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Optimization of a bioreactor design can be an especially challenging process. For instance, testing different bioreactor vessel geometries and different impeller and sparger types, locations, and dimensions can lead to an exceedingly large number of configurations and necessary experiments. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), therefore, has been widely used to model multiphase flow in stirred-tank bioreactors to minimize the number of optimization experiments. In this study, a multiphase CFD model with population balance equations are used to model gas–liquid mixing, as well as gas bubble distribution, in a 50 L single-use bioreactor vessel. The vessel is the larger chamber in an early prototype of a multichamber bioreactor for mammalian cell culture. The model results are validated with oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa) measurements within the prototype. The validated model is projected to predict the effect of using ring or pipe spargers of different sizes and the effect of varying the impeller diameter on kLa. The simulations show that ring spargers result in a superior kLa compared to pipe spargers, with an optimum sparger-to-impeller diameter ratio of 0.8. In addition, larger impellers are shown to improve kLa. A correlation of kLa is presented as a function of both the reactor geometry (i.e., sparger-to-impeller diameter ratio and impeller-to-vessel diameter ratio) and operating conditions (i.e., Reynolds number and gas flow rate). The resulting correlation can be used to predict kLa in a bioreactor and to optimize its design, geometry, and operating conditions.  相似文献   
Shear stress is an important biomechanical parameter in regulating human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) construct development. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of hMSCs within highly porous 3-D poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) matrices in a perfusion bioreactor system were analyzed for two flow rates of 0.1 and 1.5 mL/min, respectively over a 20-day culture period. A 1.4 times higher proliferation rate, higher CFU-F formation, and more fibronectin and HSP-47 secretion at day 20 were observed at the flow rate of 0.1 mL/min compared to those at the flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The higher flow rate of 1.5 mL/min upregulated osteogenic differentiation potential at day 20 as measured by the expression of alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition in the matrix after 14 days osteogenic induction, consistent with those reported in literatures. Mathematical modeling indicated that shear stress existed in the range of 1 x 10(-5) to 1 x 10(-4) Pa in the constructs up to a depth of 70 microm due to flow penetration in the porous constructs. Analysis of oxygen transport in the constructs for the two flow rates yielded oxygen levels significantly higher than those at which cell growth and metabolism are affected (Jiang et al., 1996). This indicates that differences in convective transport have no significant influence on cell growth and metabolism for the range of flow rates studied. These results demonstrate that shear stress is an important microenvironment parameter that regulates hMSC construct development at a range significantly lower than those reported previously in the perfusion system.  相似文献   
The Wave Bioreactor is widely used in cell culture due to the benefits of disposable technology and ease of use. A novel cellbag was developed featuring a frit sparger to increase the system's oxygen transfer. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the sparged cellbag for yeast cultivation. Oxygen mass transfer studies were conducted in simulated culture medium and the sparged system's maximum oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa) was 38 h(-1). These measurements revealed that the sparger was ineffective in increasing the oxygen transfer capacity. Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were successfully grown in oxygen-blended sparged and oxygen-blended standard cellbags. Under steady state conditions for both cellbag designs, kLa values as high as 60 h(-1) were obtained with no difference in growth characteristics. This is the first report of a successful cultivation of a microbe in a Wave Bioreactor comparing conventional seed expansion in shake flasks and stirred tank bioreactors.  相似文献   
The influence of process strategies on the dynamics of cell population heterogeneities in mammalian cell culture is still not well understood. We recently found that the progression of cells through the cell cycle causes metabolic regulations with variable productivities in antibody-producing Chimese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. On the other hand, it is so far unknown how bulk cultivation conditions, for example, variable nutrient concentrations depending on process strategies, can influence cell cycle-derived population dynamics. In this study, process-induced cell cycle synchronization was assessed in repeated-batch and fed-batch cultures. An automated flow cytometry set-up was developed to measure the cell cycle distribution online, using antibody-producing CHO DP-12 cells transduced with the cell cycle-specific fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) system. On the basis of the population-resolved model, feeding-induced partial self-synchronization was predicted and the results were evaluated experimentally. In the repeated-batch culture, stable cell cycle oscillations were confirmed with an oscillating G1 phase distribution between 41% and 72%. Furthermore, oscillations of the cell cycle distribution were simulated and determined in a (bolus) fed-batch process with up to cells/ml. The cell cycle synchronization arose with pulse feeding only and ceased with continuous feeding. Both simulated and observed oscillations occurred at higher frequencies than those observable based on regular (e.g., daily) sample analysis, thus demonstrating the need for high-frequency online cell cycle analysis. In summary, we showed how experimental methods combined with simulations enable the improved assessment of the effects of process strategies on the dynamics of cell cycle-dependent population heterogeneities. This provides a novel approach to understand cell cycle regulations, control cell population dynamics, avoid inadvertently induced oscillations of cell cycle distributions and thus to improve process stability and efficiency.  相似文献   
