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Since deleterious mutations may be rescued by secondary mutations during evolution, compensatory evolution could identify genetic solutions leading to therapeutic targets. Here, we tested this hypothesis and examined whether these solutions would be universal or would need to be adapted to one's genetic and environmental makeups. We performed experimental evolutionary rescue in a yeast disease model for the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome in two genetic backgrounds and carbon sources. We found that multiple aspects of the evolutionary rescue outcome depend on the genotype, the environment, or a combination thereof. Specifically, the compensatory mutation rate and type, the molecular rescue mechanism, the genetic target, and the associated fitness cost varied across contexts. The course of compensatory evolution is therefore highly contingent on the initial conditions in which the deleterious mutation occurs. In addition, these results reveal biologically favored therapeutic targets for the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, including the target of an unrelated clinically approved drug. Our results experimentally illustrate the importance of epistasis and environmental evolutionary constraints that shape the adaptive landscape and evolutionary rate of molecular networks.  相似文献   
The choice of technology and bioinformatics approach is critical in obtaining accurate and reliable information from next‐generation sequencing (NGS) experiments. An increasing number of software and methodological guidelines are being published, but deciding upon which approach and experimental design to use can depend on the particularities of the species and on the aims of the study. This leaves researchers unable to produce informed decisions on these central questions. To address these issues, we developed pipeliner – a tool to evaluate, by simulation, the performance of NGS pipelines in resequencing studies. Pipeliner provides a graphical interface allowing the users to write and test their own bioinformatics pipelines with publicly available or custom software. It computes a number of statistics summarizing the performance in SNP calling, including the recovery, sensitivity and false discovery rate for heterozygous and homozygous SNP genotypes. Pipeliner can be used to answer many practical questions, for example, for a limited amount of NGS effort, how many more reliable SNPs can be detected by doubling coverage and halving sample size or what is the false discovery rate provided by different SNP calling algorithms and options. Pipeliner thus allows researchers to carefully plan their study's sampling design and compare the suitability of alternative bioinformatics approaches for their specific study systems. Pipeliner is written in C++ and is freely available from http://github.com/brunonevado/Pipeliner .  相似文献   
In 1865, the German botanist Julius Sachs published a seminal monograph entitled Experimental-Physiologie der Pflanzen (Experimental Physiology of Plants) and hence became the founder of a new scientific discipline that originated 150 y ago. Here, we outline the significance of the achievements of Sachs. In addition, we document, with reference to his Vorlesungen über Pflanzen-Physiologie (Lectures on the Physiology of Plants, 1882), that Sachs was one of the first experimentalists who proposed the functional unity of all organisms alive today (humans, animals, plants and other “vegetable” organisms, such as algae, cyanophyceae, fungi, myxomycetes, and bacteria).  相似文献   
This protocol describes how the Open-field Tower Maze (OFTM) paradigm is used to study spatial learning in rodents. This maze is especially useful for examining how rats learn to use a place- or response-learning to successfully navigate in an open-field arena. Additionally, this protocol describes how the OFTM differs from other behavioral maze paradigms that are commonly used to study spatial learning in rodents. The OFTM described in this article was adapted from the one previously described by Cole, Clipperton, and Walt (2007). Specifically, the OFTM was created to test spatial learning in rodents without the experimenter having to consider how “stress” might play a role as a confounding variable. Experiments have shown that stress-alone can significantly affect cognitive function1. The representative results section contains data from an experiment that used the OFTM to examine the effects of estradiol treatment on place- and response-learning in adult female Sprague Dawley rats2. Future studies will be designed to examine the role of the hippocampus and striatum in place- and response-learning in the OFTM.  相似文献   
Adaptive laboratory evolution has proven highly effective for obtaining microorganisms with enhanced capabilities. Yet, this method is inherently restricted to the traits that are positively linked to cell fitness, such as nutrient utilization. Here, we introduce coevolution of obligatory mutualistic communities for improving secretion of fitness‐costly metabolites through natural selection. In this strategy, metabolic cross‐feeding connects secretion of the target metabolite, despite its cost to the secretor, to the survival and proliferation of the entire community. We thus co‐evolved wild‐type lactic acid bacteria and engineered auxotrophic Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a synthetic growth medium leading to bacterial isolates with enhanced secretion of two B‐group vitamins, viz., riboflavin and folate. The increased production was specific to the targeted vitamin, and evident also in milk, a more complex nutrient environment that naturally contains vitamins. Genomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses of the evolved lactic acid bacteria, in combination with flux balance analysis, showed altered metabolic regulation towards increased supply of the vitamin precursors. Together, our findings demonstrate how microbial metabolism adapts to mutualistic lifestyle through enhanced metabolite exchange.  相似文献   
