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The present study investigated the feasibility of cultivating microalgae in dairy farm wastewater. The growth of microalgae and the removal rate of the nutrient from the wastewater were examined. The wastewater was diluted 20, 10 and 5 times before applied to cultivate microalgae. A 5 dilution yielded 0.86 g/L dry weight in 6 days with a relative growth rate of 0.28 d?1, the 10× dilution gave 0.74 g/L and a relative growth rate of 0.26 d?1 while the 20× dilution 0.59 g/L and a relative growth rate 0.23 d?1. The nutrients in the wastewater could be removed effectively in different diluted dairy wastewater. The greatest dilution (20×) showed the removal rates: ammonia, 99.26%; P, 89.92%; COD, 84.18%. A 10× dilution removal% was: ammonia 93; P 91 and COD 88. The 5× dilution removal% was: ammonia 83; P 92; COD 90.  相似文献   
多层次多树种防护林的生态效应彭锦钊(广西大桂山林场,贺县542824)EcologicalEffectsofMulti-LayerandMulti-SpeciesShelterbelt.¥PengJinzhao(DaguishanForestfore...  相似文献   
试验采用Biolog和PCR-DGGE技术研究了不同施肥处理对吉林省德惠市黑土细菌群落结构和功能的影响.Biolog试验结果表明,单施有机肥处理的土壤细菌群落对底物碳源利用种类最多,代谢功能多样性最高;而施用化肥处理降低了土壤细菌群落代谢功能.DGGE图谱表明,不同施肥处理的土壤细菌16S rDNA多数条带分布相同,说明这些细菌类群在黑土中较稳定,在本试验中未受到施肥的影响,但也有一些特殊条带出现或缺失,施用化肥处理降低了土壤细菌群落结构组成多样性.对Biolog和DGGE试验结果的主成分分析显示,未施肥和单施有机肥处理的土壤细菌群落结构和功能相似,表明单施有机肥处理主要是增加了土壤微生物的总量,而对黑土细菌群落结构组成影响是次要的;单施化肥和半量有机肥 化肥处理的土壤细菌群落代谢功能多样性相似,但其结构组成产生了分离.研究表明化肥处理主要是影响到土壤中快速生长和富营养的细菌类群,施用化肥降低了这些细菌类群的代谢活性.  相似文献   
This study compares energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of biobased polymers with those of bioenergy on a per unit of agricultural land-use basis by extending existing life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies. In view of policy goals to increase the energy supply from biomass and current efforts to produce biobased polymers in bulk, the amount of available land for the production of nonfood crops could become a limitation. Hence, given the prominence of energy and greenhouse issues in current environmental policy, it is desirable to include land demand in the comparison of different biomass options. Over the past few years, numerous LCA studies have been prepared for different types of bio-based polymers, but only a few of these studies address the aspect of land use. This comparison shows that referring energy savings and GHG emission reduction of biobased polymers to a unit of agricultural land, instead of to a unit of polymer produced, leads to a different ranking of options. If land use is chosen as the basis of comparison, natural fiber composites and thermoplastic starch score better than bioenergy production from energy crops, whereas polylactides score comparably well and polyhydroxyalkaonates score worse. Additionally, including the use of agricultural residues for energy purposes improves the environmental performance of bio-based polymers significantly. Moreover, it is very likely that higher production efficiencies will be achieved for biobased polymers in the medium term. Biobased polymers thus offer interesting opportunities to reduce the utilization of nonrenewable energy and to contribute to GHG mitigation in view of potentially scarce land resources.  相似文献   
The male effect is an effective natural technique to induce off-season ovulation and ultimately mating or artificial insemination in small ruminants. It constitutes an alternative to hormonal treatments in conventional breeding systems and, to shift and organise the yearly production cycle, is currently the only solution complying with European organic standards. However, its associated performances are still heterogeneous, both in terms of the global response and the extent of reproductive synchronisation of the females, due to complex interactions with environmental factors that limit its use on commercial farms. This study was carried out on a French organic farm under commercial conditions to investigate, in the field and across five consecutive years, the main parameters affecting the early ovarian response to a ram effect on Lacaune dairy ewes. While the within-year binary logistic regressions yielded contrasting results, the cross-year mixed-effect binary logistic regression models clearly showed that parameters associated with the nutritional state of the animals have a profound influence on the ovarian response of the ewes. Indeed, the probabilities of a spontaneous resumption of ovarian activity before the ram effect and of an early ovarian response to the ram effect were positively associated with the body condition score, total milk production and the age of the animals, while being negatively associated with the milk production level at the 3rd milk recording. The probabilities of a spontaneous resumption of ovarian activity before the ram effect were positively associated with the interval between lambing and the introduction of the rams. Altogether, these results indicate that the ovarian performances in response to a male effect follow a bell-curve pattern with optimal performances depending upon a complex combination between photoperiodic and nutritional cues. Regarding these latter, this study highlights the major contribution of body reserves and energy balance dynamics.  相似文献   
