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Pollen morphology has played a major role in elucidating infrafamiliar‐level systematics and evolution within Annonaceae, especially within the African genera. The Monodora clade is composed of five genera, Asteranthe, Hexalobus, Isolona, Monodora and Uvariastrum, which are restricted to Africa and contain together c. 50 species. A molecular phylogeny of the family showed that the monophyly of the Monodora clade is strongly supported and that it is part of a larger clade of 11 African genera. In order to support classification a detailed survey was made of the pollen morphological variation within the Monodora clade, using scanning and transmission electron microsopy. For the two most species‐rich genera, Isolona and Monodora, a molecular species‐level phylogeny was used to assess the taxonomic usefulness of the pollen characters. The survey showed a wide range of pollen morphological diversity. The most conspicuous variation concerned the occurrence of monads without a thicker outer foliation in the basal exine layer in Isolona in contrast to tetrads with a thicker outer foliation in Asteranthe, Hexalobus, Monodora and Uvariastrum. At the infrageneric level, Hexalobus, Isolona and Monodora showed the largest diversity, with various pollen types based on tectum morphology. Hexalobus is exceptional with three types within only five species. The pollen types defined in this study are hardly useful in characterizing major groups identified within both Isolona and Monodora, but they do illustrate relationships within smaller groups.  相似文献   
Most analyses on allometry of long bones in terrestrial mammals have focused on dimensional allometry, relating external bone measurements either to each other or to body mass. In this article, an analysis of long bone mass to body mass in 64 different species of mammals, spanning three orders of magnitude in body mass, is presented. As previously reported from analyses on total skeletal mass to body mass in terrestrial vertebrates, the masses of most appendicular bones scale with significant positive allometry. These include the pectoral and pelvic girdles, humerus, radius+ulna, and forelimb. Total hindlimb mass and the masses of individual hindlimb bones (femur, tibia, and metatarsus) scale isometrically. Metapodial mass correlates more poorly with body mass than the girdles or any of the long bones. Metapodial mass probably reflects locomotor behavior to a greater extent than do the long bones. Long bone mass in small mammals (<50 kg) scales with significantly greater positive allometry than bone mass in large (>50 kg) mammals, probably because of the proportionally shorter long bones of large mammals as a means of preserving resistance to bending forces at large body sizes. The positive allometric scaling of the skeleton in terrestrial animals has implications for the maximal size attainable, and it is possible that the largest sauropod dinosaurs approached this limit.  相似文献   
Tripartite sporopollenin microcapsules prepared from pine pollen (Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arnold) were analysed with respect to the permeability of the different strata of the exine which surround the gametophyte and form the sacci. The sexine at the surface of the sacci is highly permeable for polymer molecules and latex particles with a diameter of up to 200 nm, whereas the nexine covering the gametophyte is impermeable for dextran molecules, with a Stokes' radius > or =4 nm (Dextran T 70), and for the tetravalent anionic dye Evans Blue (Stokes' radius = 1.3 nm). The central capsules obtained by dissolution of the sporoplasts showed strictly membrane-controlled exchange of non-electrolytes, with half-equilibration times in the range of minutes (monosaccharides, oligosaccharides) to hours (dextran molecules with Stokes' radii up to 2.5 nm). The dependence of the permeability coefficients of the nexine for non-electrolytes on Stokes' radius or molecular weight shows that the aqueous pores through the nexine are inhomogeneous with respect to their size, and that most pores are too narrow for free diffusion of sugar molecules. To explain the barrier function of the nexine for Evans Blue, it is assumed that at least the larger pores, which enable slow permeation of dextran molecules, contain negative charges.  相似文献   
A novel male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated by means of T-DNA tagging. Pollen abortion of the mutant was evident after microspore release, and pollen grains were completely absent at anthesis. Transmission electron microscope analysis revealed that primexine was coarsely developed, and that although sporopollenin was produced, it was not deposited onto the microspore plasma membrane. The sporopollenin that failed to be deposited aggregated and accumulated within the locule and on the locule wall. Finally, as no exine formation was observed, the mutant was named nef1. The plastoglobuli within the plastids of the tapetum were reduced, and lipid accumulation was considerably decreased. The mutant had a significantly altered leaf chloroplast ultrastructure and showed various growth defects. Lipid analysis revealed that the total lipid content in nef1 was lower than that in the wild type, which indicated that Nef1 was involved in lipid metabolism. Cloning of the full-length Nef1 indicated that the gene encodes a novel plant protein of 1123 amino acids with limited sequence similarities to membrane proteins or transporter-like proteins, and the NEF1 is predicted to be a plastid integral membrane protein. Motif analysis revealed that NEF1 contains prokaryotic membrane lipoprotein lipid attachment sites that are involved in maintaining cell envelope integrity. It is predicted that the Nef1 encodes a membrane protein that maintains the envelope integrity in the plastids.  相似文献   