Adaptation of one set of traits is often accompanied by attenuation of traits important in other selective environments, leading to fitness trade‐offs. The mechanisms that either promote or prevent the emergence of trade‐offs remain largely unknown, and are difficult to discern in most systems. Here, we investigate the basis of trade‐offs that emerged during experimental evolution of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 to distinct growth substrates. After 1500 generations of adaptation to a multi‐carbon substrate, succinate (S), many lineages had lost the ability to use one‐carbon compounds such as methanol (M), generating a mixture of M+ and M? evolved phenotypes. We show that trade‐offs in M? strains consistently arise via antagonistic pleiotropy through recurrent selection for loss‐of‐function mutations to ftfL (formate‐tetrahydrofolate ligase), which improved growth on S while simultaneously eliminating growth on M. But if loss of FtfL was beneficial, why were M trade‐offs not found in all populations? We discovered that eliminating FtfL was not universally beneficial on S, as it was neutral or even deleterious in certain evolved lineages that remained M+. This suggests that sign epistasis with earlier arising mutations prevented the emergence of mutations that drove trade‐offs through antagonistic pleiotropy, limiting the evolution of metabolic specialists in some populations.  相似文献   
Microarray technology is a powerful tool for animal functional genomics studies, with applications spanning from gene identification and mapping, to function and control of gene expression. Microarray assays, however, are complex and costly, and hence generally performed with relatively small number of animals. Nevertheless, they generate data sets of unprecedented complexity and dimensionality. Therefore, such trials require careful planning and experimental design, in addition to tailored statistical and computational tools for their appropriate data mining. In this review, we discuss experimental design and data analysis strategies, which incorporate prior genomic and biological knowledge, such as genotypes and gene function and pathway membership. We focus the discussion on the design of genetical genomics studies, and on significance testing for detection of differential expression. It is shown that the use of prior biological information can improve the efficiency of microarray experiments.  相似文献   
Why should organisms cooperate with each other? Helping close relatives that are likely to share the same genes (kin selection) is one important explanation that is likely to apply across taxa. The production of metabolically costly extracellular iron-scavenging molecules (siderophores) by microorganisms is a cooperative behaviour because it benefits nearby conspecifics. We review experiments focusing on the production of the primary siderophore (pyoverdin) of the opportunistic bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which test kin selection theories that seek to explain the evolution of cooperation. First, cooperation is indeed favoured when individuals interact with their close relatives and when there is competition between groups of cooperators and noncooperators, such that the benefit of cooperation can be realized. Second, the relative success of cheats and cooperators is a function of their frequencies within populations. Third, elevated mutation rates can confer a selective disadvantage under conditions when cooperation is beneficial, because high mutation rates reduce how closely bacteria are related to each other. Fourth, cooperative pyoverdin production is also shown to be favoured by kin selection in vivo (caterpillars), and results in more virulent infections. Finally, we briefly outline ongoing and future work using this experimental system.  相似文献   
Statins, widely used as clinically effective inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that may be of therapeutic benefit for the management of some neurological disorders. In this study, a short-term course of lovastatin treatment is shown to markedly inhibit the development of experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) in the absence of hepatotoxic or myotoxic complications. Independent of cholesterol reduction, lovastatin treatment prevented EAN-induced peripheral nerve conduction deficits and morphologic nerve injury. Co-administration with mevalonate neutralized the prophylactic effects of lovastatin. When administered therapeutically, lovastatin significantly shortened the disease course. Autoreactive immunity, measured in vitro by myelin-stimulated proliferation of splenocytes, was significantly diminished by in vivo lovastatin treatment. Th1-dominant immune responses, measured by cytokine profiling, however, were not affected by lovastatin. Sciatic nerves of lovastatin-treated immunized rats showed markedly reduced levels of cellular infiltrates. Treating peripheral nerve endothelial monolayers with lovastatin significantly inhibited the in vitro migration of autoreactive splenocytes. Together, these data demonstrate that a short-term course of lovastatin attenuates the development and progression of EAN in Lewis rats by limiting the proliferation and migration of autoreactive leukocytes.  相似文献   
ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels that are gated by intracellular ATP/ADP concentrations are a unique subtype of potassium channels and play an essential role in coupling intracellular metabolic events to electrical activity. Opening of KATP channels during energy deficits in the CNS induces efflux of potassium ions and in turn hyperpolarizes neurons. Thus, activation of KATP channels is thought to be able to counteract excitatory insults and protect against neuronal death. In this review, we bring together recent studies about what kinds of molecules are needed to build and regulate arrays of KATP channel functions in the CNS neurons. We propose a model to explain how KATP channel activation regulates glutamate release from the pre-synaptic terminals and how this regulation protects against ischemic neuronal injury and epilepsy.  相似文献   
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