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Summary Two pairs of ganglia are found in the propodial region of the veliger of Onchidoris bilamellata: the anterolateral pair is located at the foremost corners of the propodium, and the frontal pair is located beside the propodial midline. Both sets of ganglia are positioned below the epidermis, and they are joined to the cerebral ganglia by large, common connectives. Each ganglion possesses sensory cells, nerve cells and sheath cells, and the frontal pair contains a complement of secretory cells. Externally, the propodial ganglia are manifested as sensory fields. The fields of the anterolateral pair are elliptical in shape, and each appears as a band of cilia bordering an unciliated zone. The region devoid of cilia is composed of ordinary epidermal cells, whereas the ciliated portion is comprised of dendritic endings originating from cells in the ganglion. Dendrites arise from one type of sensory cell and pass through the epidermis in bundles. Each dendrite terminates as a single cilium at the epidermal surface. Sensory fields of the frontal ganglia are key-shaped and oppose one another on the anterior end of the foot. Each field appears as a flat, circular, unciliated region which extends into a ciliated groove that runs dorsally toward the mouth. The groove contains the terminals of secretory cells, ciliated sensory cells, and the cell bodies of nonciliated sensory cells. The nonciliated sensory cells, characterized by a microvillous apex, are the dominant cells in the flattened circular zone. The space between the frontal ganglia and the epidermis is bridged by bundles of processes which are similar to those of the anterolateral ganglia. However, these tracts contain collections of the apical processes of secretory cells, the dendrites of ciliated sensory cells, and the axons of nonciliated sensory cells. Morphological and behavioral evidence indicates that the propodial ganglia serve a chemosensory function during settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   
A classification scheme for those population models which allow variation in development rates is proposed, based on two ways of modifying standard age-structured models. The resulting classes of models are termed development index models and sojourn time models. General formulations for the two classes of models are developed from two basic balance equations, and numerous specific models from the literature are shown to fit into the scheme. Concepts from competing risks theory are shown to be important in understanding the interplay between mortality and maturation. Relationships among the classes are investigated both for the most general forms of the models and for the simpler forms often used. The scheme can provide guidance in developing appropriate insect population models for specific modelling situations.Contribution 3878871  相似文献   
Host plant relations of the monophagous weevil Ceutorhynchus constrictus Marsh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae) feeding on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande (Cruciferae) were studied in the laboratory. Most other crucifers were rejected in choice tests using garlic mustard as a reference plant, but Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba and Thlaspi arvense were as acceptable as the host plant. Flowering plants of Descurainia sophia were acceptable while young plants of this species were not. The most important feeding stimulants in extracts of garlic mustard were uncharged, water soluble compounds. The most abundant glucosinolate in garlic mustard, sinigrin, was a feeding stimulant, too. However, the feeding stimulatory activity of sinigrin was only expressed in the presence of still unidentified uncharged compounds from garlic mustard leaves. Host plant relations in monophagous crucifer-feeding insects is discussed in relation to the distinctness of glucosinolate patterns found in their host plants.
Zusammenfassung Ceutorhynchus constrictus Marsh. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Ceutorhynchinae) ist ein monophager Rüsselkäfer, der an Knoblauchhederich frisst. Das Wirtswahl-Verhalten dieses Käfers ist im Labor untersucht worden. Die meisten Crucifiren waren im Wahlversuche nicht akzeptiert, wenn Knoblauchhederich als Vergleichspflanze vorhanden war. Von Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba, und Thlaspi arvense wurden im Vergleich gleiche Mengen verzehrt wie von der Wirtspflanze. Blühende Descurainia sophia Pflanzen wurden, im Gegensatz zu Jungpflanzen der gleichen Art, angenommen. Die wichtichsten Phagostimulanten in Extrakten von Knoblauchhederich-Blättern waren ungeladene, wasserlösliche Substanzen. Das häufigste Glukosinolat im Knoblauchhederich, Sinigrin, war auch ein Phagostimulant. Doch war die phagostimulierende Wirkung von Sinigrin nur in Kombinationen mit noch nicht identifizierten, ungeladenen Substanzen aus Knoblauchhederich-Blätter nachweisbar. Wirtspfanzen-Beziehungen von monophagen Insekten werden diskutiert im Zusammenhang mit der Eigenart des Glukosinolat-Inhaltes ihrer Wirtspflanzen.
