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During ageing of the short-lived pollen grains of Cucurbita pepo L., water loss was examined in relation to viability using biophysical (1H-nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) and cytological methods (fluorochromatic reaction test, freezefracture and scanning electron microscopy). A semi-logarithmic representation of the pollen weight loss demonstrated the complexity of the dehydration process. A the study of proton loss using 1H-NMR indicated that two major releases water of had taken place, each with different flux rates. Pulse 1H-NMR experiments showed the occurrene of non-exponential signal decay as a function of time, indicating the existence of different fractions of water in a pollen grain sample. These fractions leave the pollen grain at different times during pollen dehydration, and one of them (that of the so-called vital water) can be related to pollen viability. The quantity of protons giving a signal during pulse 1H-NMR experiments was very low when the pollen grains were judged to be dead according to the fluorochromatic test. Freeze-fracture replicas of these dead pollen grains (less than 25% water content) showed that the plasma membrane had become detached from the intine surface; this ultrastructural feature might therefore be involved in the loss of pollen viability.Abbreviations A initial amplitude of the NMR signal - A2 quantity of water charcterized by T2-2 - A5 quantity of water characterized by T2–5 - FCR fluorochromatic reaction - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - T2 transverse relaxation time - T2-2 T2 measured with 2 ms between each pulse of radiofrequency - T2–5 T2 measured with 5 ms between each pulse of radiofrequency  相似文献   
Total polyadenylated RNA from ripening or germinating Ricinus communis L. endosperm was translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate in the absence or presence of canine pancreatic microsomes. The products were immunoprecipitated using antibodies raised againts Triton X-114-extracted integral membrane proteins of protein bodies or glyoxysomes. While the proteins of proteinbody membranes were found to insert co-translationally into added microsomes, this was not observed in the case of glyoxysomal proteins. This observation was confirmed using antibodies raised against a purified glyoxysome membrane protein, alkaline lipase. These results indicate that different routes exist for the insertion of membrane proteins into the two organelles. In both cases membrane-protein insertion does not appear to be accompanied by proteolytic processing.Abbreviations anti-PB antiserum to integral protein-body membrane proteins - anti-G antiserum to integral glyoxysomal membrane proteins - anti-L antiserum to alkaline lipase - ER endoplasmic reticulum - Mr relative molecular mass - mRNA poly(A)-rich messenger RNA - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - poly(A) polyadenylic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   
When pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos were cultured on low osmotica, with or without added abscisic acid (ABA), there was very little change in the total mRNA translation products resolved by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The only marked alteration was an increase in production of two low-molecular-weight proteins. The purification and partial characterisation of these two ABA-responsive seed proteins (ABR17 and ABR18) is described. Both proteins were purified to homoeneity, as judged by SDS-PAGE, from embryos cultured in the presence of ABA. Antisera were raised against both proteins. Each serum cross-reacted with the other protein, indicating that the proteins are closely related. Their apparent molecular masses (Mrs) were estimated to be 17200 (ABR17) and 18100 (ABR18) by SDS-PAGE, and 26000 by gel filtration. Both proteins were heterogeneous on isoelectric focusing. Neither protein was detected (by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation of cell-free translation products) in embryos grown in vivo at early to mid-development stages but both were present in embryos late in development. These proteins appear to be produced late in seed development but are capable of being induced early in development by culturing embryos in vitro and are markedly enhanced by ABA.  相似文献   
Summary According to Nagl and Fusenig (1979) the structure and ultrastructure of plant nuclei is species-specific and is determined by the DNA (2C) value and the amount of the repetitive DNA. Light and electron microscopic observations ofZea mays L.,Pisum sativum L., andPhaseolus vulgaris L. nuclei led us to define their organization as chromonematic, chronomeric and chromocentric, respectively. Nuclear proteins, soluble in 0.4N H2SO4 and 0.74M HC1O4, were extracted from isolated nuclei and resolved according to their solubility and mobility in SDS and acetic acid-urea PAGE and 2D-Triton X 100 PAGE. Differences in the variants (and modifications) of the H 1 histone class and the nucleosomal H 2 A, H 2 B, and H 3 isoforms probably reflect that species-specific nuclear ultrastructure is based, not only on the heterogeneity and the quantity of DNA, but also on the diversity of the protein component of chromatin.Abbreviations MES Morpholinoethane sulfonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride - DMSO dimethylsulfoxid - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - TEMED N, N, N N-tetramethylethylen-diamin - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
When cells of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were subjected to microwave irradiation at 2.45 GHz, nitrite uptake kinetics still obeyed the Michaelis-Menten equation, the Km of the process remaining constant, whereas V max increased, which indicates an enhanced nonthermal permeability in irradiated cells.  相似文献   
