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Two new facilities for in vivo activation analysis of patients have been designed, developed, and constructed at Toronto General Hospital. One of these is for the determination of body calcium for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with bone loss. The other is for the measurement of total body nitrogen for the determination of protein status. These facilities replace old university facilities and take into account the comfort and management of patients. In addition, in the case of the calcium facility, the precision of the measurements has been improved because of larger detector volume and increased neutron source strength. Both the facilities are now in routine hospital clinical use.  相似文献   
African catfish Clarias gariepinus (=119.9&30.6 g) were exposed to periods of emersion (5, 30, 60, 90 and 180 min) and the ammonia and nitrogen excretion rates measured following re-immersion. Immediately following re-immersion (0–30 min), the ammonia excretion and relative ammonia excretion was greatest for the 5-min emersion gro up. Exposure to extended periods of emersion resulted in a decrease in total nitrogen excretion, notably ammonia excretion, although no significant changes were observed in the non-ammonia component of C. gariepinus .  相似文献   
Growth of Euglena gracilis Z Pringsheim under photoheterotrophic conditions in a nitrogen-deprived medium resulted in progressive loss of chloroplastic material until total bleaching of the cells occurred. Biochemical analysis and ultrastructural observation of the first stages of the starvation process demonstrated an early lag phase (from 0 to 9 h) in which cells increased in size, followed by a period of cell division, apparently supported by the mobilization of some chloroplastic proteins such as the photosynthetic CO2-fixing enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The degradation of the enzyme started after 9 h of starvation and was preceded by a transient concentration of this protein in pyrenoidal structures. Protein nitrogen and photosynthetic pigments as well as number of chloroplasts per cell decreased during proliferation through mere distribution among daughter cells. However, after 24 h, when cell division had almost ceased, there was a slow but steady decline of photosynthetic pigments. This was paralleled by observable ultrastructural changes including progressive loss of chloroplast structure and accumulation of paramylon granules and lipid globules in the cytoplasm. These findings reinforce the role of chloroplastic materials as a nitrogen source during starvation of E. gracilis in a carbon-rich medium. The excess of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase acts as a first reservoir that, once exhausted, is superseded by the generalized disassembly of the photosynthetic structures, if the adverse environment persists more than 24 h.  相似文献   
The effects of nitrogen starvation in the presence or absence of sodium in the culture medium were monitored in batch cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. During nitrogen starvation in the presence of sodium, cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a decreased, mainly as a consequence of continued cell division. These decreases were accompanied by decreases in the rates of photosynthesis and respiration. There was no change in either cell volume or carbohydrate, but both carbon and lipid increased. During nitrogen starvation in the absence of sodium, cell division ceased. Cell nitrogen and chlorophyll a remained constant, and respiration did not decrease, but the changes in the photosynthetic rate and the lipid content per cell were similar to cultures that were nitrogen-starved in the presence of sodium. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio increased in both cultures. Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, and sodium were resupplied to cultures that had been preconditioned in nitrogen- and sodium-deficient medium for 5 d. Control cultures to which neither nitrate or sodium were added remained in a static state with respect to cell number, volume, and carbohydrate but showed slight increases in lipid. Cells in cultures to which 10 mM nitrate alone was added showed a similar response to cultures where no additions were made. Cells in cultures to which 50 mM sodium alone was added divided for 2 d, with concomitant small decreases in all measured constituents. Cell division resumed in cultures to which both sodium and nitrate were added. The lipid content fell dramatically in these cells and was correlated to metabolic oxidation via measured increases in the activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzyme, isocitrate lyase. We conclude that lipids are stored as a function of decreased growth rate and are metabolized to a small extent when cell division resumes. However, much higher rates of metabolism occur if cell division resumes in the presence of a nitrogen source.  相似文献   
We studied a recently described method for the determination of total nitrogen in natural waters involving sample oxidation with persulfate and subsequent determination of nitrate-nitrogen with second derivative spectroscopy and compared it to the USEPA approved method involving the sum of nitrate-nitrogen and Kjeldahl-nitrogen as measured with an automated analyzer. The overall objective was to determine if the two methods gave the same estimates of total nitrogen and if the detection limits, precision and accuracy of the new method were as good as those of the USEPA method. The new method was used to make measurements on replicated blanks, standards and lake water samples covering a range of concentrations. We also collaborated with certified laboratories to make comparative measurements on 5 standards and 21 lake water samples that were run by us with the new method and by them with the USEPA method. The new method had an instrument detection limit of 0.07 mg 1–1, and the standard deviation of 20 sets of lake water samples averaged 0.03 mg 1–1. The new method gave concentrations equivalent to those found with the USEPA method, was more sensitive, and had a higher degree of precision. We concluded that the new method is suitable as a substitute for the USEPA method. We also found that the addition of acid to lake water samples stored under refrigeration was not necessary to preserve them for later determinations of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen and that freezing was an effective means of sample preservation for 90 days.  相似文献   