Four aphid species (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker and Uroleucon cirsii (L.)) feed on the creeping thistle Cirsium arvense. They utilize different parts of their host plant and at different times. A wide niche is typical of C. carduinus and U. cirsii, whereas A. f. crisiiacanthoidis and B. cardui, show narrower but overlapping niches. Morphological features such as stylet length and body size as well as colony size and density are associated with the choice of feeding site. C. carduinus, the smallest species with the shortest stylets was able to use leaf veins and lamina, while the other species mainly used the stem and peduncles. Within this group, A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis and B. cardui are restricted to the upper part of the stem because of their short stylets, but adult U. cirsii, the species with the longest stylets, can also feed at the base of the stem.
Räumliche und zeitliche ressourcenaufteilung in der blattlausgilde an der ackerkratzdistel cirsium arvense
Zusammenfassung An der Ackerkratzdistel leben vier Blattlausarten (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker und Uroleucon cirsii (L.)), die im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode verschiedene Strukturen ihrer Wirtspflanze nutzen. Eine breite Nische ist für U. cirsii und C. carduinus typisch, während A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und B. cardui engere Nischen besitzen, die sich nahezu überlappen. Die Nahrungsplatzwahl wird sowohl durch morphologische Parameter wie Stilettlänge und Körpergewicht als auch durch Koloniegröe und Dispersion innerhalb der Kolonie beeinflut. Die kleinste Art, C. carduinus, die auch das kürzeste Stilett besitzt, ist in der Lage, an Blattadern und auf der Blattspreite zu saugen. Die anderen Arten bevorzugen Stengel, Seitenstengel und Blütenstiele. Innerhalb dieser Gruppe können A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und C. carduinus wegen ihrer kürzeren Stilette nur am oberen Teil des Stengels saugen, während adulte U. cirsii aufgrund ihrer längeren Stilette auch an der Stengelbasis leben können.
Differences in the foraging strategies among young individuals of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were observed in the laboratory by using two kinds of food (Daphnia and brine shrimp) separately and together. Individuals differed significantly in their ability for feeding attempts, time interval between two consecutive feeding attempts, feeding angles, regurgitation rate, and number of unsuccessful attempts and in their food preference. It is concluded that there are individuals with different foraging strategies. Variability in foraging strategies within single species populations is important because it may explain how the conspecific individuals may differ in their overall feeding behaviour.  相似文献   
Asplanchna sylvestrii does not discriminate between groups of Brachionus calyciflorus fed either the cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae or a control diet of Euglena gracilis. We based our analysis on the observed probabilities of attack, capture and ingestion during encounters between predator and prey. While A. sylvestrii was very sensitive to brachionid size, we found no significant affects of prey diet on predatory behavior. Thus, cyanobacterial diet did not influence the short-term predation risk of B. calyciflorus exposed to an effective predator. On the other hand, matched cohorts of A. sylvestrii fed B. calyciflorus cultured on the cyanobacterium reproduced more slowly than those fed the same prey cultured on the control food. With prolonged sympatry, therefore, the long-term risk of Asplanchna predation may be reduced for Brachionus by the latter's consumption of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
Gerhard Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1989,184(1-2):79-88
The duration times of eggs, combined naupliar instars and of the different copepodite stages of five species of cyclopoid copepods — Acanthocyclops robustus, Cyclops vicinus, Diacyclops bicuspidatus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, and Thermocyclops crassus — were investigated at five different temperatures. The five species can be divided in two groups: two species, C. vicinus and D. bicuspidatus, adapted to cold water conditions and three species, A. robustus, M. leuckarti and T. crassus adapted to warm water conditions. The cold water species showed a faster egg development than M. leuckarti and T. crassus at 5–15 °C. The eggs and instars of the warm water species M. leuckarti tend to develop faster than those of the former two species at higher temperatures. A. robustus showed the shortest egg and instar development at 10–25 °C. The warm water species T. crassus produced no eggs at 10 °C and temperatures below. At higher temperatures (20, 25 °C) the egg and instar duration times were similar or longer than those of the other species. When cultured in total darkness a great part of the CIV respectively CV copepodites of the summer forms entered arrest and the percentage of copepodites that showed an arrest of development was highest at lowest temperatures. The present results are compared with data from literature and differences are discussed.  相似文献   
