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Burgess  D.  Baldock  J. A.  Wetzell  S.  Brand  D. G. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):513-522
The influences of soil surface modification (blade scarification and plastic mulching), fertilization and herbicide application on soil nutrient and organic carbon content and tree growth and foliar nutrient status were examined after seven years in a study located within the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest region of Canada. Plots had been planted with white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) seedlings. Light (PAR), soil moisture and temperature were monitored and recorded throughout the growing season. Forest floor and soil mineral (0–20 cm layer) samples were collected from all experimental plots, except those which had plastic mulching. Foliar samples were collected in autumn and analysed for N, P and K and storage compounds. Seedling mortality was 20% higher in unscarified plots. Combined silvicultural treatments increased productivity as much as 14 times, but scarification reduced soil carbon and nutrient capital 2–3 fold. Herbicide application reduced soil carbon by at least 20 %. Foliar nutrient, protein, starch and lipid contents in autumn were little affected by treatment. The future management of such stands in Canada probably will include more shelterwood harvesting and crop rotations, silvicultural systems that are more closely aligned with natural forest succession.  相似文献   
Plant nutrition and growth: Basic principles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil compaction may restrict shoot growth of sugar beet plants. Roots, however, are the plant organs directly exposed to soil compaction and should therefore be primarily affected. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of mechanical resistance and aeration of compacted soil on root and shoot growth and on phosphorus supply of sugar beet. For this purpose, a silt loam soil was adjusted to bulk densities of 1.30, 1.50 and 1.65 g cm–3 and water tensions of 300 and 60 hPa. Sugar beet was grown in a growth chamber under constant climatic conditions for 4 weeks. Both, decrease of water tension and increase of bulk density impeded root and shoot growth. In contrast, the P supply of the plants was differently affected. At the same air-filled pore volume, the P concentration of the shoots was reduced by a decrease of soil water tension, but not by an increase of bulk density. Both factors also reduced root length and root hair formation, however, in compacted soil the plants partly substituted for the reduction of root size by increasing the P uptake efficiency per unit of root. Shoot growth decreased when root growth was restricted. Both characteristics were closely related irrespective of the cause of root growth limitation by either compaction or water saturation. It is therefore concluded that shoot growth in both the compacted and the wet soil was regulated by root growth. The main factor impeding root growth in compacted soil was penetration resistance, not soil aeration.FAX no corresponding author: +49551 5056299  相似文献   
Influence of root density on the critical soil water potential   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Estimation of root water uptake in crops is important for making many other agricultural predictions. This estimation often involves two assumptions: (1) that a critical soil water potential exists which is constant for a given combination of soil and crop and which does not depend on root length density, and (2) that the local root water uptake at given soil water potential is proportional to root length density. Recent results of both mathematical modeling and computer tomography show that these assumptions may not be valid when the soil water potential is averaged over a volume of soil containing roots. We tested these assumptions for plants with distinctly different root systems. Root water uptake rates and the critical soil water potential values were determined in several adjacent soil layers for horse bean (Vicia faba) and oat (Avena sativa) grown in lysimeters, and for field-grown cotton (Gossypium L.), maize (Zea mays) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops. Root water uptake was calculated from the water balance of each layer in lysimeters. Water uptake rate was proportional to root length density at high soil water potentials, for both horse bean and oat plants, but root water uptake did not depend on root density for horse bean at potentials lower than −25 kPa. We observed a linear dependency of a critical soil water potential on the logarithm of root length density for all plants studied. Soil texture modified the critical water potential values, but not the linearity of the relationship. B E Clothier Section editor  相似文献   
