees well with flux predicted by shear induced diffusion model. It is shown that, under optimal conditions, all three options can deliver the desired product recovery ( >80%), harvest time ( <15 h including sequential concentration/diafiltration step), and clarification ( <6 NTU). However, the three options differ in terms of process development time required, capital cost, consumable cost, ease of scale-ability and process robustness. It is recommended that these be kept under consideration when making a final decision on a harvesting approach.  相似文献   
In total, seven ciliate species were recorded in leaf-litter, moss and soil from a variety of sites in Slovakia for the first time: Chilophrya terricola Foissner, 1984; Holostichides typicus (Song et Wilbert, 1988) Eigner, 1994; Keronella gracilis Wiackowski, 1985; Notoxoma parabryophryides Foissner, 1993; Parafurgasonia sorex (Penard, 1922) Foissner et Adam, 1981; Paragonostomum multinucleatum Foissner, Agatha et Berger, 2002, and Territricha stramenticola Berger et Foissner, 1988. The paper deals with their distribution, ecology, and comparison with similar species. The shape and nuclear variants of Paragonostomum multinucleatum are presented and populations of P. multinucleatum and T. stramenticola are morphometrically characterized.  相似文献   
Shu Q  Wang L  Wu J  Du H  Liu Z  Ren H  Zhang J 《Gene》2012,493(1):113-123
Tree peony (Paeonia suffricotisa) cultivars have a unique character compared with wild species; the stamen petalody results in increased whorls of petals and generates different flower forms, which are one of the most important traits for cultivar classification. In order to investigate how petaloid stamens are formed, we obtained the coding sequence (666 bp) and genomic DNA sequence of the PsTM6 genes (belongs to B subfamily of MADS-box gene family) from 23 tree peony samples, Five introns and six exons consisted of the genomic DNA sequence. The analysis of cis-acting regulatory elements in the third and fourth intron indicated that they were highly conserved in all samples. Partial putative amino acids were analyzed and the results suggested that functional differentiation of PsTM6 paralogs apparently affected stamen petalody and flower shape formation due to due to amino acid substitution caused by differences in polarity and electronic charge. Sliding window analysis indicated that the different regions of PsTM6 were subjected to different selection forces, especially in the K domain. This is the first attempt to investigate genetic control of the stamen petalody based on the PsTM6 sequence. This will provide a basis for understanding the evolution of PsTM6 and its the function of in determining stamen morphology of tree peony.  相似文献   
Life-history theory predicts an increasing rate of population growth among species arranged along a continuum from slow to fast life histories. We examine the effects of this continuum on density-feedback strength estimated using long-term census data from >700 vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. Four life-history traits (Age at first reproduction, Body size, Fertility, Longevity) were related statistically to Gompertz strength of density feedback using generalized linear mixed-effects models and multi-model inference. Life-history traits alone explained 10 to 30% of the variation in strength across species (after controlling for time-series length and phylogenetic nonindependence). Effect sizes were largest for body size in mammals and longevity in birds, and density feedback was consistently stronger for smaller-bodied and shorter-lived species. Overcompensatory density feedback (strength <-1) occurred in 20% of species, predominantly at the fast end of the life-history continuum, implying relatively high population variability. These results support the idea that life history leaves an evolutionary signal in long-term population trends as inferred from census data. Where there is a lack of detailed demographic data, broad life-history information can inform management and conservation decisions about rebound capacity from low numbers, and propensity to fluctuate, of arrays of species in areas planned for development, harvesting, protection, and population recovery.  相似文献   
Glycosomes are peroxisome-like organelles essential for trypanosomatid parasites. Glycosome biogenesis is mediated by proteins called “peroxins,” which are considered to be promising drug targets in pathogenic Trypanosomatidae. The first step during protein translocation across the glycosomal membrane of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1)-harboring proteins is signal recognition by the cytosolic receptor peroxin 5 (PEX5). The C-terminal PTS1 motifs interact with the PTS1 binding domain (P1BD) of PEX5, which is made up of seven tetratricopeptide repeats. Obtaining diffraction-quality crystals of the P1BD of Trypanosoma brucei PEX5 (TbPEX5) required surface entropy reduction mutagenesis. Each of the seven tetratricopeptide repeats appears to have a residue in the αL conformation in the loop connecting helices A and B. Five crystal structures of the P1BD of TbPEX5 were determined, each in complex with a hepta- or decapeptide corresponding to a natural or nonnatural PTS1 sequence. The PTS1 peptides are bound between the two subdomains of the P1BD. These structures indicate precise recognition of the C-terminal Leu of the PTS1 motif and important interactions between the PTS1 peptide main chain and up to five invariant Asn side chains of PEX5. The TbPEX5 structures reported here reveal a unique hydrophobic pocket in the subdomain interface that might be explored to obtain compounds that prevent relative motions of the subdomains and interfere selectively with PTS1 motif binding or release in trypanosomatids, and would therefore disrupt glycosome biogenesis and prevent parasite growth.  相似文献   
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