Eight experimental ditch mesocosms were used to study the effect of eutrophication over four years. The experimental ditches had a sand or clay bottom. The ditches were treated with additions of phosphorus, phosphorus and nitrogen, or without additions (controls). Oligochaetes were sampled by deploying trays with substratum for colonization over twenty weeks. Both the important variables phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen as well as the oligochaete species and numbers are presented. The effects of nutrient additions on phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen concentrations were described together with changes in oligochaete species composition and numbers. The results were further analyzed by redundancy analysis (RDA). In the clay-lined ditches nutrient addition coincided with fluctuation in oxygen concentration. The higher the nutrient addition levels the longer the period of oxygen depletion became. During oxygen depletion the number of oligochaetes was strongly reduced or even became zero. The low nutrient status of the sandy bed in the sand-lined ditches slowed down the rate of colonization. Only a few tubificids were collected. Eutrophication effects were only observed at the highest nutrient addition level. Considerable variation is attributed to stochastic factors in the sand-lined ditches. Whether oligochaete species were present was related to the length of the colonization period. The substratum composition and food together with oxygen regime decided whether they become more or less abundant in ditches. Large-scale mesocosm experiments require time to develop. Only after the first colonization period variables of species presences and abundances can be employed to detect changes associated with eutrophication. Oligochaetes can be used to measure colonization as well as eutrophication processes.  相似文献   
When deprived of combined nitrogen, aerobically-grown filaments ofAnabaena sp. strain PCC7120 differentiate specialized cells called the heterocysts. The differentiation process is an elaborate and well orchestrated programme involving sensing of environmental and developmental signals, commitment of cells to development, gene rearrangements, intricate DNA-protein interactions, and differential expression of several genes. It culminates in a physiological division of labour between heterocysts, which become the sole sites of aerobic nitrogen fixation, and vegetative cells, that provide photosynthate to the heterocysts in return for nitrogen supplies. We propose a model, to describe the chronology of the important events and to explain how cell type-specific differential gene expression is facilitated by DNA-protein interactions leading to the development of heterocysts and constitution of nitrogen-fixing apparatus inAnabaena.  相似文献   
This study investigates the nitrogen economy of six altitudinally contrasting Poa species which differ in their relative growth rate (R). Two alpine (Poa fawcettiae and P. costiniana), one sub-alpine (P. alpina)and three temperate lowland species (P. pratensis, P. campressa and P. trivialis) were grown hydroponically under identical conditions in a growth room. The low R exhibited by the alpine species was associated with lower plant organic nitrogen concentration (np) and lower nitrogen productivity (Πp, amount of biomass accumulation per mol organic nitrogen and time). The differences in Πp between the alpine and lowland species did not appear to be due to differences in the carbon concentration or the proportion of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the leaves, stems or roots. Variations in ΠP were also not due to variations in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (ΨN, the rate of photosynthesis per unit organic leaf nitrogen) or shoot or root respiration rates per unit organic nitrogen (ΛSH and ΛR, respectively) per se. Rather, the lower Λp in the alpine species was probably due to a combination of small variations in several of the parameters (e.g. slightly lower ΨN, slightly higher ΛSH and ΛR, and slightly higher proportions of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the roots). The alpine species exhibited lower organic acid and mineral concentrations. However, no differences in whole-plant construction costs (grams of glucose needed to synthesize one gram of biomass) were observed between She alpine and lowland Poa species. The lack of sub-stantial differences in ΨN between the alpine and lowland species contrasts with the large differences in ΨN between slow- and fast-growing lowland species that have been reported in the literature. The reasons for the unusually high ΨN values exhibited by the alpine Poa species are discussed.  相似文献   
Isoprene is the primary biogenic hydrocarbon emitted from temperate deciduous forest ecosystems. The effects of varying photon flux density (PFD) and nitrogen growth regimes on rates of isoprene emission and net photosynthesis in potted aspen and white oak trees are reported. In both aspen and oak trees, whether rates were expressed on a leaf area or dry mass basis, (1) growth at higher PFD resulted in significantly higher rates of isoprene emission, than growth at lower PFD, (2) there is a significant positive relationship between isoprene emission rate and leaf nitrogen concentration in both sun and shade trees, and (3) there is a significant positive correlation between isoprene emission rate and photosynthetic rate in both sun and shade trees. The greater capacity for isoprene emission in sun leaves was due to both higher leaf mass per unit area and differences in the biochemical and/or physiological properties that influence isoprene emission. Positive correlations between isoprene emission rate and leaf nitrogen concentration support the existence of mechanisms that link leaf nitrogen status to isoprene synthase activity. Positive correlations between isoprene emission rate and photosynthesis rate support previous hypotheses that isoprene emission plays a role in protecting photosynthetic mechanisms during stress.  相似文献   
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