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The cannabinoid type 2 receptor (CB2) has previously been implicated as a regulator of tumor growth, bone remodeling, and bone pain. However, very little is known about the role of the skeletal CB2 receptor in the regulation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts changes associated with breast cancer. Here we found that the CB2-selective agonists HU308 and JWH133 reduced the viability of a variety of parental and bone-tropic human and mouse breast cancer cells at high micromolar concentrations. Under conditions in which these ligands are used at the nanomolar range, HU308 and JWH133 enhanced human and mouse breast cancer cell-induced osteoclastogenesis and exacerbated osteolysis, and these effects were attenuated in cultures obtained from CB2-deficient mice or in the presence of a CB2 receptor blocker. HU308 and JWH133 had no effects on osteoblast growth or differentiation in the presence of conditioned medium from breast cancer cells, but under these circumstances both agents enhanced parathyroid hormone-induced osteoblast differentiation and the ability to support osteoclast formation. Mechanistic studies in osteoclast precursors and osteoblasts showed that JWH133 and HU308 induced PI3K/AKT activity in a CB2-dependent manner, and these effects were enhanced in the presence of osteolytic and osteoblastic factors such as RANKL (receptor activator of NFκB ligand) and parathyroid hormone. When combined with published work, these findings suggest that breast cancer and bone cells exhibit differential responses to treatment with CB2 ligands depending upon cell type and concentration used. We, therefore, conclude that both CB2-selective activation and antagonism have potential efficacy in cancer-associated bone disease, but further studies are warranted and ongoing.  相似文献   
Starfish waste has been shown to be an effective compost material not only in the promotion of plant growth but also in terms of having insecticidal activity. In the present study, plant growth regulation by chemicals from starfish was examined. The aqueous fraction from a hot water extract of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken showed plant-growth activity, while the aqueous fraction from a methanol extract inhibited growth of Brassica campestris. The lipophilic fraction from the methanol extract also exhibited a plant growth-promoting effect. The active components from each extract were identified. Asterubine from the hot water extract promoted plant growth. A ceramide from the lipophilic fraction showed root growth promoting effect, and three glucocerebrosides had promotive effects on the entire plant. Asterosaponins were identified as the main growth inhibitors in the aqueous fraction of the methanol extract. These active compounds from starfish waste could be analyzed as potential plant growth regulators in agricultural applications in the future.  相似文献   
Growth of 2659 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua aged 4 to 9 years examined in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, peaked in most cases in June and was at a minimum in October or November. Water temperature, partial fullness index ( I P) and gonado‐somatic index ( I G) explained between 31 and 52% of the monthly variability in growth. Temperature and I P of capelin Mallotus villosus had significant effects on growth of all age groups and explained most of the variance for ages 6–8 and 4–5 years, respectively. The I P of large invertebrates (ages 4 to 7 years), sandlance ( Ammodytes sp. age 6 years) and demersal fishes (age 9 years) had age‐specific effects in the model. Overall, amphipods, decapods and echinoderms dominated the Atlantic cod diet in most seasons, but fish consumption by Atlantic cod was high in June and July, particularly on capelin. The rapid increase in somatic mass during June and July occurred despite cold water temperatures ( < 3° C at 50 m) and moderate to high gonado‐somatic index. The findings of this study suggest that when food was not a limiting factor, growth tended to increase even when Atlantic cod occupied colder waters, but when food was limiting, the opposite may have occured.  相似文献   
The toxicity of nitrofurantoin was studied on human WI-38 fibroblasts: this chemical was lethal when added at concentrations higher than 5·10−5 M in the culture medium. The protection afforded by anitoxidants was then tested: α-tocopherol gave at 10−4 M a light protection in contrast to ascorbic acid which even became toxic at high concentrations. We also tested catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase introduced intracellularly by the microinjection technique. On a molecular basis, glutathione peroxidase was 23-times more efficient than catalase and 3000-times more than superoxide dismutase. The results also showed that a similar range of enzyme concentrations was found for the protection against high oxygen pressure. This suggests that, in the case of both oxygen and nitrofurantoin toxicity, the peroxide derivatives are the most toxic intermediates of the free radical attacks.  相似文献   
Growth curves, calculated for field populations of B. glabrata, were not materially affected by habitat, altitude or season. A mean growth curve was therefore used to estimate the age-frequency distribution of snails in successive field samples. These data permitted the construction of ecological life tables and the estimation of r, the intrinsic rate of natural increase (or decrease) of the different populations. The calculated values of r were inserted in a simple model of unlimited population growth but the resultant curves poorly represented the observed data. A model for unlimited growth was more satisfactory for pond and marsh populations but, apparently, immigration made it less satisfactory for stream and banana drain populations. Nevertheless, r may still be of value in predicting repopulation rates in certain habitats after a mollusciciding which does not kill the entire snail population.  相似文献   
