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In vitro expression of cDNA encoding bovine opsin is accomplished using the baculovirus expression vector system. Full-length opsin was synthesized which was recognized by poly- and monoclonal antisera raised against bovine rhodopsin. Upon infection with a recombinant virus, 1×106 insect cells produced up to 3 g opsin. Incubation of the in vitro synthesized opsin with 11-cis retinal produced a hydroxylamine-stable, photosensitive pigment.Abbreviations dpi days post infection - pfu plaque forming units - AcNPV Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus  相似文献   
The in vitro acetylation of HMG proteins was studied using liver slices of young (18-week) and old (138-week) male rats. Acetylation of total HMG proteins is lower in old age. The incorporation of (14C) acetate into individual HMG proteins varies remarkably with advancing age. Whereas acetylation of high mol. wt. proteins (HMG 1 and 2) is higher, that of low mol. wt. proteins (HMG 14 and 17) is lower in the liver of young rats as compared to the old ones. Spermine stimulates the acetylation of HMG 1 and 14 in young and HMG 1, 2 and 14 in old age. It inhibits the acetylation of HMG 17 in both ages. Dexamethasone decreases the level of incorporation of (14C) into HMG 1 and 17 in young and HMG 14 and 17 in old rats. On the other hand, it stimulates the acetylation of HMG 14 by two-fold in young and that of HMG 1 and 2 by more than three-fold in old rats. Such alteration in the acetylation of HMG proteins may account for age-related changes in the structure and function of chromatin.  相似文献   
Summary Calcium and intracellular Ca2+-binding proteins are possibly involved in hormone production and spermatogenesis in rat testis. Parvalbumin, calbindin D-28K, S-100 proteins and calmodulin were localized in the Leydig cells, which are sites of testosterone synthesis. Only the appearance of parvalbumin-immunoreactivity is closely correlated to testosterone production during development of the testes. Calbindin D-28K-immunoreactivity persisted in foetal-type Leydig cells and in adult-type Leydig cells at all stages of development. S-100-immunoreactivity was low during all foetal stages, absent between birth and puberty, and increased thereafter. Calmodulin staining is most prominent in the cytoplasm of developing spermatocytes and of maturing spermatids. All four proteins co-exist in the seminiferous tubules. The distinct localization and developmental appearance of these proteins suggests different regulatory roles in Leydig cell function and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The endothelial glycocalyx, a polyanionic structure which may regulate the passage of solutes and water through the endothelium, readily binds cationic ferritin (CF). In normal, nonexchange-transfused rats, however, only 7.5% and 6.0% of the luminal plasma membrane and 7.5% and 5.0% of vesicle diaphragms on the thick and thin side of pulmonary capillaries, respectively, bound cationic ferritin. With the graded removal of circulating proteins by exchange transfusion with fluorocarbon emulsion, up to 89 and 82% of the luminal surface, and 76 and 73% of vesicle diaphragms on the thick and thin sides, respectively, bound CF. Although the extent of binding on the thin side was consistently less than on the thick side, the difference was not statistically significant. The extensive binding of CF to the glycocalyx in totally exchange-transfused rats was completely reversible upon addition of lyophilized rat serum protein to the perfusate. These data suggest that in vivo anionic sites of the endothelial glycocalyx are partially masked by adsorbed plasma proteins.  相似文献   
The lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of a rough (R) and a smooth (S) strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola were analysed. The S-LPS revealed markedly more rhamnose and fucose, but less glucose, than the R-LPS. The presence of 3-O-methyl-rhamnose (acofriose) in the S-LPS was confirmed by cochromatography with authentic acofriose. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the S-LPS demonstrated a cluster of regularly spaced high molecular weight fractions, which was almost lacking in the R-LPS. The main fatty acids of the lipid A of both LPS species were 3-OH-10:0,3-OH-12:0,2-OH-12:0, and 12:0. Two N-linked diesters were demonstrated: 3-O(12:0)-12:0 and 3-O(2-OH-12:0)-12:0. S-LPS was subjected to mild hydrolysis and the degraded polysaccharide separated into three fractions by gel permeation chromatography on a Fractogel TSK HW-50 column. Fraction I, representing nearly only the O-specific side chain, consisted of rhamnose and fucose in a molar ratio of 4:1, with 4% of the rhamnose being 3-O-methylated (acofriose). Fraction II, representing mostly core material, was composed of glucose, rhamnose, heptose, glucosamine, galactosamine, alanine, and a still unidentified amino compound, in an approximate molar ratio of 3:1:1:1:1:1:1, and KDO. Fraction III consisted of released monomers and salts. The LPS was highly phosphorylated (3.28% phosphorus in the core fraction). The thus characterized composition of the LPS O-chain seems to be unique for the pathovar phaseolicola of P. syringae, although many similarities exist to other pathovars as well as to other bacterial species.Abbreviations LPS lipopolysacchairdes - GC/MS combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry - HVE high voltage electrophoresis - KDO 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate P.s. pv. phaseolicola is termed P. phaseolicola in the text  相似文献   
