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Three-spined stickleback consumed prey of one size until the stomach was full whereafter similar-sized prey were rejected, but smaller prey were consumed. This evidence leads to the prediction of a shift in prey size preference as a result of the constraint imposed by remaining stomach capacity.  相似文献   
Feeding ecology is an important factor for the survival of a species and knowledge of its parameters is a prerequisite for successful conservation work. In this study we describe the feeding ecology of the endemic Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis barklyi on Praslin, Seychelles, the only island on which this parrot is resident. We compared two methods to evaluate feeding choices: incidental observations and feeding walks on 25 transects in all habitat types. Black parrots fed on 46 different species, bringing the total number of known food plants to 53 species. They predominantly consumed endemic and native species (58% of observed feeding bouts), mainly their fruit pulp (in 68% of feeding bouts), followed by buds (15%) and seeds (37%) with occasional observations of leaves, bark and scale insects. The incidental method rendered many more observed bouts than the transect approach and the ratios of consumed species differed between methods but the transect results are regarded as more representative. The incidental method is not suitable for quantitative conclusions but complements the transect method, providing information about rarely occurring feeding events.  相似文献   
郑新庆  黄凌风  李元超  林荣澄 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7166-7172
为了评估啃食性端足类强壮藻钩虾Ampithoe valida对筼筜湖大型海藻群落的影响,作者在实验室内开展了强壮藻钩虾对筼筜湖三种大型海藻(绿藻石莼Ulva lactuca和根枝藻Rhizoclonium sp.、红藻细基江蓠繁枝变种Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui)的摄食实验,并分析了大型海藻的营养价值是否对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择产生影响。结果显示,在无选择性摄食实验中,强壮藻钩虾的摄食率与海藻的干湿比和鲜藻总有机碳含量有着明显的负相关关系,这表明强壮藻钩虾有明显的补偿摄食行为,能通过增加低营养价值藻类的摄食量来满足自身代谢的需求。强壮藻钩虾对绿藻石莼和根枝藻有明显的摄食偏好,对它们的摄食率分别占总摄食率的40.6%和57.1%,而红藻细基江蓠繁枝变种则属于偶然性摄食的种类,海藻的营养价值并没有对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择产生影响。不过,强壮藻钩虾对绿藻的摄食偏好并没有在筼筜湖形成一个以红藻占主导的大型海藻群落,这可能是由于筼筜湖超富营养化的水体使得来自强壮藻钩虾的下行控制已经无法抑制来自超富营养化的水体通过上行控制对绿藻生长的促进作用。  相似文献   
Re-introductions are increasingly used conservation tools. Often, criteria for re-introducing species are based on policies or politics and little attention paid, albeit theoretical, to understanding what ecological possibilities habitats may have in sustaining introduced animals. Assessing potential carrying capacities is complex but easier for grazers, since biomass of these herbivores is empirically correlated with habitat primary productivity.The case is made here that the Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, a vulnerable North African primate with a large surplus captive stock, can be viewed as a grazer. Because of this attribute, and unlike congenerics, it is possible to estimate potential densities in extant habitats in a fashion similar to predicting stocking levels for domestic herbivores. Thus, from values of consumable primary productivity for domestic stock in Mediterranean countries and the monkey's energy requirements, attainable macaque populations in studied habitats could be much higher than actual. Though these numbers may be unreachable in nature, this study shows that present macaque populations could increase after restorative management of habitats in which re-stocking with captive-born animals may play a part. However, since only 10% of potential monkey habitat in Morocco and Algeria is occupied by the species, finding areas for releasing captive-born macaques is more advisable.  相似文献   
太湖湖滨生态修复区大型底栖动物群落结构及梯度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈忱  刘茂松  徐驰  汤浩  王磊  黄成 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1186-1193
2010—2011年对太湖贡湖湾湖滨带生态修复区滨岸挺水植物带(Ⅰ)、湾相沉水植物带(Ⅱ)和堰外开敞水体(Ⅲ)3个滨岸生境梯度带的水质状况和底栖动物群落特征进行了研究。结果表明:调查共发现底栖动物13科18种,其中仅出现于1个生境梯度带的物种7个;在其余的11个物种中,有5个种群的密度在生境梯度带间存在显著差异;比较发现,按底栖动物摄食功能类群的相对比例,刮食者相对丰度在带Ⅰ最高,收集者在带Ⅱ最高,滤食者在带Ⅲ最高,不同生境梯度带间底栖动物的摄食功能类群构成存在显著差异。对底栖动物相对丰度和水环境参数的冗余分析显示,环节动物和昆虫与DO、NO3--N和PO43--P浓度正相关,软体动物则与NO3--N和PO43--P负相关,一些腹足类对低DO耐受能力较强,与NH4+-N和COD正相关。修复区3个梯度带水动力条件、水质状况和底质类型的差异性对底栖动物的分布有重要影响,形成了生活习性、摄食特征等显著不同的3个底栖动物群落。  相似文献   