Breast cancer cells experience a range of shear stresses in the tumor microenvironment (TME). However most current in vitro three-dimensional (3D) models fail to systematically probe the effects of this biophysical stimuli on cancer cell metastasis, proliferation, and chemoresistance. To investigate the roles of shear stress within the mammary and lung pleural effusion TME, a bioreactor capable of applying shear stress to cells within a 3D extracellular matrix was designed and characterized. Breast cancer cells were encapsulated within an interpenetrating network hydrogel and subjected to shear stress of 5.4 dynes cm−2 for 72 hr. Finite element modeling assessed shear stress profiles within the bioreactor. Cells exposed to shear stress had significantly higher cellular area and significantly lower circularity, indicating a motile phenotype. Stimulated cells were more proliferative than static controls and showed higher rates of chemoresistance to the anti-neoplastic drug paclitaxel. Fluid shear stress-induced significant upregulation of the PLAU gene and elevated urokinase activity was confirmed through zymography and activity assay. Overall, these results indicate that pulsatile shear stress promotes breast cancer cell proliferation, invasive potential, chemoresistance, and PLAU signaling.  相似文献   
Model-based online optimization has not been widely applied to bioprocesses due to the challenges of modeling complex biological behaviors, low-quality industrial measurements, and lack of visualization techniques for ongoing processes. This study proposes an innovative hybrid modeling framework which takes advantages of both physics-based and data-driven modeling for bioprocess online monitoring, prediction, and optimization. The framework initially generates high-quality data by correcting raw process measurements via a physics-based noise filter (a generally available simple kinetic model with high fitting but low predictive performance); then constructs a predictive data-driven model to identify optimal control actions and predict discrete future bioprocess behaviors. Continuous future process trajectories are subsequently visualized by re-fitting the simple kinetic model (soft sensor) using the data-driven model predicted discrete future data points, enabling the accurate monitoring of ongoing processes at any operating time. This framework was tested to maximize fed-batch microalgal lutein production by combining with different online optimization schemes and compared against the conventional open-loop optimization technique. The optimal results using the proposed framework were found to be comparable to the theoretically best production, demonstrating its high predictive and flexible capabilities as well as its potential for industrial application.  相似文献   
The mechanisms through which microbes communicate using signal molecules has inspired a great deal of research. Microbes use this exchange of information, known as quorum sensing (QS), to initiate and perpetuate infectious diseases in eukaryotic organisms, evading the eukaryotic defense system by multiplying and expressing their pathogenicity through QS regulation. The major issue to arise from such networks is increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics, resulting from QS-dependent mediation of the formation of biofilm, the induction of efflux pumps, and the production of antibiotics. QS inhibitors (QSIs) of diverse origins have been shown to act as potential antipathogens. In this review, we focus on the use of QSIs to counter diseases in humans as well as plants and animals of economic importance. We also discuss the challenges encountered in the potential applications of QSIs.  相似文献   
Complex medium additives such as yeast extract or peptone are often used in industrial cell culture processes to prolong cell growth and/or to improve product formation. The quality of those supplements is dependent on the preparation method and can differ from lot to lot. To guarantee consistent production these different lots have to be tested prior to use in fermentation processes. Because a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of all components of such a complex mixture is a very difficult task, another assessment method has to be chosen. The best way to evaluate the effect of such supplements is to monitor cell activity during real cultivation conditions with and without the added supplement lot. A bioreactor-based test system has been developed to determine the oxygen requirement of the cells as a response to the addition of a supplement to be tested under standardized conditions. Investigations were performed with a mouse-mouse hybridoma cell line and yeast extracts as an example for complex medium additives. The results showed differences in the impact between different extract lots and between different concentrations of an extract.  相似文献   
The growth and carotenoid production of Phaffia rhodozyma in fed-batch cultures with different feeding methods and grown at specific growth rates similar to the batch culture was compared. With constant feeding, exponential feeding, DO-stat and pH-stat fed-batch cultures of Phaffia rhodozyma, the highest biomass (17.4 g/l) and lowest carotenoid content (307 g/g cell) of Phaffia rhodozyma was from the DO-stat fed-batch culture. The lowest biomass (14.7 g/l) and highest carotenoid content (412 g/g cell) was from the exponential, fed-batch culture.  相似文献   
Microbial consortia in a two-phase, anaerobic bioreactor using a mixture of fruit and vegetable wastes were established. Bacterial and archaeal communities obtained by a culture-independent approach based on single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of total 16S rDNA showed the adaptation of the microflora to the process parameters. Throughout the 90 d of the study, the species composition of the bacterial community changed significantly. Bacterial 16S rDNA showed at least 7 different major species with a very prominent one corresponding to a Megasphaera elsdenii whereas bacterial 16S rDNA of a methanization bioreactor showed 10 different major species. After two weeks, Prevotella ruminicola became major and its dominance increased continuously until day 50. After an acid shock at pH 5, the 16S rDNA archaeal patterns in the acidogenic reactor showed two major prominent species corresponding to Methanosphaera stadtmanii and Methanobrevibacter wolinii, a hydrogenotrophic bacterium.  相似文献   
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