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南方红豆杉细胞双液相培养中强化紫杉醇生产的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了南主红豆杉(Taxuschinensisvar.maireiChengetFu)细胞双液相培养中前体饲喂和混合糖源作为生产培养基糖源对细胞生长和紫杉醇合成的影响。结果表明,前体饲喂(苯丙氨酸、苯甲酰胺和醋酸钠)或混合糖(麦芽糖和蔗糖)作为生产培养基糖源对南方红豆杉细胞单液相培养、更重要的是对其双液相培养的紫杉醇产量提高有显著促进作用,而且前体饲喂和混合糖源的协同作用对其双液相培养的紫杉醇产量提高有进一步的促进作用。与对照组(蔗糖作为糖源和无前体的单液相培养)相比,在南方红豆杉细胞双液相培养中,第10天加入前体,第11天加入混合糖源,紫杉醇产量提高4倍多  相似文献   
The Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) has been extending its summer feeding distribution north and west, including around Iceland, since around 2006. The objective of this study is to quantify the weight gain and total food consumption of mackerel and to evaluate the food competition between mackerel and herring (Clupea harengus) feeding in the marine ecosystem around Iceland during the summers 2009–2011. Mackerel feeding in Icelandic waters gained around 43% on average in weight during these summers. Based on swept-area abundance estimates of mackerel from an international survey in 2011 and available estimates of food conversion efficiency in mackerel, the weight gain in Icelandic waters in 2011 corresponded to a total consumption of around 3.4 (2.4?4.5) million tonnes. Overall, 98% of 2314 mackerel, 91% of 398 Icelandic summer-spawning herring and 96% of 424 Norwegian spring-spawning herring stomachs, collected over the summers 2009?2011, contained food. The mean weight of the stomach content of mackerel was higher than for herring in all the years. While the stomach content weight of mackerel was generally highest in southeastern and southwestern areas, it was highest for herring in western, eastern and northern areas. Analysis of stomach contents showed that Copepoda were the most important food of mackerel in most areas, while Copepoda and Euphausiacea were the most important food items for herring. Fish prey contributed a higher proportion in stomachs of mackerel than herring, although relatively low for both species.  相似文献   
The effect of leaf species (willow, Salix fragilis L., and white gum, Eucalyptus viminalis Labill.) and leaf state (senescent or green) on the feeding selectivity and growth rates of three species of macroinvertebrate Notalina sp. Mosely (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), Koorrnonga sp. Campbell and Suter (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and Physastra gibbosa (Gould) (Mollusca: Planorbidae) were tested in the laboratory. All three species of macroinvertebrate selected green willow most strongly over the other leaf types (senescent willow, green eucalypt and senescent eucalypt). Growth rates of P. gibbosa and Notalina sp. were significantly greater on green willow than on the other leaf types. We were unable to measure the growth of Koorrnonga sp. Invertebrates had access to softer internal tissues of leaf material during preference trials, therefore we do not think that leaf structure was the main influence on selection between these materials. Green willow material may have been a better food source because of the noticeably thicker biofilm that it supported, and this material may also retain higher levels of nutrients than abscissed leaves. We speculate that willow leaves may provide a preferred source of food but will be available for less time than native eucalypt detritus.  相似文献   
