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The changes in the autofluorescence spectra of intact Philadelphus grandiflorus, Epiphyllum hybridum, and Plantago major pollen have been observed with microspectrofluorometric method after 100-h exposure to ozone (3 h per day for 5 d per week in total dose 5.0 cm3 m-3). The fluorescence maximum at 530 - 550 nm disappeared in carotenoid-containing pollen of Philadelphus grandiflorus and Epiphyllum hybridum and new maximum at 475 - 480 nm arose that correlated with lipofuscin-like substances observed in the extracts from the pollen grains. The carotenoid-less pollen of Plantago major showed only the increase of the maximum at 470 nm, and no lipofuscin in the extracts. It is supposed that main indicator of the pollen damage by ozone in carotenoid-containing microspores are the lipofuscin-like compounds. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
To understand the molecular mechanism of male reproductive development in the model crop rice,we isolated a complete male sterile mutant post-meiotic deficient anther1 (pda1) from a γ-ray-treated rice mutant library.Genetic analysis revealed that the pda1 mutant was controlled by a recessive nucleus gene.The pda1 mutant anther seemed smaller with white appearance.Histological analysis demonstrated that the pda1 mutant anther undergoes normal early tapetum development without obvious altered meiosis.However,...  相似文献   
Pollen from 152 collections representing 16Pyrola species was examined with LM, SEM and TEM. The genusPyrola is stenopalynous in having tetrads and 3-colporoidate grains. However, a continuous and serial variation in the exine sculpture and the tetrad diameter (D) was revealed within the genus. Křísa's system ofPyrola (1971) was re-examined in the light of these palynological characters which may have a taxonomic significance, as well as the external morphology. P. minor (only member of the subgenusAmelia), which is characterized by having small (D=30–35 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture must best be placed near sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola. P. faurieana must be segregated from sectionChlorantha and together withP. media placed intermediate between the subgenusAmelia and sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola based on their larger (D=ca. 40 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture. Two series of sectionChlorantha excludingP. faurieana are differentiated in the exine sculpture. Therefore, they are regarded as the distinct taxonomic groups. SectionScotophylla is characterized by having psilate sculptured pollen tetrads, which indicates that its sectional rank is sufficiently asserted. The evolutionary trend in the exine sculpture from verrucate through rugulate to psilate is suggested withinPyrola.  相似文献   
The pollen morphology of 11 species (including two subspecies and two varieties) belonging to two genera (Helianthemum and Fumana) of the family Cistaceae in Egypt was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy.Pollen grains of the studied taxa were found to be radially symmetrical and tricolporate.Pollen size,shape,apertures,and exine ornamentation characteristics were valuable parameters among the studied taxa.The largest pollen size was recorded in H.salicifolium and the smallest one observed in H.kahiricum subsp,schweinfurthii.Pollen shape in the Egyptian taxa varied from (sub-)prolate to prolate spheroidal,but F.arabica is different in having sub-oblate grains.The pollen data confirm that H.lippii and H.sessiliflorum are very closely related species.Pollen sculpture was useful in distinguishing between H.vesicarium var.vesicarium and H.vesicarium var.ciliatum.Three main pollen types of exine ornamentation were recognized:retipilate; reticulate to verrucate; and striate.Based on palynological data,a key for the studied taxa is suggested.  相似文献   
The exine acts as a protectant of the pollen from environmental stresses, and the pollen coat plays an important role in the attachment and recognition of the pollen to the stigma. The pollen coat is made of lipidic organelles in the tapetum. The pollen coat is necessary for fertility, as pollen coat-less mutants, such as those deficient in sterol biosynthesis, show severe male sterility. In contrast, the exine is made of sporopollenin precursors that are biosynthesized in the tapetum. Some mutants involved in sporopollenin biosynthesis lose the exine but show the fertile phenotype. One of these mutants, cyp704b1, was reported to lose not only the exine but also the pollen coat. To identify the cause of the fertile phenotype of the cyp704b1 mutant, the detailed structures of the tapetum tissue and pollen surface in the mutant were analyzed. As a result, the cyp704b1 mutant completely lost the normal exine but had high-electron-density granules localized where the exine should be present. Furthermore, normal lipidic organelles in the tapetum and pollen coat embedded between high-electron-density granules on the pollen surface were observed, unlike in a previous report, and the pollen coat was attached to the stigma. Therefore, the pollen coat is necessary for fertility, and the structure that functions like the exine, such as high-electron-density granules, on the pollen surface may play important roles in retaining the pollen coat in the cyp704b1 mutant.  相似文献   
The four genera investigated show solitary sulcate pollen grains. The structure and sculpture of the sporoderm is very similar inBocageopsis andUnonopsis, and supports the close relationship of both genera; their flower morphology also is very similar. In contrast, the sporoderm ofEphedranthus, and especially that ofMalmea, is different in some characters and suggests more remote relationships; this is also confirmed by differences in flower morphology. Within this group of genera a distinct exine progression can be recognized from non-columellate (Malmea) to granular (Unonopsis guatterioides), further to somewhat irregularly (Bocageopsis, someUnonopsis species), and finally to very regularly columellate (Ephedranthus). The sculpture of the tectum varies from a reticulum with large lumina (Malmea) to one with small performations (Ephedranthus). Within theAnnonaceae the genusMalmea is among the most primitive in respect to pollen structure. The sulcus of the four genera is very large and runs over 1/3 of the pollen grain. It is characterized by a reduction of the exine and a bulgy thickening of the intine.