The European demographic transition of the nineteenth century is often proposed as a model for demographic change in twentieth century developing nations, and economic development is seen as leading to an inevitable reduction in total fertility in these nations. This paper examines data from the Gainj of Papua New Guinea, a natural fertility population with very low reproductive output, and suggests that the effects of development on fertility change are much more complex than a simple demographic transition model would suggest. Looking at two variables known to contribute significantly to low total fertility among the Gainj, late age at first birth for women and long interbirth intervals, the paper suggests that households, in their recruitment and allocation of labor, may exert a mediating influence in the relationship between economic development and fertility.  相似文献   
Summary In testes of rats from 2 to 60 days of age, we examined the number of Sertoli cells (SC) and Leydig cells (LC) as well as the binding of radioiodinated gonadotropins to frozen sections and homogenates. The number of SC per testis increased only during the first 2 postnatal weeks, whereas that of LC was stable up to days 7–10 and increased thereafter. The uptake of 125I-labelled human follicle-stimulating hormone (125I-FSH) to frozen sections was confined to sex cords or seminiferous tubules, while that of 125I-labelled human choriogonadotropin (125I-hCG) matched the distribution of LC in the interstitium. High affinity receptors for FSH and hCG were found in homogenates at all stages studied. The number of FSH receptors per testis increased steadily, whereas that of hCG receptors was low until days 7–10 and rose afterwards. Thus, SC in rat testis appear to proliferate in the presence of fetal LC during the first 2 postnatal weeks and to differentiate concomitantly with the emergence of the adult LC generation after day 10. The complement of FSH receptors in SC remains constant as they proliferate and increases after day 21 as they differentiate. The hCG receptor number is relatively fixed in each LC generation, being higher in adult compared to fetal LC.  相似文献   
Summary The ability of embryos at different developmental stages to form plants in vitro has been studied in cultivated Cucumis sativus L. and in the wild species C. zeyheri 2 x Sond. and C. metuliferus Naud. On MS medium containing 3.5% sucrose, 0.1 mg 1–1 kinetin (Kn) and 0.01 mg 1–1 indoleacetic acid (IAA), proembryos (0.03–0.05 mm) and early globular embryos (0.05–0.08 mm) from the wild species developed into plants in low frequencies of 8% and 21%, respectively. These embryos should be surrounded by the embryo sac tissue. On the same medium late globular (0.08–0.1 mm) and early heart-stage embryos (0.1–0.3 mm) developed into plants in moderately high and high frequencies of 48% and 83%, respectively. The presence of the embryo sac at these stages was still beneficial, but no longer a prerequisite. Late heart-stage embryos (0.3–0.8 mm) also showed high frequencies of plant formation, 63%, if Kn was applied at a concentration of 1 mg 1–1. From the early cotyledon stage onwards, the frequency of plant formation gradually decreased, reaching a minimum at the late cotyledon stage. Subsequently it began to increase again up to the late maturation stage. The poor plant formation shown by the intermediate-aged embryos could be improved slightly by lowering the sucrose concentration to 0.5% and by increasing the Kn concentration to 10 mg 1–1. Relative to the wild species, embryos of C. sativus showed lower percentages of plant formation. The optimum sucrose concentration was 2% for the heart-stage C. sativus embryos. In all three species the ability to form plants strongly decreased with increasing embryo age, from early to late cotyledon. This is thought to be caused by the increasing tendency of the embryos at these stages to continue in vitro the normal embryo development.  相似文献   
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