Quantification of net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) in soils is indispensable in order to optimize N fertilization of crops. Two long-term laboratory incubation methods were applied to determine rates of net nitrogen mineralization (rNNM) of soils from two sites of arable land (sandy loam soil, silty loam soil) at four temperature levels (2°C, 8°C, 14°C, 21°C). Since variability within replicates was small, the modified 12-week incubation method of Stanford and Smith (1972) using disturbed soils allowed to establish reliable Arrhenius functions with reasonable expenditure. The fit of the functions derived from the 5-month incubation of 23 undisturbed soil columns (4420 cm3) was worse. This was caused by greater variability and less differentiation between temperature levels. Results of both experiments could be described best by zero-order kinetics. Mean mineralization rates of disturbed samples were approximately twice as high than those of undisturbed samples. The suitability of both methods for the prediction of NNM at site conditions is discussed. Actual respiration (AR) at incubation temperatures and substrate induced respiration (SIR) were measured at the end of the incubation of undisturbed soil columns. The results presented reveal that soil microbial communities develop in a different manner during long-term incubation at different temperatures. This behavior offends the underlying assumption that soil microbes remain in steady-state during incubation and that rising rates are physiological reactions to temperature enhancement. Therefore soil microbial biomass (SMB) dynamics during the experiment has to be accounted for when rates of NNM and Arrhenius functions are established. R Merck Section editor  相似文献   
We examined the effects of the conversion of tropical forest to pasture on soil organic matter (SOM) origin and quality along a chronosequence of sites, including a primary forest and six pastures. Bulk soil samples received a physical size-fractionation treatment to assess the contribution of each compartment to total SOM pool. Besides a general increase in total C and N stocks along the chronosequence, we observed a reduction of the relative contribution of the coarser fractions to total soil C content, and an increased concentration in the finer fractions. The origin of the C in each size fraction was established from measurements of13C abundance. After 80 years about 93% of the C in the least humified fraction of the top 10 cm of soil was of pasture origin, while in the most humified it was 82%. Chemical analyses indicated that the fine silt and coarse clay fractions contained the most refractory carbon.  相似文献   
Aarnio  T.  Derome  J.  Martikainen  P. J. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):523-531
The effects of slow and fast-release fertilizers (P, K, Mg) on the movement and availability of nutrients in acid forest soil were studied. Fast-release superphosphate, potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate and slow-release apatite (P) and biotite (K, Mg) were applied alone or together with urea or urea+limestone. The nutrient content in the organic horizon was determined one growing season and three growing seasons after the application, and in the mineral layer after one growing season. The movement of nutrient ions in the organic horizon was studied by an ion exchange resin bag method during a 5-month period following application. The fast-release salts immediately increased the soluble P and exchangeable K and Mg contents in the organic and mineral soils and in the resin bags. After three growing seasons the effect of K application in the organic layer was non-detectable and that of P had clearly diminished. Apatite gradually increased soluble P content in the organic layer, but biotite had only a minor effect on the K and Mg contents. The nutrients from the fast-release fertilizers had clearly become available and mobile in the year of application and were thus susceptible to leaching. The rate of nutrient release from apatite and biotite is slower and the added nutrients are retained in the organic horizon. Slow-release compounds, like apatite and biotite, might be potential fertilizers for counteracting acidic deposition and subsequent nutrient losses.  相似文献   
Plantations of radiata pine (P. radiata D.Don) on soils previously under legume based pastures have a high incidence of stem deformity compared with forest soils. A comparison of soil properties and tree nutrition of 5 to 7 year-old radiata pine on former pastures in the first part of the study showed that stem deformity was strongly correlated with mineralisation of soil N and in particular with nitrification. Other soil properties that have changed as a result of pasture improvement, e.g. pH, available P and Mn, were only partially correlated with stem deformity. In the second part of the study, the role of N availability and other soil properties in the expression of deformity was further investigated in a separate field experiment on soils formerly under native eucalypt forest, tobacco cropping, and improved pasture. Young radiata pine plantings were treated with lime, phosphorus, and nitrogen applied as urea and sodium nitrate. Liming increased soil pH by around 1.5 units, raised exchangeable Ca2+ and decreased available Mn. Soil mineral N content was only marginally affected by liming. Superphosphate increased soil available P and raised levels of P in foliage. Changes in soil pH, availability of P, Mn, and B did not affect growth or stem deformity at any of the sites. In contrast, application of N fertilisers at 200 and 600 kg N ha-1 increased mineral N content and stimulated nitrification, particularly at the forest site. The high rate of N fertiliser increased basal area at the forest site by 45%, but also raised the level of stem deformity from 12% to 56%. At the tobacco and pasture sites, this treatment did not increase growth and did not significantly raise stem deformity above the already high basic level of deformity (63%). Implications of stem deformity in young plantations of radiata pine on potential utilisation later in the rotation are discussed.  相似文献   
