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A two-year (2015 and 2016) grazing study was established to compare ewe and lamb performance when grazed on a perennial ryegrass only sward compared to more diverse sward types. In that study four sward types were investigated: a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) only sward receiving 163 kg nitrogen per hectare per year (N/ha/yr) (PRG); a perennial ryegrass and white clover (Trifolium repens) sward receiving 90 kg N/ha/yr (PRGWC); a six species sward (two grasses (perennial ryegrass and timothy (Phleum pratense)), two legumes (white and red clover (Trifolium pratense)) and two herbs (ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and chicory (Cichorium intybus)) receiving 90 kg N/ha/yr (6S); and a nine species sward containing cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), greater birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus pedunculatus) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium) in addition to the six species listed above, receiving 90 kg N/ha/yr (9S). Each sward type was managed as a separate farmlet and stocked with 30 twin-rearing ewes at a stocking rate of 12.5 ewes/ha under rotational grazing management from turnout post-lambing until housing. Lamb live weight was recorded fortnightly and lambs were drafted for slaughter at 45 kg. Ewe live weight and body condition score (BCS) were recorded on five occasions annually. Lamb faecal egg count (FEC) was recorded fortnightly and lambs were treated with anthelmintics when mean lamb FEC per sward type was above 400 eggs per gram. Ewes grazing the 6S and 9S swards had heavier (P < 0.01) live weights and BCS throughout the study than the ewes grazing the PRG sward. Lambs grazing the 6S sward were heavier than lambs grazing all other sward types of 14 weeks old (P < 0.05). Lambs grazing the PRG sward required more days to reach slaughter weight than lambs grazing all other sward types (P < 0.001). Lambs grazing the 6S and 9S swards required fewer anthelmintic treatments than lambs grazing the PRG or PRGWC swards. In conclusion, grazing multispecies swards improved ewe and lamb performance and reduced the requirement for chemical anthelmintics.  相似文献   
Aims: To better understand and manage the fate and transport of Salmonella in agricultural watersheds, we developed a culture‐based, five tube–four dilution most probable number (MPN) method for enumerating dilute densities of Salmonella in environmental waters. Methods and Results: The MPN method was a combination of a filtration technique for large sample volumes of environmental water, standard selective media for Salmonella and a TaqMan confirmation step. This method has determined the density of Salmonella in 20‐l samples of pond inflow and outflow streams as low as 0·1 MPN l?1 and a low 95% confidence level 0·015 MPN l?1. Salmonella densities ranged from not detectable to 0·55 MPN l?1 for pond inflow samples and from not detectable to 3·4 MPN l?1 for pond outflow samples. Salmonella densities of pond inflow samples were associated with densities of Escherichia coli and faecal enterococci that indicated stream contamination with faeces and with nondetectable pond outflow densities of the faecal indicator bacteria. The MPN methodology was extended to flux determinations by integrating with volumetric measurements of pond inflow (mean flux of 2·5 l s?1) and outflow (mean flux of 5·6 l s?1). Fluxes of Salmonella ranged from 100 to greater than 104 MPN h?1. Conclusions: This is a culture‐based method that can detect small numbers of Salmonella in environmental waters of watersheds containing animal husbandry and wildlife. Significance and Impact of the Study: Applying this method to environmental waters will improve our understanding of the transport and fate of Salmonella in agricultural watersheds, and can be the basis of valuable collections of environmental Salmonella.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS; free radical form O2•−, superoxide radical; OH, hydroxyl radical; ROO, peroxyl; RO, alkoxyl and non-radical form 1O2, singlet oxygen; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide) are inevitable companions of aerobic life with crucial role in gut health. But, overwhelming production of ROS can cause serious damage to biomolecules. In this review, we have discussed several sources of ROS production that can be beneficial or dangerous to the human gut. Micro-organisms, organelles and enzymes play crucial role in ROS generation, where NOX1 is the main intestinal enzyme, which produce ROS in the intestine epithelial cells. Previous studies have reported that probiotics play significant role in gut homeostasis by checking the ROS generation, maintaining the antioxidant level, immune system and barrier protection. With current knowledge, we have critically analysed the available literature and presented the outcome in the form of bubble maps to suggest that the probiotics help in controlling the ROS-specific intestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer. Finally, it has been concluded that rebooting of the gut microbiota with probiotics, postbiotics or faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) can have crucial implications in the structuring of gut communities for the personalized management of the gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.  相似文献   
The diet of African wild dogs, lions and spotted hyenas was studied in the woodland savannah of Faro National Park and surrounding hunting zones in northern Cameroon during the dry season. Faecal analysis revealed that the diet of the three large carnivores overlaps considerably. Frequencies of prey remains of large and medium‐sized antelopes were highest, with Buffon's kob being by far the most common prey species. Carnivores seem to consume most abundant prey species. No prey item of domestic livestock was found in the faeces. Faecal analysis has proved to be a useful method to reveal diet choice for large carnivores in northern Cameroon. Detailed information on the distribution and density of large carnivores and their prey is needed to give a better picture of the status of carnivores in northern Cameroon and to help resolve conflicts with livestock. Further investigations into the seasonal variation of predation and other factors structuring the large carnivore community in northern Cameroon are recommended.  相似文献   