Grazer-periphyton interactions were investigated in 11 laboratory streams holding a range of densities of three herbivore taxa during a 32-d experiment. Effects of grazers on algae were strongest with Dicosmoecus gilvipes caddisflies, intermediate with Juga silicula snails, and weakest with Baetis spp. mayflies. Algal standing crop, export, and gross primary production declined logarithmically with increasing grazer density. Algal turnover rate, however, increased with grazer abundance. At high densities of all grazers, responses in most algal parameters converged, suggesting that high grazing pressure, regardless of taxon, will similarly affect periphyton. Growth of both Dicosmoecus caddisflies and Juga snails was density-dependent, with the highest growth rates occurring at the lowest densities. Caddisflies displayed high growth rates but low efficiency in resource use. Snails had lower growth rates but were more efficient in resource use. The coexistence of Dicosmoecus and Juga, or other competing herbivores, in natural streams may be related to these fundamental differences in life history strategies.Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to investigate the potential for using functional feeding groups (FFGs) as indicators of water quality conditions in rivers, using the Buffalo River, South Africa, as a specific example. Multivariate classification and ordination techniques were used to investigate species and FFG distributions in relation to a number of physico-chemical variables at 16 sites from the headwaters to the estuary of the Buffalo River.Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) of species composition ranked most of the sites sequentially down the river, irrespective of water quality conditions. Ordination of FFGs from a set of riffle samples collected in mid-late summer showed only weak relationships between FFG distribution and water quality changes, except where variables changed sequentially down the river (e.g. pH and temperature). Individual species responses to water quality gradients were examined for nine riffle-dwelling species representing diverse FFGs. Following correspondence analysis of a matrix of environmental variables and species frequencies, some species showed strong associations with defined ranges of some variables. In particular, Adenophlebia auriculata (Leptophlebiidae, Ephemeroptera) from the headwater sampling site, was associated with low pH and low temperature. Simulium damnosum occurred under conditions of high turbidity, while Afronurus harrisoni was found under high concentrations of potassium, ammonium and nitrite ions.We conclude that although there was a distinct headwaters fauna in the Buffalo River, and sequential downstream changes in species composition, most FFGs (apart from shredders) were represented down the whole length of the river. FFG classifications are therefore unlikely to provide useful indications of water quality conditions in the Buffalo River.Using a categorical approach to classifying water quality variables, and by applying correspondence analysis to the resulting matrix, we recognised nine species that could be used to define water quality. These indicator species can be used to define tolerance ranges of the fauna for water quality conditions in different parts of the Buffalo river.  相似文献   
广东内伶仃岛猕猴食性及食源植物分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论文对内伶仃岛猕猴(Macaca mulatta)的植物食性进行了全面调查,并测定了食源植物适食部分的比重。研究结果表明:(1)猕猴食源植物约200种,以叶食性、果食性最为丰富;(2)猕猴的活动区域以阔叶林、灌木林等植被类型为主;(3)食源植物以热带亚热带成分为主,与栖息地植被组成特征相适应;(4)内伶仃岛猕猴种群发展的容纳量最适为820~1640只(平均1230只),而以743~1485只(平均1114只)最为合适,其总食量约相当于适食性优质植物资源总蕴藏量的10%~20%。  相似文献   
通过研究棉花8个部位对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armzgera的营养效果和其所含次生物质类萜烯和单宁的浓度及在组织中的分布,揭示了棉铃虫取食营养特点与棉花次生化学的关系。棉铃虫取食顶尖、转移蛀食蕾铃的习性,与有关器官或组织对幼虫的营养效果密切相关,而营养效果主要取决于类萜烯和单宁的含量。棉花顶尖嫩叶中单宁浓度随着棉花的生长发育呈升高的趋势;类萜烯浓度在第四真叶期、第六真叶期和现蕾初期之间出现一个明显的底谷,而此期幼虫主要为害顶尖。蕾铃外层的苞叶、花萼、花瓣和铃皮,因次生物质含量高,不利于幼虫生长,相反内部的花粉、子房和铃心,次生物质含量低,营养效果好,顶尖嫩叶则介于其间。类萜烯存在于组织的色素腺内,分布集中;单宁则散布于组织中,偏多分布于组织外层。结果证实,昆虫在寄主植物上的取食方式是昆虫对寄主体内变动的次生化学的一种适应,它使昆虫付出尽少代价获得最适营养效果。  相似文献   
芙新姬小蜂和潜蝇姬小蜂均为强卵育型(synovigenic)寄生蜂,成虫具有产卵寄生致死、寄主取食致死和寄主叮蛰直接致死3种寄主致死行为。为了明确成虫补充非寄主食物营养对2种姬小蜂控害潜力/控害行为的影响,本文比较研究了分别提供寄主食物和寄主食物+非寄主食物(10%葡萄糖)条件下的2种姬小蜂在初羽化前期(前6 d)内对美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的致死行为的影响。结果显示:在仅提供寄主食物时,芙新姬小蜂的寄生、取食和总体致死量均显著的高于潜蝇姬小蜂,但是直接致死能力却弱于后者;补充非寄主食物和仅提供寄主食物处理相比,两种寄生蜂的寄生量,取食量和总致死量均呈下降趋势。该研究显示:在初羽化前期,取食寄主食物的雌蜂比取食寄主食物+葡萄糖的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力。  相似文献   
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