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The demographic history of 4 races or subspecies of leopard, Panthera pardus, was reviewed from international studbook records dating back to 1953. The Chinese leopard has been the most common pedigree race maintained in captivity, a factor linked to the length of time (29 years) this subspecies has been in captivity. The relative youth of the wild-born founders also helped them to adjust to captivity as well as live long reproductive lives. Today, however, this race is suffering from the ill effects of inbreeding due to the small founder size. This condition appears to be correctable now that additional specimens have been located. Persian leopards have a larger founder size than the former race, but some of their ancestors were older animals at the time of acquisition. Because of this, their potential fecundity was probably depressed from psychological problems related to adjustment and a shorter life span in captivity. Two founding females experienced pelvic deformities while young, and few of their cubs survived because they all had to be delivered via caesarian section. This procedure also shortened the reproductive life of the females involved because the owning zoos refrained from breeding the animals in the leopards' later years. Captive leopards appear to live longer than their wild counterparts, although precise data on wild populations is not available. In captivity many reach 12–15 years old, and exceptional individuals of several races have lived 20 years. Most captive-born leopards begin breeding when they are 3 years old and continue until they are 8–10 years old. Reproduction in females usually ceases at 12–14 years, although males have a longer reproductive life, with several successfully breeding when 19–20 years old.  相似文献   
Head lettuce field plantings were artificially infested with apterous adults of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Significantly greater aphid fecundity was demonstrated on plants grown through aluminum-coated construction paper than on plants grown on bare soil. Higher temperatures and host-plant physiology were factors modified by the mulch, and could have resulted in larger aphid populations on plants grown over a reflective surface as the season progressed. Faster plant growth and a significantly larger yield per head of lettuce also resulted from the use of the aluminum mulch. The incidence of a leafhopper-borne plant disease, aster yellows, was significantly reduced on head lettuce in the aluminum mulch plots.
Résumé Des cultures de laitue ont été artificiellement contaminées avec des adultes aptères de Myzus persicae. La fécondité a été significativement augmentée sur les plantes poussant sur un sol recouvert par un voile d'aluminium, comparées à celles poussant sur un sol nu. Cette augmentation pourrait entrainer des populations de pucerons de plus en plus importantes, au fur et à mesure de l'avancement de la saison, sur les plantes poussant au dessus d'une surface fortement réfléchissante. L'utilisation du voile d'aluminium a provoqué simultanément une accélération de la croissance et une augmentation des rendements de laitue. Ces résultats semblent dus à une augmentation de la température diurne, à une meilleure conservation de l'humidité et à une plus forte réflexion de la lumière lorsqu'il y a présence de voile d'aluminium. Par aulleurs, les dégâts provoqués sur feuilles par les germes pathogénes transmis par les Cicadelles delles sont significativement plus rares sur sol couvert de voile d'aluminium.
Root invasion, root galling, and fecundity of Meloidogyne javanica, M. arenaria, and M. incognita on tobacco was compared in greenhouse and controlled environment experiments. Significantly more M. javanica than M. arenaria or M. incognita larvae were found in tobacco roots at 2, 4, and 6 d after inoculation. Eight days after inoculation there were significantly more M. arenaria and M. javanica than M. incognita larvae. Ten days after inoculation no significant differences were found among the three Meloidogyne species inside the roots. Galls induced by a single larva or several larvae of M. javanica were significantly larger than galls induced by M. incognita: M. arenaria galls were intermediate in size. Only slight differences in numbers of egg masses or numbers of eggs produced by the three Meloidogyne species were observed up to 35 d after inoculation.  相似文献   
