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祖述冲 《植物研究》2020,40(2):308-313
应用单因素实验设计对干式酶法松籽油提取工艺进行优化。结果表明,干式酶法提取松籽油最佳制备工艺为:0.2%淀粉酶、料液比为6:1、酶解温度为55℃、酶解时间为8 h,所得最大出油率为90.2%,残油率为6.2%。经检测最佳制备条件提取的松籽油不饱和脂肪酸的含量为90.09%,其中油酸含量为26.84%,介酸含量为2.41%、亚油酸含量为46.25%、皮诺敛酸为14.59%;饱和脂肪酸中棕榈酸含量为6.5%、硬脂酸为3.41%。松籽油酸价为2.61 mg·g-1、过氧化值为1.56 mmol·kg-1、丙二醛含量为0.41 mg·kg-1。所有检测结果均高于《中华人民共和国粮食行业标准LS/T 3242-2014》松籽油中质量标准的要求。  相似文献   
微生物学是生物学专业基础核心课程。结合学院发展规划及教学目标,系统地构建了微生物学教学体系,包括教学方法建设,主要以多媒体教学为基础,选择合理的教学方式,结合双语教学和实验教学,夯实学生的专业知识基础;教学资源建设,即以培养人才为目标的基础资源建设,包括教材、实验室及实习基地建设,以及提升教学整体实力的教学团队建设,包括人力资源建设和人才培养模式建设;考核体系建设,旨在构建综合、合理、有效及准确的考核体系,包括实践考核、理论及实验考核、科研成绩考核三个组成部分。通过建设教学体系,提升了微生物学教学质量及水平,为学院教育教学事业的稳步发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
Global climate change is affecting and will continue to affect ecosystems worldwide. Specifically, temperature and precipitation are both expected to shift globally, and their separate and interactive effects will likely affect ecosystems differentially depending on current temperature, precipitation regimes, and other biotic and environmental factors. It is not currently understood how the effects of increasing temperature on plant communities may depend on either precipitation or where communities lie on soil moisture gradients. Such knowledge would play a crucial role in increasing our predictive ability for future effects of climate change in different systems. To this end, we conducted a multi‐factor global change experiment at two locations, differing in temperature, moisture, aspect, and plant community composition, on the same slope in the northern Mongolian steppe. The natural differences in temperature and moisture between locations served as a point of comparison for the experimental manipulations of temperature and precipitation. We conducted two separate experiments, one examining the effect of climate manipulation via open‐top chambers (OTCs) across the two different slope locations, the other a factorial OTC by watering experiment at one of the two locations. By combining these experiments, we were able to assess how OTCs impact plant productivity and diversity across a natural and manipulated range of soil moisture. We found that warming effects were context dependent, with the greatest negative impacts of warming on diversity in the warmer, drier upper slope location and in the unwatered plots. Our study is an important step in understanding how global change will affect ecosystems across multiple scales and locations.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in our understanding of the social behaviour of microbes. Here, we take advantage of these developments to present an undergraduate laboratory exercise that uses the cooperative flocculating behaviour of yeast (Saccharomyces sp.) to introduce the concept of inclusive fitness and teach the genetics of cooperation. Students generate their own data using co-cultures of various yeast strains and perform statistical analyses to test whether kin selection or greenbeard effects determine the cooperative flocculating behaviour. The lab has run successfully for two consecutive years in a second year course with some 1, 200 students per year at the University of Toronto, Canada. We discuss the benefits of using microbes to teach social evolution, describe the set-up and learning outcomes of the laboratory exercise, and then outline possible extension and variants of the lab. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to use a model organism to study social behaviour, students are also taught common laboratory skills, such as replica plating and sterile techniques. Ultimately, while the genetics of cooperation has traditionally been taught through computer simulations and evolutionary games, this exercise demonstrates a way to experimentally introduce the topic.  相似文献   
