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Bayberry whitefly (Parabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) crawlers were placed on young and mature lemon leaves and were allowed 7–9 days to settle. Afterwards, the nymphs were fixed and sectioned in situ on the leaves and the area of leaf under each whitefly was examined at 1 000 x for stylet penetration. Both stylets and stylet tracks were readily visible in the sections. The path of penetration was mostly intercellular and the objective appeared to be the phloem. Passage of the stylets through the plant tissue did not cause detectable damage to most cells; however, damaged plant cells occasionally were noticed. Nymphs that had moulted during the 7–9 day settling period reached the phloem significantly more often than those that were still in their first instar. In each of the three replicates, penetration in the mature leaf occurred significantly less often than penetration in the young leaf (4% vs. 72%, p<0.01, 2). Penetration appears to be inhibited in the mature leaf either by the leaf cuticle or by factors detected by the nymphs after very shallow penetration into the leaf. The cuticle of mature leaves was much thicker than the cuticle of young leaves and may have been a barrier to stylet penetration.
Résumé Des larves de premier stade (avant la fixation) de l'aleurode, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana), ont été placées, pour qu'elles se fixent, pendánt 2 à 9 jours, sur des feuilles jeunes ou mûres de citronnier. Des morceaux de feuilles avec des larves fixées ont été trempés dans 2% d'agar; ce procédé a permis de maintenir les larves à leurs sites de fixation finale. Des pièces d'agar contenant les morceaux de feuilles avec les larves ont ensuite été trempées dans de la paraffine, et sectionnées en séries de 10 . Il était nécessaire de maintenir une basse température pendant l'opération afin d'obtenir de bonnes sections des feuilles mûres durcies. Les stylets et leurs traces étaient faciles à voir dans les sections teintées aux safranins, et fast green. Presque toutes les traces des stylets étaient intercellulaires et leur destination semblaient être de phloème. En général, la plupart des cellules ne semblaient pas endommagées, les larves qui avaient mué pendant la période de 7 à 9 jours de fixation avaient atteint significantivement plus le phloeme que les larves du premier stade. Dans trois essais, la pénétration des feuilles mûres était significativement moins fréquente que celle des feuilles jeunes (p<0.01, 2).La pénétration dans des feuilles mûres semble être empêchée par la cuticule ou par des facteurs perçus par les nymphes après une pénétration superficielle. La cuticule des feuilles mûres était beaucoup plus épaisse que la cuticule des jeunes feuilles et pourrait donc représenter une barrière à la pénétration des stylets.
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes salivate during intradermal probing of vertebrate prey before ingesting blood (Griffiths and Gordon 1952). Nonsalivating mosquitoes locate blood more slowly; this difference was ascribed to an anti-platelet activity found in the mosquito's saliva (Ribeiro et al. 1984). Mosquitoes infected with Plasmodium gallinaceum suffer pathology that specifically impairs saliva anti-hemostatic activity but without reducing volume of output (Rossignol et al. 1984). The complexity of the feeding apparatus of mosquitoes provides opportunity for a variety of strategies in which pathogens may produce specific lesions that enhance their transmission, but the variables that affect the duration of probing by mosquitoes have not been defined. We sought to resolve this complexity by identifying and quantifying relevant parameters of probing behavior. Mosquitoes thrust their mouthparts repeatedly through their host's skin while searching for blood. Female A. aegypti thrust at 7-sec intervals. If this search results in success, feeding ensues. Alternatively, the mosquito "desists," the mouthparts stylets are withdrawn, and the mosquito attempts to feed at another site. Even after previous desistance, the probability of finding blood remains undiminished. Functions for the probability of feeding success and desistance over time were derived using data from observations on 300 mosquitoes. The probability of feeding success was interpreted as being a function of the density of vessels in the skin, their geometric distribution, and the conditions locally affecting hemostasis. During each probe, the probability of desisting increased linearly with time, and after desisting once, mosquitoes tended to desist more rapidly. A model was developed incorporating Monte Carlo simulation which closely fit observed data. By changing values for the several parameters of the probability functions, we predicted modes in which parasites may manipulate their hosts to enhance transmission, both to and from the vector. In particular, parasite strategies in the vector would include induced salivary pathology; increased duration of probing thrusts; decreased desistance time; and inhibited phagoreception. Predicted parasite strategies in the reservoir host would include increased skin vascular volume and impaired host hemostasis. Our model supports the hypothesis of a mutualistic interaction of malaria and mosquitoes.  相似文献   
Clearance rates of sessile rotifers: in vitro determinations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We measured laboratory clearance rates of 10 rotifer and one unidentified bryozoan species from 3 different lakes using 32P labeled algae (Chlamydomonas) or yeast (Rhodotorula). Clearance rates for all rotifers fed yeast ranged from < 2.0 to > 260 µl · animal–1 · h–1 depending on species. The in vitro clearance rates of two sessile rotifers (Ptygura crystallina and P. pilula) were not significantly different from previously measured in situ rates (Wallace and Starkweather 1983). Clearance rates for 5 rotifers fed algae ranged from < 5.0 to > 90.0 µl · animal–1 · h–1. Ptygura beauchampi, P. crystallina, P. pilula, Floscularia conifera, and F. melicerta ingested both cell types but their clearance rates varied substantially among species and between cell types. There was a substantial time-dependent loss of 32P from formalin-fixed animals (Sinantherina socialis) awaiting processing. This loss stabilized at approximately 20 hours and was estimated to be about 40% of the initial ingested label. Clearance rates for the bryozoan fed yeast or algae were highly variable, ranging from < 1.0 to > 3 000 µl · animal–1 · h–1.  相似文献   
