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自复寄生蜂的生殖特性及其对生物防治的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自复寄生蜂营雌雄异律发育,雌蜂为初级寄生蜂,雄蜂为复寄生蜂。依据寄主类型产下的相应性别的后代,其性比受到寄主数量、初级寄主与二级寄主的相对丰度等因素影响。自复寄生蜂能够寄生和取食初级寄主,抑制有害昆虫的种群数量,同时能够寄生和取食同种和异种寄生蜂幼虫,产生致死干扰竞争作用。复寄生二级寄主时,易感时间窗口主要集中在老熟幼虫至预蛹阶段。与同种二级寄主相比,自复寄生蜂更倾向于寄生异种二级寄主或无选择倾向性,取食时,更倾向于异种二级寄主。自复寄生蜂特殊的生殖方式使其对生物防治的影响备受争议。在评价其生物防治价值时,应对其正面影响和负面影响做出全面权衡。本文对自复寄生蜂的生殖特性、对同种和其他种类寄生蜂产生的致死干扰竞争作用及其对生物防治的影响等问题的国内外研究进展进行了综述,以期为利用这种天敌资源开展有害生物综合治理提供依据。  相似文献   
海草形态、生长的种间差异及其相关生长关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海草是海洋沉水高等植物,属典型的根茎克隆植物.根状茎直径和分株重分别是其个体大小的第一、二表征指标,个体大小是海草重要的种间识别特征.对海草6个形态构件指标和18个生长指标的综合分析表明:果实大小、单株叶面积、分株重具有显著的种特异性;分株发出的时间差、水平根状茎分枝率、叶年产量、分株寿命和垂直茎分枝率是海草种特异性最强的5个生长动态指标,海草生长动态的差异主要体现在克隆生长能力强弱和分株生活史长短上;大海草趋于游击型克隆构型,而小海草则趋于密集型,但小海草Cymodocea nodosa例外;大海草基株水平扩展能力较小海草差.海草个体大小与生长特征的相关生长关系表明:随个体的增大,海草在有机构件生长上表现出两相邻叶、相邻分株、相邻节发出的时间差延长,分株、叶、茎寿命延长的特点;在克隆生长水平上表现出根状茎节间长变短、延伸速率降低,分枝率和根状茎上年产分株数降低,分枝角度变小和间隔子增大的趋势;在克隆片段水平上表现为生理整合性增强;在种群层面则表现出生物量增大和种群密度降低的特点.因此,海草个体大小对其形态、生长特征、克隆构型、种群密度和生产力起到了决定作用.大小海草不同的形态、生长动态和克隆构型特征导致它们的生存策略及生态功能也不同,这一点可能对海草场修复基础理论研究具有一定的指示作用.  相似文献   
Recovery from weight loss after stress is important for all organisms, although the recovery mechanisms are not fully understood. We are working to clarify these mechanisms. Here, we recorded enhanced feeding activity of Drosophila melanogaster larvae from 2 to 4 h after heat stress at 35°C for 1 h. During the post‐stress period, expression levels of sweet taste gustatory receptor genes (Grs), Gr5a, Gr43a, Gr64a, and Gr64f, were elevated, whereas bitter taste Grs, Gr66a, and Gr33a, were decreased in expression and expression of a non‐typical taste receptor Gr, Gr68a, was unchanged. Similar upregulation of Gr5a and downregulation of Gr66a was recorded after cold stress at 4°C. Expression levels of tropomyosin and ATP synthase ß subunit were significantly increased in larval mouth parts around 3 to 5 h after the heat stress. We infer that up‐regulation of post‐stress larval feeding activity, and weight recovery, is mediated by increasing capacity for mouth part muscular movements and changes in taste sensing physiology. We propose that Drosophila larvae, and likely insects generally, express an efficient mechanism to recover from weight loss during post‐stress periods.  相似文献   
Aging and obesity increase multimorbidity and disability risk, and determining interventions for reversing healthspan decline is a critical public health priority. Exercise and time‐restricted feeding (TRF) benefit multiple health parameters when initiated in early life, but their efficacy and safety when initiated at older ages are uncertain. Here, we tested the effects of exercise versus TRF in diet‐induced obese, aged mice from 20 to 24 months of age. We characterized healthspan across key domains: body composition, physical, metabolic, and cardiovascular function, activity of daily living (ADL) behavior, and pathology. We demonstrate that both exercise and TRF improved aspects of body composition. Exercise uniquely benefited physical function, and TRF uniquely benefited metabolism, ADL behavior, and circulating indicators of liver pathology. No adverse outcomes were observed in exercised mice, but in contrast, lean mass and cardiovascular maladaptations were observed following TRF. Through a composite index of benefits and risks, we conclude the net healthspan benefits afforded by exercise are more favorable than those of TRF. Extrapolating to obese older adults, exercise is a safe and effective option for healthspan improvement, but additional comprehensive studies are warranted before recommending TRF.  相似文献   
孙明  董婧  柴雨  李玉龙 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3222-3232
白色霞水母是我国近海主要大型灾害水母种类之一,其暴发性增殖严重破坏了海洋生态系统平衡.在室内控制条件下,研究了温度(7.5、11、14.5、18、21.5和25℃)和投饵频次(1次/2d、1次/8d和1次/16d)对白色霞水母无性繁殖与螅状体生长的影响.结果显示,白色霞水母足囊繁殖的适宜温度为18-25℃,足囊繁殖随温度和投饵频次的增加而增加.温度对白色霞水母横裂率和横裂次数的影响显著,温度越高,白色霞水母发生横裂生殖的时间越早,横裂生殖速度越快,重复横裂次数越多,释放的碟状体数量也越多.横裂率和横裂次数随投饵频次的增加而递增.白色霞水母螅状体在7.5-25℃范围的成活率均为100%,其生长速度随温度和投饵频次的增加而增加.温度和投饵频次对白色霞水母螅状体足囊繁殖、横裂率和螅状体生长具有明显的交互效应.螅状体的横裂次数和初生碟状幼体伞径随螅状体柄径增大而递增,呈线性相关.研究表明,温度、投饵频次即营养条件显著影响着白色霞水母的种群数量,说明海水水温上升、富营养化或渔业资源锐减导致的浮游动物量增加均可能诱发白色霞水母暴发性增殖.结论为进一步探索大型水母暴发的生态环境机理提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   
A number of studies have shown that primates monitor and select plant species in their diet as a function of their secondary compound composition. The possibility also exists that secondary compounds, when used in appropriate concentrations, may have a beneficial, medicinal aspect. In this regard, synthesis of a variety of data suggested a connection between selection of Balanites by Ethiopian baboons, and the distribution of schistosomiasis. To test the hypothesis that the secondary compounds in Balanites might be selected for ‘medicinal purposes’, we conducted an experiment on the effect of adding the active principle, diosgenin, to the food of schistosome-infected mice. The hypothesis was that this steroidal saponin might alter the host's hormonal milieu, making a less hospitable environment for the adult schistosomes. Sacrifice of the mice showed diosgenin-fed animals to have an augmented rather than decreased response to the disease. However, the data support the developing literature that shows that the host's hormonal environment has a major effect on the parasitic diseases they are subject to, and that the hormonal environment can be dramatically influenced by the secondary compounds in the diet.  相似文献   
