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β‐Cardiotoxin is a novel member of the snake venom three‐finger toxin (3FTX) family. This is the first exogenous protein to antagonize β‐adrenergic receptors and thereby causing reduction in heart rates (bradycardia) when administered into animals, unlike the conventional cardiotoxins as reported earlier. 3FTXs are stable all β‐sheet peptides with 60–80 amino acid residues. Here, we describe the three‐dimensional crystal structure of β‐cardiotoxin together with the identification of a molten globule intermediate in the unfolding pathway of this protein. In spite of the overall structural similarity of this protein with conventional cardiotoxins, there are notable differences observed at the loop region and in the charge distribution on the surface, which are known to be critical for cytolytic activity of cardiotoxins. The molten globule intermediate state present in the thermal unfolding pathway of β‐cardiotoxin was however not observed during the chemical denaturation of the protein. Interestingly, circular dichroism (CD) and NMR studies revealed the presence of α‐helical secondary structure in the molten globule intermediate. These results point to substantial conformational plasticity of β‐cardiotoxin, which might aid the protein in responding to the sometimes conflicting demands of structure, stability, and function during its biological lifetime.  相似文献   
表观遗传修饰参与了药物成瘾的形成过程,而在药物成瘾过程中组蛋白泛素化水平的变化仍未可知。药物成瘾过程中常表现为多巴胺(dopamine, DA)表达量的升高,因此本研究欲探讨多巴胺升高对神经细胞组蛋白泛素化的影响及其机制。Western印迹结果显示,在终浓度0.8 mmol/L的多巴胺作用8 h后,人神经母细胞瘤细胞系SH-SY5Y细胞中环指蛋白20(ring finger protein 20, RNF20)表达量降低(0.29±0.032 vs. 1.0±0.025,P<0.0001),泛素化组蛋白H2B(H2Bub1)表达量下降(0.28±0.032 vs. 1.0±0.017,P<0.0001)。但是RT-PCR结果显示,多巴胺处理SH-SY5Y细胞后,RNF20在mRNA水平的表达无明显变化。在SH-SY5Y细胞中沉默RNF20的表达,H2Bub1在蛋白质水平的表达明显降低(0.20±0.069 vs. 1.0±0.060,P=0.001)。在加入多巴胺的基础上,分别加入蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132、自噬体形成抑制剂3-MA以及空泡型H^+-ATP酶特异性抑制剂Baf-A1等药物来检测RNF20的降解途径,结果发现,加入MG132、3-MA以及Baf-A1后,RNF20表达量均比DA处理组显著上升(1.51±0.095,P=0.0003; 0.89±0.075,P=0.0021; 2.74±0.099,P<0.0001;vs. 0.27±0.044)。上述结果表明,在SH-SY5Y细胞中,RNF20对H2Bub1具有调控作用,多巴胺可通过泛素化及自噬两种途径促进RNF20降解,从而抑制组蛋白H2B泛素化。  相似文献   
In finger vein authentication technology, near‐infrared rays penetrate the finger and are absorbed by the hemoglobin in blood. The veins appear as dark areas. The finger vein pattern images of patients with various diseases were acquired; a new evaluation method applying image processing technique (“E value”) was developed, and it was examined whether the patterns have any characteristics differentiating them from those of healthy volunteers. As a result, low E values appeared in systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease, Sjögren's syndrome, and polymyositis/dermatomyositis. No statistical reduction in E value was shown in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, pernio (without rheumatic diseases), arteriosclerosis obliterans, diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism and alopecia areata. This technology could be used for screening and evaluation of some diseases and their conditions with impaired peripheral venous circulation. E value may be useful as an indicator of venous circulation.   相似文献   
