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The fecundity patterns of S and L type rotifers of Brachionus plicatilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fecundity patterns of S and L type rotifers Brachionus plicatilis, which were previously found to have distinct growth ability, were analyzed using data of age-specific fecundity. The data were obtained by individual cultures of S and L type strains at 17, 24 and 34 °C. The pattern was analyzed by using normal probability functions. When the age was transformed into logarithmic value, the S and L types had an identical pattern of fecundity at every temperature. This fact indicates that the difference of the growth response to the temperature between S and L type strains stemmed only from the differences in net reproduction rate, not from the pattern.  相似文献   
The effect of sublethal levels of methylparathion (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 mg l–1) on the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus, during their entire life cycle was studied. Rotifers were fed on two species of unicellular algae: Nannochloris oculata and Chlorella pyrenoidosa; both algal concentrations were 5 × 105 cell ml–1.The parameters used to determine the toxicity of this compound were survival, fecundity, net reproductive rate (R)o, generation time (T), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), reproductive value (V x/Vo) and life expectancy at hatching (eo). All the demographic parameters studied were affected by methyl-parathion exposure on rotifers fed on both species of algae, but the toxic effect was larger when animals were fed on Chlorella pyrenoidosa; in this case, animals showed a decreased in fertility and also a delayed first reproduction. Sublethal methylparathion levels produced a reduction in most of the parameters selected, especially after exposure to 7 mg l–1, where the animals died before reproducing.  相似文献   
  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that females of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), could adjust their fecundity schedule according to host availability and that there was a negative correlation between reproduction and survival in these wasps.
  • 2 Newly-emerged females were provided with an unlimited or limited number of hosts in the first trial and with either unlimited, limited or zero hosts in the second trial.
  • 3 When hosts were unlimited, wasps had the highest rate of reproduction in the first day, which decreased dramatically thereafter. When hosts were limited, wasps from the two trials differed in their response. In Trial I, females with limited hosts had lower first-day fecundity than, and the same subsequent-day fecundity as, those with unlimited hosts. However, in Trial II, females with limited host had a lower first-day but a higher subsequent-day fecundity than those with unlimited hosts. This indicates variation in Trichogramma's ability to shift its fecundity schedule in response to host availability.
  • 4 There was a positive (rather than a negative) correlation between reproduction and survival. Wasps that oviposited (in host-unlimited treatment) had greater longevity than those that could not (in host-unavailable treatment).
  • 5 The sex ratio of the progeny produced by wasps in both host-unlimited and limited treatments shifted gradually from a female to a male bias as the wasps aged.
  • 6 We consider the ability of parasitoids to adjust their fecundity schedule as an adaptation to changing host resources and discuss our findings with regard to theories of life history evolution.
1 引言 柳牡蛎蚧(Lepidosaphes salicina Bersch)(同翅目:盾蚧科)是一种以为害杨树为主的刺吸式害虫之一,广泛分布于“三北”防护林区,该蚧一年发生一代,以卵越冬。通过刺吸式口器刺入树皮内,吸取树木养分和水分,并使树木表皮栓化。同时,由于枝干被蚧壳所覆盖,对呼吸及光合作用也有影响,特别是幼树被害后,一般  相似文献   
The sublethal effects of tebufenozide, an ecdysone agonist, on the reproductive biology of Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem) and of Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), treated during the larval stage, were evaluated using two treatment methods: the force‐feeding method and the diet method. The percentage of mortality and the developmental time of survivors increased linearly with the concentration of tebufenozide used. This ecdysone analogue proved to be more toxic to C. fumiferana than to C. rosaceana. In C. rosaceana, the weight of males and females decreased proportionally with the dose ingested, but females were affected to a greater extent. This difference might be due to a greater consumption of the treated diet, or to a differential vulnerability to tebufenozide. Tebufenozide did not modify the pre‐copulatory activities associated with chemical communication in the females. However, the consumption of tebufenozide delayed ovarian maturation, causing a reduction in the fecundity of females. Treated males had smaller spermatophores and fewer eupyrene sperms in their bursa copulatrix and spermatheca, along with lower mating success. In C. fumiferana, tebufenozide delayed the females’ onset time of calling the first night after emergence, but did not affect the mean time spent calling or the production of the main component of the sex pheromone. The males showed significantly greater difficulty in executing oriented flight in a wind tunnel, although their mating success was not affected. We concluded that tebufenozide interferes with various aspects of the reproductive biology of males and females of C. fumiferana and C. rosaceana, including some pre‐copulatory behaviors associated with sex pheromone communication.  相似文献   