We investigated oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) use for feeding in 3 chimpanzee communities: Bossou and Seringbara in Guinea and Yealé in Côte d'Ivoire. Bossou was used as the benchmark for comparison. Bossou chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) exhibit a wide range of oil palm targeted behaviors. We used direct observations of their two tool use, i.e., nut-cracking and pestle pounding, to establish strict and reliable criteria to ascertain the presence of comparable behaviors at the two adjacent Nimba sites. Based on monthly surveys of oil palms across the three sites, significant differences in patterns of use emerged. Bossou chimpanzees demonstrated the greatest frequency of oil palm use, while Seringbara chimpanzees, 6 km away, failed to exhibit any use and Yealé chimpanzees, 12 km away, showed all uses comparable to Bossou chimpanzees except pestle pounding and mature leaf pith-feeding. We examined the density and distribution of oil palms, tool availability for nut-cracking and pestle pounding, fruit, flower and nut availability, competition with sympatric species for fruit and nuts and the diversity of fruit species in the diet across the 3 sites. We found no clear difference in proximate environmental variables underlying observed variations in oil palm use among the 3 sites, yielding the conclusion that the differences are cultural. Assuming individual interchange between communities and the involvement of social learning in the intracommunity transmission and maintenance of oil palm uses, the result raises interesting questions about diffusion of behavior between neighboring chimpanzee communities.  相似文献   
人工食物对高原鼠兔稳定性碳和氮同位素组成的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以玉米面、小米面和绿豆粉 (质量比为 5∶3∶2 )的混合食物饲喂青藏高原地区特有种高原鼠兔 ,4 0d后断头杀死 ,取其后腿肌肉测定稳定性碳和氮同位素组成。结果表明 ,用混合食物饲喂后 ,高原鼠兔的稳定性碳同位素比值显著升高 ,由对照的 (- 2 4 6 6± 0 2 5 )‰上升为 (- 19 0 5± 0 0 9)‰ ;稳定性氮同位素的组成变化较小 ,仅由对照的 (3 2 8± 0 13)‰增加为饲喂后的 (3 6 1± 0 32 )‰。经人工食物饲喂后 ,高原鼠兔与其食物间稳定性碳同位素的分馏效应为 4 73‰ ,稳定性氮同位素的分馏效应为 2 79‰。C4组分食物的加入影响高原鼠兔的稳定性同位素 (特别是氮同位素 )代谢模式 ,其稳定性同位素代谢周转率可能高于原来预测的 4 0d。  相似文献   
【目的】研究双七瓢虫Coccinula quatuordecimpustulata(Linnaeus)对蚜虫的捕食习性,为其保护利用提供依据。【方法】采用13种蚜虫分别饲喂双七瓢虫1~4龄幼虫及成虫,观察记录24 h的捕食数量;选取大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura、豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris)和白杨毛蚜Chaitophrus populeti(Panzer)分别对双七瓢虫进行饲养,记录瓢虫发育历期。【结果】双七瓢虫对供试的13种蚜虫捕食数量存在显著差异,其嗜食程度依照对蚜虫的日捕食生物量依次为:大豆蚜、菊小长管蚜Macrosiphoniella sanborni(Gillette)、月季长管蚜Sitobion rosivorum(Zhang)、豌豆蚜、甘蓝蚜Brevicoryne brassicae(Linnaeus)等;用大豆蚜和豌豆蚜饲养,双七瓢虫各虫态发育历期较短,用白杨毛蚜饲养则发育历期较长,3种蚜虫饲养的双七瓢虫,蛹均能正常羽化。【结论】双七瓢虫对供试蚜虫均有捕食行为,但捕食量存在明显差异;不同蚜虫对双七瓢虫的发育历期具有一定影响。  相似文献   
土壤和植物对冬虫夏草寄主昆虫规模化饲养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冬虫夏草大量人工培植的关键之一是寄主昆虫的规模化饲养,本文对西藏林芝地区冬虫夏草生境中不同土壤基质在室内对蝙蝠蛾幼虫生长的影响以及寄主幼虫对5种植物的取食行为、嗅觉反应进行了系统研究。结果表明蝙蝠蛾幼虫偏好土质疏松、渗透性好的土壤,土壤因子中湿度和有机质含量与蝙蝠蛾幼虫存活率成正相关。蝙蝠蛾3龄幼虫对适生地植物的取食选择性与嗅觉反应趋性顺序为鹅绒委陵菜>珠芽蓼>小大黄>圆穗蓼>羊角天麻;进一步Spearman相关分析显示,幼虫对各植物的选择系数与可溶性糖(R=0.850,P<0.05)和粗蛋白(R=0.898,P<0.05)都存在显著的正相关关系,而与粗纤维(R=-0.952,P<0.05)有着显著的负相关关系,与粗灰分(R=-0.391,P=0.516)之间没有显著的相关关系;取食鹅绒委陵菜、珠芽蓼后的幼虫单头虫重显著大于取食其他植物的幼虫。这一研究结果为冬虫夏草寄主昆虫规模化饲养提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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