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A frequent response of organisms to climate change is altering the timing of reproduction, and advancement of reproductive timing has been a common reaction to warming temperatures in temperate regions. We tested whether this pattern applied to two common North American turtle species over the past three decades in Nebraska, USA. The timing of nesting (either first date or average date) of the Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) was negatively correlated with mean December maximum temperatures of the preceding year and mean May minimum and maximum temperatures in the nesting year and positively correlated with precipitation in July of the previous year. Increased temperatures during the late winter and spring likely permit earlier emergence from hibernation, increased metabolic rates and feeding opportunities, and accelerated vitellogenesis, ovulation, and egg shelling, all of which could drive earlier nesting. However, for the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta), the timing of nesting was positively correlated with mean minimum temperatures in September, October, December of the previous year, February of the nesting year, and April precipitation. These results suggest warmer fall, and winter temperature may impose an increased metabolic cost to painted turtles that impedes fall vitellogenesis, and April rains may slow the completion of vitellogenesis through decreased basking opportunities. For both species, nest deposition was highly correlated with body size, and larger females nested earlier in the season. Although average annual ambient temperatures have increased over the last four decades of our overall fieldwork at our study site, spring temperatures have not yet increased, and hence, nesting phenology has not advanced at our site for Chelydra. While Chrysemys exhibited a weak trend toward later nesting, this response was likely due to increased recruitment of smaller females into the population due to nest protection and predator control (Procyon lotor) in the early 2000s. Should climate change result in an increase in spring temperatures, nesting phenology would presumably respond accordingly, conditional on body size variation within these populations.  相似文献   
Pest outbreaks, harmful algal blooms and population collapses are extreme events with critical consequences for ecosystems. Therefore, understanding the ecological mechanisms underlying these extreme events is crucial. We evaluated theoretical predictions on the size scaling and variance of extreme population abundance by combining (i) the generalized extreme value (GEV) theory and (ii) the resource-limited metabolic restriction hypothesis for population abundance. Using the phytoplankton data from the L4 station in the English Channel, we showed a negative size scaling of the expected value of maximal density, whose confidence interval included the predicted metabolic scaling (α = −1) supporting theoretical predictions. The role of resources and temperature in the distribution of the size–abundance pattern and residuals was well characterized by the GEV distribution. This comprehensive modelling framework will allow to elucidate community structure and fluctuations and provide unbiased return times estimates, thereby improving the prediction accuracy of the timing of the population outbreaks.  相似文献   
不同天气条件下小叶锦鸡儿茎流及耗水特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用以热平衡为原理的Dynamax包裹式茎流测量系统,于2006年对科尔沁沙地人工小叶锦鸡儿群落的液流变化进行连续监测,利用实验区自动气象站同步检测光合有效辐射、气温、相对湿度和风速等气象因子,结合人工记录的天气状况,分别选取4种最典型的天气条件,分析了小叶锦鸡儿的茎流变化、单枝耗水量及其与气象因子的关系.结果表明:在高温、强辐射条件下,小叶锦鸡儿的液流呈"几"字型宽峰曲线,以低耗水的蒸腾特性耐受干旱缺水的环境.不同天气条件下,小叶锦鸡儿液流日变化波动曲线及其主要影响因子各异,但光合有效辐射始终是液流变化的主导因子.小叶锦鸡儿茎干液流通量密度的变化是各种气象因子综合作用的结果.单枝日耗水量的总体变化趋势是从晴天、阴天、风天到雨天依次减少,其平均值分别为459、310、281和193mg.d-1.  相似文献   
Marine heatwaves have been observed worldwide and are expected to increase in both frequency and intensity due to climate change. Such events may cause ecosystem reconfigurations arising from species range contraction or redistribution, with ecological, economic and social implications. Macrophytes such as the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and the seagrass Zostera marina are foundation species in many coastal ecosystems of the temperate northern hemisphere. Hence, their response to extreme events can potentially determine the fate of associated ecosystems. Macrophyte functioning is intimately linked to the maintenance of photosynthesis, growth and reproduction, and resistance against pathogens, epibionts and grazers. We investigated morphological, physiological, pathological