Though initially identified as necessary for neural migration, Disconnected and its partially redundant paralog, Disco-related, are required for proper head segment identity during Drosophila embryogenesis. Here, we present evidence that these genes are also required for proper ventral appendage development during development of the adult fly, where they specify medial to distal appendage development. Cells lacking the disco genes cannot contribute to the medial and distal portions of ventral appendages. Further, ectopic disco transforms dorsal appendages toward ventral fates; in wing discs, the medial and distal leg development pathways are activated. Interestingly, this appendage role is conserved in the red flour beetle, Tribolium (where legs develop during embryogenesis), yet in the beetle we found no evidence for a head segmentation role. The lack of an embryonic head specification role in Tribolium could be interpreted as a loss of the head segmentation function in Tribolium or gain of this function during evolution of flies. However, we suggest an alternative explanation. We propose that the disco genes always function as appendage factors, but their appendage nature is masked during Drosophila embryogenesis due to the reduction of limb fields in the maggot style Drosophila larva.  相似文献   
The 131 residues protein encoded by the open reading frame ygiT of E. coli contains two characteristic domains: a zinc finger protein-like structure with two CxxC motives at its N-terminus and a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif at its C-terminus. We report the backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances assignment of YgiT.  相似文献   
利用野生青狗尾草N10为母本,谷子农家品种大青秸为父本,进行种间杂交,获得了3株杂种。杂种在农艺性状上表现为谷子和青狗尾草的种间类型,花器表现了雄性败育,但雌蕊发育正常,能接受外来花粉结实。细胞形态学观察表明,其雄性败育表现为单核小孢子典败。该谷子雄性不育材料的获得,为利用野生青狗尾草的细胞质培育谷子质核互作雄性不育系,进而为实现谷子三系配套杂种优势利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
中国黍稷种质资源蛋白质和脂肪含量的鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对来源于我国14省(区)的6515份黍稷种质资源,通过3次大批量的蛋白质和脂肪含量的鉴定分析,计算出黍稷蛋白质、脂肪的平均含量。筛选出一批蛋白质含量15.00%以上的高蛋白种质和脂肪含量4.00%以上的高脂肪种质,以及蛋白质含量15.00%以上、脂肪含量4.00%以上的双高种质,提供我国黍稷生产和育种利用。  相似文献   
苯丙氨酸解氢酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,PAL)基因家族参与苯丙烷类代谢过程,通过调控植物抗病次生物质的合成在植物抗逆反应中发挥重要作用。为明确谷子PAL基因家族在逆境胁迫下的表达规律,该研究利用生物信息学方法对谷子PAL基因家族进行鉴定和表达分析。结果表明:谷子具有11个PAL基因,在进化树中可分为3个亚家族,SiPAL7独自进化为一支。通过构建蛋白结构域发现PAL基因家族成员均含有保守的PAL结构域。启动子分析显示,PAL基因含有应答激素、逆境胁迫等多种因子的顺式作用元件,说明PAL基因广泛参与不同生物学调控过程。RT-qPCR结果显示,谷子PAL基因家族多为诱导型表达,不同光照条件下PAL基因表达量变化明显,不同基因具有不同响应模式,说明谷子PAL基因家族在参与光调节反应中发挥重要作用。谷子PAL基因高度保守,广泛响应不同非生物胁迫,具有表达特异性。该研究结果为揭示PAL基因家族在调节谷子抗性及胁迫应答过程中的作用提供了参考。  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor protein p53 is a central governor of various cellular signals. It is well accepted that ubiquitination as well as ubiquitin-like (UBL) modifications of p53 protein is critical in the control of its activity. Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) is a well-known UBL protein with pleiotropic functions, serving both as a free intracellular molecule and as a modifier by conjugating to target proteins. Initially, attentions have historically focused on the antiviral effects of ISG15 pathway. Remarkably, a significant role in the processes of autophagy, DNA repair, and protein translation provided considerable insight into the new functions of ISG15 pathway. Despite the deterministic revelation of the relation between ISG15 and p53, the functional consequence of p53 ISGylation appears somewhat confused. More important, more recent studies have hinted p53 ubiquitination or other UBL modifications that might interconnect with its ISGylation. Here, we aim to summarize the current knowledge of p53 ISGylation and the differences in other significant modifications, which would be beneficial for the development of p53-based cancer therapy.  相似文献   
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