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In Ruminantia, the lacrimal bone forms a considerable part of the facial skeleton, and the morphology of its facial facet is highly variable when compared to other mammals. In this study, we quantify the species-specific variability in size and shape of the lacrimal facial facet in species of Cervidae (deer) and relate it to systematics and various aspects of their ecology and behavior. We sampled 143 skull specimens from 10 genera; 12 Moschus and 3 Tragulus specimens were used as outgroups. We find that size and shape of the lacrimal facial facet allow differentiating most species analyzed here, except for Mazama gouazoubira and Capreolus capreolus. Size and shape of the lacrimal facial facet vary widely across Cervidae regardless of their systematic relationships, ecology or behavior. Thus, we could not detect a unique signature of adaptational criteria in lacrimal morphology. Our data indicate that the lacrimal facial facet scales allometrically with skull size, in particular, the lacrimojugal length scales positively and the lacrimomaxillar length scales negatively. However, correlation analyses did not reveal any differences in the integration of the lacrimal bone with any specific skull module in any of the species compared. Lastly, we could not ascertain any correlation between the size and position of the preorbital depression with the size and shape of the lacrimal facial facet. We conclude that the lacrimal facial facet is highly flexible and may rapidly adjust to its surrounding bones. Its allometric growth appears to be an example of exaptation: changes in size and shape in the context of the increase of the skull length provide lacrimal contacts, in particular, a lacrimojugal one, which may serve to reduce mechanical loads resulting from increasingly larger antlers in large cervids.  相似文献   
The origin of bipedal locomotion in lizards is unclear. Modeling studies have suggested that bipedalism may be an exaptation, a byproduct of features originally designed to increase maneuverability, which were only later exploited. Measurement of the body center of mass (BCOM) in 124 species of lizards confirms a significant rearward shift among bipedal lineages. Further racetrack trials showed a significant acceleration threshold between bipedal and quadrupedal runs. These suggest good general support for a passive bipedal model, in which the combination of these features lead to passive lifting of the front of the body. However, variation in morphology could only account for 56% of the variation in acceleration thresholds, suggesting that dynamics have a significant influence on bipedalism. Deviation from the passive bipedal model was compared with node age, supporting an increase in the influence of dynamics over time. Together, these results show that bipedalism may have first arisen as a consequence of acceleration and a rearward shift in the BCOM, but subsequent linages have exploited this consequence to become bipedal more often, suggesting that bipedalism in lizards may convey some advantage. Exploitation of bipedalism was also associated with increased rates of phenotypic diversity, suggesting exploiting bipedalism may promote adaptive radiation.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Three specimens of the small breviconic ellesmeroceratid Paradakeoceras minor Flower, 1964 from the Tremadocian of the New York area preserve the annular elevation and muscle scars in moulds of the body chamber. The annular elevation is positioned at the base of the body chamber and is wider on the convex side of the shell than on the concave side. Multiple paired muscle scars can be seen within this annular elevation. A well-preserved body chamber of the breviconic ellesmeroceratid Levisoceras cf. edwardsi Ulrich, Foerste and Miller is described. Its body chamber shows a strong anterior–posterior asymmetry, which is common within the Ellesmeroceratida. The shape of the body chamber and of the soft body attachment structures has led to a reconstruction of an ellesmeroceratid soft body that is organized like a primitive conchiferan mollusc. Based on this reconstruction, a tryblidian cephalopod ancestor is supported. An evolutionary scenario is reconstructed from an ancestral nautiloid that is stretched along the anterior–posterior axis, and has serially arranged shell muscles and a small mantle cavity, towards a modern cephalopod with a dorsal–ventral body orientation, reduced number of shell muscles and a large mantle cavity.  相似文献   
The dispersal efficiency and potential distribution of ornithochorous seeds of Elaeagnus umbellata in a riparian habitat were evaluated to clarify this species' establishment site in relation to the disturbance regime of the floodplain. Fruit removal by avian frugivores was monitored using fruit bags, and the spatial distribution of excreted seeds was quantified by seed traps set randomly on a gravel bar as an isolated seed source in the Yoshino River throughout an autumn fruiting season. Although more than 45% of the fruits remained on the twigs in the fruit bags, almost all fruits on the control twigs without fruit bags were exploited by the beginning of January. The fruit removal rate and seed dispersal distance were positively correlated with an increase in wintering bird species and their abundance. Intact bird‐dispersed seeds of E. umbellata were trapped within a 400‐m range and damaged seeds were limited to traps set within 50 m from the seed source. Frugivore behavior, such as feces excretion on rocks near water drinking sites and perching on surrounding woodland, greatly influenced the spatial and temporal dispersal pattern of the seed rain. In the present study, the avian frugivores showed upstream seed dispersal; thus, in years with stochastic autumnal floods, secondary dispersal via hydrochory downstream may be facilitated. The intensive seed dispersal in E. umbellata indicates that the present distribution of parent trees in the restricted elevation range of the gravel bars is the result of survival through disturbance, rather than seed dispersal limitation.  相似文献   