This last portion of our developmental study ofPinus sylvestris L. pollen grains extends from just prior to the first microspore mitosis to the microsporangial dehiscence preparatory to pollen shedding. In nine years of collecting each day the duration of the above period was 7 to 11 days. Tapetal cells extended into the loculus and embraced microspores during the initial part of the above period. Thereafter tapetal cells receded, became parallel to parietal cells and so imbricated that there appeared to be two or three layers of tapetal cells. Tapetal cells were present up to the day before pollen shedding, but only rER and some mitochondria appeared to be in good condition at that time. A callosic layer (outer intine) was initiated under the endexine before microspore mitosis. After the first mitosis the first prothallial cell migrated to the proximal wall and was covered on the side next to the pollen cytoplasm by a thin wall joining the thick outer intine. There are plasmodesmata between pollen cytoplasm and the prothallial cell. After the second mitosis the second prothallial cell became enveloped by the outer intine. The inner intine appears after formation of the two prothallial cells but before the third mitosis. During this two-prothallial cell period before the third mitosis, plastids had large and complex fibrillar assemblies shown to be modified starch grains. After the third mitosis plastids of the pollen cytoplasm contained starch and the generative cell (antheridial initial), the product of that mitosis, is enveloped by the inner intine. On the day of pollen shedding cells are removed from the microsporangial wall by what appears to be focal autolysis. The tapetal and endothecial cells for 10–15 µm on each side of the dehiscence slit are completely removed. One or more epidermal cells are lysed, but both a thin cuticle and the very thin sporopollenin-containing peritapetal membrane remain attached to the undamaged epidermal cells bordering the dehiscence slit. Our study terminates on the day of pollen shedding with mature pollen still within the open microsporangium. At that time there is no longer a clear morphological distinction between the outer and inner intine but, judging by stain reactions, there is a chemical difference. The exine of shed pollen grains was found to be covered by small spinules on the inner surface of alveoli. These had the same spacing as the Sporopollenin Acceptor Particles (SAPs) associated with exine initiation and growth.  相似文献   
Male sterility in a near-isogenic line S45AB after 25 generations of subcrossing is controlled by two pairs of duplicate genes. The genotype of S45A is Bnms1Bnms1Bnms2Bnms2, and that of S45B is BnMs1Bnms1Bnms2Bnms2, respectively. Histological observations revealed that abnormal anther development appeared in the tapetum and pollen exine during the tetrad stage. This male sterility was characterized by hypertrophy of the tapetal cells at the tetrad stage and a complete lack of microspore exine after the release of microspores from the tetrads. To elucidate the mechanism of this recessive genic male sterility, the flower bud expression profiles of the S45A and S45B lines were analyzed using an Arabidopsis thaliana ATH1 oligonucleotide array. When compared with the S45B line, 69 genes were significantly downregulated, and 46 genes were significantly upregulated in the S45A line. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was then used to verify the results of the microarray analysis, and the majority of the downregulated genes in the S45A line were abundantly and specifically expressed in the anther. The results of the real-time PCR suggest that Bnms1 might be involved in the metabolism of lipid/fatty acids, and the homologous mutation of Bnms1 may either block the biosynthesis of sporopollenin or block sporopollenin from being deposited on the microspore surface, thus, preventing pollen exine formation. The role of Bnms1 in the regulatory network of exine formation is also discussed as well. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
DistylousLinum grandiflorum, L. mucronatum, andL. pubescens have dimorphic pollen grains. In short-styled flowers the exine has monomorphic processes each with a ring of papillae. In long-styled flowers the exine has two types of processes: small processes terminating in a spinule and larger processes with a central spinule surrounded by a ring of spinuels, papillae or buttresses. The distylousLinum species of four different sections, in which morph-specific differences in the wall structure of stigmatic papillae have been reported, also exhibit exine dimorphism. The patterns of these dimorphisms are similar in all four sections in which distyly is present.  相似文献   
Reproduction and larval development of the limpet Limalepeta lima (Dall, 1918) were studied under laboratory conditions for the first time. L. lima breeds in early July; it exhibits external fertilization and the pelagic lecithotrophic type of development. Larvae, juvenile, and adult specimens have different shell sculptures. Development from fertilization to settling and metamorphosis continues for 4–5 days at a water temperature of 16°C.  相似文献   
Lees, J., Märss, T., Wilson, M. V. H., Saat, T. and ?pilev, H. 2011. The sculpture and morphology of postcranial dermal armor plates and associated bones in gasterosteiforms and syngnathiforms inhabiting Estonian coastal waters. ―Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 422–435. Five fish species inhabiting Estonian coastal waters (Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Pungitius pungitius (L.), and Spinachia spinachia (L.) of the order Gasterosteiformes and Syngnathus typhle L. and Nerophis ophidion (L.) of the order Syngnathiformes) are described on the basis of the sculpture and morphology of their postcranial dermal armor plates, as revealed and illustrated by SEM images. This study shows that the shapes of these superficial skeletal elements vary by species as well as by their position on the body, whereas the sculpture on the bones is taxon specific. The detailed features allow the identification of isolated fossil and subfossil remains and show promise for future systematics studies.  相似文献   
SHUTE, C. H. & EDWARDS, D., 1989. A new rhyniopsid with novel sporangium organization from the Lower Devonian of South Wales. Re-investigation of permineralized plants originally called Cooksonia sp. from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Siegenian) of Gwent, S. Wales shows them to be rhyniopsids with simple isotomous branching in smooth axes and ellipsoidal terminal sporangia that are longer than wide and that possess a complex wall organization. They are thus placed in a new genus. The sporangial wall is several cells thick, the outermost comprising a layer with pronounced thickening of the anticlinal and outer periclinal walls, which is interrupted by a zone of thinner-walled cells parallel to the longest dimension of the ellipsoidal organ and considered to be involved in its dehiscence into two equal halves. The alete isospores have a bilayered wall, the outer interpreted as an ornamented perispore. Similar granular ornament seen on sheets and globules in the vicinity of the spores and on the innermost surface of the sporangium wall possibly demonstrates the activity of a periplasmodial tapetum. The permineralized sporangia are considered conspecific with those in compression fossils with elliptical outlines and pronounced borders. Comparison of presumed dehiscence mechanisms in a number of Silurian and early Devonian fossils suggests that splitting into two equal valves along the longest dimension, so that a maximum area of spores was exposed to the atmosphere, arose independently in a number of unrelated plants.  相似文献   
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