Fish larvae employ different feeding strategies depending on area and season of spawning and hatching of larvae. Feeding and growth of larvae of blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou and mackerel Scomber scombrus from Porcupine Bank and the Celtic Shelf Break, west of Ireland, were compared based on prey concentrations in the environment and larval feeding behaviour. Both species were adapted to different environmental conditions. The mesopelagic blue whiting spawned in oceanic water that was well mixed. It was characterized by low production and low prey densities with minimum prey densities <1.0 organism 1−1. Larvae of the Atlantic mackerel hatched later in the season in more productive water that was well stratified. Prey densities in the mackerel environment reached up to 1001−1. Blue whiting larvae displayed a rather random distribution in the water column. Mackerel larvae <7 mm standard length ( L s) were concentrated above the thermocline, while larvae >7 mm traversed the thermocline into deeper layers. Mackerel larvae >5mm L s displayed marked cannibalism, exceeding 70%. Daily ration calculated on the basis of gut contents was rather low in both species: between 2.6 and 5.0% in blue whiting, but only 0.6 to 5.4% in mackerel. The results are discussed in relation to the respective environment both species encounter during their early larval life.  相似文献   
In this work, we investigated the activity of the platelet activating factor acetyl hydrolase (PAF-AH) in the salivary gland homogenates and saliva of Rhodnius prolixus. PAF-AH activity in the salivary gland homogenates was lower than in the saliva. Preliminary characterization of the enzyme demonstrated that it hydrolyzed the substrate 2-thio-PAF, was detectable just in 1 pair of salivary gland homogenates in 0.5 ml buffer, and was stable under different conditions. PMSF, TPCK, TLCK, pepstatin A and p-BPB all inhibited the PAF-AH activity. Enzyme specific activity in salivary gland homogenates diminished immediately after feeding of 5th-instar larvae, and increased before feeding by adult insects. 2-Thio-PAF induced platelet-aggregation that was inhibited by previous incubation of the substrate with salivary gland homogenates or saliva. The relevance of PAF-AH for providing Rhodnius with a feeding mechanism for facilitating the sucking of a high volume of blood meal in a short period is discussed.  相似文献   
跳甲属昆虫的食性及其生物学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
跳甲属昆虫广布全世界,已知300多种,体色近似,外形差异不大,分类鉴定十分困难。但其中许多种类具特殊的食性特征,其寄主植物常是分类鉴定的向导和重要参考。作者分析了已知有寄主记录的59种跳甲的寄主,并根据其寄主范围划分为5种类型:取食多科、2科、1科多属、1科2属及1科1属,而以1科1属型为最多,占67.8%。至目前所知,其寄主范围限于双子叶植物,跳甲和寄主植物之间的对应关系是跳甲的“种”对植物的“属”。值得特别关注的是寄主植物的“种”与跳甲“亚种”之间的分化关系。成虫的取食范围大于幼虫,幼虫保持原始的取食特征。跳甲的同域物种分化可能通过食性转化而进行,食性转化可能先从成虫开始。成幼食性观察是研究寄主转移的关键。  相似文献   
雁类是长江中下游越冬水鸟的优势种群,以苔草(Carex spp)等湿生植被为主要食物来源。作为长江中下游仅存的通江湖泊之一,鄱阳湖显著受到水文波动的影响,湿地植被的生长发育与洲滩淹没和出露时间密切相关。雁类对食物资源具有高度的选择性,建立雁类取食植被的特征和苔草生长过程之间的关系,是刻画适宜栖息地时空分布范围,开展雁类及其食物资源保育的关键。选择鄱阳湖典型子湖泊常湖池作为研究区,对苔草春季生长期开展了原位观测试验,对4个高程梯度的苔草株高和生物量等关键生长因子进行了12次野外监测和采样。同时,结合遥感影像、气温数据及实地观测记录,确定了4个高程梯度洲滩的出露时间和苔草有效生长时间。在此基础上,建立了基于Logistic方程的苔草株高和生物量的生长过程曲线。并根据实地观测的雁类觅食苔草的特征,反推得到雁类适宜取食苔草的时间窗口。结果表明:苔草株高与地上生物量显著正相关,水文条件和气温是影响苔草生长的关键因素,而退水时间的推迟,会导致生长期缩短和低温限制下的有效生长时间减少,影响雁类食物资源的分布。苔草在秋季生长期出露达到12—28 d,而在春季生长期出露达到83—182 d时适宜雁类取食。研究提出了确定越冬雁类苔草适宜取食时间窗口的方法,证实洲滩退水时间推迟超过20 d,苔草生长节律将难以匹配雁类数量峰值期觅食的需要。本研究对鄱阳湖湿地水文调控和湿地资源管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Recovery from weight loss after stress is important for all organisms, although the recovery mechanisms are not fully understood. We are working to clarify these mechanisms. Here, we recorded enhanced feeding activity of Drosophila melanogaster larvae from 2 to 4 h after heat stress at 35°C for 1 h. During the post‐stress period, expression levels of sweet taste gustatory receptor genes (Grs), Gr5a, Gr43a, Gr64a, and Gr64f, were elevated, whereas bitter taste Grs, Gr66a, and Gr33a, were decreased in expression and expression of a non‐typical taste receptor Gr, Gr68a, was unchanged. Similar