This paper reports studies carried out on natural populations of two species of viviparous clams, Sphaerium striatinum and S. simile, at three localities in two mesotrophic lakes in upstate New York. Sphaeriids are dominant members of the benthic fauna at the second trophic level in these localities, and more generally are cosmopolitan and ubiquitous animals.A growth survey involved monthly collections of regular samples, and these were used in measurements of growth, fecundity, mortality, and biomass production. S. striatinum proved to have an 18 to 24 month lifespan and S. simile one of about 26 months. Differences in reproduction included a maximum brood size of 12 in S. striatinum and of only 6 in S. simile, spat recruitment extending over 8 months in S. striatinum and over 9 months in S. simile, and a mean spat size at birth of 3.6 mm in S. striatinum and 6.4 mm in S. simile. The gross fecundity is thus markedly lower than that in the majority of molluscs. Mortality is to some extent compensating, adult survivorship being greater in S. simile, but mortality rates are remarkably steady and relatively low in both species. Field assessments of density showed that S. striatinum was dominant in one locality, and S. simile in another locality in the same lake, but that S. striatinum occurred at greater densities than any other sphaeriid species.Cage experiments confirmed the steady mortality rates and low fecundity values for these sphaeriids. Individual growth rates in cages are considerably higher than the mean values from population samples, since growth rates there are not obscured by recruitment of spat.A more complete analysis of growth in both species involved a series of over 400 determinations of total nitrogen (by micro-Dumas). These were utilized in computations of productivity. Embryonic production makes up only a small fraction (< 10 per cent) of the biomass turnover in these viviparous sphaeriids. The overall annual productivity (in terms of total nitrogen) is o.8 grams nitrogen per square meter per year for S. striatinum and only 0.28 grams nitrogen per square meter per year for S. simile. In a discussion of these figures they are shown to correspond to about 33 per cent of the second trophic level productivity for S. striatinum and about to per cent for S. simile. Since sphaeriids are long-lived, these percentages reflect a real dominance. In further discussion of the coexistence of these two species, it is pointed out that mortality is higher for the less common species in each locality.This research was supported by an N.S.F. pre-doctoral traineeship to the author and an N.I.H. Grant GM 11693 to Dr. W. D. Russell-Hunter, and represents a portion of a dissertation submitted as partial satisfaction for the Ph.D. at Syracuse University.  相似文献   
A study relating to the influence of mite infestation on the longevity and fecundity of the mosquito,Mansonia uniformis was carried out in the laboratory. It was found that the mite parasitism does influence the quantity of blood ingested, survivorship and the time lag between feeding and egg-laying. However fecundity and hatching percentages were not affected.  相似文献   
Adult corn rootworm beetles,Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, were maintained on three dietary regimes which mimicked the progression of corn tissues that would be available in the field for beetles eclosing when corn was in the following growth stages: (A) after tassels had emerged but prior to silking and pollen shed; (B) while plants were silking and shedding pollen; and (C) after pollination was complete and silks had turned brown. A fourth regime (D) was established in which green corn silks, pollen, and leaves were provided throughout the study. The mean number of eggs laid per female over the 12-week duration of the study was 125, 235, 179, and 441 for regimes A, B, C, and D, respectively. Median length of life was 7.2, 7.2, 6.7, and 8.8 weeks for regimes A, B, C, and D respectively. Beetles in regime A laid a greater proportion of their eggs at an older age than did beetles from regimes B and C. To further investigate the influences on survival of changes in food quality of corn as plants and beetles aged, newly-eclosed beetles and beetles that had been maintained in caged plots of corn growing in a greenhouse for various lengths of time were caged on corn at different stages of growth, and the proportion of beetles surviving for 48 h was determined. Survival decreased as plants aged for both groups of beetles, but decreased at a faster rate for old than for young beetles.
