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In temperate climates, Pustula tragopogonis is rarely found on cultivated sunflower. In Europe, it was so far of little economic impact on other Asteraceae, except for some regions in the Mediterranean. In 2003, P. tragopogonis was found for the first time in sunflower fields in southern Germany. The pathogen has a widespread occurrence there, especially in the region around Stuttgart, BW. Fatty acid profiling, ultrastructural investigation and ITS sequencing revealed a high similarity to an 2002 isolate from southern Africa and an 2005 isolate from Australia, but revealed significant differences to P. tragopogonis s.l. on Cirsium arvense, a common weed, growing on or in the vicinity of sunflower fields in Germany. P. tragopogonis from this host can therefore be excluded from being the source of the reported infection.  相似文献   
Summary Pea albumin 2 (PA2:Mr26000) is a major component of the albumin fraction derived from aqueous salt extracts of pea seed. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel resolve PA2 into two closely related components (PA2a and PA2b). A cDNA clone coding for one of these components has been sequenced and the deduced amino acid sequence compared with partial, chemically-determined sequences for cyanogen bromide peptides from both PA2 components. Complete amino acid sequences were obtained for the C-terminal peptides. The PA2 molecule of 230 amino acids contains four imperfect repeat sequences each of approximately 57 amino acids in length.The combined sequence data, together with a comparison of PA2-related polypeptides produced in vitro and in vivo, indicate that PA2 is synthesized without a signal sequence and does not undergo significant post-translational modification. Although both forms of PA2 contain Asn-X-Thr consensus sequences, neither form is glycosylated. Accumulation of PA2 contributes approximately 11% of the sulfur-amino acids in pea seeds (cysteine plus methionine equals 2.6 residues percent). Suppression of levels of PA2 polypeptides and their mRNAs in developing seeds of sulfur-deficient plants is less marked than that for legumin, in spite of the lower content of sulfur-amino acids in legumin.  相似文献   
We sought to establish whether the endogenous opiate-receptor agonist Met-enkephalin (m-ENK) selectively modulates the release of endogenous tyrosine (Tyr) from brain slices prepared from the corpus striatum (CS). Amino acids (AAs) released from slices of CS and, for comparison, cerebral cortex (Cx) were measured by HPLC. Incubation of slices with m-ENK (1-10 microM) increased the basal release of Tyr (up to 293% of control) from CS, but not Cx, whereas other nonneurotransmitter AAs, phenylalanine (Phe) and valine (Val), were unchanged. The release of the putative neurotransmitter AAs glutamate (Glu), taurine (Tau), and glycine (Gly) were similarly increased by 50-150% with m-ENK in slices of CS, but not Cx. The enhanced release of AAs by m-ENK was prevented by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or by preincubation with the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone. Neuronal depolarization by potassium (5-55 mM) in the presence of Ca2+ did not affect the release of Tyr, whereas release of neurotransmitter AAs such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were markedly increased. The increase in basal Tyr release by m-ENK was not the result of a decreased uptake of Tyr. Relative to slices, the basal release of Tyr, Phe, and Val from a synaptosomal (P2) preparation of CS was small (8-51%) compared to that of GABA, Gly, Glu, and Tau (49-123%). Nonetheless, m-ENK (10 microM) markedly increased the release of Tyr (to 833%), but not Glu, Gly, and Tau from the P2 fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary A localized region of low DNA sequence homology was revealed in two strains of Bacillus subtilis by a specific 100-fold reduction in transformation by W23 DNA of the tag1 locus, a teichoic acid marker of strain 168. Fifty nine rare recombinants, hybrid at this locus, had all acquired donor-specific phage resistance characters, while losing those specific to the 168 recipient. Chemical analysis of isolated cell walls showed that these modifications are associated with major changes in the wall teichoic acids. Genetic analysis demonstrated that determinants for the ribitol phosphate polymer of strain W23 had been transferred to 168, replacing those for the glycerol phosphate polymer in the recipient. All W23 genes coding for poly(ribitol phosphate) in the hybrids and those specifying anionic wall polymers in strain 168 are clustered near hisA. In addition to tag1, the region exchanged extends just beyond gtaA in some hybrids, whereas in others it may include the more distant gtaB marker, encompassing a region sufficient to contain at least 20 average-sized genes. Surface growth, flagellation, transformability and sporulation all appeared normal in hybrids examined. Recombinants without a major wall teichoic acid from either strain were not found, suggesting that an integral transfer of genes for poly(ribitol phosphate) from W23 had occurred in all hybrids isolated. We interpret these results as indicating an essential role for anionic wall polymers in the growth of B. subtillis.  相似文献   