Abstract An examination of samples obtained from a commercial fish smoker, using seawater agar with incubation at 4°, 15° and 37°C for up to 28 days, revealed the presence of large bacterial populations in smoked fish. However, initially only low bacterial numbers, i.e., 2 × 103/g, were present in the muscle of fresh, whole haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus ). With filleting, there was a sudden increase in numbers to 9.2 × 105/g. Yet immediately after smoking, the bacterial populations decreased (5 × 105/g), followed by a gradual increase with storage (e.g., 2 × 106/g after 24 h). Representative colonies were presumptively identified as Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes , coryneforms, Pseudomonas and Vibrio spp.  相似文献   
Aims: This paper reports on the results of a study aimed at evaluating the specificity and sensitivity of human‐specific HF183 and HF134 Bacteroides markers in various host groups and their utility to detect human faecal pollution in storm water samples collected from nonsewered catchments in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Methods and Results: The specificity and sensitivity of the HF183 and HF134 Bacteroides markers was evaluated by testing 207 faecal samples from 13 host groups, including 52 samples from human sources (via sewage and septic tanks). Polymerase chain reaction analysis of these samples revealed the presence/absence of HF183 and HF134 across these host groups, demonstrating their suitability for distinguishing between human and animal faecal pollution. The HF183 marker was found to be more reliable than that of HF134, which was also found in dogs. Conclusions: Based on our data, it appears that the HF183 marker is specific to sewage and is a reliable marker for detecting human faecal pollution, while the use of HF134 marker alone may not be sufficient enough to provide the evidence of human faecal pollution. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study in Australia that rigorously evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of Bacteroides markers. Based on our findings, we suggest that the HF183 marker could reliably be used to detect the sources of human faecal pollution in Southeast Queensland region.  相似文献   
Aims: To quantify microbial contamination on kitchen and bathroom surfaces (fomites) in rural Cambodian homes and to compare these concentrations to similar data from the United States and Japan. Methods and Results: This study monitored the numbers of faecal coliforms (i.e. thermotolerant coliforms), total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic plate count bacteria on household surfaces in a rural village of Cambodia. Faecal coliform levels in Cambodia were highest on moist locations such as the plastic ladle used for sink water, the toilet seat surface and the cutting board surface with 100‐fold higher levels of faecal coliform bacteria than E. coli and 100‐fold higher levels of faecal coliforms than the US and Japanese studies. Conclusions: A single public health intervention barrier, such as an improved latrine, is only partially effective for household sanitation. For complete sanitation, multiple environmental barriers may be necessary. These barriers occur in a house constructed with easily washable surfaces, a chlorinated water distribution system, house climate control and cleaning product availability. Significance and Impact of the Study: Results of this study can be used to emphasize the importance of increasing household environmental sanitation barriers.  相似文献   
Aims: This study was performed to investigate the microbiological contamination of digestate product (DP) obtained from the anaerobic co‐digestion of bovine manure and agricultural by‐products. Methods and results: Microbiological analyses were performed on bovine manure, fresh DP, liquid and solid fractions and stored liquid fraction of DP. A statistically significant reduction of faecal bacterial indicator was found after anaerobic digestion except for enterococci. After liquid/solid DP separation, bacteria tend to be concentrated in the solid fraction. Storage does not seem to influence the indicator parameters, except for enterococci. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Yersinia were not found in any samples analysed. Salmonella was rarely detected in DP samples and its derivates, while Listeria monocytogenes was encountered in many samples. Conclusions: The results obtained indicate that the hygienic quality of DP is for almost all microbiological parameters better than that of the bovine manure (range of reduction 1.6–3.1 log10) and suggest the need to identify specific pathogen indicators related to the hygienic characteristics of DPs. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study highlights that the anaerobic co‐digestion of bovine manure and agricultural by‐products in a field‐scale biogas plant does not increase human health risk with respect to the use of animal manure for agricultural fertilization.  相似文献   
The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is a small lagomorph of the western United States that specializes in sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitat. Intensive habitat loss and modification have increased the vulnerability of pygmy rabbit populations, but the current geographic distribution and population status remain unclear. To aid in detection and population monitoring, we developed a species identification test that uses mitochondrial DNA species-specific primers to distinguish among six sympatric lagomorph species using DNA isolated from faecal pellets. Applying this test, we successfully identified the species of origin for all pellet samples that produced a positive PCR result (77% of 283 pellets collected). Pellets collected during the winter (December-February) had higher PCR success rate (93%) than pellets collected at other times of the year (72%). This test, using non-invasive genetic sampling of faecal pellets, provides an efficient method for assessing site occupancy and distribution of pygmy rabbits and other lagomorphs across large geographic areas.  相似文献   
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