Although the costs of reproduction are predicted to vary with the quality of the breeding habitat thereby affecting population dynamics and life‐history trade‐offs, empirical evidence for this pattern remains sparse and equivocal. Costs of reproduction can operate through immediate ecological mechanisms or through delayed intrinsic mechanisms. Ignoring these separate pathways might hinder the identification of costs and the understanding of their consequences. We experimentally investigated the survival costs of reproduction for adult little owls (Athene noctua) within a gradient of habitat quality. We supplemented food to nestlings, thereby relieving the parents’ effort for brood provisioning. We used radio‐tracking and Bayesian multistate modeling based on marked recapture and dead recovery to estimate survival rates of adult little owls across the year as a function of food supplementation and habitat characteristics. Food supplementation to nestlings during the breeding season increased parental survival not only during the breeding season but also during the rest of the year. Thus, the low survival of parents of unfed broods likely represents both, strong ecological and strong intrinsic costs of reproduction. However, while immediate ecological costs occurred also in high‐quality habitats, intrinsic costs carrying over to the post‐breeding period occurred only in low‐quality habitats. Our results suggest that immediate costs resulting from ecological mechanisms such as predation, are high also in territories of high habitat quality. Long‐term costs resulting from intrinsic trade‐offs, however, are only paid in low‐quality habitats. Consequently, differential effects of habitat quality on immediate ecological and delayed intrinsic mechanisms can mask the increase of costs of reproduction in low‐quality breeding habitats. Intrinsic costs may represent an underrated mechanism of habitat quality affecting adult survival rate thereby considerably accelerating population decline in degrading habitats. This study therefore highlights the need for a long‐term perspective to fully assess the costs of reproduction and the role of habitat quality in modifying these costs.  相似文献   
While some plant species colonize abandoned agricultural fields and dry grasslands with similar frequency (generalists), others are absent or underrepresented in abandoned fields (specialists). We tested if inoculation with dry grassland or abandoned field soil could improve specialist performance in an abandoned field and compared the effects of inoculation in the stage of sown seeds and transplanted seedlings. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from abandoned field had higher root colonization potential. This could explain the higher performance of the sown specialists inoculated with the abandoned field inoculum compared to those inoculated with dry grassland inoculum. This difference disappeared when specialists were transplanted instead of sown. The results do not provide any support for higher performance of specialists inoculated with dry grassland inoculum. Transplantation, however, seems to be an efficient way to introduce specialists into the abandoned fields.  相似文献   
The methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus is capable of assimilating methane and oxygen into protein-rich biomass, however, the diverse metabolism of the microorganism also allows for several undesired cometabolic side-reactions to occur. In this study, the ammonia cometabolism in Methylococcus capsulatus is investigated using pulse experiments. Surprisingly Methylococcus capsulatus oxidizes ammonia to nitrate through a yet unknown mechanism and fixes molecular nitrogen even at a high dissolved oxygen tension. The observed phenomena can be modeled using 14 ordinary differential equations and 18 kinetic parameters, of which 6 were revealed by Morris screening to be identifiable from the experimental data. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the model was robust and accurate even with uncertainty in the parameter values as confirmed by statistical error analysis.  相似文献   
勇强 《生物学杂志》2005,22(1):48-49
针对化工和轻化工专业研究生生物化学的教学特点,从教学方法、教学内容和教学手段上进行了一些改革和尝试。  相似文献   
人才培养是未来国家竞争的核心。“强基计划”是我国对基础学科拔尖创新人才培养模式的重要探索,是满足国家重大战略人才需求的重要举措。“强基计划”招收的学生,往往成绩优异、兴趣浓厚,这为相关学科的人才培养模式提出了新要求和新目标。其中,“强基计划”背景下的基础教学改革势在必行。超学科教育理念(science,technology,engineering,arts,mathematics,STEAM)作为一种跨学科的综合性教育理念,与“强基计划”的建设理念不谋而合。鉴于此,天津大学生命科学学院根据“强基计划”背景下生物学科人才培养目标,结合STEAM教育理念,以“生物学综合设计”课程为例,对生物学实验教学改革进行了探索与实践。  相似文献   
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