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Large-sample theory for parametric multiple imputation procedures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WANG  NAISYIN; ROBINS  JAMES M. 《Biometrika》1998,85(4):935-948
In epidemiology, capture–recapture models are commonly used to estimate the size of an unknown population based on several incomplete lists of individuals. The method operates under two main assumptions: independence between the lists (local independence) and homogeneity of capture probabilities of individuals. In practice, these assumptions are rarely satisfied. We introduce a multinomial latent class model that can account for both list dependence and heterogeneity. Parameter estimation is performed by maximizing the conditional likelihood function with the use of the EM algorithm. In addition, a new approach for evaluating the standard errors of the parameter estimates is discussed, which considerably reduces the computational burden associated with the evaluation of the variance of the population size estimate.  相似文献   
目的:针对下一代测序数据,尤其是单端测序数据,研究快速、准确查找Indel的方法。方法:先与全基因组参考序列进行快速比对,筛选出包含Indel的序列;再对这些序列进行双向的二次比对,确定Indel长度;最后借助长度信息在锁定范围内查找Indel的确切位置和相关信息。结果:本文成功构建FIND(Fast INDel detection system)系统,用于从单端测序数据中查找Indel信息。以模拟测序数据作为测试数据,在12X测试数据情况下,FIND的灵敏度和特异性分别为87.71%和99.66%,而且该性能还随着测序倍数的增加而提升。结论:充分利用比对过程获取的信息,在确定Indle长度的同时也确定出其大致位置,最终在局部范围内实现对单端测序数据中Indle的快速而准确的查找。  相似文献   
Haplotype, which is the sequence of SNPs in a specific chromosome, plays an important role in disease association studies. However, current sequencing techniques can detect the presence of SNP sites, but they cannot tell which copy of a pair of chromosomes the alleles belong to. Moreover, sequencing errors that occurred in sequencing SNP fragments make it difficult to determine a pair of haplotypes from SNP fragments. To help overcome this difficulty, the haplotype assembly problem is defined from the viewpoint of computation, and several models are suggested to tackle this problem. However, there are no freely available web-based tools to overcome this problem as far as we are aware. In this paper, we present a web-based application based on the genetic algorithm, named HapAssembler, for assembling a pair of haplotypes from SNP fragments. Numerical results on real biological data show that the correct rate of the proposed application in this paper is greater than 95% in most cases. HapAssembler is freely available at http://alex.chonnam.ac.kr/~drminor/hapHome.htm. Users can choose any model among four models for their purpose and determine haplotypes from their input data.  相似文献   
Summary Variable selection for clustering is an important and challenging problem in high‐dimensional data analysis. Existing variable selection methods for model‐based clustering select informative variables in a “one‐in‐all‐out” manner; that is, a variable is selected if at least one pair of clusters is separable by this variable and removed if it cannot separate any of the clusters. In many applications, however, it is of interest to further establish exactly which clusters are separable by each informative variable. To address this question, we propose a pairwise variable selection method for high‐dimensional model‐based clustering. The method is based on a new pairwise penalty. Results on simulated and real data show that the new method performs better than alternative approaches that use ?1 and ? penalties and offers better interpretation.  相似文献   
从生物多样性保护的角度,采用多尺度遥感影像分割方法中的人为干扰度模型,计算分割阈值确定湿地生态廊道的宽度,并结合聚类分析法分类的8种人为干扰类型,对建三江地区廊道结构设计进行了研究。结果表明,廊道分割阈值设为20%,非湿地背景噪声为9.43%,湿地生态廊道最佳宽度为1298m。8种人为干扰度中聚类c1、c2、c3和c4类型是受人为干扰较弱的区域,主要分布在浓江、乌苏里江、三江和洪河保护区原始生态环境区域,将其分别设定为核心区、实验区、边缘区、缓冲区4种类型。廊道核心区中的沼泽类型占75%,总体精度高达93.7%,实验区沼泽占72.2%,精度达到75.8%,边缘与缓冲区起到边缘护栏的作用,缓冲区宽度为945m,本研究为湿地生态廊道的建设与修复提供了可靠、科学的参考依据。  相似文献   
Voelz VA  Dill KA 《Proteins》2007,66(4):877-888
It has been proposed that proteins fold by a process called "Zipping and Assembly" (Z&A). Zipping refers to the growth of local substructures within the chain, and assembly refers to the coming together of already-formed pieces. Our interest here is in whether Z&A is a general method that can fold most of sequence space, to global minima, efficiently. Using the HP model, we can address this question by enumerating full conformation and sequence spaces. We find that Z&A reaches the global energy minimum native states, even though it searches only a very small fraction of conformational space, for most sequences in the full sequence space. We find that Z&A, a mechanism-based search, is more efficient in our tests than the replica exchange search method. Folding efficiency is increased for chains having: (a) small loop-closure steps, consistent with observations by Plaxco et al. 1998;277;985-994 that folding rates correlate with contact order, (b) neither too few nor too many nucleation sites per chain, and (c) assembly steps that do not occur too early in the folding process. We find that the efficiency increases with chain length, although our range of chain lengths is limited. We believe these insights may be useful for developing faster protein conformational search algorithms.  相似文献   
Rather than discarding motor unit potential trains (MUPTs) because they do not meet 100% validity criteria, we describe and evaluate a novel editing routine that preserves valid discharge times, based on decreasing shape variability (variance ratio, VR) within a MUPT. The error filtered estimation (EFE) algorithm is then applied to the remaining ‘high confidence’ discharge times to estimate inter-discharge interval (IDI) statistics. Decomposed surface EMG data from the flexor carpi radialis recorded from 20 participants during 60% MVC wrist flexion was used. There were two levels of denoising criteria (relaxed and strict) criteria for removing MUPs to decrease the VR and increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a MUPT. In total, VR decreased 24.88% and SNR increased 6.0% (p’s < 0.05). The MUP template peak-to-peak (P-P) amplitude and P-P duration were dependent on the level of denoising (p’s < 0.05). The standard error of the estimate (SEE) of the mean IDI before and after editing using the relaxed criteria (3.2% versus 3.69%), was very similar (p > 0.05). The same was true for the SEE between denoising criteria, which increased only to 5.14% for the strict criteria (p > 0.05). Editing the MUPTs resulted in a significant decrease in MUP shape variability and in the measures extracted from the MUP templates, with trivial differences between the SEE of the mean IDI between the edited and unedited MUPTs.  相似文献   
QTL detection experiments in livestock species commonly use the half-sib design. Each male is mated to a number of females, each female producing a limited number of progeny. Analysis consists of attempting to detect associations between phenotype and genotype measured on the progeny. When family sizes are limiting experimenters may wish to incorporate as much information as possible into a single analysis. However, combining information across sires is problematic because of incomplete linkage disequilibrium between the markers and the QTL in the population. This study describes formulæ for obtaining MLEs via the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for use in a multiple-trait, multiple-family analysis. A model specifying a QTL with only two alleles, and a common within sire error variance is assumed. Compared to single-family analyses, power can be improved up to fourfold with multi-family analyses. The accuracy and precision of QTL location estimates are also substantially improved. With small family sizes, the multi-family, multi-trait analyses reduce substantially, but not totally remove, biases in QTL effect estimates. In situations where multiple QTL alleles are segregating the multi-family analysis will average out the effects of the different QTL alleles.  相似文献   
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