and chemical defence responses of western Baltic Sea F. vesiculosus and Z. marina populations to simulated near‐natural marine heatwaves. Along with (a) the control, which constituted no heatwave but natural stochastic temperature variability (0HW), two treatments were applied: (b) two late‐spring heatwaves (June, July) followed by a summer heatwave (August; 3HW) and (c) a summer heatwave only (1HW). The 3HW treatment was applied to test whether preconditioning events can modulate the potential sensitivity to the summer heatwave. Despite the variety of responses measured in both species, only Z. marina growth was impaired by the accumulative heat stress imposed by the 3HW treatment. Photosynthetic rate, however, remained high after the last heatwave indicating potential for recovery. Only epibacterial abundance was significantly affected in F. vesiculosus. Hence both macrophytes, and in particular F. vesiculosus, seem to be fairly tolerant to short‐term marine heatwaves at least at the intensities applied in this experiment (up to 5°C above mean temperature over a period of 9 days). This may partly be due to the fact that F. vesiculosus grows in a highly variable environment, and may have a high phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   
Peatlands store approximately 30% of global soil carbon, most in moss‐dominated bogs. Future climatic changes, such as changes in precipitation patterns and warming, are expected to affect peat bog vegetation composition and thereby its long‐term carbon sequestration capacity. Theoretical work suggests that an episode of rapid environmental change is more likely to trigger transitions to alternative ecosystem states than a gradual, but equally large, change in conditions. We used a dynamic vegetation model to explore the impacts of drought events and increased temperature on vegetation composition of temperate peat bogs. We analyzed the consequences of six patterns of summer drought events combined with five temperature scenarios to test whether an open peat bog dominated by moss (Sphagnum) could shift to a tree‐dominated state. Unexpectedly, neither a gradual decrease in the amount of summer precipitation nor the occurrence of a number of extremely dry summers in a row could shift the moss‐dominated peat bog permanently into a tree‐dominated peat bog. The increase in tree biomass during drought events was unable to trigger positive feedbacks that keep the ecosystem in a tree‐dominated state after a return to previous ‘normal’ rainfall conditions. In contrast, temperature increases from 1 °C onward already shifted peat bogs into tree‐dominated ecosystems. In our simulations, drought events facilitated tree establishment, but temperature determined how much tree biomass could develop. Our results suggest that under current climatic conditions, peat bog vegetation is rather resilient to drought events, but very sensitive to temperature increases, indicating that future warming is likely to trigger persistent vegetation shifts.  相似文献   
生物处理石油污染的研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自20世纪80年代以来,人们对微生物降解石油进行了深入的研究,并逐步将这一技术应用于实际环境的处理中。处理环境中菌群的数量及组成、生物降解的有效性、实际环境中出现的影响因子对降解的影响、石油的毒性和极限环境下的生物降解石油等,许多学者都进行了广泛的研究。此外,一些研究者也尝试着通过构建生物降解模型,可以使微生物降解石油的研究能从经验上升到理论。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖流域极端降水时空分布和非平稳性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖背景下的极端天气气候事件显著增加.本研究基于PreWhitening Mann-Kendall(PWMK)、极点对称模态分解法和广义可加模型,利用鄱阳湖流域1959-2019年16个国家级气象站点的逐日降水数据,从极端降水的强度、频率和持续性3个维度系统检测和分析流域极端降水的时空分布和非平稳性特征.结果 表明...  相似文献   
1 Mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae populations have large, economically significant outbreaks. Density dependence and environmental variability are expected to have important effects on their dynamics. We analysed time series data from an outbreak in the 1930s to determine the relative importance of population density and environmental variability on local population growth rates.
2 Resource depletion occurred rapidly at the scale of 0.4 ha and population growth rates were strongly density dependent. Annual environmental changes did not have detectable effects on population growth rates, leading to the conclusion that intrinsic processes influenced local population density more than extrinsic factors during this outbreak.
3 Our calculated value of r max (1.16) does not suggest intrinsically cyclic population dynamics. Our estimate of r max and density dependence will be useful in developing applied models of mountain pine beetle outbreaks, and the subsequent evaluation of management strategies.  相似文献   
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