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Total serum haemolytic complement (HC) activity has been determined in 130 young bulls of the Norwegian Red Cattle Breed (NRF). A highly significant sire effect (p < 0.01) on HC with a corresponding heritability of about 0.75 was estimated. Evidence of any simple mode of inheritance is not produced but the distribution patterns of HC indicate influences of relatively few genes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We investigated survival for male, female, and first-year Cape Sable seaside sparrows (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis, hereafter sparrows), a federally endangered bird restricted to the Florida Everglades, USA. Accurate estimates of survival are critical to improve management decisions and population estimates for this and other threatened species. We used Program MARK to evaluate effects of age, sex, population membership, temporal variation, and ground-water levels on annual survival from mark-recapture data collected across 3 sparrow populations from 1997 to 2007. We found little evidence that annual survival rates differed between the populations or across ground-water levels, but we found high variability between years for both adult and juvenile survival. Our results revealed female sparrows experienced 14–19% lower survival than males. Sparrows experienced much lower survival during their first year of life and were short-lived (2–3 yr). Our results highlight sparrows' susceptibility to population declines and suggest that management actions aimed at increasing survival may be effective for this species' management.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to assess the circulating TNF-α and IL-2 levels in dengue virus (DENV) infected patients and to correlate these with clinical severity of DENV infections. A single analyte quantitative immunoassay was used to detect TNF-α and IL-2 in 24 dengue fever (DF) and 43 dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) patients, 15 healthy adults and 6 typhoid patients. The mean TNF-α and IL-2 levels of DENV- infected patients were higher than that of healthy adults and typhoid patients. No significant difference in TNF-α levels was noted between DF and DHF patients (p = 0.5) but a significant increase in IL-2 levels was observed in DHF compared with DF patients (mean of DF = 59.7 pg/mL, mean of DHF = 166.9 pg/mL; p = 0.02). No significant association of TNF-α or IL-2 levels was noted with packed cell volume (>45), thrombocytopenia, leucopenia or the presence of viraemia. The liver function tests measuring AST (aspartate aminotransferase) (p = 0.01) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase) (p = 0.02) levels were significantly elevated in DENV-infected patients. AST:ALT was significantly elevated in DHF/DSS (dengue shock syndrome) compared with DF patients. A significant positive linear correlation was noted between AST and IL-2 (r = 0.31; p = 0.01) and ALT and IL-2 elevations (r = 0.2; p = 0.02). Thus, AST and ALT levels correlate with both disease severity and circulating IL-2 levels. We suggest a role for circulating IL-2 in liver dysfunction and propose that a combined assessment of AST/ALT in conjunction with IL-2 at the early stages of symptomatic DENV infection may be useful to predict the severe forms of dengue.  相似文献   
We are interested in determining the range of variants present in a cell population that can actually be isolated. We have used subcloning and sublining to search for variants with increased antibody stability, increased cell line stability to freezing and defrosting, increased cell population viability, increased antibody production and the ability to grow in simpler media. This paper presents the case histories of several different hybridoma cell lines which required some property changed before they became production ready clones. We found that switching the class of an antibody from IgG3 to IgG1 did increase its stability, decrease its tendency to aggregate and allowed it to be used in a commercial diagnostic kit. We could isolate subclones that produced twice the level of antibody with a frequency of 1–3%. It was straight forward to isolated clones that were stable to freezing and defrosting or grew in a simpler media. We were not successful in increasing the maximum viability of a cell line. In conclusion, we have found that any population of hybridoma cells has natural variants with significantly enhanced properties that can be isolated.  相似文献   
Effects of contaminants may occur at all levels oforganization, from molecular to ecosystem-levelresponses. While biochemical and physiologicalalterations in organisms may occur rapidly and areoften stressor-specific, the ecological relevance ofthese suborganismal indicators is uncertain.Alterations in populations and communities havegreater ecological relevance, but a firm mechanisticunderstanding of these responses is often lacking.Developing mechanistic linkages across levels ofbiological organization would greatly improve ourunderstanding of how organisms are affected bycontaminants in nature. The papers in this seriespresent several innovative approaches for integratingeffects of contaminants across levels of biologicalorganization. Authors were asked to describe theecological consequences of responses at lower levelsof organization (biochemical, physiological,individual) and to speculate on the underlyingmechanisms associated with population and communityalterations. The most consistent finding of the fivepapers in this series is that there is no singlespatiotemporal scale or level of biologicalorganization at which ecotoxicological investigationsshould be conducted.  相似文献   
Multiple mis-sense variants of TRPA1 (transient receptor potential A1) and TRPM8 (transient receptor potential M8) are recorded in the human genome single nt polymorphism (SNP) database, but their potential impact on channel signalling in patho-physiology is not fully explored. Variants, mostly quite rare in the general human population, alter sites in different structural domains of these homo-tetrameric ion channel proteins. The effects of individual SNPs affecting the large cytoplasmic N-terminal domain have not been completely documented for TRPM8 or TRPA1. We examined the Ca2+ signalling properties of a short-list of eight variants affecting the N-terminal domain by individual expression in human embryonic kidney HEK293 or neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cell lines (four SNP variants for TRPM8: G150R, K423N, R475C, R485W and four for TRPA1: Y69C, A366D, E477K, D573A). These were compared with TRPA1 SNP variants affecting intracellular loops located beyond the N-terminal domain and associated with gain of function (such as increased sensitivity to agonists: TRPA1 R797T and N855S). A substitution in TRPA1 (Y69C) exhibited high expression/sensitivity to agonists (high iCa2+max (maximum level of intracellular calcium ion), similar to R797T, but less sensitive than N855S), whereas each of the other non-conservative substitutions exhibited poor signalling response (low iCa2+max). Responses from these poorly expressed variants could be salvaged, to different extents, by pre-treating cells with the Src (Src protein) family inhibitor protein kinase inhibitor PP2 (PP2: 4-Amino-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(t-butyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine, 4-Amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine), or with micromolar Zn2+. The TRPA1 variants and several experimental mutants (TRPA1 Y97F, Y226F and YY654–655FF) expressed poorly in SH-SY5Y compared with HEK293 cells. More in-depth studies are needed to identify SNP variants eliciting gain of function in these TRP (transient receptor potential) channels and to assess their roles in medical conditions.  相似文献   
Soil communities in landscapes that are rapidly changing due to a range of anthropogenic processes can be regarded as highly transient systems where interactions between competing species or trophic levels may be seriously disrupted. In disturbed communities dispersal in space and time has a role in ensuring continuity of community function. Stable communities, in undisturbed systems, are more dependent on competition and other biotic interactions between species. We predicted how food web components would respond to disturbance, based on their dispersal and colonizing abilities. During decomposition, flows of energy and nutrients generally follow either a bacterial-based path, with bacteria as the primary decomposer and bacterial-feeding fauna and their predators forming the associated food web, or a fungal-based channel. Trophic links that were generally resistant to change were the organisms of the bacterial pathway that have high abilities to disperse in time and passively disperse in space. Organisms in the fungal pathway were less resistant to disturbance. Resource inputs to the soil system are derived from plants, either through root exudation and root turnover during active growth or from dead plant material following senescence or agricultural tillage. Disturbances to the soil system can arise as a direct action on the soil, or indirectly from effects on the above-ground plant community. Disturbance-induced changes in plant community composition will change the soil food web composition. Organisms involved in direct interactions with plants (e.g. AM-mycorrhizal fungi) were also predicted to be vulnerable to disturbance.


