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华北低丘山地人工林蒸散的控制因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄辉  孟平  张劲松  郑宁  贾长荣 《生态学报》2014,34(3):667-673
人工林蒸散的影响机制研究对指导我国林业生态工程建设有重要意义。基于涡度相关技术,对华北低丘山区30年生栓皮栎-刺槐-侧柏人工混交林进行了连续2a的观测,以探讨蒸散的控制因子。结果表明:退耦系数(Ω)与冠层导度的季节动态有很好的一致性。2007、2008年的快速生长季Ω变化范围分别为0.12—0.62、0.08—0.54,平均值分别为0.37、0.23,快速生长季蒸散主要受气孔控制。2008年比2007年偏旱,该年快速生长季的退耦系数、冠层导度和蒸散低于2007年,发生干旱时蒸散主要受气孔限制。气孔对蒸散的限制作用在大气湿度较低时较高,并且这种限制作用在发生干旱时会进一步加剧。快速生长季内辐射是影响蒸散的主要环境因子,辐射资源丰富的年份气孔对蒸散的控制程度更高。  相似文献   
We cloned and sequenced the mouse phenylethanolamineN-methyltransferase (PNMT) gene which encodes the enzyme that catalyses the conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine. The ability of various length sequences flanking the mouse or human PNMT genes to direct expression of reporter genes in transgenic mice was examined. We show that 9 kb of 5 flanking sequences from the cloned mouse PNMT gene can direct expression of theEscherichia coli -galactosidase (lacZ) gene to predicted regions of the adrenal, eye can direct in the adult transgenic mouse. The transgene was also expressed during development, in the myelencephalon, adrenal medulla and dorsal root ganglia. PNMT-producing cells were ablated by expression of the diphtheria toxin (DT-A) gene driven by the human PNMT promoter, resulting in abnormalities in the adrenal medulla, eye and testis. The hPNMT8 kb-DT-A line presents a model with which to examine the developmental ramifications of deletion of PNMT-producing cell populations from the adrenal medulla and retina.  相似文献   
Pristine peatlands covered by Histosols (bogs and fens) with high water table and a restricted oxygen (O2) availability are known to have low emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) but may be a significant source for atmospheric methane (CH4) which are both important greenhouse gases. For the first time N2O and CH4 fluxes of a pristine slope mire in the German Harz Mountains have been monitored. Previously reported peatlands are characterised by anaerobic conditions due to high water table levels. Slope mires monitored here receive O2 through slope water inflow. Gas fluxes have been monitored deploying closed chamber method on a central non-forested area and a forested area at the periphery of the slope mire. By means of groundwater piezometers water table levels, ammonium and nitrate contents as well as hydro-chemical variables like oxygen content and redox potential of the mire pore water have been concurrently measured with trace gas fluxes at both monitoring sites of the slope mire. The slope mire took up small amounts of atmospheric methane at a rate of −0.02 ± 0.01 kg C ha−1 year−1 revealing no significant difference between the forested and non-forested site. Higher uptake rates were observed during low water table level. In contrast to pristine peatlands influx of oxygen containing pore water into slope mire does limit reduction processes and resultant CH4 emission. N2O fluxes of the forested and non-forested sites of the slope mire did not differ and amounted to 0.25 ± 0.44 kg N ha−1 year−1. Higher emissions were observed at low water table levels and during thawing periods. In spite of favourable conditions N2O fluxes of the slope mire have been comparable to those of pristine peatlands.  相似文献   
1. A number of planktonic cyanobacteria species form resting stages that survive in the sediments of lakes. The significance of this life history strategy to the ecology of new planktonic populations was investigated in Esthwaite Water, a mesotrophic lake in the English Lake District.
2. A simple trapping technique was used to quantify vertical movements of five species of buoyant gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria from close to the sediments, along a depth transect.
3. 'Recruitment' from the sediments was found to be widespread amongst the cyanobacteria species associated with the summer phytoplankton community.
4. Estimates of the vertical upward fluxes of cyanobacteria based upon trap catches could not account for observed increases in the planktonic populations suggesting that 'recruitment' was not a significant source of biomass.
5. Vertical upward movements of Anabaena solitaria were recorded prior to this species becoming established in the plankton suggesting that benthic populations might be a source of cells for initial pelagic growth of populations of this species.