In order to obtain optimum conditions for in vitro propagation of the apple rootstock M 26 ( Malus pumila Mill.) in adult and juvenile growth phases, several rooting experiments were performed. Supraoptimal concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) added to the rooting media resulted in profuse callus formation. Since extensive callus production is detrimental to the survival of the plantlets, modified culture conditions were established to reduce callus formation. A reduction of the time of exposure to IBA to 5 days and, thereafter, transfer to a hormone-free medium did not eliminate callus production. Exposure to darkness during the root initiation phase increased rooting. When the rooting medium was based on the Lepoivre formula instead of the Murashige and Skoog formula, callus formation was reduced. Optimum conditions for rooting were obtained at much lower concentration than earlier reported, being 1.25 μM for the juvenile and 0.5 μM for the adult growth phase in the range of IBA concentrations tested. Anatomical studies revealed that root initials are formed after 5 days of IBA-treatment. Therefore, we transferred shoots directly to non-sterile conditions after the root-inducing phase. This resulted in a 90% survival of the plantlets. Subculture on hormone-free medium can thus be eliminated when the optimum auxin concentration is known.  相似文献   
GPR35 is a rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptor identified in 1998. It has been reported that kynurenic acid, a tryptophan metabolite, may act as an endogenous ligand for GPR35. However, the concentrations of kynurenic acid required to elicit the cellular responses are usually high, raising the possibility that another endogenous ligand may exist. In this study, we searched for another endogenous ligand for GPR35. Finally, we found that the magnitude of the Ca2+ response induced by 2-acyl lysophosphatidic acid in the GPR35-expressing HEK293 cells was markedly greater than that in the vector-transfected control cells. Such a difference was not apparent in the case of 1-acyl lysophosphatidic acid. 2-Acyl lysophosphatidic acid also caused the sustained activation of RhoA and the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and triggered the internalization of the GPR35 molecule. These results strongly suggest that 2-acyl lysophosphatidic acid is an endogenous ligand for GPR35.  相似文献   
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) purified from human skeletal muscle affinity-alkylated with bromoacetyl[methyl-3H]choline bromide ([3H]BAC) in mildly reducing conditions to yield a specifically radiolabeled polypeptide, Mr 44,000, the alpha-subunit. The binding of [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin to AChR was completely inhibited by affinity-alkylation, indicating that the human AChR's binding site for alpha-bungarotoxin is closely associated with the alpha-subunit's acetylcholine binding site. Structures in the vicinity of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of AChRs from human muscle and Torpedo electric organ were compared by varying the conditions of alkylation. Under optimal conditions of reduction and alkylation, both human and Torpedo AChR incorporated BAC in equivalence to the number of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites. However, with limited conditions of reduction but sufficient BAC to alkylate 100% of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of human AChR, only 71% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. In optimal conditions of reduction but with the minimal concentration of BAC that permitted 100% alkylation of the human AChR's alpha-bungarotoxin sites, only 74% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. These data suggest that the neurotransmitter binding region of human muscle AChR is structurally dissimilar from that of Torpedo electric organ, having a higher binding affinity for BAC and an adjacent disulfide bond that is more readily accessible to reducing agents.  相似文献   
Avian progesterone receptor exists as two forms, A and B, with molecular weights of 79,000 and 110,000 daltons, respectively. The origin and significance of these two forms is an area of active investigation and debate. Monoclonal antibodies produced against these two forms were used to examine receptor stability in cytosol and changes in the receptor forms induced by hormone binding. The lability of hormone binding at elevated temperatures is well documented. Analysis by Western blotting showed the receptor was stable in freshly prepared oviduct cytosol for 2 hr at 37°C, while hormone binding was lost within 30 min. However, loss of receptor through degradation was seen when cytosol was prepared from frozen tissue or when homogenization was excessive. Progesterone was injected into diethylstilbestrol-stimulated chicks to examine, in vivo, effects of hormone treatment on receptor forms in the cytosol and nuclear fractions. Progesterone treatment caused a time- and dose-dependent conversion of the A receptor to a form (A′) with a slower electrophoretic mobility. The cytosolic progesterone receptor was divided equally between the B and A forms, while the nuclear receptor was predominantly A′. The amount of nuclear receptor was consistently less than cytosolic receptor. Receptor phosphorylation was analyzed by incubating tissue minces with [32P]orthophosphate with or without progesterone followed by immune isolation of receptor forms. Progesterone treatment caused a time-dependent increase in cytosol receptor phosphorylation which was evident after 5 min of treatment. This phosphorylation was observed with both the A and B receptor forms. The results indicate that receptor phosphorylation is a very early event during progesterone action.  相似文献   
Scaffolding proteins are involved in the incorporation, anchoring, maintenance, and removal of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) at synapses, either through a direct interaction with AMPARs or via indirect association through auxiliary subunits of transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs). Synaptic scaffolding molecule (S-SCAM) is a newly characterized member of the scaffolding proteins critical for the regulation and maintenance of AMPAR levels at synapses, and directly binds to TARPs through a PDZ interaction. However, the functional significance of S-SCAM–TARP interaction in the regulation of AMPARs has not been tested. Here we show that overexpression of the C-terminal peptide of TARP-γ2 fused to EGFP abolished the S-SCAM-mediated enhancement of surface GluA2 expression. Conversely, the deletion of the PDZ-5 domain of S-SCAM that binds TARPs greatly attenuated the S-SCAM-induced increase of surface GluA2 expression. In contrast, the deletion of the guanylate kinase domain of S-SCAM did not show a significant effect on the regulation of AMPARs. Together, these results suggest that S-SCAM is regulating AMPARs through TARPs.  相似文献   
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