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In the family-B DNA polymerase of bacteriophage RB69, the conserved aromatic palm-subdomain residues Tyr391 and Tyr619 interact with the last primer-template base-pair. Tyr619 interacts via a water-mediated hydrogen bond with the phosphate of the terminal primer nucleotide. The main-chain amide of Tyr391 interacts with the corresponding template nucleotide. A hydrogen bond has been postulated between Tyr391 and the hydroxyl group of Tyr567, a residue that plays a key role in base discrimination. This hydrogen bond may be crucial for forcing an infrequent Tyr567 rotamer conformation and, when the bond is removed, may influence fidelity. We investigated the roles of these residues in replication fidelity in vivo employing phage T4 rII reversion assays and an rI forward assay. Tyr391 was replaced by Phe, Met and Ala, and Tyr619 by Phe. The Y391A mutant, reported previously to decrease polymerase affinity for incoming nucleotides, was unable to support DNA replication in vivo, so we used an in vitro fidelity assay. Tyr391F/M replacements affect fidelity only slightly, implying that the bond with Tyr567 is not essential for fidelity. The Y391A enzyme has no mutator phenotype in vitro. The Y619F mutant displays a complex profile of impacts on fidelity but has almost the same mutational spectrum as the parental enzyme. The Y619F mutant displays reduced DNA binding, processivity, and exonuclease activity on single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA substrates. The Y619F substitution would disrupt the hydrogen bond network at the primer terminus and may affect the alignment of the 3' primer terminus at the polymerase active site, slowing chemistry and overall DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Ape1 is the major human abasic endonuclease, initiating repair of this common DNA lesion by incising the phosphodiester backbone 5' to the damage site. This enzyme also functions in specific contexts to excise 3'-blocking termini, e.g. phosphate and phosphoglycolate residues, from DNA. Recently, the comparatively "minor" 3' to 5' exonuclease activity of Ape1 was found to contribute to the excision of certain 3'-mismatched nucleotides. In this study, I characterize more thoroughly the 3'-nuclease properties of Ape1 and define the effects of specific DNA determinants on this function. Data within shows that Ape1 is a non- or poorly processive exonuclease, which degrades one nucleotide gap, 3'-recessed, and nicked DNAs, but exhibits no detectable activity on blunt end or single-stranded DNA. A 5'-phosphate, compared to a 5'-hydroxyl group, reduced Ape1 degradation activity roughly tenfold, suggesting that the biological impact of certain DNA single strand breaks may be influenced by the terminal chemistry. In the context of a base excision repair-like DNA intermediate, a 5'-abasic residue exerted an about tenfold attenuation on the 3' to 5' exonuclease efficiency of Ape1. A 3'-phosphate group had little impact on Ape1 exonuclease activity, and oligonucleotides harboring these blocking termini were activated by Ape1 for DNA polymerase beta extension. Ape1 was also found to remove 3'-tyrosyl residues from 3'-recessed and nicked DNAs, suggesting a potential role in processing covalent topoisomerase I-DNA intermediates formed during chromosome relaxation. While exhibiting preferential excision of thymine in a T:G mismatch context, Ape1 was unable to degrade a triple 3'-thymine mispair. However, Ape1 was able to excise double nucleotide mispairs, apparently through a novel 3'-flap-type endonuclease activity, again activating these substrates for polymerase beta extension.  相似文献   
C Yanisch-Perron  J Vieira  J Messing 《Gene》1985,33(1):103-119
Three kinds of improvements have been introduced into the M13-based cloning systems. (1) New Escherichia coli host strains have been constructed for the E. coli bacteriophage M13 and the high-copy-number pUC-plasmid cloning vectors. Mutations introduced into these strains improve cloning of unmodified DNA and of repetitive sequences. A new suppressorless strain facilitates the cloning of selected recombinants. (2) The complete nucleotide sequences of the M13mp and pUC vectors have been compiled from a number of sources, including the sequencing of selected segments. The M13mp18 sequence is revised to include the G-to-T substitution in its gene II at position 6 125 bp (in M13) or 6967 bp in M13mp18. (3) M13 clones suitable for sequencing have been obtained by a new method of generating unidirectional progressive deletions from the polycloning site using exonucleases HI and VII.  相似文献   
Oligodeoxynucleotides with a terminal OH group on both the 5′ and 3′ ends migrate anomalously in 23% polyacrylamide-7 m urea gels. This migration anomaly can be exploited to characterize nuclease digestion products. Thus, using specific substrates and the methods described, several types of DNA exonuclease activity can be readily distinguished.  相似文献   