6. Low numbers of vegetative filaments of Anabaena flos-aquae , Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Oscillatoria agardhii were observed in the plankton through the winter. These small overwintering populations appeared to be the primary source of inocula for the large summer populations of these species.  相似文献   
慢性电极植入以及无线刺激技术被广泛应用于动物自由活动状态下的脑区功能研究。实现刺激器与脑内植入电极过渡连接的转接装置需固定在颅骨之上。鸟类特殊的骨质构造不利于转接装置的长期固定。以鸽子(Columba livia)为例设计制作了一种用于慢性运动诱导实验的9通道电极转接装置,长12.8 mm、宽9.5 mm、高5.5 mm,重0.42 g;根据鸽子颅骨特点在固定过程中对颅骨表面进行粗糙化处理增加固定时与牙科水泥的接触面积,并选取特定位点拧入螺钉进行固定,有效延长了转接装置的固定时间。经实验验证能够在鸽子头部稳定固定6个月以上,满足鸽子长期运动诱导研究的需求,未对动物正常活动产生影响。该装置及其固定方法亦可为其他小型动物的脑区功能研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In a predator–prey system, prey species may adapt to the presence of predators with behavioral changes such as increased vigilance, shifting habitats, or changes in their mobility. In North America, moose (Alces alces) have shown behavioral adaptations to presence of predators, but such antipredator behavioral responses have not yet been found in Scandinavian moose in response to the recolonization of wolves (Canis lupus). We studied travel speed and direction of movement of GPS‐collared female moose (n = 26) in relation to spatiotemporal differences in wolf predation risk, reproductive status, and time of year. Travel speed was highest during the calving (May–July) and postcalving (August–October) seasons and was lower for females with calves than females without calves. Similarly, time of year and reproductive status affected the direction of movement, as more concentrated movement was observed for females with calves at heel, during the calving season. We did not find support for that wolf predation risk was an important factor affecting moose travel speed or direction of movement. Likely causal factors for the weak effect of wolf predation risk on mobility of moose include high moose‐to‐wolf ratio and intensive hunter harvest of the moose population during the past century.  相似文献   
辛星  马子龙  覃伟权 《昆虫学报》2010,53(6):626-633
对寄生蜂交配行为的了解将有助于发展对其行为调控的技术,提高寄生蜂对害虫控制的效能。为探讨椰心叶甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière的复眼和触角在交配中的作用,用水溶性黑色素和液体石蜡分别涂抹该蜂复眼和触角后观察其交配行为,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察其复眼和触角的超微结构,分析雌、雄蜂触角感器的分布与数量差异。结果表明:椰心叶甲啮小蜂雄蜂的复眼在交配过程中起重要作用,雌蜂复眼作用不显著。在椰心叶甲啮小蜂求偶识别和接受过程中,雄蜂触角柄节部位起主要作用,其次是棒节部位,再次是鞭节的索亚节部位,而雌蜂触角鞭节索亚节部位起主要作用,然后是棒节部位,最后是柄节部位。扫描电镜观察表明椰心叶甲啮小蜂触角上共有8种感器,其中毛形感器和板形感器是主要感器,雌、雄蜂触角有明显的性二型现象,表现为触角大小不同及触角感器类型、大小、数量、分布不同。  相似文献   
不同秸秆填埋量对盐碱土水盐运移及垂柳反射光谱的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔雪涛  何欣燕  何俊  范秀华 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8107-8117
在宁夏西北盐化生态脆弱区的典型盐碱化土地,通过随机区组试验,探究在栽植穴填埋秸秆2000(T_1)、7000(T_2)、12000kg/hm~2(T_3)及17000 kg/hm~2(T_4)等作隔盐层对土壤水盐运移及垂柳(Salix babylonica)反射光谱的影响,将地下土壤水盐变化与地上植物生长及生理状况相结合,以期更准确的反映出各处理对盐碱土壤改良效果及地上植被恢复情况。研究结果表明:(1)填埋一定量的秸秆作隔盐垫层可以改变地下土壤水盐的剖面分布特征。T_2、T_3和T_4处理与对照组相比,20—80 cm土层土壤含水量都显著提高,填埋的秸秆层起到了蓄水保墒的作用;都明显降低了0—80 cm土层土壤盐分含量和盐溶质浓度;但这3种处理之间无显著差别。T_1由于填埋秸秆量过少,无显著蓄水控盐效果。(2)通过检测植物叶片反射光谱可以反映出地上植物生长及生理状况的变化。填埋一定量的秸秆作为隔盐垫层有助于改善垂柳的生理状况。T_2的垂柳叶片光合色素含量最高,光合特性及营养状况最好,其他光谱参数结果都显著提高。T_3显著提高叶绿素含量和光合特性,但效果均不如T_2,且营养状况差。T_4处理类胡萝卜素含量与叶片水分含量均处于最高水平,但叶绿素含量、营养状态以及光合特性都显著降低。T_1处理效果最差。(3)在地下填埋秸秆作隔盐层,会通过对地下土壤水盐运移及微域生态系统环境的调节,影响到地上植物生长及生理状况。综合地下水盐分布与地上植物叶片反射光谱的结果,T_2是宁夏引黄灌区盐碱地改良中最适宜的秸秆填埋量。  相似文献   
汽车碰撞中的人体动力学仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将多则体系统动力学中的L-E法与经典碰撞理论相结合,推导了树形系统下的L-E碰撞动力学方程,并运用面向对象的编程方法开发出汽车碰撞中人体动力学仿真软件,成功地仿真出汽车碰撞后人体运动响应.  相似文献   
NADPH氧化酶可能参与了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了NADPH氧化酶在ABA(abscisic acid)诱导蚕豆气孔关闭信号转导网络中的作用,荧光光谱实验表明,在嗜中性白血球NADPH氧化酶抑制剂DPI(diphenyleneio-donium)存在的条件下,与对照相比,大大逆转了由ABA引起HPTS(8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid,trisodium salt)的荧光强度下降。表皮生物分析法显示,10^-6mol/L的DPI和10^3unit/mL的过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)在一定程度上也逆转了ABA诱导张开气孔的关闭。因此推测:在ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞过程中,质膜上的NADPH气体酶可能催化形成超氧自由基O^-2,再经歧化反应形成H2O2,而形成的H2O2参与了气孔运动调节。  相似文献   
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