An analytical model, based on unsaturated zone water and solute balances, was developed to describe the uptake of saline groundwater by plants in dry regions. It was assumed that: i. initially, the profile had low water and salt contents to some depth; ii. both water and solutes move upwards from the water table by piston flow due only to plant water extraction; iii. the uptake of water concentrates solutes in the soil solution until some threshold salinity is reached, above which plants can no longer extract water due to osmotic effects; iv. uptake of the groundwater does not affect the water table level; and v. uptake of groundwater is only limited by transmission of groundwater through the soil. Model predictions were compared with measurements of groundwater uptake made over 15 months at five sites in aEucalyptus forest in a semi-arid area, using independently measured model parameters. Depth and salinity of groundwater, and soil type varied greatly between sites. Predicted groundwater uptake rates were close to measured values, generally being within ∼ 0.1 mm day-1. Sensitivity analysis showed that groundwater depth and salinity were the main controls on uptake of groundwater, while soil properties appeared to have a lesser effect. The model showed that uptake of groundwater would result in complete salinisation of the soil profile within 4 to 30 yr at the sites studied, unless salts were leached from the soil by rainfall or flood waters. However, a relatively small amount of annual leaching may be sufficient to allow groundwater uptake to continue. Thus groundwaters, even when saline, may be important sources of water to plants in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   
This report describes the effect of different dose levels of infection upon worm burdens and development and fecundity of the parasites. Three groups each of 40, 9-week-old, helminth naïve pigs were inoculated once with either 2000 (group A), 20,000 (group B), or 200,000 (group C) infective third stage larvae of Oesophagostomum dentatum. Subgroups of 5 pigs from each major group were killed 3, 6, 11, 14, 18, 25, 34 and 47 days post inoculation (p.i.) and the large intestinal worm burdens were determined. Faecal egg counts were determined at frequent intervals after day 13 p.i. There were no overt clinical signs of gastrointestinal helminthosis during the experiment. Faecal egg counts became positive in groups A and B at around day 19 p.i., whereas most pigs in the high dose group C did not have positive egg counts until day 27–33 p.i. and some pigs remained with zero egg counts until the end of the study. Throughout the experiment the worm populations in group C consisted mainly of immature larval stages, while those in groups A and B were predominantly adult stages after days 14–18. Adult worms from the low dose group A were significantly longer than those from group C. At high population densities, stunted development of worms and reduced fecundity among female worms were found. Furthermore, there was a tendency for the distribution of the worms within the intestine to be altered with increasing population size.  相似文献   
The age, growth and reproduction of Leuciscus pyrenaicus (Günther, 1868), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied from November 1987 to September 1989 in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Maximum fork lengths observed were a 160 mm male with six scale annuli and a 171 mm female aged 7 +. Maximum ages observed were 7 + in males and 8 + in females. There were no significant differences in the annual growth increments between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in March and continued for 5 to 6 months. Mean lengths of 1 + specimens onwards diminished during summer and/or autumn. Males and females matured in their third and fourth year of life respectively. The overall sex ratio (272 males: 310 females) differed significantly from equality. Spawning began in May and ended in July. L. pyrenaicus is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Eggs in each batch were similar in both size (egg diameter) and number released. The relationship between fecundity (Fee) and fork length (mm) was represented by the formula: Fec=1.96 10−3 L2.50.  相似文献   
The age, growth and reproduction ofRutilus lemmingii (Steindachner, 1866), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for over a period of two years in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Approximately 65 % of the total growth in length occured in the first year of life. Males reached a maximum age of 3+ yr (Fork Length, F.L. = 114 mm) and females 4+ yr (F.L. = 144 mm). Both sexes matured during their second year of life (1 +). The overall sex ratio (334 males to 389 females) differed significantly from unity. Somatic condition decreased markedly during the reproductive period of March to May.R. lemmingii is a multiple spawner and releases two batches of eggs per female each year. Mean egg diameter of the first batch was larger than the second one. The regression between fecundity and Fork Length (mm) was: Fec = 0.014 F.L.Z.2.858 Compared with available information, thisR. lemmingii population, located at a lower latitude, is characterized by fast growth, early maturity, high level of reproductive effort, and a short life-span. These life-history characteristices are typical of species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable.  相似文献   
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