Summary Ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells (VTNCs) of the blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala and C. vomitoria, innervating thoracic neuropil and the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion have been shown to be immunoreactive to a variety of mammalian peptide antisera. In the neural sheath the VTNC terminals form an extensive neurohaemal network that is especially dense over the abdominal ganglia. The same areas are invaded by separate, ut overlapping serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) projections derived from neuronal cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunocytochemical studies with different antisera, applied to adjacent sections at the lightmicroscopic level, combined with extensive cross-absorption tests, suggest that the perikarya of the VTNCs contain co-localized peptides related to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP), Met- and Leuenkephalin and Met-enk-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-enk-RF). Electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling shows that some of the terminals in the dorsal sheath react with several of the individual peptide antisera, whilst others with similar cytology are non-immunoreactive. In the same region, separate terminals with different cytological characteristics contain 5-HT-IR. Both 5-HT-IR and peptidergic terminals are localized outside the cellular perineurium beneath the acellular permeable sheath adjacent to the haemocoel. Hence, we propose that various bioactive substances may be released from thoracic neurosecretory neurons into the circulating haemolymph to act on peripheral targets. The same neurons may also interact by synaptic or modulatory action in the CNS in different neuropil regions of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   
To assess the dynamics of synthesis of the wall by regenerating Candida albicans protoplasts deposition of chitin and mannoproteins were investigated ultrastructurally using wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with either horseradish peroxidase or colloidal gold, and Concanavalin A coupled to ferritin respectively.Freshly prepared protoplasts lacked wheat germ agglutinin receptor sites but after 1–2 h of regeneration, they were detected. After 4–5 h of regeneration, the cell wall showed a discrete structure which was only labelled with wheat germ agglutinin in thin sections. At this stage of regeneration the outermost layer of the wall was labelled with clusters of Concanavalin A-ferritin particles.After 8 h regeneration, the cell wall appeared compact, and homogenously marked with wheat germ agglutinin whereas only the surface layers appeared consistently labelled with Concanavalin A-ferritin.From these observations we conclude that C. albicans protoplasts are able to regenerate in liquid medium a cell wall consisting of a network of chitin fibrils and mannoproteins at least (glucan polymers were not determined in the present cytological study). The former are the fundamental component of the inner layers at early stages of regeneration, whereas the latter molecules are predominant in the outer layers of the wall.Abbreviations WGA-HRP wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase - WGA-Au wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with colloidal gold - Con A-ferritin Concanavalin A coupled to ferritin  相似文献   
Membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of two Streptomyces griseus strains that sporulate well in liquid and solid medium have been investigated during the course of their life-cycle. The PBP patterns were analyzed by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and fluorography. One strain (No. 45 H) has only a single band (mol wt: 27,000) in early log phase, and two additional PBPs of higher mol wt (69,000 and 80,000) in the late log phase. The other strain (No. 2682) possessed two bands with mol wts 27,000 and 38,000 which did not change during its vegetative phase. In strain No. 2682, a new PBP with a mol wt of 58,000 appeared in spore membranes while one of those (mol wt 38,000) present in mycelial membranes disappeared. Our results suggest that appearance of the new PBP in the spore may be associated with the sporulation process. The major PBP band (mol wt: 27,000) present in all stages of the life cycle of these strains, may be characteristic of S. griseus while the other PBPs reflect certain stages of the life cycle. A new method was developed for the production of spore protoplasts by consecutive enzymatic treatments.Abbreviation PBP penicillin-binding protein  相似文献   
The periplasmic location of enzymes A and B of the thiosulphate-oxidizing multienzyme system of Thiobacillus versutus has been further confirmed by differential radiolabelling of periplasmic and cytoplasmic proteins. The stoichiometries of respiration-driven proton translocation in T. versutus were determined using the oxygen pulse and the initial rate methods. A value for the H+/O quotient (number of protons translocated per oxygen atom reduced) of about 2.8 was found for the oxidation of thiosulphate, and of about 2.5 for sulphite. The H+/O quotient for endogenous respiration was about 5.7. The data are shown to be in good agreement with the scheme proposed previously for thiosulphate oxidation by this organism. Proton generation during the oxidation of thiosulphate or sulphite is indicated to occur in the periplasm rather than by pumping across the cytoplasmic membrane. The results also suggest that a H+/O quotient of six occurs during NADH oxidation (from endogenous metabolism measurements) and that the terminal cytochrome oxidase, aa3, does not function as a proton pump.Abbreviations DCCD dicyclohexyl carbodiimide - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - HQNO 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - IEF isoelectric focusing - HIC hydrophobic interaction chromatography - EAI ethyl acetimidate hydrochloride - IAI isethionyl acetimidate  相似文献   
A hemagglutinating activity was detected in a synaptic vesicle-enriched fraction prepared from adult rat brain, using trypsinized glutaraldehyde-fixed rabbit erythrocytes. The specific activity of the fraction, in two series of experiments, was 7.5 and 16-fold higher than in the other subcellular fractions. The activity was absent from the synaptosome cytosol. In a study using twenty-five different carbohydrates and glycoproteins, best inhibitors were N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycolylneuraminic acid, together with bovine submaxillary mucin and a glycopeptide fraction prepared from rabbit erythrocyte membranes. The activity was thermolabile and very sensitive to proteolytic enzymes (but insensitive to neuraminidase) indicating that a protein (agglutinin) is responsible for the activity. Experiments using detergents and high ionic strength showed that the agglutinin is tightly bound to membranes, inactivated by the so-called non denaturing detergents, and stable in diluted sodium dodecyl sulphate. Hypotheses are discussed on the possible function of the agglutinin.  相似文献   
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