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Transient expression of engineered reporter RNAs encoding an intron-containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) from a Potato virus X-based expression vector previously demonstrated the nuclear targeting capability of the 359 nucleotide Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) RNA genome. To further delimit the putative nuclear-targeting signal, PSTVd subgenomic fragments were embedded within the intron, and recombinant reporter RNAs were inoculated onto Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Appearance of green fluorescence in leaf tissue inoculated with PSTVd-fragment-containing constructs indicated shuttling of the RNA into the nucleus by fragments as short as 80 nucleotides in length. Plant-to-plant variation in the timing of intron removal and subsequent GFP fluorescence was observed; however, earliest and most abundant GFP expression was obtained with constructs containing the conserved hairpin I palindrome structure and embedded upper central conserved region. Our results suggest that this conserved sequence and/or the stem-loop structure it forms is sufficient for import of PSTVd into the nucleus.  相似文献   
DNase I was used to footprint the 147 bp DNA fragment of the nucleosome in whole chicken erythrocyte nuclei. It was found that the higher-order structure imposes an additional protection on nucleosomes at sites close to the entry and exit points of the linker DNA, around the dyad axis (site S 0). The observed protection is extended up to 20 bp on either side of S 0. It is partial (∼50%) and most probably reflects a full protection of different regions in alternatively oriented nucleosomes. These are the same regions which interact with linker histones. The results strongly support the findings by simulation of DNase I digests of unlabelled oligonucleosome fragments in the 30 nm fibre that in all nucleosomes sites S −5 to S −3 and S +3 to S +5 ara on the outside of the fibre exposed to DNase I.  相似文献   
NF-κB activation in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli relies upon phosphorylation of IκBα at serines 32 and 36 by the β subunit of the IκB kinase complex (IKK). In this study, we build upon the observation that highly purified human IKKβ subunit preparations retain this specificity in vitro. We show that IKKβ constructs that lack their carboxy-terminus beginning at the leucine zipper motif fail to phosphorylate IκBα at Ser-32 and Ser-36. Rather, these constructs, which contain the entire IKKβ subunit kinase domain, phosphorylate serine and threonine residues contained within the IκBα carboxy-terminal PEST region. Furthermore, removal of the leucine zipper and helix-loop-helix regions converts IKKβ to monomer. We propose that the helix-loop-helix of the human IKKβ subunit is necessary for restricting substrate specificity toward Ser-32 and Ser-36 in IκBα and that in the absence of its carboxy-terminal protein structural motifs the human IKKβ subunit kinase domain exhibits a CK2-like phosphorylation specificity.  相似文献   
Protein kinase CK2 is ubiquitously expressed. The holoenzyme is composed of two catalytic α- or α′-subunits and two regulatory β-subunits but evidence is accumulating that the subunits can function independently. The composition of the holoenzyme as well as the expression of the individual subunits varies in different tissues, with high expression of CK2α′ in testis and brain. CK2 phosphorylates a number of different substrates which are implicated in basal cellular processes such as proliferation and survival of cells. Here, we report a new substrate, KIF5C, which is a member of the kinesin 1 family of motor neuron proteins. Phosphorylation of KIF5C was demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. Using deletion mutants, a peptide library, and mutation analysis a phosphorylation site for CK2 was mapped to amino acid 338 which is located in the non-motor domain of KIF5C. Interestingly, KIF5C is phosphorylated by holoenzymes composed of CK2α/CK2β and CK2α′/CK2β as well as by CK2α′ alone but not by CK2α alone.  相似文献   
Separation methods for antitumor drugs capable of topoisomerase I inhibition were reviewed in this study. Camptothecin (CPT) its related analogues seemed to be promising anticancer drugs that exhibit topoisomerase I inhibition. This group of compounds contain a closed α-hydroxy-δ-lactone ring (lactone form) that can undergo reversible hydrolysis to form the open-ring form (carboxylate form). In vitro pharmacological study showed that the antitumor activity of the lactone form was higher than that of the carboxylate form. Thus a quantitative method to separate these two forms is important to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these compounds. Nevertheless, current separation methods are complicated by the pH-dependent instability of the lactone moiety. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with fluorometric detection has been widely used for the quantitation of the drug as the intact lactone form or as the total lactone carboxylate forms in biological matrices. In this report we reviewed current applicable chromatographic techniques for further bioanalytical studies of CPT derivatives including sample preparations, HPLC columns, mobile phases and additives.  相似文献   
Cellular retinoic acid binding protein I (CRABP-I) plays a role in retinoic acid (RA) metabolism or transport. This report shows specific neuronal expression of CRABP-I in adult transgenic mouse brain using CRABP-I promotor-driven lac-Z and neuron- and astrocyte-markers. Double staining indicates that CRABP-I is expressed in neurons and large cells (>12 μm) but to much lesser degree the astrocytes. CRABP-I-lac-Z+ neurons were distributed throughout the brain, but in a very discreet pattern in each brain region. CRABP-I expression in specific populations of brain neurons suggests that RA is extensively metabolized in mature brains, mostly in neurons. Additionally, the genetic basis of its specific expression in these brain areas is located in the 5′ regulatory region of this gene.  相似文献   
Capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) was used to profile the cellulase composition in complex fermentation samples of secreted proteins from Trichoderma reesei. The enzyme cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I, also referred to as Cel7A), a major component in these extracts, was purified from different strains and characterized using analytical methods such as CIEF, high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC–PAD), and capillary liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry (cLC–ESMS). ESMS was also used to monitor the extent of glycosylation in CBH I isolated from T. reesei strain RUT-C30 and two derivative mutant strains. Selective identification of tryptic N-linked glycopeptides was achieved using LC–ESMS on a quadrupole/time-of-flight instrument with a mixed scan function. The suspected glycopeptides were further analyzed by on-line tandem mass spectrometry to determine the nature of N-linked glycans and their attachment sites. This strategy enabled the identification of a high mannose glycan attached to Asn270 (predominantly Man8GlcNAc2) and single GlcNAc occupancy at Asn45 and Asn384 with some site heterogeneity depending on strains and fermentation conditions. The linker region of CBH I was shown to be extensively glycosylated with di-, and tri-saccharides at Thr and Ser residues as indicated by MALDI-TOF and HPAEC–PAD experiments. Additional heterogeneity was noted in the CBH I linker peptide of RUT-C30 strain with the presence of a phosphorylated di-saccharide.  相似文献   
Actin is the principal component of the cytoskeleton, a structure that can be disassembled and reassem-bled in a matter of seconds in vivo. The state of assembly of actin in vivo is primarily regulated by one ormore actin binding proteins (ABPs). Typically, the actions of ABPs have been studied one by one, however,we propose that multiple ABPs, acting cooperatively, may be involved in the control of actin filament length.Cofilin and DNase I are two ABPs that have previously been demonstrated to form a ternary complex withactin in vitro. This is the first report to demonstrate their co-localisation in vivo, and differences in theirdistributions. Our observations strongly suggest a physiological role for higher order complexes of actin inregulation of cytoskeletal assembly during processes such as cell division.  相似文献   
Abstract.— The causes of speciation in the sea are rarely obvious, because geographical barriers are not conspicuous and dispersal abilities or marine organisms, particularly those of species with planktonic larvae, are hard to determine. The phylogenetic relations of species in cosmopolitan genera can provide information on the likely mode of their formation. We reconstructed the phylogeny of the pantropical and subtropical sea urchin genus Diadema, using sequences of mitochondrial DNA from 482 individuals collected around the world, to determine the efficacy of barriers to gene flow and to ascertain the history of possible dispersal and vicariance events that led to speciation. We also compared 22 isozyme loci between all described species except D. palmeri. The mitochondrial DNA data show that the two deepest lineages are found in the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. (Indo‐Pacific) Diadema setosum diverged first from all other extant Diadema, probably during the initiation of wide fluctuations in global sea levels in the Miocene. The D. setosum clade then split 3‐5 million years ago into two clades, one found around the Arabian Peninsula and the other in the Indo‐West Pacific. On the lineage leading to the other species of Diadema, the deepest branch is composed of D. palmeri, apparently separated when the climate of New Zealand became colder and other tropical echinoids at these islands went extinct. The next lineage to separate is composed of a currently unrecognized species of Diadema that is found at Japan and the Marshall Islands. Diadema mexicanum in the eastern Pacific separated next, whereas D. paucispinum, D. savignyi, and D. antillarum from the western and central Atlantic, and (as a separate clade) D. antillarum from the eastern Atlantic form a shallow polytomy. Apparently, Indo‐Pacific populations of Diadema maintained genetic contact with Atlantic ones around the southern tip of Africa for some time after the Isthmus of Panama was complete. Diadema paucispinum contains two lineages: D. paucispinum sensu stricto is not limited to Hawaii as previously thought, but extends to Easter Island, Pitcairn, and Okinawa; A second mitochondrial clade of D. paucispinum extends from East Africa and Arabia to the Philippines and New Guinea. A more recent separation between West Indian Ocean and West Pacific populations was detected in D. setosum. Presumably, these genetic discontinuities are the result of water flow restrictions in the straits between northern Australia and Southeast Asia during Pleistocene episodes of low sea level. Diadema savignyi is characterized by high rates of gene flow from Kiribati in the central Pacific all the way to the East African Coast. In the Atlantic, there is a biogeographic barrier between the Caribbean and Brazil, possibly caused by fresh water outflow from the Amazon and the Orinoco Rivers. Diadema antillarum populations of the central Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena are genetically isolated and phylogenetically derived from Brazil. Except for its genetic separation by the mid‐Atlantic barrier, Diadema seems to have maintained connections through potential barriers to dispersal (including the Isthmus of Panama) more recently than did Eucidaris or Echinometra, two other genera of sea urchins in which phylogeography has been studied. Nevertheless, the mtDNA phylogeography of Diadema includes all stages expected from models of allopatric differentiation. There are anciently separated clades that now overlap in their geographic distribution, clades isolated in the periphery of the genus range that have remained in the periphery, clades that may have been isolated in the periphery but have since spread towards the center, closely related clades on either side of an existing barrier, and closely related monophyletic entities on either side of an historical barrier that have crossed the former barrier line, but have not attained genetic equilibrium. Except for D. paucispinum and D. savignyi, in which known hybridization may have lodged mtDNA from one species into the genome of the other, closely related clades are always allopatric, and only distantly related ones overlap geographically. Thus, the phylogenetic history and distribution of extant species of Diadema is by and large consistent with allopatric speciation.  相似文献   
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