Cross‐ and self‐fertilization in angiosperms are regulated by several factors, and a knowledge of the mechanism and time of spontaneous self‐pollination offers opportunities for a better understanding of the evolution of mating systems and floral traits. The floral biology of five species of Gentianaceae found in high‐altitude neotropical grassland is presented, with emphasis on the mechanisms that promote spontaneous self‐pollination. A presumed floral Batesian mimicry system is suggested between the rare and rewardless Zygostigma australe and Calydorea campestris, a species of Iridaceae with pollen‐flowers, pollinated by syrphids and bees. The floral morphology of the other four gentian species points to three different pollination syndromes: melittophily, phalaenophily and ornithophily. However, with the exception of the nocturnal Helia oblongifolia, flowers are nectarless and appear to exhibit non‐model deceptive mechanisms, providing similar floral cues to some sympatric rewarding species with the same syndrome. The similar mechanism of spontaneous self‐pollination in Calolisianthus pedunculatus, Calolisianthus pendulus and H. oblongifolia (Helieae) is based on the stigmatic movements towards the anthers. Selfing is promoted by movements of the style/stigma and of the corolla in Deianira nervosa and Z. australe (Chironieae), respectively. The movements of stamens, style and stigma during anthesis seem to be the most common method of spontaneous self‐pollination in angiosperms. It is suggested that the evolution of delayed spontaneous self‐pollination would be more expected in those taxa with dichogamous flowers associated with herkogamy. Such a characteristic is frequent in long‐lived flowers of certain groups of Asteridae, which comprise most documented cases of autonomous selfing. Thus, the presence of dichogamy associated with herkogamy (which supposedly evolved as a result of selection to promote both separation of male and female functions and the efficient transfer of cross pollen) may be the first step in the adaptive evolution of delayed selfing to provide reproductive assurance. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 357–368.  相似文献   
Among terrestrial orchids, and particularly among the subtribe Orchidinae, flies are underrepresented as pollinators. The European Neotinea ustulata, which developed specialized pollination by tachinid flies, is known to produce high relative concentrations of the floral cuticular alkenes (Z)-11-tricosene and (Z)-11-pentacosene (referred to as (Z)-11-C23/C25enes), which seem to be uncommon among orchid flowers. If the evolution of tachinid pollination is related to that of (Z)-11-C23/C25enes, we can expect that closely related species have a different floral chemical pattern and significantly small or no production of (Z)-11-C23/C25enes, independently of their pollinator guild identity (e.g., bees, flies, moths). We chemically compared the floral cuticular composition among Neotinea species, performed electrophysiological analyses, reconstructed the phylogenetic Orchidinae tree, and identified the evolutionary history of pollinator guild and (Z)-11-C23/C25enes production within the Orchidinae. Neotinea ustulata has evolved a markedly different floral cuticular composition compared to other Neotinea and produces both compounds ((Z)-11-C23/C25enes) in high relative quantities (i.e., above 8% in combination), which are detectable by tachinid antennae. Moreover, most Orchidinae taxa have minimal or no production of these alkenes, independently of the identity of their pollinator guild. Our ancestral reconstruction suggested that (Z)-11-C23/C25enes production was an evolutionary exaptation in Neotinea, whereas tachinid pollination was a unique evolutionary innovation for N. ustulata. Floral cuticular composition and, in particular, the combined production of (Z)-11-C23/C25enes at relatively high concentrations is intimately linked to the evolution of tachinid pollination within the Orchidinae.  相似文献   
Genomes hold a treasure trove of protein fossils: Fragments of formerly protein-coding DNA, which mainly come from transposable elements (TEs) or host genes. These fossils reveal ancient evolution of TEs and genomes, and many fossils have been exapted to perform diverse functions important for the host’s fitness. However, old and highly degraded fossils are hard to identify, standard methods (e.g. BLAST) are not optimized for this task, and few Paleozoic protein fossils have been found. Here, a recently optimized method is used to find protein fossils in vertebrate genomes. It finds Paleozoic fossils predating the amphibian/amniote divergence from most major TE categories, including virus-related Polinton and Gypsy elements. It finds 10 fossils in the human genome (eight from TEs and two from host genes) that predate the last common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates, probably from the Ordovician period. It also finds types of transposon and retrotransposon not found in human before. These fossils have extreme sequence conservation, indicating exaptation: some have evidence of gene-regulatory function, and they tend to lie nearest to developmental genes. Some ancient fossils suggest “genome tectonics,” where two fragments of one TE have drifted apart by up to megabases, possibly explaining gene deserts and large introns. This paints a picture of great TE diversity in our aquatic ancestors, with patchy TE inheritance by later vertebrates, producing new genes and regulatory elements on the way. Host-gene fossils too have contributed anciently conserved DNA segments. This paves the way to further studies of ancient protein fossils.  相似文献   
One obstacle in the development of a coherent theoretical framework for the process of animal domestication is the rarity of domestication events in human history. It is unclear whether: (1) many species are suitable for domestication, the limiting factor being the requirement of people for new domestic animals; or (2) very few species are preadapted for domestication. Comparisons between 16 species and subspecies of small cats (Felidae) kept in zoos indicated that affiliative behaviour towards people, an important preadaptation to domestication, is widely, if patchily, distributed throughout this taxon, and is not concentrated in species closely related to the domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus . The highest proportion of individuals showing affiliative behaviour was found in the ocelot lineage, which is estimated to have diverged from the rest of the Felidae between 5 and 13 Mya. The domestication of F. silvestris alone among felids is therefore likely to have been the result of a specific set of human cultural events and requirements in the Egyptian New Kingdom, rather than the consequence of a unique tendency to tame-ness in this subspecies.© 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 75 , 2002, 361–366.  相似文献   
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