The composition of ionogenic groups and ion-exchange capacity were studied in the polymeric matrix of cell walls isolated from the pollen grain and tissues of vegetative organs (leaves and stems) of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. The ion-exchange capacity was evaluated at different pH values and ionic strength of 100 mM. In the two-layered pollen wall and the somatic cell walls four types of ionogenic groups were found: amino groups, two carboxyl groups (represented by residues of uronic and hydroxycinnamic acids), and phenolic OH-groups. The groups of all four types are present in the intine, whereas the exine contains one type of anion-exchange and two types of cation-exchange groups. The contents of each type group and their ionization constants were determined. The qualitative and quantitative compositions of structural polymers of the pollen intine and somatic cell walls are significantly different. It is suggested that hydroxycinnamic acids should be involved in cross-linking of polysaccharide chains in both the intine and somatic cell primary walls, and such cross-links play a crucial role in the structural organization and integrity of the pollen grain wall.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollen characters have been widely used in defining evolutionary trends in orchids. In recent years, information on pollination biology and phylogenetic patterns within Orchidinae has become available. Hence, the aim of the presented work is to re-evaluate exine micromorphology of Orchidinae in light of recent phylogenetic studies and to test whether pollen micromorphology strictly depends on phylogenetic relationships among species or whether it is influenced by the marked differences in pollination ecology also reported among closely related species. METHODS: Pollen sculpturing of 45 species of Orchidinae and related taxa was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. To cover potential intraspecific variation, several accessions of the same species were examined. KEY RESULTS: Orchidinae show remarkable variation in exine sculpturing, with a different level of variation within species groups. In some genera, such as Serapias (rugulate) and Ophrys (psilate to verrucate), intrageneric uniformity corresponds well to a common pollination strategy and close relationships among species. However, little exine variability (psilate-scabrate and scabrate-rugulate) was also found in the genus Anacamptis in spite of striking differences in floral architecture and pollination strategies. A larger variety of exine conditions was found in genera Dactylorhiza (psilate, psilate-scabrate and reticulate) and Orchis s.s. (psilate, reticulate, perforate-rugulate and baculate) where no unequivocal correspondence can be found to either phylogenetic patterns or pollination strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in pollen characteristics do not consistently reflect shifts in pollination strategy. A unique trend of exine evolution within Orchidinae is difficult to trace. However, the clades comprising Anacamptis, Neotinea, Ophrys and Serapias show psilate to rugulate or scabrate pollen, while that of the clade comprising Chamorchis, Dactylorhiza, Gymnadenia, Orchis s.s., Platanthera, Pseudorchis and Traunsteinera ranges from psilate to reticulate. Comparison of the data with exine micromorphology from members of the tribe Orchidieae and related tribes suggests a possible general trend from reticulate to psilate.  相似文献   
通过对西西伯利亚西南部某钻孔中侏罗统上部(Callovian,Tyumen组)所获得的一个Classopollis的四孢体光学显微镜和切片的透射电镜观察研究后认识到,Classopollis的外壁超微结构与它复杂的外部形态一致。外壁由几层组成:上部均质层,具不平的外、内表面,中间均质层,穴状层和下部均质层。在它们之间的柱状体和穴在赤道区更明显。这种结构与光学显微镜下所见的条纹圈相当。环沟(亚赤道沟)是由柱状区和远极面之间的外壁突然变薄形成的。近极区的穴较之赤道区的要小且形状较不规则。外壁远极面较近极面为簿。远极面隐孔区无穴。比较表明此种花粉与掌鳞杉科花粉形态相似。  相似文献   
The Guyana Highland-centred genera, or Stenopadus group, are a complex of species that belong to the tribes Mutisieae and Stifftieae of Asteraceae. The pollen morphologies of 29 species, from 12 of 13 genera of this complex, are described and illustrated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The exine sculpture and structure are highly significant. Four exine types, previously characterized, were distinguished: Gongylolepis , Wunderlichia , Mutisia , and Stenopadus . The characterization of the Stenopadus exine type is enlarged here. These exine types led to the recognition of four well-defined pollen types, whereas the spine length and exine thickness characterized six subtypes. Pollen types circumscribe genera or groups of genera, and some subtypes distinguish species. The pollen morphology within the complex is discussed in relation to the rest of Mutisioideae and other palynologically allied tribes of Cichorioideae. There is little correlation between pollen types and tribes; only the Stenopadus exine type is exclusive to the Stifftieae tribe. The remaining types are shared by the two tribes of the complex. Pollen morphology supports the hypothesis that this group of genera is close to the Gochnatia complex and the Cardueae tribe.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 327–340.  相似文献   
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