125I-Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding parameters of human urothelial cell lines of different grades of transformation (TGrll and TGrlll) were compared. The values of association constant (Ka) and the number of binding sites/cell for HCV29 (TGrll) cell line were about 3×106M–1 and over 4×107, respectively. Two TGrlll cell lines, HCV29T and Hu549 revealed lower values for Ka, and considerably higher numbers of binding sites/cell (about 3×108 and 2×108, respectively). Binding of125I-WGA to total cellular proteins resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose showed multiple diffused bands in the range of 58–180 kDa. Some of these bands were characteristic for TGrll cells (124 kDa) or TGrlll cells (135 and 148 kDa).Abbreviations TGr transformation grade - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - sWGA succinylated wheat germ agglutinin - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - BSA bovine serum albumin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
1. SJL/J mice were maintained on semipurified diets which differed in the ratio of polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid content (P/S). Exposure was from conception and was maintained for periods ranging from 6 to 34 weeks. 2. Neural cell cultures were prepared from dorsal root ganglia (DRG). After 6 and 20 days of culture, neuronal electric membrane properties were determined quantitatively by intracellular recording. 3. A number of significant differences were observed for the two dietary conditions. DRG from mice on the low-P/s diet had an increase in the rate of fall of both phases of repolarization which, in conjunction with the reduced action potential overshoot, led to a reduced action potential duration. This shift to shorter-duration action potentials was accompanied by a shift to more monophasic falling phases. The low-P/S neurons also exhibited a decreased afterhyperpolarization, decreased specific membrane resistance, and decreased membrane electrical time constant compared to high-P/S neurons. 4. It was concluded that the P/S ratio in the diet can have a significant effect on the electric properties of neurons. The high-P/S neurons tended to have action potentials with biphasic repolarizations and longer durations. In contrast, the low-P/S neurons tended to have action potentials with monophasic repolarizations and shorter durations. Moreover, the known ionic dependence of these two types of action potentials suggested that the low-P/S diet resulted in action potentials with a more exclusive Na dependence, while the high-P/S diet resulted in action potentials with both Na and Ca dependence.  相似文献   
Summary Laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly in anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats were studied by immuno-electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. Three weeks after gonadectomy, rats received intravenous injections of sheep anti-laminin IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and glands were fixed and processed for microscopy 1 h later. Peroxidase reaction product uniformly labeled all perivascular and glandular epithelial basement membranes. In addition, reaction product was also found in abnormally multi-layered basement membranes seen especially beneath gonadotrophs, and unusual basement membrane-like structures projecting between gonadotrophs were also labeled. Pituitary sections from gonadectomized rats labeled with pre-embedding immunoperoxidase and post-embedding immungold techniques also localized intracellular laminin within biosynthetic organelles and light body vesicles of gonadotrophs. Neither abnormal basement membrane structures nor intracellular laminin were detected in pituitaries of nongonadectomized, control rats. Radioimmunoassays of pituitary homogenates showed nearly twice as much soluble laminin ( 15 ng/gland) in gonadectomized rats than in controls ( 8 ng/gland), which paralleled gland growth, but serum laminin concentrations did not differ ( 10 ng/ml in both groups). When anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats that received injections of anti-laminin IgG-HRP were fixed 5 days after injection, lengths of unlabeled basement membrane were distributed between labeled lengths. This indicated that new basement membrane was spliced into old by a process similar to that seen in normal development. Supplementation of gonadectomized rats with testosterone, however, arrested laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly and reversed glandular hypertrophy. These results indicate that, in an absence of sex hormone feedback, renewed synthesis of basement membrane components occurs in the anterior pituitary and is probably necessary to support the additional growth and differentiation of gonadotrophs and other pituitary cells.  相似文献   
Summary The synthetic peptides somatostatin (SRIF) and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) were coupled directly to colloidal gold of different particle sizes. Both conjugates were biologically active in displacing the corresponding radiolabeled hormones from high affinity binding sites in pituitary membranes. Release of growth hormone (GH) from cultured anterior pituitary cells was modulated by both conjugates alone or in combination. Ultrastructural studies were performed with cells incubated at 4° C (2 h) and 37° C (2 min-2 h) with one of the labeled peptides or their combination. Somatotropes were identified by immunostaining with anti-rGH followed by protein A-ferritin, thus obtaining a triple labeling. Both hormone conjugates were internalized in different vesicles in the beginning but accumulated during longer incubation times in the same compartment. The secretory vesicles and the nucleus were not labeled by any hormone conjugate. In contrast to SRIF-gold, the uptake of GRH-gold conjugate decreased with longer incubation times. This effect could be neutralized by simulatenous incubation of the somatotropes with both regulating hormones. Hence, whereas the binding and internalization of SRIF by somatotropes do not seem to be influenced by GRH, the corresponding processes for GRH are stimulated by the presence of SRIF.  相似文献   
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