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In an enclosure study in Schöhsee, a small mesotrophic lake in Northern Germany, the impact of copepods and daphniids on the seston community was studied. In general, these two guilds differ in their feeding behaviour. Copepods actively select their food, with a preference for larger particles, whereas most cladocerans are unselective filter-feeders. In this study we investigate how the impact of the two different grazers affects zooplankton growth. We combine results obtained in the laboratory with results measured in situ in the enclosures. Copepods and cladocerans were cultured on seston from enclosures that were inhabited by density gradients of copepods or daphniids. We observed that Daphnia grew faster on seston that was pre-handled by copepods than on seston that was pre-handled by daphniids, and that somatic growth decreased with increasing densities of daphniids in the enclosures. In contrast, we observed no differences in development rates for copepods grown on the different media. The population growth rates of Daphnia in the Daphnia treatments were determined in the enclosures. Growth differences in both somatic- and population growth of Daphnia were correlated to food quality aspects of the seston. In the laboratory we found that Daphnia growth was correlated with several fatty acids. The strongest regression was with the concentration of 20:43 (r 2= 0.37). This particular fatty acid also showed the highest correlation with growth after normalisation of the fatty acids to the carbon content of the enclosures (r 2= 0.33). On the other hand, in the enclosure the population growth correlated most to the particulate nitrogen content (r 2= 0.78) and only to the N:C ratio, when normalised to carbon (r 2= 0.51).  相似文献   
Among the drimane compounds tested, the dialdehydes polygodial and warburganal were the most active as antifeedants against Colorado potato beetle larvae, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in a dual-choice assay with potato, Solanum tuberosum L., leaf discs. Lactones were less effective. Direct observations showed that decreased feeding on leaf discs treated with polygodial and warburganal was accompanied by increased locomotry activity. Topical application of these two compounds on the insect's cuticle decreased food intake of untreated leaf discs, indicating that besides deterrent effects, toxic properties of these molecules influence feeding behaviour.  相似文献   
海草形态、生长的种间差异及其相关生长关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海草是海洋沉水高等植物,属典型的根茎克隆植物.根状茎直径和分株重分别是其个体大小的第一、二表征指标,个体大小是海草重要的种间识别特征.对海草6个形态构件指标和18个生长指标的综合分析表明:果实大小、单株叶面积、分株重具有显著的种特异性;分株发出的时间差、水平根状茎分枝率、叶年产量、分株寿命和垂直茎分枝率是海草种特异性最强的5个生长动态指标,海草生长动态的差异主要体现在克隆生长能力强弱和分株生活史长短上;大海草趋于游击型克隆构型,而小海草则趋于密集型,但小海草Cymodocea nodosa例外;大海草基株水平扩展能力较小海草差.海草个体大小与生长特征的相关生长关系表明:随个体的增大,海草在有机构件生长上表现出两相邻叶、相邻分株、相邻节发出的时间差延长,分株、叶、茎寿命延长的特点;在克隆生长水平上表现出根状茎节间长变短、延伸速率降低,分枝率和根状茎上年产分株数降低,分枝角度变小和间隔子增大的趋势;在克隆片段水平上表现为生理整合性增强;在种群层面则表现出生物量增大和种群密度降低的特点.因此,海草个体大小对其形态、生长特征、克隆构型、种群密度和生产力起到了决定作用.大小海草不同的形态、生长动态和克隆构型特征导致它们的生存策略及生态功能也不同,这一点可能对海草场修复基础理论研究具有一定的指示作用.  相似文献   
Summary A state-dependent model has been used to predict daily and tidal patterns of migration, feeding and inactivity in juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in their intertidal and shallow subtidal nursery areas. Vertical position, quantity of energy reserves and fullness of the gut characterized the state of individual fishes. If feeding is visually mediated, the model predicts that, by night, plaice should move to areas of low predation risk and become inactive, whereas by day, plaice should migrate to feed in areas of high prey encounter rate. Vertical zones adopted by day and night and, hence, patterns of migration, should depend on the distributions of predators and prey. When prey are more abundant in the intertidal zone, plaice should move onshore to feed as the tide rises and when prey are more abundant offshore, plaice should move offshore to feed by day. If predators are equally abundant in all zones, the fish should behave as if no predators were present, having no effective refuge. An increase in the abundance of predators with depth results in the restriction of plaice activities to shallower vertical zones, depending on the magnitude of the predation threat. Zones adopted thus depend on the trade-off between energy intake and predation risk. Concordance between predicted behaviour and observed patterns is evident in contrasting habitats. Migration and feeding in the Wadden Sea, where prey are more abundant on intertidal flats, is dominated by the tidal component, whereas on impoverished exposed beaches of the west coast of Scotland, the diurnal component is dominant. Tidally related behaviour persists in the latter environment, not predicted by the model and may be a consequence of using endogenous rhythms to approach optimal behavioural patterns.  相似文献   