Brominated flame retardants (BFR) are primarily used as flame retardant additives in insulating materials. These lipophilic compounds can bioaccumulate in animal tissues, leading to human exposure via food ingestion. Although their concentration in food is not yet regulated, several of these products are recognised as persistent organic pollutants; they are thought to act as endocrine disruptors. The present study aimed to characterise the occurrence of two families of BFRs (hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)) in hen eggs and broiler or pig meat in relation to their rearing environments. Epidemiological studies were carried out on 60 hen egg farms (34 without an open-air range, 26 free-range), 57 broiler farms (27 without an open-air range, 30 free-range) and 42 pig farms without an open-air range in France from 2013 to 2015. For each farm, composite samples from either 12 eggs, five broiler pectoral muscles or three pig tenderloins were obtained. Eight PBDE congeners and three HBCDD stereoisomers were quantified in product fat using gas chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry, or high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, respectively. The frequencies of PBDE detection were 28% for eggs (median concentration 0.278 ng/g fat), 72% for broiler muscle (0.392 ng/g fat) and 49% for pig muscle (0.403 ng/g fat). At least one HBCDD stereoisomer was detected in 17% of eggs (0.526 ng/g fat), 46% of broiler muscle (0.799 ng/g fat) and 36% of pig muscle (0.616 ng/g fat). Results were similar in concentration to those obtained in French surveillance surveys from 2012 to 2016. Nevertheless, the contamination of free-range eggs and broilers was found to be more frequent than that of conventional ones, suggesting that access to an open-air range could be an additional source of exposure to BFRs for animals. However, the concentration of BFRs in all products remained generally very low. No direct relationship could be established between the occurrence of BFRs in eggs and meat and the characteristics of farm buildings (age, building materials). The potential presence of BFRs in insulating materials is not likely to constitute a significant source of animal exposure as long as the animals do not have direct access to these materials.  相似文献   
Conservation actions are ongoing for the federally and provincially threatened bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) in Ontario, Canada because of population declines. One conservation action being implemented in agricultural grasslands is the delay of hay harvesting and livestock grazing until 15 July, a general guideline for when bobolink finish breeding. Efficient methods to assess when breeding ceases could benefit bobolink and farmers engaged in conservation by ensuring nesting is finished before agricultural activity occurs and enabling agricultural activity earlier when breeding is finished before 15 July. We conducted field surveys to assess if low-intensity surveys (i.e., transect surveys, point counts, roadside counts) could accurately detect when bobolink finish breeding compared to intensive monitoring (i.e., spot mapping and nest monitoring). We monitored 29 pastures in 2017 in eastern Ontario and 9 hay fields, 10 restored grasslands, and 6 fallow fields in 2018 in southern Ontario. The date breeding finished varied across fields in 2017 from 13 June to 29 July and in 2018 from 24 June to 30 July, based on spot mapping and nest monitoring. Transect surveys and point counts were good predictors of breeding in a field, as confirmed through spot mapping and nest monitoring, based on generalized linear mixed models. We recommend using transect surveys or point counts as an efficient field method to assess when bobolink finish breeding in a field targeted for bobolink conservation. Our results suggest that 2 consecutive visits that fail to detect evidence of breeding in early July are needed to reasonably infer that breeding has likely finished, leaving a small probability (i.e., <0.01) that breeding may still be occurring. Determining when bobolink finish breeding in fields intended to provide nesting refuges can help maximize conservation benefits and minimize negative effects on agricultural production. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Small mammals in new farm woodlands   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of recently planted farm woodlands, along with adjacent agricultural land and hedgerows were surveyed using live traps to compare their importance for small mammals. Small mammal numbers were far higher in newly planted woodlands than in both hedgerows and agricultural land. Seven species were trapped in farm woods compared with five in hedgerows and two in agricultural land. The most frequently trapped species in the establishing woodlands was the harvest mouse Micromys minutus, followed by the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus. The potential importance of newly planted farm woodlands for small mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

Goal and Scope  

The environmental performance of two ethanol fuel applications (E10 and E85) is compared (E10 fuel: a mixture of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline by volume, and E85 fuel: a mixture of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline by volume).  相似文献   
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