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Along the coastal plain of Israel, shell darkness of the polymorphic land snail Xeropicta vestalis is positively related to the extent of perennial vegetation. It is not related to rain, temperature, geographic position or darkness of the ground.
White shells reflect more radiation than dark ones do, and therefore in Israel's coastal plain, where solar radiation is very strong, they are favoured. Perennial vegetation, where it occurs, shields the snails from the sun by absorbing radiation, so that snails amongst them can afford to be darker, and thus more cryptic. Hence, the more perennial vegetation in the habitat, the darker the shells.
Also during the Pleistocene, when temperatures were 5–10°C lower than today, the shells of the coastal plain were as pale as recent ones are. The distribution of a snail-predator, Gerbillus allenbyi , which is restricted to sandy biotopes where perennial bushes occur, and which was absent from Israel during the Pleistocene, could perhaps explain the distribution of X. vestalis morphs, both today and in the past.  相似文献   
Detergents added to the rearing water of the molluscLymnaea induce a sharp mortality of all the animals of each experimental group after a variable delay, depending upon the nature of the detergent and its concentration.No important perturbation of the shell growth is noted with the cationic detergent; conversely a light decrease is observed with the anionic detergents and a very severe effect is induced by a commercial washing mixture.The fecundity is always reduced by the detergents: the number of egg-masses per snail and the number of eggs per mass are diversely changed according to the products.In many cases the egg fertility is decreased and the duration of embryogenesis is increased. For each detergent the reduction of the biological yield ofLymnaea is calculated and the curves drawn allow to classify these detergents according to their chemical nature: among the anionic detergents, A has a low toxicity, B and P are characterized by higher toxicities and the cationic detergent is strongly toxic.
The ability of embryonating eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides to avoid desiccation by reducing the loss of water through the egg shell was investigated. When exposed to desiccation the eggs lost water at a rate dependent upon the relative humidity and ambient temperature, eventually resulting in the collapse of the eggs and the death of the enclosed embryo. The eggs are small with a large surface to volume ratio. A low permeability to gaseous exchange thus restricts water loss while still ensuring an adequate supply of oxygen for embryonic development. Relative humidity did not appear to affect the rate of development. In eggs exposed to desiccation at various constant temperatures, the rate of water loss increased as an exponential function of increasing temperature. When eggs were exposed to various temperatures before exposure to desiccation at 22 C, the rate of water loss increased as a function of increasing pretreatment temperature. After exposure to 63–65 C, the ability of the egg shell to slow down the loss of water was destroyed. These phenomena suggest that there is not a simple “critical” or “transition” temperature, but a gradual melting of the complex mixture of components forming the lipid layer.  相似文献   
周学红  马建章  张伟 《四川动物》2007,26(4):859-861
野生动物资源是中医药业的主要物质基础之一。目前,生物多样性急剧下降,物种灭绝速度加快,许多药用野生动物濒临灭绝,严重阻碍了中医药业的可持续发展。在许多野生动物野外种群难以恢复或恢复速度很慢、寻找中医药动物原材料的替代品短期内难以实现的情况下,开辟中医药原材料来源渠道是促进中医药业可持续发展的主要措施之一。在正确认识野生动物保护与利用的关系的前提下,妥善、高效利用人工驯养繁殖、库存野生动物产品,遵循经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的原则,优先保障重点领域、重点产业的需要,并发挥市场配置资源的积极作用,充分实现有限资源的合理配置,以促进野生动物资源保护与中医药业可持续发展的良性循环。  相似文献   
Construction materials are considerable forces of global environmental impacts, but their dynamics vis‐à‐vis urban development are poorly documented, in part because their long lifespans require elusive and sometimes nonexistent decade‐long high‐resolution data. This study analyzes the construction material flow and stock trends that shaped and were shaped by the development, decline, and renewal of the Tiexi district of Shenyang, a microcosm of China's urban transformations since the early 20th century. Chronicling building‐by‐building the material flows and stock accumulations involved in the buildup of this area, we shed light on the physical resource context of its socioeconomic history. We find that 42 million tonnes of construction materials were needed to develop the Tiexi district from 1910 to 2018, and 18 million tonnes of material outflows were generated by end‐of‐life building demolition. However, over 55% of inflows and 93% of outflows occurred since 2002 during a complete redevelopment of the district. Only small portions of end‐of‐life