Aging and obesity increase multimorbidity and disability risk, and determining interventions for reversing healthspan decline is a critical public health priority. Exercise and time‐restricted feeding (TRF) benefit multiple health parameters when initiated in early life, but their efficacy and safety when initiated at older ages are uncertain. Here, we tested the effects of exercise versus TRF in diet‐induced obese, aged mice from 20 to 24 months of age. We characterized healthspan across key domains: body composition, physical, metabolic, and cardiovascular function, activity of daily living (ADL) behavior, and pathology. We demonstrate that both exercise and TRF improved aspects of body composition. Exercise uniquely benefited physical function, and TRF uniquely benefited metabolism, ADL behavior, and circulating indicators of liver pathology. No adverse outcomes were observed in exercised mice, but in contrast, lean mass and cardiovascular maladaptations were observed following TRF. Through a composite index of benefits and risks, we conclude the net healthspan benefits afforded by exercise are more favorable than those of TRF. Extrapolating to obese older adults, exercise is a safe and effective option for healthspan improvement, but additional comprehensive studies are warranted before recommending TRF.  相似文献   
Grazer-periphyton interactions were investigated in 11 laboratory streams holding a range of densities of three herbivore taxa during a 32-d experiment. Effects of grazers on algae were strongest with Dicosmoecus gilvipes caddisflies, intermediate with Juga silicula snails, and weakest with Baetis spp. mayflies. Algal standing crop, export, and gross primary production declined logarithmically with increasing grazer density. Algal turnover rate, however, increased with grazer abundance. At high densities of all grazers, responses in most algal parameters converged, suggesting that high grazing pressure, regardless of taxon, will similarly affect periphyton. Growth of both Dicosmoecus caddisflies and Juga snails was density-dependent, with the highest growth rates occurring at the lowest densities. Caddisflies displayed high growth rates but low efficiency in resource use. Snails had lower growth rates but were more efficient in resource use. The coexistence of Dicosmoecus and Juga, or other competing herbivores, in natural streams may be related to these fundamental differences in life history strategies.Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   
广东内伶仃岛猕猴食性及食源植物分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论文对内伶仃岛猕猴(Macaca mulatta)的植物食性进行了全面调查,并测定了食源植物适食部分的比重。研究结果表明:(1)猕猴食源植物约200种,以叶食性、果食性最为丰富;(2)猕猴的活动区域以阔叶林、灌木林等植被类型为主;(3)食源植物以热带亚热带成分为主,与栖息地植被组成特征相适应;(4)内伶仃岛猕猴种群发展的容纳量最适为820~1640只(平均1230只),而以743~1485只(平均1114只)最为合适,其总食量约相当于适食性优质植物资源总蕴藏量的10%~20%。  相似文献   
太湖湖滨生态修复区大型底栖动物群落结构及梯度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈忱  刘茂松  徐驰  汤浩  王磊  黄成 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1186-1193
2010—2011年对太湖贡湖湾湖滨带生态修复区滨岸挺水植物带(Ⅰ)、湾相沉水植物带(Ⅱ)和堰外开敞水体(Ⅲ)3个滨岸生境梯度带的水质状况和底栖动物群落特征进行了研究。结果表明:调查共发现底栖动物13科18种,其中仅出现于1个生境梯度带的物种7个;在其余的11个物种中,有5个种群的密度在生境梯度带间存在显著差异;比较发现,按底栖动物摄食功能类群的相对比例,刮食者相对丰度在带Ⅰ最高,收集者在带Ⅱ最高,滤食者在带Ⅲ最高,不同生境梯度带间底栖动物的摄食功能类群构成存在显著差异。对底栖动物相对丰度和水环境参数的冗余分析显示,环节动物和昆虫与DO、NO3--N和PO43--P浓度正相关,软体动物则与NO3--N和PO43--P负相关,一些腹足类对低DO耐受能力较强,与NH4+-N和COD正相关。修复区3个梯度带水动力条件、水质状况和底质类型的差异性对底栖动物的分布有重要影响,形成了生活习性、摄食特征等显著不同的3个底栖动物群落。  相似文献   
本文对头孢菌素C(Cephalosporin C,CPC)发酵过程中碳源补料控制策略进行了优化研究,提出了一种基于DO—Stat的混合碳源流加策略,提高了发酵整体性能。在7L发酵罐上对使用该策略和传统补油策略的头孢菌素发酵性能进行比较,结果表明,采用补加混合碳源(葡萄糖+豆油)策略时,CPC终浓度最高,达到36.99g/L,CPC得率也从使用传统单纯补油策略时的11.39%提高到22.19%,代谢副产物去乙酰氧头孢菌素C(DAOC)的积累量少,DAOC/CPC只有0.38%,达到生产要求。  相似文献   
Environmental stimuli that signal food availability hold powerful sway over motivated behavior and promote feeding, in part, by activating the mesolimbic system. These food‐predictive cues evoke brief (phasic) changes in nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine concentration and in the activity of individual NAc neurons. Phasic fluctuations in mesolimbic signaling have been directly linked to goal‐directed behaviors, including behaviors elicited by food‐predictive cues. Food‐seeking behavior is also strongly influenced by physiological state (i.e., hunger vs. satiety). Ghrelin, a stomach hormone that crosses the blood‐brain barrier, is linked to the perception of hunger and drives food intake, including intake potentiated by environmental cues. Notwithstanding, whether ghrelin regulates phasic mesolimbic signaling evoked by food‐predictive stimuli is unknown. Here, rats underwent Pavlovian conditioning in which one cue predicted the delivery of rewarding food (CS+) and a second cue predicted nothing (CS?). After training, we measured the effect of ghrelin infused into the lateral ventricle (LV) on sub‐second fluctuations in NAc dopamine using fast‐scan cyclic voltammetry and individual NAc neuron activity using in vivo electrophysiology in separate groups of rats. LV ghrelin augmented both phasic dopamine and phasic increases in the activity of NAc neurons evoked by the CS+. Importantly, ghrelin did not affect the dopamine nor NAc neuron response to the CS?, suggesting that ghrelin selectively modulated mesolimbic signaling evoked by motivationally significant stimuli. These data demonstrate that ghrelin, a hunger signal linked to physiological state, can regulate cue‐evoked mesolimbic signals that underlie food‐directed behaviors.


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