Influence de l'alimenation sur la reproduction et la survíe deDiabrotica virgifera virgifera
Résumé D. virgifera virgifera LeConte a été placé sur des régimes nutritifs mimant l'évolution des tissus du maïs disponsibles dans le champ lorsque les insectes éclosent est aux stades suivants du maïs: 1) après émergence de l'épi mâle, mais avant l'apparition des barbes et l'émission du pollen; 2) lors de la présence de barbes et de l'émission de pollen; 3) après la pollinisation et quand les barbes ont bruni. Un quatrième régime a été fourni pendant toute l'expérience comprenant des barbes vertes, du pollen et des feuilles. Les pontes moyennes des femelles pendant les 12 semaines de l'étude on été 125, 235, 179 et 441 pour les régimes 1, 2, 3 et 4. Les dates de mort de la moitié des adultes a été 7,2, 7,2, 6,7 et 8,8 semaines pour respectivement les mêmes régimes. Les femelles du régime 1 pondent à un âge plus avancé que les femelles des régimes 2 et 3. L'influence des changements de la qualité alimentaire du maïs au fur et à mesure du vieillissement des plantes et deDiabrotica, a été déterminée par la survie au bout de 48 heures d'insectes éclos depuis peu et d'autres maintenus en cage sur des lots de maïs à différents stades poussant en serre depuis des temps plus ou moins longs. Plus les plantes sont âgées, plus la survie des 2 groupes deDiabrotica diminue, mais plus vite chez les lots d'insectes âgés.
This study generates, for the first time, information on the reproductive traits of the simultaneous hermaphrodite Diplectrum radiale. The specimens were captured bimonthly in two distinct ecosystems along the south‐eastern Brazilian coast. The mature ovotestes were removed, preserved in formalin and examined using histological techniques. The results revealed indeterminate fecundity with asynchronous ovarian organization. All spermatogenesis occurs within cysts, and the spermatogonial distribution indicated an unrestricted testicular type. The testicular and ovarian tissues were separated from each other by different ducts, indicating no possibility of internal self‐fertilization. The hydrated oocytes were stored in the accessory reproductive structure for at least 24 hr. The presence of atretic hydrated oocytes within this structure and the positive periodic acid–Schiff reaction of the villi‐like projections revealed the function of the ovary sinus as absorbing unspawned oocytes. The relative batch fecundity ranged from 62 to 209 oocytes/g (126 ± 42) for specimens from the coast and from 52 to 203 oocytes/g (113 ± 57) for those sampled in the estuary. The potential batch fecundity was linearly related to size, weight, and the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices, revealing that these parameters significantly affect the reproductive potential of D. radiale.  相似文献   
Reproductive traits of Oxyurichthys tentacularis, a most demanded fish in Ashtamudi Lake, S. India were studied from samples collected using gill net, cast net and dip net during 2013–2015. Sexes were separated by observing the urogenital papilla in males and the gonads. Five maturity stages were identified by examining the gonads. Though advanced maturity stages were encountered throughout the year, higher preponderance of ripe gonads was discernible during August to November and February to April. Gonadosomatic indices indicated same trend in both sexes. The length at first maturity was 86.67 mm in males and 80.17 mm in females. The absolute fecundity ranged from 5,112 (102 mm TL) to 52,431(175 mm TL). Fecundity established linear relationships with total length, body weight and ovary weight. Ova diameter studies revealed that spawning takes place in batches at regular intervals and the species is a multiple spawner. The ratio of males to females was found to be 1:0.7 (χ2 = 10.8; p < 0.05). The pooled average for the whole period showed a perceptible dominance of male population in all of the months except in January (χ= 2.3; p > 0.05) could be observed.  相似文献   
Dispersal is one of the strategies for organisms to deal with climate change and habitat degradation. Therefore, investigating the effects of dispersal evolution on natural populations is of considerable interest to ecologists and conservation biologists. Although it is known that dispersal itself can evolve due to selection, the behavioral, life‐history and metabolic consequences of dispersal evolution are not well understood. Here, we explore these issues by subjecting four outbred laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster to selection for increased dispersal. The dispersal‐selected populations had similar values of body size, fecundity, and longevity as the nonselected lines (controls), but evolved significantly greater locomotor activity, exploratory tendency, and aggression. Untargeted metabolomic fingerprinting through NMR spectroscopy suggested that the selected flies evolved elevated cellular respiration characterized by greater amounts of glucose, AMP, and NAD. Concurrent evolution of higher level of Octopamine and other neurotransmitters indicate a possible mechanism for the behavioral changes in the selected lines. We discuss the generalizability of our findings in the context of observations from natural populations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the evolution of metabolome due to selection for dispersal and its connection to dispersal syndrome evolution.  相似文献   
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