A test of a model for planktivorous filter feeding by bream Abramis brama   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The planktivorous feeding of bream, Abramis brama on Daphnia hyalina and Bosmina coregoni was analyzed in a stepwise regression analysis with the average size (and standard deviation) of consumed organisms as dependent variable and the size of the fish, the average size (and standard deviation) of the organisms and their density in the environment as independent variables. Three basic predictions on filter feeding were formulated and tested. It was predicted that the (average) prey size should increase with fish size, but that the standard deviation should decline. Secondly the prey size should be strongly correlated with the prey size available and thirdly the prey density should have little effect on the size selection. These hypotheses could not be rejected for bream>10 cm feeding on B. coregoni and for bream>20 cm feeding on D. hyalina. The hypotheses were not valid for smaller bream as these acted as particulate or combined filter- and particulate feeders.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The detailed behavioural mechanisms underlying an instance of compensation for changes in dietary nutrients are described for the first time in an insect. Nymphs of Locusta migratoria L. were given one of four artificial diets on the third day of the fifth instar, and their feeding patterns recorded in detail for 12 h. The diets represented combinations of two protein and two digestible carbohydrate levels (28% and 14% dry weight) presented in an otherwise complete nutrient mix. At the nutrient levels used, locusts regulated their intake of food with respect to protein but not digestible carbohydrate in the diet. They ate more of the lower protein diets by eating the same sized meals more frequently than insects fed on the higher protein diets. Compensation was not complete over the 12 h observation period: insects on the lower-protein diets ingested and absorbed 72% as much nitrogen as those insects fed on the higher-protein diets. Possible physiological mechanisms underlying the behavioural mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
Basic knowledge on the feeding ecology of one of the common and commercially important fish species in Jebel Aulia Reservoir is provided.The structure of the feeding apparatus indicates that Labeo niloticus is a bottom feeder, depending on soft and decayed vegetation, organic debris and whatever small organisms found within. However, juveniles and fry are prone to explore all layers and depths of the river selectively for plankton. There is little evidence of seasonal selection of food. Changes in diet quality are governed by the availability of type of food. Variability of feeding activity is connected with climate and breeding season.  相似文献   
Excised cotyledons of radiata pine ( Pinus radiata D. Don), cultured under shootforming (plus cytokinin) and elongating (minus cytokinin) conditions, were incubated in 14C-glucose, 14C-acetate or 14C-bicarbonate at different stages of growth and differentiation. 14CO2 was produced when the cotyledons were fed 14C-glucose and 14C-acetate (no measurement was made for 14C-bicarbonate feeding). Label from these precursors was incorporated into ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fractions. The largest percentage of radioactivity was associated with the ethanol-soluble portion, which was further fractionated into lipids, amino acids, organic acids and sugars. The amount of label and the pattern of labelling associated with each of the above classes of metabolites varied with time in culture and morphogenetic behaviour of the cotyledons. In general, there was a tendency towards a high rate of incorporation of label in elongating cotyledons during the period of rapid elongation. On the other hand, a high rate of incorporation of label in shoot-forming cotyledons coincided with the period of meristematic tissue formation. The data obtained support the hypothesis that organized development in vitro involves a shift in metabolism, which precedes and is coincident with the initiation of the process.  相似文献   
Based on protochordates and extant fish, the earliest Palaeozoic vertebrates were microphagous suspension-feeding animals that pumped food-carrying water very slowly and thus required highly concentrated suspensions. Such conditions exist in benthic (not open water) aquatic environments. Feeding modes which on the basis of extant fish are closely related to benthic microphagous suspension feeding include deposit feeding, epilithic algal scraping, and macrophagous suspension feeding; early jawless vertebrates are predicted to have included all these feeding types. The gnathostome condition is predicted to have followed an initial switch from feeding on suspensions to taking tiny individual food particles (microphagous suspension-feeding → microphagous particulate-feeding → macrophagous particulate-feeding).  相似文献   
Chemical defence in chrysomelid eggs and neonate larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Eggs and neonate larvae of chrysomelid beetles (sub-tribes Chrysomelina and Phyllodectina) were investigated for the presence of defensive substances.
The two isoxazolinone glucosides (compounds 1 and 2), characteristic of the adult defence secretion, were detected in the eggs of all studied species. Compound 2, containing a nitropropionate, is always present in concentrations (above 10-2 M), which are highly deterrent to the ant Myrmica rubra. This compound is not at all or only slightly toxic to ants at 10-2 M. Compound 1, devoid of nitropropionate, is a minor constituent, and is neither deterrent nor toxic to ants.
The five Chrysomela species studied and Phratora vitellinae also sequester salicin in their eggs in amounts highly deterrent and toxic to ants. A single Chrysomela egg often contains enough salicin to kill an ant. While the isoxazolinones are discarded with the egg shells, salicin is used by neonate larvae as a precursor for the production of salicylaldehyde in the thoracic defence glands, already functional at hatching. No salicin could be detected in the eggs of those species whose larvae produce cyclopentanoid monoterpenes, even if they feed on Salicaceae. No larva of any species seems to be able to produce detectable amounts of monoterpenes at birth. A very early defence, possible only in those species using salicin as the precursor for their defensive secretion, could be highly advantageous in protecting the clustered larvae during the long process of hatching and in avoiding cannibalism between siblings.
Only trace amounts of oleic acid were found in the eggs of Gastrophysa viridula , in contrast to previous reports on its presence in large quantities in the American G. cyanea.  相似文献   
Marmosets (Callithrix, Cebuella) in the wild gouge wells in trees and eat the exudates that accumulate there. An artificial gum-tree was made of wooden dowel and filled with Acacia Senegal exudate (gum arabic) dissolved in water. Three families of marmosets avidly gouged and consumed gum from this device, showing all of the behavioral patterns described in nature. The gum-tree cost little and was easy to make.  相似文献   
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