materials could have been reused or recycled because of temporal and typological mismatches of supply and demand and technical limitations. Our analysis reveals a dramatic decrease in median building lifetimes to as low as 6 years in the early 21st century. These findings contribute to the discussion of long‐term environmental efficiency and sustainability of societal development through construction and reflect on the challenges of urban renewal processes not only in China but also in other developing and developed countries that lost (or may lose) their traditional economic base and restructure their urban forms. This article met the requirements for a Silver/Silver JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges .  相似文献   
Urban green spaces provide manifold environmental benefits and promote human well‐being. Unfortunately, these services are largely undervalued, and the potential of urban areas themselves to mitigate future climate change has received little attention. In this study, we quantified and mapped city‐wide aboveground carbon storage of urban green spaces in China's capital, Beijing, using field survey data of diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height from 326 field survey plots, combined with satellite‐derived vegetation index at a fine resolution of 6 m. We estimated the total amount of carbon stored in the urban green spaces to be 956.3 Gg (1 Gg = 109 g) in 2014. There existed great spatial heterogeneity in vegetation carbon density varying from 0 to 68.1 Mg C ha‐1, with an average density of 7.8 Mg C ha?1. As expected, carbon density tended to decrease with urban development intensity (UDI). Likely being affected by vegetation cover proportion and configuration of green space patches, large differences were presented between the 95th and 5th quantile carbon density for each UDI bin, showing great potential for carbon sequestration. However, the interquartile range of carbon density narrowed drastically when UDI reached 60%, signifying a threshold for greatly reduced carbon sequestration potentials for higher UDI. These findings suggested that urban green spaces have great potential to make contribution to mitigating against future climate change if we plan and design urban green spaces following the trajectory of high carbon density, but we should be aware that such potential will be very limited when the urban development reaches certain intensity threshold.  相似文献   
The feasibility of using genetic stock identification to analyse seasonal changes in stock compositions of Atlantic salmon catches in the Baltic Sea was examined. The analysis employed seven variable allozyme loci from most of the potentially contributing stocks (16) from Finland and Sweden. Catch samples were collected from Finnish salmon fisheries in the eastern Bothnian Sea during the 1992 fishing season. Simulation studies were used to evaluate the feasibility of identifying Baltic salmon stocks with allozyme data. Special attention was paid to analysing the wild production of salmon stocks. Clear seasonal differences in stock composition were found. The estimates were compared with smolt production and Carlin-tag data. The proportions of the Neva and Oulujoki river stocks could be estimated as individual stocks, whereas the contributions of the remaining stocks were estimated as four composite stock groups. One of the groups consisted of wild stocks from the rivers Kalixälven and Simojoki. Identification of this group, which could be used as an index of wild production in the catches, requires catch sample sizes >300 salmon if <15% error is required.  相似文献   
A semi-quantitative electrofishing technique is described, which has applications for assessing distribution and densities of 0+ salmonids in streams. Linear regressions of logarithmically-transformed data satisfactorily described the relationship between numbers of 0+ Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and 0+ brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) captured in a standard 5 min fishing and quantitative population estimates obtained using a commonly used method. Applications of the semi-quantitative technique to management are discussed and a categorization system proposed.  相似文献   
西部高寒湿地系统的草地资源保护与优化利用模式研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
西部高寒湿地系统的草地资源保护与优化利用问题,是我国生态环境建设中倍受重视的科学问题。本研究以甘南的高寒湿地为研究对象,分析了高寒草地资源变化的时空分布特征及其在环境条件影响下的增长动态,采用生物控制论方法,组建了草地资源保护模型及草地放牧系统的最优控制模型。依据在甘南玛曲县高寒草地的调查结果,分别对其山地草原化草甸、山地典型草甸和沼泽草甸等草地资源的利用,建立了相应的保护指标。确定了该草地放牧系统的最优牧草资源水平和最优控制量,提出了草地资源优化利用的管理对策与措施,为草地放牧管理提供了优化模式和定量依据。  相似文献   
长江中华鲟繁殖群体资源现状的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据1994—1998年获得的246尾标本,对中华鲟繁殖群体的性比、性腺发育成熟个体比例、年龄结构、体长和体重特征等进行了研究。并结合历史资料,对其种群资源现状进行评价,提出了相应的资源保护措施建议。  相似文献   
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