The action of the herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine] on phenolic metabolism and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL; EC activity was investigated in yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Glyphosate caused significant increases in the amount of total soluble hydroxyphenolics in the three fractions studied (neutral, acid and residual). Qualitative and quantitative differences in relation to these fractions and the amount of applied glyphosate were observed. Most of the phenolic compounds which increased after glyphosate treatment were benzoic acids (gentisic. p -OH-benzoic, salicylic and vanillic). Gentisic acid showed the greatest increase in neutral and acid fractions, being twenty- and four-fold, respectively, of the amount found in the control. PAL activity was not affected by the lowest doses of glyphosate (10−4and 10−3 M) , but a dramatic decrease in PAL activity was observed after 10−2 M treatment. These findings, together with the low levels of cinnamic acids measured in treated yellow nutsedge plants, suggest that PAL activity is only marginally involved in glyphosate action. Since the herbicidal action probably takes place at 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-P synthase (EC, an alternative pathway to PAL in phenolic biosynthesis should be activated yielding benzoic acids.  相似文献   
The mechanism of hypercholesterolemia effect of Cu2+ deficiency was studied in rats. There was increased activity of hepatic hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase and increased incorporation of labelled acetate into free cholesterol of liver in the Cu2+ deficient rats. Incorporation of label into ester cholesterol was however decreased in the liver. Concentration of bile acids in the liver was not significantly altered. Increase in the incorporation of labelled acetate into serum cholesterol and increase in the concentration of cholesterol and apo B in the low density lipoproteins + very low density lipoproteins fractions were observed. Activity of lipoprotein lipase of the extrahepatic tissues decreased in the Cu2+ deficient rats.  相似文献   
The galactose-binding lectin of human Placenta has been Purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatograPhy on asialo-fetuin column. The Protein, extractable from the tissue only with lactose is aPParently membrane-bound. Molecular weight determination of native Protein and subunit indicated a dimer of l3.4 kDa subunits. Inhibition of haemagglutination with various saccharides indicate that thiodigalactoside is the best inhibitor followed by lactose. However,P-nitroPhenyl-and 1-O-methyl derivatives of galactose showed that α-anomers inhibited slightly better than β-anomer. Modification of amino acid residues indicated involvement of arginine, lysine and histidine residues at the saccharidebinding site. Cysteine residue modificatioin also abolished haemagglutinating activity. Amino acid comPosition of the lectin is also Presented.  相似文献   
Summary Brush border membrane vesicles were prepared from mussel gills using differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These vesicles contained both the maximal Na+-dependent alanine transport activity found in the gradient and the maximal activities of -glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase. Electron micrographs showed closed vesicles of approximately 0.1–0.5 m diameter. Transport experiments using these vesicles demonstrated a transient 18-fold overshoot in intravesicular alanine concentration in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, but not under Na+ equilibrium conditions. A reduced overshoot (10-fold) was seen with an inwardly directed K+ gradient. Further studies revealed a broad cation selectivity, with preference for Na+, which was characteristic of alanine transport but not glucose transport in these membranes. The apparent amino acid specificity of the uptake pathway(s) was similar to that of intact gills and supported the idea of at least four separate pathways for amino acid transport in mussel gill brush border membranes. The apparent Michaelis constant for alanine uptake was approximately 7m, consistent with values forK t determined with intact tissue.  相似文献   
Summary It is proposed that nucleotide strands of opposite handedness may strongly associate and thereby provide the key step of a mechanism for the amplification of a small enantiomeric excess in an initially near-racemic mixture of poly- or oligonucleotides. This hypothesis, if confirmed by experimentation, may have important implications for the question of the origin of biomolecular chirality. The results of preliminary NMR experiments are given, which do show evidence of a strong association between pentanucleotide RNA strands whose monomers have opposite chirality. Simple kinetic equations are solved to demonstrate the conditions under which such association can produce amplification of chirality.  相似文献   
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