A natural mutational hotspot in the thyA gene of Escherichia coli accounts for over half of the mutations that inactivate this gene, which can be selected by resistance to the antibiotic trimethoprim. This T to A transversion, at base 131 of the coding sequence, occurs within a 17 bp quasi-palindromic sequence. To clarify the mechanism of mutagenesis, we examine here cis and trans-acting factors affecting thyA131 mutational hotspot activity at its natural location on the E.coli chromosome. Confirming a template-switch mechanism for mutagenesis, an alteration that strengthens base-pairing between the inverted repeat DNA sequences surrounding the hotspot stimulated mutagenesis and, conversely, mutations that weakened pairing reduced hotspot activity. In addition, consistent with the idea that the hotspot mutation is templated from DNA synthesis from mispaired strands of the inverted repeats, co-mutation of multiple sites within the quasipalindrome was observed as predicted from the DNA sequence of the corresponding repeat. Surprisingly, inversion of the thyA operon on the chromosome did not abolish thyA131 hotspot mutagenesis, indicating that mutagenesis at this site occurs during both leading and lagging-strand synthesis. Loss of the SOS-induced DNA polymerases PolII, PolIV, and PolV, caused a marked increase in the hotspot mutation rate, indicating a heretofore unknown and redundant antimutagenic effect of these repair polymerases. Hotspot mutagenesis did not require the PriA replication restart factor and hence must not require fork reassembly after the template-switch reaction. Deficiency in the two major 3' single-strand DNA exonucleases, ExoI and ExoVII, stimulated hotspot mutagenesis 30-fold and extended the mutagenic tract, indicating that these exonucleases normally abort a large fraction of premutagenic events. The high frequency of quasipalindrome-associated mutations suggests that template-switching occurs readily during chromosomal replication.  相似文献   
The DNA-binding protein (DBP) has a wide range of roles such as those in DNA repair, recombination, and gene expression. Recently, a microarray-based method has been developed for the high-throughput analysis of DNA-protein interactions. However, to maximize the advantages of this method, the detection process should be improved so that the method can be applied to many proteins without the use of antibody or sample labeling. Previously, we presented a primary report on the detection of DBP, which is applicable to the microarray format. The system consists of three steps: first, the target DBP in the sample solution is incubated with a probe DNA; second, the probe is digested with Exo (Exonuclease) III; finally, the probe is extended withTaq DNA polymerase using fluorescent dye-labeled dUTP as a substrate. The binding DBP protects the probe from digestion by Exo III. Therefore, only the DBP-bound probe allows the following extension. In this study, the simultaneous detection of multiple DBPs was examined, and then the DBPs were analyzed using a crude extract of the cultured cells to demonstrate the general applicability of the method. Our method can be applied to many DBPs using the same procedure and components, whereas in the antibody-based method, the same number of antibodies as DBPs is needed to detect target DBPs in ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). These results suggest that our method is useful for the high-throughput detection of DBPs in the microarray format.  相似文献   
I completed my medical studies at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm but have always been devoted to basic research. My longstanding interest is to understand fundamental DNA repair mechanisms in the fields of cancer therapy, inherited human genetic disorders and ancient DNA. I initially measured DNA decay, including rates of base loss and cytosine deamination. I have discovered several important DNA repair proteins and determined their mechanisms of action. The discovery of uracil-DNA glycosylase defined a new category of repair enzymes with each specialized for different types of DNA damage. The base excision repair pathway was first reconstituted with human proteins in my group. Cell-free analysis for mammalian nucleotide excision repair of DNA was also developed in my laboratory. I found multiple distinct DNA ligases in mammalian cells, and led the first genetic and biochemical work on DNA ligases Ⅰ, and Ⅳ. I discovered the mammalian exonucleases DNase Ⅲ (TREX1) and IV (FEN1). Interestingly, expression of TREX1 was altered in some human autoimmune diseases. I also showed that the mutagenic DNA adduct O6-methylguanine (O6 mG) is repaired without removing the guanine from DNA, identifying a surprising mechanism by which the methyl group is transferred to a residue in the repair protein itself. A further novel process of DNA repair discovered by my research group is the action of AlkB as an iron-dependent enzyme carrying out oxidative demethylation.  相似文献   
Previous studies reported the reconstitution of an Mlh1-Pms1-independent 5′ nick-directed mismatch repair (MMR) reaction using Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins. Here we describe the reconstitution of a mispair-dependent Mlh1-Pms1 endonuclease activation reaction requiring Msh2-Msh6 (or Msh2-Msh3), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and replication factor C (RFC) and a reconstituted Mlh1-Pms1-dependent 3′ nick-directed MMR reaction requiring Msh2-Msh6 (or Msh2-Msh3), exonuclease 1 (Exo1), replication protein A (RPA), RFC, PCNA, and DNA polymerase δ. Both reactions required Mg2+ and Mn2+ for optimal activity. The MMR reaction also required two reaction stages in which the first stage required incubation of Mlh1-Pms1 with substrate DNA, with or without Msh2-Msh6 (or Msh2-Msh3), PCNA, and RFC but did not require nicking of the substrate, followed by a second stage in which other proteins were added. Analysis of different mutant proteins demonstrated that both reactions required a functional Mlh1-Pms1 endonuclease active site, as well as mispair recognition and Mlh1-Pms1 recruitment by Msh2-Msh6 but not sliding clamp formation. Mutant Mlh1-Pms1 and PCNA proteins that were defective for Exo1-independent but not Exo1-dependent MMR in vivo were partially defective in the Mlh1-Pms1 endonuclease and MMR reactions, suggesting that both reactions reflect the activation of Mlh1-Pms1 seen in Exo1-independent MMR in vivo. The availability of this reconstituted MMR reaction should now make it possible to better study both Exo1-independent and Exo1-dependent MMR.  相似文献   
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