upregulation of Gr5a and downregulation of Gr66a was recorded after cold stress at 4°C. Expression levels of tropomyosin and ATP synthase ß subunit were significantly increased in larval mouth parts around 3 to 5 h after the heat stress. We infer that up‐regulation of post‐stress larval feeding activity, and weight recovery, is mediated by increasing capacity for mouth part muscular movements and changes in taste sensing physiology. We propose that Drosophila larvae, and likely insects generally, express an efficient mechanism to recover from weight loss during post‐stress periods.  相似文献   
Agitated Vitex agnus castus L. shoot cultures were established to analyse the content of selected pharmaceutically important flavonoids and phenolic acids. Two variants (selected from nine ones) of MS medium were prepared: A (BAP 1 mg/L; NAA 0.5 mg/L; GA3 0.25 mg/L) and B (BAP 2 mg/L; NAA 0.5 mg/L). The biomass was harvested after 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 6 weeks. Four‐week cultures (variant A) were selected to perform the precursor feeding experiment. The L‐phenylalanine dose of 1.6 g/L appears to be the most advantageous. Compared to the control cultures, the content of the individual compounds increased in a range from 1.4 to 17.3‐fold (e.g. p‐coumaric acid – 17.3 fold; casticin – 4.8‐fold). The biomass from in vitro cultures is richer in neochlorogenic acid (16‐fold), p‐coumaric acid (5.3‐fold), rutin (2.8‐fold), caffeic acid (1.5‐fold) and cinaroside (1.5‐fold) than the leaves of its parent greenhouse‐cultivated plants. Extracts contained 30 mg/100 g DW of casticin, but after the hydrolysis its amount increased up to 200 mg/100 g DW and twice exceeded the content in the greenhouse leaves. The results indicate that V. agnus castus agitated shoot cultures might be considered as a potential biotechnological source of some pharmaceutically important compounds, especially casticin, rutin, neochlorogenic and p‐coumaric acids.  相似文献   
Resistance of the melon line TGR‐1551 to the aphid Aphis gossypii is based on preventing aphids from ingesting phloem sap. In electrical penetration graphs (EPGs), this resistance has been characterized with A. gossypii showing unusually long phloem salivation periods (waveform E1) mostly followed by pathway activities (waveform C) or if followed by phloem ingestion (waveform E2), ingestion was not sustained for more than 10 min. Stylectomy with aphids on susceptible and resistant plants was performed during EPG recording while the stylet tips were phloem inserted. This was followed by dissection of the penetrated leaf section, plant tissue fixation, resin embedding, and ultrathin sectioning for transmission electron microscopic observation in order to study the resistance mechanism in the TGR. The most obvious aspect appeared to be the coagulation of phloem proteins inside the stylet canals and the punctured sieve elements. Stylets of 5 aphids per genotype were amputated during sieve element (SE) salivation (E1) and SE ingestion (E2). Cross‐sections of stylet bundles in susceptible melon plants showed that the contents of the stylet canals were totally clear and also, no coagulated phloem proteins occurred in their punctured sieve elements. In contrast, electron‐dense coagulations were found in both locations in the resistant plants. Due to calcium binding, aphid saliva has been hypothesized to play an essential role in preventing/suppressing such coagulations that cause occlusion of sieves plate and in the food canal of the aphid's stylets. Doubts about this role of E1 salivation are discussed on the basis of our results.  相似文献   
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