Methane emission from a wetland rice field as affected by salinity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The impact of salinity on CH4 emission was studied by adding salt to a Philippine rice paddy, increasing pore water EC to approx. 4 dS.m-1 Methane emission from the salt-amended plot and adjacent control plots was monitored with a closed chamber technique. The addition of salt to the rice field caused a reduction by 25% in CH4 emission. Rates of methane emissions from intact soil cores were measured during aerobic and anaerobic incubations. The anaerobic CH4 fluxes from the salt-amended soil cores were three to four times lower than from cores of the control plot, whereas the aerobic CH4 fluxes were about equal. Measurements of the potential CH4 production with depth showed that the CH4 production in the salt-amended field was strongly reduced compared to the control field. Calculation of the percentage CH4 oxidized of the anaerobic flux indicated that CH4 oxidation in the salt-amended plot was even more inhibited than CH4 production. The net result was about equal aerobic CH4 fluxes from both salt-amended plots and non-amended plots. The data illustrate the importance of both CH4 production and CH4 oxidation when estimating CH4 emission and show that the ratio between CH4 production and CH4 oxidation may depend on environmental conditions. The reduction in CH4 emission from rice paddies upon amendment with salt low in sulfate is considerably smaller than the reduction in CH4 emission observed in a similar study where fields were amended with high-sulfate containing salt (gypsum). The results indicate that CH4 emissions from wetland rice fields on saline, low-sulfate soils are lower than CH4 emissions from otherwise comparable non-saline rice tields. However, the reduction in CH4 emission is not proportional to the reduction in CH4 production  相似文献   
Soil pH is commonly measured in water (pHw) or 0.01 M CaCl2 (pHCa). The need to convert between these methods has led to the publication of linear, quadratic and cubic polynomial relationships for limited suites of soils. Concerns over the applicability of such relationships when mapping a wide range of soils and pH led to the establishment of a database of pHW and pHCa values on each of 7894 samples from soil survey and field experimental sites in Queensland. The relationship between pHW and pHCa across all soils was investigated and preliminary results examining the effect of soil depth and soil type on the relationship are presented.For all soils and depths, a linear regression accounted for 93.2% of the variation but did not predict pHCa well at very high or low pHW values. The inclusion of second and third powers of pHW accounted for significantly more of the variation (R2=0.94) in pHCa and the resultant curve matched the data better at high and low pH.Analysis of surface, sub-surface and subsoil groupings did not reveal any appreciable differences in the relationship between pHW and pHCa attributable to depth. In contrast, differences in the relationship were evident between soil types. Generally, the mildly leached soils had linear relationships, while the weathered soils were distinctly curvilinear at low pH.  相似文献   
In a phytotron experiment four rice varieties (Pokkali, IR 28, IR 50, IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3) grown in individual pots were subjected to low (40/55% day/night) and high (75/90%) air humidity (RH), while soil salinity was gradually increased by injecting 0, 30, 60 or 120 mM NaCl solutions every two days. Bulk root and stem base water potential (SWP), abscisic acid (ABA) content of the xylem sap and stomatal resistance (rs) of the youngest fully expanded leaf were determined two days after each salt application. The SWP decreased and xylem ABA and rs increased throughout the 8 days of treatment. The effects were amplified by low RH. A chain of physiological events was hypothesized in which high soil electric conductivity (EC) reduces SWP, followed by release of root-borne ABA to the xylem and eventually resulting in stomatal closure. To explain varietal differences in stomatal reaction, supposed cause and effect variables were compared by linear regression. This revealed strong differences in physiological reactions to the RH and salt treatments among the test varieties. Under salt stress roots of IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3 produced much ABA under low RH, but no additional effect of low RH on rs could be found. By contrast, Pokkali produced little ABA, but rs was strongly affected by RH. RH did not affect the relationships EC vs. SWP and SWP vs. ABA in Pokkali, IR 28, and IR 50, but the relationship ABA vs. rs was strongly affected by RH. In IR 31785-58-1-2-3-3 RH strongly affected the relationship SWP vs. ABA, but had no effect on ABA vs. rs and EC vs. rs. The results are discussed regarding possible differences in varietal stomatal sensitivity to ABA and their implications for varietal salt tolerance.  相似文献   
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