Bodengemeinschaften in Landschaften, die sich aufgrund einer Reihe von anthropogenen Prozessen schnellstens verändern, können als sehr kurzlebige Systeme angesehen werden, in denen Interaktionen zwischen konkurrierenden Arten oder trophischen Leveln nachhaltig unterbrochen sind. In gestörten Gemeinschaften hat die Ausbreitung in Raum und Zeit eine Rolle bei der Wahrung der Kontinuität von Gemeinschaftsfunktionen. Stabile Gemeinschaften, in ungestörten Systemen, sind stärker von Konkurrenz und anderen biotischen Interaktionen zwischen den Arten abhängig. Wir sagten voraus, wie Nahrungsnetzkomponenten auf Störung antworten würden, basierend auf ihrer Ausbreitungs- und Kolonisationsfähigkeit. Während der Zersetzung folgen die Flüsse von Energie und Nährstoffen im Allgemeinen entweder einem Weg, der auf Bakterien basiert, mit Bakterien als den primären Zersetzern und bacterienfressender Fauna und ihre Predatoren, die das assoziierte Nahrungsnetz bilden, oder sie folgen einem Kanal, der auf Pilzen basiert. Trophische Verknüpfungen, die im Allgemeinen resistent gegen Veränderungen waren, waren die Organismen des bakteriellen Weges, die große Möglichkeiten haben sich in Zeit und passiv im Raum auszubreiten. Organismen des pilzbasierten Weges waren weniger widerstandsfähig gegenüber Störungen. Die Ressourcenzufuhr in das Bodensystem stammte von Pflanzen, entweder über Wurzelausscheidungen und/oder Wurzelturnover während des aktiven Wachstums oder von totem Pflanzenmaterial aufgrund von Seneszenz oder landwirtschatlicher Bodenbearbeitung. Störungen des Bodensystems können durch direkte Einwirkungen auf den Boden oder indirekt durch Effekte der oberirdischen Pflanzemeinschaft entstehen. Störungsinduzierte Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Pflanzengemeinschaft werden die Zusammensetzung des Bodennahrungsnetzes verändern. Für Organismen, die an direkten Interaktionen mit Pflanzen beteiligt sind (beispielsweise AM-Mykorrhizapilze), wurde ebenfalls vorhergesagt, dass sie anfällig für Störungen sind.  相似文献   


The mpasa, Opsaridium microlepis, is an important commercial species in areas of Lake Malawi near major inflowing rivers during annual spawning migrations. Plots of length frequency data collected over a series of years from mpasa catches in the Bua and North Rukuru Rivers show consistent peaks and these are believed to represent year classes. Growth in length is approximately linear, about 11 cm per year, until about five years of age. Males and females have similar growth rates.

Catch per unit effort is positively related to river level at time of sampling, and to river levels in earlier years, thus high river levels improve recruitment.  相似文献   
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